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(Also note that T.

Sone has done some more detailed Monroe analyses

using FFTs, resulting in the ts1-*.sbg files in the examples/focus/
directory, which might be worth comparing to these measurements.)

BAVSA analysis of some Monroe recordings


Mr Jim Peters,
I am currently using the program BAVSA, it is a great program to find
binaural beat frequencies in audio files.
I am trying to make a library with binaural beat frequencies and its
related state of conscience, because the information available at internet
and books it is not very exact in the frequencies, they usually speak about
beta, alpha, etc without a specific frequency number.
For that reason i am "decompiling" Hemi-Sync audio files, because The
Monroe Institute doesn't show what frequencies uses in each CD and have them
as a secret.
When i make a preset with BWGen i found a espectral power of 4.0 or more
in each binaural beat frequency, but when i analize an Hemi-Sync audio file
it is hard to find a binaural beat.
The question is: What is the minimal espectral power in order to have a
binaural beat ? 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 ?
May be you have some recommendation that could help me to build this

PD: i'm sending you some audio files analyzed

0001 Hemi-Sync - Concentracion


Duration 59:38, source EMule.

200.0+4.0/3.21, 250.0+16.0/3.25
222.0-40.0/0.43 as XBox ?

0002 Monroe Institute - Concentration


Duration ?, source EMule.

It's not easy to find a binaural beat. At 11:38 and 23:23 i observe:
294.0+16.0/1.24 and 147.0+4.0/1.27

0003 HemiSync - Mind Food - 01 - Concentration (1)


Duration ?, source EMule.

Idem 0001 (Hemi-Sync - Concentracion)
250.0+16.0/2.89, 200.0+4.0/3.60 and 222.0-40.0/3.10

0004 Hemi-Sync - Human Plus - Think Fast 02 30min's


Duration 30:18s, source EMule.

It's not easy to find a binaural beat. May be 107.35+1.5/1.14

0005 The Gateway Experience - Wave 1 Discovery - #3 Advanced Focus 10


* Duration 36:05, source my CD.

* At 16:18 (counting from 1 to 10) 107.70+1.60/1.31
* At 19:55 "Ten, Ten, Ten.. Relax and Enjoy Focus 10"
* At 20:08 Idem 16:18, 107.45+1.55/1.14
* At 281.20+22.00/14.99 (beta wave, coming back to awake state)

0006 The Gateway Experience - Wave II Threshold - #1 Introduction to Focus 12.wav


* Duration 35:08, source My CD.

* At 14:40 Focus 12.
50.0-0.50/0.61, 100.0-1.50/0.64, 109.65-20.90/0.30,
110.40+19.40/0.32 ?
74.60+49.20/0.64, 74.85+48.70/0.64, may be XBox ?

0007 Hemi-Sync - Human Plus - Think Fast


* Duration 29:55, source EMule.

* I couldn't found a binaural beat.
* At 29:43 281.25+22.10/15.62 (beta wave, coming back to awake state)

0008 Hemi-Sync - Mind Food - Retain-Release-Recall - 192Kbs


* Duration XX:XX, source EMule.

* 100.10+1.60/1.52, 150.10+3.80/1.18, 200.25+3.90/0.81
124.55-47.30/1.19, 175.15-46.30/1.20 as XBox ?
* At 31:23 501.10+28.00/4.54 (beta wave, coming back to awake state)

0010 Hemi-sync - Metamusic - Baroque Garden For Concentration [MP3 256Kbps].rar

Vivaldi-Albinoni-Corelli - Baroque Garden For Concentration - 01 - Largo from Oboye
Concerto in B Flat Major

* Duration 4:15, source EMule.

* It's not easy to find a binaural beat
* At 1:33 (only Oboye) 196.0-4.00/2.09.

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