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Jurusan Keperawatan, Jurusan Kebidanan: Jalan Wolter Monginsidi No. 38 Samarinda – Kalimantan Timur, Kode Pos 75123, Telepon (0541) 738153
Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Jalan Kurnia Makmur No. 64 Rt. 24 Kel. Harapan Baru Kec. Loa Janan Ilir
Program Studi Diploma III Kebidanan Balikpapan, Jalan Sorong No. 9 RT.081 Gunung Pipa Balikpapan Utara Telepon : (0542) 424704 Fax : (0542) 415551
Daftar Pustaka:

Ignatavicus, D & Workman. (2011). Medical Surgical nursing : Patient Centered Collaborative Care. 6th edition. Canada: Wb
saunderrs company

Kozier. Erb. Bermen. (2004). Fundamental of Nursing : Concepts, Process, and Practise. Terjemahan : Pamilih EK. 2010. Jakarta :

Lewis. Sharon I. (2010). Medical-surgical Nursing : Assassment and management of clinical problems. Elsevier.

Osuala, Eunice O. (2016). Innovation in prevention and treatment of pressure ulcer: Nursing implication.
Diakses 14 Nop Jam 7-25

Van Den Kerkhof. (2011). Prevalence and Risk of Pressure Ulcers in Acute Care Following Implementation of Practice Guidelines: Annual
Pressure Ulcer Prevalence Census 1994–2008. Journal for Healthcare Quality

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