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Amanda Reise
Professor Davola
April 12, 2019

My personal technology goal is to get a deeper knowledge and better understanding of

technology that will help me teach my students and help them learn more by not only using pen

and paper but also technology. Something you should know about me is that I love technology. I

think it is great, you can look anything up in just seconds, read, watch movies, documentaries, or

shows, and play educational and fun games; the possibilities are quite endless, but I really know

nothing about technology and I’m pretty bad with it. Which is why I am glad to be taking this

course, so I can eventually feel confident incorporating technology into my classroom and

helping my students learn in unique ways. A goal that I had before starting this class was to learn

how to create a website, and that goal has already been achieved in the first two weeks.

The ISTE Standards are used for the organization of technology in both, teaching and

learning. The ISTE Standards for Teachers include learner, leader, citizen, collaborator, designer,

facilitator, and analyst. One of the standards that will be implemented in my classroom is design.

Design will be performed in my classroom in multiple ways.​ ​I will make sure to design, develop,

and evaluate original learning experiences and assessments by including current technological

resources in my lesson plans. This will lead to positive impacts on my students as it allows them

to receive an active and deep learning experience. I will also design appropriate learning

experiences that include technological resources that engage my students in learning, expressing

their creativity, and having control with their own learning. Using technology in my classroom

will create an environment that allows all of my students to explore the things that intrigue them,

become active members in society, and set their own educational goals. Due to many diverse

learning styles, I will also make sure to personalize different technological learning activities/

assessments so they accompany each child's need, allowing them to feel comfortable. Clearly

understanding and implementing the ISTE Standards for Teachers is very important to be a great

teacher and to meet all students needs in unique ways.

There are also ISTE Standards for Students, which are equally important to understand.

The ISTE Standards for Students include empowered learner, digital citizen, knowledge

constructor, innovative designer, computational thinker, creative communicator, and global

collaborator. This is very important for students to understand because they must be prepared to

thrive in a society where technology is constantly advancing. The ISTE Standards for Students

are designed to allow students to have a voice, which will help prepare them for their futures. It

is also very important for children to learn and understand their rights, responsibilities, and

opportunities that come with technology. It is also important to understand technology in order to

prevent the dangers it has to offer. Understanding things such as how to engage in positive, safe,

and legal behavior while using technology, knowing how to manage their personal data, and

maintaining their digital privacy. Understanding The ISTE Standards for Students are extremely

important ​because students are around technology constantly. Which is why it's so important for

them to have an understanding of how to use the media to its fullest potential while doing so in a

safe way.

SAMR is a model that was designed for teachers to infuse technology into their lesson

plans. SAMR stands for, Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. ​A

hypothetical lesson that starts by implementing technology as just a Substitution and then

improving that lesson by using technology as Augmentation, Modification and/or Redefinition is

the use of google docs on a Chromebook. Instead of having my students write an essay using a

pen and paper I can ​Substitute​ the pen and paper with a Chromebook, and substitute writing

with typing. This already improves the lesson by allowing my students to try something that isn't

normally done, it also helps with their typing skills, and getting work and editing done quicker.

This lesson can then be improved even more by using ​Augmentation​, which is an increase in

functionality. Using google docs allows my students to share their work with just a few clicks,

they are also able to access and edit wherever and whenever, and they do not have to worry

about losing their work because it is saved automatically. This lesson can then be improved more

by using ​Modification, ​this is when technology is used to modify parts of the task. I can put my

students into groups and have them all share their work on google docs and they can instantly

modify each other’s work from their own Chromebooks. Lastly, I can use ​Redefinition​, which

allows for the creation of new tasks that were once thought unthinkable.​ ​I can incorporate this

into my lesson plan by allowing my students to share their work with other students from across

the world and have them modify each other’s work. Clearly, using the SAMR model is

extremely important because it gives teachers the opportunity to moderately merge ​technology

into their​ lesson plans in order to provide students with the most interactive and engaging

learning experiences.

Overall, technology is such an important resource and learning about it is crucial. Thanks

to the ISTE Standards and the SAMR model, teaching while using technology in a classroom is a

lot more organized and they give students and teachers an understanding on how to approach

technology when in a classroom setting. Children are now growing up with an understanding of

the positive advantages that technology has to offer, how to use their voice, preparing for their

futures, and expressing their creativity. Using technology has many advantages, especially in a

classroom setting ​as it allows a lesson plan to jump off a piece of paper and into a screen, helping

students be more engaged in their learning.

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