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ALUNO: Carlos Magno Pinheiro Barreto Junior

PROFESSORA: Hanna Santos

Turma 02

Lately I've had a pessimistic thought about the future. Brazil's current political
scenario, coupled with an increase in hate speech and an increase in cases of religious, sexual
and racial intolerance, contribute to my pessimism. I think if this scenario does not change, the
world will become a hostile place for diversity. We will have to fit into the standard and morally
accepted way of being. We will have to police ourselves at all time so we do not get out of line.
We will have to hide and hide our beliefs, and worse, we will have to hide our will to make the
world better.

However, we have had many examples during the history of humanity of dark
periods, where barbarism and intolerance reign, where abuse of power prevailed. Slavery, for
example, was the basis of many societies throughout the world, including ours, and although it
is still present today, as a ghost of our history, even if everyone condemns slavery and finds
slavery something horrible for society. But I believe that today we have a much fairer perception
on this subject, as well as many other subjects that were central themes in the dark ages of

Thus, one question that arises is the following: why, despite the clear overcoming
of some themes, or at least the existence of a certain consensus regarding some of these themes,
we have seen a clear demonstration of a new wave of barbarism? Is it part of the natural
movement in the history of the world? I do not know, but I believe that if we do not unite, based
on a collective parameter for the construction of an inclusive society, we will not be able to stop
this conservative wave. We have to encourage consensus and dialogue, there is no possible
society without there being dialogue.

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