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The present work had as object was to carry out the documentation and

implementation of PNOs in the area of overdosing of solid supplements in Natural

Health S.A. de C.V., company responsible for the manufacture and marketing of
herbal products. The above for the lack of this documentation in the machinery
of the area, where dead times of up to 20% were recorded of the shift and where
only slightly more than 50% (according to historical data) of the raw material as
finished product was obtained.

The PNOs establish a systematic way of doing the work and ensure that it is done
consistently by all the people who perform this task. Within the project they refer
to NOM-248-SSA1-2011 (good manufacturing practices for establishments
dedicated to the manufacture of herbal remedies) and NOM-251-SSA1-2009
(hygiene practices for the process of food, beverages or food supplements),
where key sections are stipulated for the realization of said documents.

To achieve the general objective the data collected was analyzed and from these
it was identified if there was a correlation between the speed-temperature
variables of the machinery, which allowed to make a model to standardize said

A time taking was made, using the continuous chronometer method, with which
it was possible to identify movements that do not add value and provoke times of
stoppage of the machinery T2 prima, with this, these movements were reduced
during the production of tea.

With obtaining standardization of temperature and operations that involve the

operator during the process, the procedure was documented by defining its
objective, scope and responsibilities of those who participate during the process.

Finally, after the implementation of the procedure, a test was performed of

ANOVA of a factor, where it was found that there was a significant difference
between the number of boxes produced by each operator before and after the
implementation of the PNO.

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