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MAGGIE SOKOLIK: Let's look at some examples

of assignments in academic writing.

I'm going to read each of these out.

Think about what the assignment is asking you to do.

Please pause it as you need.

Some people believe that drivers over 70 years old

should be required to reapply for their driver's licenses.

What is your opinion?

Explain what you think should be done and why.

Define mitochondrial and autosomal DNA, including

their key differences in results.

Literature has many categories--

mystery, romance, young adult, et cetera.

Consider the young adult category.

The following books are often called young adult.

However, what other categories do they fit into?

Classify them and explain your reasoning.

The Harry Potter books, The Book Thief, The Giver, The Fault in our Stars.

Analyze a poem about sadness.

Some examples are "A Sad Child" by Margaret Atwood,

"Be Not Sad" by James Joyce, "To A Sad Daughter" Michael Ondaatje.

Compare and contrast the immigration policies of two nations that

are important to you.

Show the causes and effects of teenage alcohol abuse.

Include a discussion of prevention.

Narrate the transportation process of your commute to school,

work, or some other place you regularly go.

Suggest how your commute could be improved.

Describe the steps in completing a pH test of water.

Include what the test statistics mean.

Discuss how weather affects your moods.

Be sure to include examples.

Many people are involved in supporting causes, such as stopping child labor

or protecting the environment from climate change.

Is there a cause you support?

Write an essay to convince your readers to support your cause.

Research labs and cosmetic companies sometimes

perform experiments on animals to determine human safety.

Some people believe that this practice is unethical and should be stopped.

How do you feel?

State your position and explain your reasons.

So those are just some examples of the types

of assignments you might run into.

I recommend reviewing this video and looking at any that you don't fully

understand yet and really think about the vocabulary, the prompt, and again,

what is it asking you to write about.


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