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Sucayre, Ralph Joseph J.

Quiz 3

1. Define air criteria pollutant. Discuss the different air criteria pollutants.
Air pollutants are any matter or substance found in the atmosphere other than
oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other inert gasses in their natural
concentrations, any matter that discriminates the environment and also the health. Some of which
that contribute to the innate capability of air pollutants to pollute are the following:

 Sulfur Dioxide, produced by volcanoes and other industrial processing power plants.
Produced by the combustion of coal and petroleum
 Nitrogen Dioxide, produced by high temperature combustion,
 Carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide that comes from geothermal power plants, lead in
any industrial processing plants. Produced by incomplete combustion of gas, coal or
wood. And are generally produced by vehicular exhaust.
 Chlorofluorocarbons, these are substances that are produced by aerosol sprays,
refrigerators, and air conditioner, that helps in the depletion of the earth’s ozone layer.
And the likes

2. Discuss the different environmental and health effects of air pollutants.

When concentrations of air pollutants in the air get so large and are rapidly
increasing, it causes air pollution, by which, can be very dangerous to our health. When exposed
to high concentrations of the said air pollutants may lead to coughing, wheezing, sneezing, and
irritation of nose, eyes, and throat. Others have worsening of lung and heart problems that cause
increasing of risk in both lung and heart diseases. Long term diseases can damage immune,
neurological, respiratory systems.
In environmental, air pollutants, causes severe risk in jeopardizing our
environment, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in high concentrations may cause air pollution
and water pollution. Air pollutants, while are not dangerous all the time, may cause severe risk to
health and environment.

3. Discuss five (5) major pollution problems brought about by air criteria pollutants.

 Climate Change – A result of greenhouse effect. Unfortunately, human’s effort in

producing high amounts of carbon dioxide and methane has paved the way in trapping
more of the sun’s heat in the earth’s atmosphere. Result – causing the earth’s average
temperature to rise.
 Ozone Layer Depletion – Ozone is a gas, present in both lower and upper atmosphere. In
ground level, ozone is considered as pollutant and can harm human’s health. But in the
upper atmosphere, it shield us from sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. However,
chlorofluorocarbons present in aerosol, coolants, foaming agents, depletes our so-called
ozone layer in the stratosphere. The thinning of such can cause high concentrations of
UV rays, which are not very good in our skin and eyes.

 Acid Rain – When fossil fuels are burned, the combustion of nitrogen oxide and sulfur
oxide in the air produce primarily the so-called nitric acid and sulfuric acid. These acids
fall in the earth either by rain, snow, fog, gas or other form. In the environment, acid rain
cause the depletion of trees, acidify soils and lands, speeds the decay of buildings,
sculptures, statues, allow water to become unsuitable to drink and for fish to live.

 Forest Damage – Ozone gas in the lower atmosphere lead to the reduction of growth in
agricultural crops, reduced growth of seedlings, and increase plant’s susceptibility to
disease. Forest damage are caused, also, by acid rain stated above.

 Wildlife Effects – Animals can experience health problems due to toxic pollutants in the
air, and in high concentrations of acid rain. Air toxic contributes to health risk of animals.
Other toxic air pollutants deplete, also, particular aquatic ecosystems.

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