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A Cross-Layer Key Establishment Model for Wireless

Devices in Cyber-Physical Systems

Yuexin Zhang Yang Xiang Xinyi Huang
Centre for Cyber Security Centre for Cyber Security School of Mathematics and
Research Research Computer Science
Deakin University Deakin University Fujian Normal University
Geelong, VIC 3220, Australia Geelong, VIC 3220, Australia Fuzhou, 350108, China
Wireless communications in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
are vulnerable to many adversarial attacks such as eaves-
dropping. To secure the communications, secret session keys
need to be established between wireless devices. In existing 3K\VLFDO $FWXDO
symmetric key establishment protocols, it is assumed that 6HQVLQJ ,QIRUPDWLRQ
devices are pre-loaded with secrets. In the CPS, howev-
er, wireless devices are produced by different companies. It
is not practical to assume that the devices are pre-loaded
with certain secrets when they leave companies. As a conse-
quence, existing symmetric key establishment protocols can-
not be directly implemented in the CPS. Motivated by these
observations, this paper presents a cross-layer key establish-
ment model for heterogeneous wireless devices in the CPS.
Specifically, by implementing our model, wireless devices ex-
tract master keys (shared with the system authority) at the 5HDO6SDFH
physical layer using ambient wireless signals. Then, the sys-
tem authority distributes secrets for devices (according to Figure 1: Applications of the CPS with intercon-
an existing symmetric key establishment protocol) by mak- necting boundary between cyber and object do-
ing use of the extracted master keys. Completing these op- main [2].
erations, wireless devices can establish secret session keys
at higher layers by calling the employed key establishment
protocol. Additionally, we prove the security of the pro-
posed model. We analyse the performance of the new model with wireless interfaces. Additionally, it is estimated that
by implementing it and converting existing symmetric key 50 to 100 billion devices will be wirelessly connected to
establishment protocols into cross-layer key establishment the Internet of Things/Internet of Everything (IoT/IoE) by
protocols. 2020 [21]. In practical applications, a multitude of wire-
less devices have already been deployed and they form the
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Specifically, the CPS de-
Keywords vices are heterogeneous, and they constitute interconnect-
Key establishment; security; cross-layer; wireless devices; ed systems [16] (Figure 1 shows applications of the CP-
cyber-physical systems S). According to [6], however, the CPS becomes vulnerable
to many malicious attacks. For instance, in 2006, an at-
1. INTRODUCTION tacker compromised a computer at a water filtering plant
in Pennsylvania, and the compromised computer was used
Nowadays, an increasing number of devices are equipped
as the attacker’s distribution system for spam and pirat-
∗Corresponding Author ed software [6]. Besides, Several industrial infrastructures
in Queensland and Australia were attacked by the Stuxnet.
After suffering at least three years’ attacks, the Stuxnet was
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed discovered in 2010 [27]. Recently, Dyn experienced two dis-
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita- tributed denial of service attacks on its DNS servers, and a
tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than number of websites, such as Twitter, Github, Vox, Spotify,
ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re-
publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and Netflix, went down on October 21, 2016.
and/or a fee. Request permissions from To fight against potential attacks in wireless communica-
CPSS’17, April 02 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates tions, many security protocols have been proposed, including

c 2017 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4956-7/17/04. . . $15.00 location protocols [3, 28], intrusion detection protocols [15,
DOI: 22], secure routing protocols [13, 14], authentication proto-

cols [18, 8], and key establishment protocols [10, 7, 5, 17, 4, ever, it should be a reasonable idea to alleviate these prob-
9]. As a fundamental security countermeasure, key estab- lems by cooperatively utilising the characteristics of these
lishment has been extensively and intensively studied, and two types of key establishment protocols. Motivated by
many key establishment protocols have been proposed at these observations, in this paper, we design a cross-layer
higher layers. Specifically, these key establishment proto- key establishment model for wireless devices such that ex-
cols can be classified into two main types, i.e., asymmetric isting symmetric key establishment protocols can be directly
key establishment protocols and symmetric key establish- implemented in the CPS. Specifically, the proposed model
ment protocols. In asymmetric key establishment protocols, possesses the following properties:
devices need to execute costly computation operations, such
as the modular exponentiation operations. Recall that wire- 1. Our key establishment model is designed for assisting
less devices in the CPS may be energy-constraint devices wireless devices, who do not pre-share any secrets, to
(e.g., sensor nodes). Thus, in the CPS, the energy inten- establish secret session keys. Specifically, the proposed
sive asymmetric key establishment protocols are excluded. model is a cross-layer design. Namely, wireless devices
In symmetric key establishment protocols (such as the key extract master keys (shared with the system authority)
pre-distribution protocols), it is assumed that devices are at the physical layer when joining the CPS. Making
pre-loaded with secrets. Making use of the pre-loaded se- use of the extracted master keys, the system authority
crets, two devices can establish a secret session key with distributes secrets for devices (according to an existing
certain probability. symmetric key establishment protocol). Completing
However, existing symmetric key establishment protocols these operations, wireless devices can establish secret
cannot be directly implemented in the CPS scenario when session keys at higher layers by calling the employed
the secret-sharing assumption cannot be met. For instance, key establishment protocol; and
wireless devices in the CPS are heterogeneous ones, and they
are produced by different companies. Thus, it is not prac- 2. We prove the security of the cross-layer key establish-
tical to assume that the devices are pre-loaded with certain ment model. Additionally, we analyse the performance
secrets when they leave companies. Motivated by these ob- of the model by implementing it and converting exist-
servations, we aim to design a key establishment model for ing symmetric key establishment protocols into cross-
wireless devices such that existing symmetric key establish- layer key establishment protocols. The analysis illus-
ment protocols can be directly implemented in the CPS. trates that employing the proposed model, existing
Looking at our modern lives, we are drowned in kinds symmetric key establishment protocols can be directly
of wireless signals, such as 3G and 4G signals, TV signals, implemented by wireless devices in the CPS.
and Wi-Fi signals. Recently, there is an increasing interest
Organization of The Paper. The remainder of this pa-
in extracting secret keys by taking advantage of the trans-
per is organized as follows. In the next section, we review
mitted signals. In the typical multipath environments, the
the related work. Section 3 introduces the preliminaries re-
wireless channel between two devices, e.g., Alice and Bob,
quired in this paper. Then, the proposed model is presented
experiences a time-varying, stochastic fading between the
in Section 4, and its security and performance analysis are
transmitted and received signals. Specifically, the fading is
provided in Section 5 and Section 6, respectively. In Sec-
unique, location-specific and reciprocal. Namely, it is invari-
tion 7, we conclude this paper.
ant within the channel coherence time whether the signals
are transmitted from Alice to Bob or from Bob to Alice.
In wireless communications, the channel coherence time is a 2. RELATED WORK
statistical measure of the time duration over which the chan- This section reviews the related key establishment proto-
nel impulse response is essentially invariant. Additionally, it cols, i.e., the symmetric key establishment protocols (pro-
is widely recognised that wireless devices can extract secret posed at higher layers) and the key extraction protocols us-
keys from ambient wireless signals (please refer to Subsec- ing the wireless fading channel (proposed at the physical
tions 2.2 and 3.2 for details). layer).
In these key extraction protocols (proposed at the physical
layer using wireless fading channels), however, some issues 2.1 Symmetric Key Establishment Protocols
still remain unsettled. For example, the key generation rate
Until now, many symmetric key establishment protocols
needs to be improved, and a dynamic environment is needed
have been proposed at higher layers. In this subsection, we
to provide sufficient entropy (please refer to Subsections 2.2
review several types of these protocols. Specifically, in Sec-
and 3.2 for details). Thus, it is impractical to extract session
tion 6, we will convert these reviewed protocols into cross-
keys using the wireless fading channel when a large number
layer key establishment protocols by implementing our pro-
of session keys need to be established.
posed model.
Our Contribution. In the CPS, wireless devices need to A random key pre-distribution protocol was presented by
establish session keys for the purpose of securing the commu- Eschenauer and Gligor in [10], and Chan et al. improved it
nications. In practice, however, wireless devices in the CPS in [7] by designing a q-composite random key pre-distribution
are produced by different companies. Thus, it is not prac- (q-KP) protocol. Specifically, there are three phases in [7],
tical to assume that the devices are pre-loaded with certain i.e., the key pre-distribution phase, the shared key discov-
secrets when they leave companies. As a result, existing ery phase, and the session key establishment phase. In the
symmetric key establishment protocols cannot be directly key pre-distribution phase, the system authority generates
implemented in the CPS. Moreover, it is not practical to a set of secrets keys. For each sensor node, the system au-
extract session keys using the wireless fading channel when thority randomly chooses m keys. It is assumed that the
a large number of session keys need to be established. How- chosen keys are loaded into the nodes via secure channels or

‫ ܦ( = ܣ‬ή ‫்)ܩ‬ ‫ܩ‬ ‫ܣ= ܭ‬ή‫ܩ‬
݅ ݆
ܰ × = ܰ
݇௝௜ ŽďƌĞĐĞŝǀĞƐ
݆ LJ;ƚͿ
ߣ+1 ܰ ůŝĐĞƐĞŶĚƐ
‫ ܣ = ܭ‬ή ‫ ܦ( = ܩ‬ή ‫ ்)ܩ‬ή ‫ ் ܩ = ܩ‬ή ‫ ்ܦ‬ή ‫ ் ܩ = ܩ‬ή ‫ ܦ‬ή ‫ ் ܩ = ܩ‬ή ‫ ܣ( = ்ܣ‬ή ‫் ܭ = ்)ܩ‬ dž;ƚͿ

Figure 2: The core idea of Du et al.’s matrix-based

key establishment protocol [9].

when the system authority is off-line. In the shared key dis- Figure 3: An example of extracting secret bits using
covery phase, each node broadcasts the identifiers of stored the wireless fading channel.
keys and find the common keys it shares with its neighbors.
Then, the node can establish session keys with its neighbor
nodes (when they share at least q keys). these protocols cannot be directly implemented in the CPS
In [5], a polynomial based key pre-distribution protocol when the assumption cannot be met. Motivated by this ob-
(also known as Blundo’s protocol) was proposed. Specifical- servation, we aim to design a key establishment model such
ly, that these protocols can be directly implemented in the CPS
∑tin [5], a randomly
i j
generated t-degree polynomial f (x, y) =
i,j=0 aij x y is employed. The generated polynomial sat- when the assumption fails.
isfies the property f (x, y) = f (y, x). Besides, Liu and N-
ing improved the protocol of [5] and proposed a polynomial 2.2 Key Extraction Protocols Using the Wire-
pool based key establishment (P KE) protocol [17]. There less Fading Channel
are three phase in [17], i.e., the setup phase, the key pre- In the past two decades, many key extraction protocols
distribution phase, and the key establishment phase. In were proposed by taking advantage of the wireless fading
the setup phase, the system authority generates a set F channel’s characteristics. Specifically, in the typical multi-
of bivariate t-degree polynomials over the finite field GF (q). path environments, the wireless channel between two users,
The identifier ∑t IDi is iused to identify the ith polynomial e.g., Alice and Bob, experiences a time-varying, stochas-
i,j=0 aij x y , where fi (x, y) ∈ F . In the key
fi (x, y) = tic mapping between the transmitted and received signals.
pre-distribution phase, the system authority randomly choos- This mapping (commonly termed fading) is unique, location-
es a subset Fi of polynomials (from the polynomial pool F , specific and reciprocal. Namely, the fading is invariant with-
i.e., Fi ⊆ F ) for each sensor node. It is assumed that the in the channel coherence time whether the signals are trans-
shares of chosen polynomials are distributed to each node mitted from Alice to Bob or vice-versa. In wireless commu-
via secure channels or when the system authority is off-line. nications, the coherence time is a statistical measurement of
In the key establishment phase, two nodes i and j can com- the time duration over which the channel impulse response
pute a session key by exchanging the stored polynomials’ is essentially invariant. According to the communication
identifiers IDs and discovering the shared polynomial(s). theory, the fading decorrelates over distances of the order
In [4], a matrix-based key establishment protocol was p- of half a wavelength (λ/2). Namely, the signals transmitted
resented by Blom. The protocol ensures that any two nodes between Alice and Bob and the signals transmitted between
can establish a secret session key by exchanging some pub- Alice (or Bob) and the eavesdropper experience independent
lic information. Then, Du et al. employed the multiple fading, when the eavesdropper is at least λ/2 away from Al-
key-spaces idea and improved the protocol [4] by design- ice and Bob. In other words, the eavesdropper cannot obtain
ing a new matrix-based key establishment (M KE) protocol any useful information as long as it is λ/2 away from Alice
in [9]. Specifically, there are two phases in [9], i.e., the key and Bob. Taking the IEEE standard 802.15.4 as an example.
pre-distribution phase and the key agreement phase. In the The 802.15.4 specifies the frequency bands of the physical
key pre-distribution phase, the system authority generates a layer [1], i.e., 868 M Hz, 915 M Hz, and 2400 M Hz. Thus,
(λ+1)×N public matrix G and ω secret symmetric matrices we can evaluate that λ/2 ≈ 17.28 cm when the frequency
D1 , D2 , . . . , Dω , and computes matrices Ai = (Di · G)T for band is 868 M Hz; λ/2 ≈ 16.39 cm when the frequency band
each Di . Then, the system authority randomly selects τ Ai s is 915 M Hz; and λ/2 ≈ 6.25 cm when the frequency band
and loads the kth node with the kth row of each selected Ai is 2400 M Hz.
and the kth key seed of G. It is assumed that the selected To facilitate understanding, Figure 3 shows an example.
data is loaded into the nodes via secure channels or when the In this example, we assume that Alice and Bob want to ex-
system authority is off-line. In the key agreement phase, t- tract a secret key using the wireless fading channel. Firstly,
wo nodes can establish a session key with certain probability Alice sends a sinusoidal signal x(t) = A sin(wc t+φ0 ) to Bob.
by broadcasting the identifiers of stored matrices (i.e., two Here A is the amplitude, wc is the angular frequency, and
nodes can establish a session key when they are loaded with φ0 is the initial phase. Due to the multipath environment,
rows from the same matrices Ai s, as shown in Figure 2). noise, and/or mobile environment, the signals received at
In these symmetric key establishment protocols, it is as- Bob and the eavesdropper are modulated by independent
sumed that secrets are pre-loaded into the devices via secure fading channels (as shown in Figure 3, we assume that the
channels or when the system authority is off-line. Thus, eavesdropper is more than λ/2 away from Alice and Bob).

We denote by yAB (t) and yAE (t) the signals received at Bob was utilized to extract pairwise keys and group keys. Be-
and the eavesdropper, and they can be written as: sides, a cooperative key generation protocol was proposed
in [26] with the aid of relay node(s). In [19], Mathur et al.
yAB (t) = (A + AAB ) sin(wc t + φ0 + φAB ) + nAB (t), designed a novel key extraction protocol using the ambient
yAE (t) = (A + AAE ) sin(wc t + φ0 + φAE ) + nAE (t). wireless signals. The basic principle employed in [19] is sim-
ilar to that of principle used in [20, 12, 29, 23, 31, 25, 26],
Here, AAB and AAE are the modulated amplitudes, and they and we will introduce the protocol [19] in Subsection 3.2.
are functions of path loss and shadowing; φAB and φAE are In practice, however, some issues exist in these key ex-
the deviated phases, and they depend on delay, Doppler, and traction protocols, and it still remains unsatisfactory. For
carrier offset. nAB (t) and nAE (t) denote the additive white example, the key generation rate needs to be improved, and
Gaussian noise. Receiving signal yAB (t), Bob replies Alice a dynamic environment is needed in order to provide suffi-
with the signal x(t) = A sin(wc t + φ0 ) in the coherence time. cient entropy. Thus, it is not practical for wireless devices to
Similarly, the signal received by Alice and the eavesdropper extract session keys using the wireless fading channel (when
are yBA (t) and yBE (t), and they can be written as: a large number of session keys need to be established). Im-
plementing our model, each device only extracts a master
yBA (t) = (A + ABA ) sin(wc t + φ0 + φBA ) + nBA (t),
key (shared with the system authority) when it joins the
yBE (t) = (A + ABE ) sin(wc t + φ0 + φBE ) + nBE (t). CPS. Then, the system authority distributes secrets for de-
vices (according to an existing symmetric key establishment
If the above signals are transmitted in the coherence time,
protocol) by making use of the extracted master keys. Com-
then we have the modulated amplitudes AAB = ABA and
pleting these operations, two wireless devices can establish
the deviated phases φAB = φBA . If the eavesdropper is at
a secret session key at higher layers by calling the employed
least λ/2 away from Alice and Bob, it cannot extract any
key establishment protocol.
useful secrets by taking advantage of the received signals
yAE (t) and yBE (t). Namely, AAE and AAB , ABE and ABA ,
φAE and φAB , φBE and φBA are statistically independent 3. PRELIMINARIES
as long as the eavesdropper is more than λ/2 away from Al- Before presenting our cross-layer key establishment model,
ice and Bob. In practice, some other technologies, such as in this section, we introduce the preliminaries required in
quantization, information reconciliation, and privacy ampli- this paper.
fication, need to be employed in order to ensure that Alice
and Bob can correctly extract a secret key [30] (from the 3.1 Security Model
extracted randomness AAB and ABA , φAB and φBA ). This subsection reviews the security model of our cross-
Until now, many key extraction protocols have been pro- layer key establishment design. Specifically, we assume that
posed at the physical layer by taking advantage of character- N devices in the CPS are wirelessly communicate with each
istics of the wireless fading channel, such as the Received Sig- other. We denote by D the set of N devices. For the ith
nal Strength (RSS) and Channel Impulse Response (CIR). device Di (i = 1, 2, . . . , N ), we have Di ∈ D. Additional-
In [20, 12, 29, 23], for instance, the attenuation of ampli- ly, we assume that the system authority is a trusted entity.
tude was employed to extract secret keys. More specifically, In our model, the system authority is used to generate se-
in Mathur et al.’s protocol [20], two devices can evaluate crets according to the input security parameter 1k and the
the envelope of multipath fading channel between them by employed key establishment protocol.
probing a fixed test frequency. Then, they can obtain secret Adversarial model. We consider the adversary who
bits by quantifying the evaluation. Additionally, to validate aims to compute and obtain the session key established be-
their algorithm, the 802.11a packet preamble was used on a tween two noncompromised devices. Specifically, we assume
FPGA-based 802.11 platform. The experiment shows that that the communications can be eavesdropped by the adver-
their algorithm can achieve key extraction rates of 1 bit/sec sary. Namely, the passive adversary eavesdrops the commu-
in the indoor wireless environment. By exploiting technolo- nications and conducts sophisticated data analysis. More-
gies, e.g., quantization, information reconciliation, and pri- over, we assume that in order to obtain the session key,
vacy amplification, Jana et al. in [12] evaluated the efficiency the active adversary replays and tampers the transmitted
of secret key extraction using RSS variations in different en- messages, and inserts bogus messages. The cross-layer key
vironments and settings. Besides, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure establishment model is a secure model if the adversary has
and Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication keys were extracted the probability at most
in [29] by using the attenuation of envelope. In [23], an en- compromise
PAKE,A,P (k) ≤ ε(k)
vironment adaptive secret key extraction protocol was pro-
posed. to disclose the established session key between two benign
The deviation of phase (or phase offset) also be used to devices, where ε(k) is a negligible probability.
extract secret bits. For example, it is used to extract secret
keys in [31, 25, 26]. Specifically, in order to accelerate the 3.2 The Key Extraction Protocol Using Ambi-
key bit generation rate, multiple-antenna diversities were ent Wireless Signals
exploited in [31]. In [31], Zeng et al. implemented their Mathur et al. in [19] investigated that the ambient wire-
key extraction algorithm on off-the-shelf 802.11n multiple- less signals (such as TV signals, radio signals, and WiFi
antenna devices. The analysis shows that using laptops with signals) can be used to extract secret bits. The basic prin-
three antennas, protocol in [31] can increase the key genera- ciples employed in [19] is similar to that of principles in [20,
tion rate by more than 4 times over single-antenna systems. 12, 29, 23, 31, 25, 26]. To facilitate understanding, Fig-
In [25], the uniformly distributed phase information of chan- ure 4 shows the core idea of Mathur et al.’s key extraction
nel responses (under narrowband multipath fading models) algorithm [19].

Eavesdropper This section presents the details of our cross-layer key es-
Alice tablishment model. Specifically, the model is designed based
Public RF source on the following observations. In existing symmetric key es-
tablishment protocols, it is assumed that the system author-
Bob ity pre-distributes secrets for devices via secure channels or
when it is off-line. In certain applications (such as in the CP-
S), the assumption cannot be met. As a result, the existing
Figure 4: An example of extracting secret bits using symmetric key establishment protocols cannot be directly
ambient wireless signals. implemented in these applications. Furthermore, it is im-
practical to extract session keys using the ambient wireless
signals when a large number of session keys need to be estab-
lished. However, it should be a reasonable idea to alleviate
To simplify the descriptions, in Figure 4 we assume that these problems by utilising the characteristics of these two
there is only one public RF source. For instance, it may types of key establishment protocols cooperatively. Thus,
be a radio station tower. Then, we assume that the pub- this section presents a key establishment model such that
lic RF source (S) broadcasts the sinusoidal signal x(t) = existing symmetric key establishment protocols can be di-
A sin(wc t + φ0 ). Due to the multipath environment, noise, rectly implemented in the CPS. Specifically, the model is a
and/or mobile environment, the signal received at Alice, cross-layer design. Namely, each device only extracts a mas-
Bob, and the eavesdropper are ySA (t), ySB (t), and ySE (t), ter key (shared with the system authority) at the physical
and they can be written as: layer using the ambient wireless signals. Then, the system
authority distributes secrets for devices (according to an ex-
isting symmetric key establishment protocol). Completing
ySA (t) = (A + ASA ) sin(wc t + φ0 + φSA ) + nSA (t), these operations, devices can establish session keys at higher
ySB (t) = (A + ASB ) sin(wc t + φ0 + φSB ) + nSB (t), layers by calling the employed key establishment protocol.
ySE (t) = (A + ASE ) sin(wc t + φ0 + φSE ) + nSE (t). 4.1 Overview
Our cross-layer key establishment model consists of four
As shown in Figure 4, the modulated amplitudes ASA =
ASB and the deviated phases φSA = φSB if Alice and Bob • Initialization. In this phase, the system authority
are within λ/2 distance. However, the modulated ampli- generates system parameters, such as the secrets and
tudes ASE and ASA , ASE and ASB , and the deviated phas- a public hash function H(x).
es φSE and φSA , φSE and φSB are statistically independent • Master Key Extraction. In this phase, devices ex-
as long as the eavesdropper is more than λ/2 away from Al- tract master keys (shared with the system authority)
ice and Bob. Namely, the eavesdropper cannot obtain any at the physical layer.
useful secrets (by making use of its received signals ySE (t))
when it is more than λ/2 away from Alice and Bob. • Secrets Distribution. In this phase, the system au-
Using the extracted measurements (i.e., the modulated thority distributes secrets for devices (according to an
amplitudes and deviated phases), Alice and Bob quantize existing symmetric key establishment protocol).
them and end up with n-bit sequences. In order to extract a
secret key, other technologies, including reconciliation, pri- • Session Key Establishment. In this phase, devices
vacy amplification, and list-encoding, need to be employed establish secret session keys at higher layers by calling
by Alice and Bob. Please refer to [19] for details. Fur- the KE(·, ·) protocol. We denote by KE(·, ·) a black-
thermore, Mathur et al. in [19] evaluate their algorithm box of the employed key establishment protocol.
using an experimental prototype built on top of GNUradio. From the above overview and Figure 5 we can see that
Specifically, some real RF signals, e.g., the TV signals at there are two types of keys in our model, i.e., the master
584.31 MHz (λ/2 = 0.26 m), the FM-radio broadcast band key (ki ) extracted and shared between the system authority
at 98 MHz (λ/2 = 1.53 m) in the NY/NJ area, US, are and the ith device Di during the Master Key Extraction
employed in their experiment. The experiment shows that phase, and the session key (kij ) established between devices
a stationary Alice and Bob can extract a new bit from the Di and Dj during the Session Key Establishment phase.
TV signal and the FM signal every 0.27 seconds and 1.25 The following subsection provides the details of our cross-
seconds, respectively. Taking the AES-128 as an example, layer key establishment model.
it needs around 34.56 seconds (when f = 584.31 MHz) and
160.00 seconds (when f = 98 MHz) to extract a key with 4.2 A Cross-Layer Key Establishment Model
128 bits. Thus, it becomes impractical to extract session This subsection presents the details of our cross-layer key
keys using the ambient wireless signals when a large num- establishment model.
ber of session keys needs to be established. In this paper, Initialization. In this phase, system parameters are gen-
we design a cross-layer key establishment model such that erated. Specifically, for an input security parameter 1k , the
wireless devices can establish session keys efficiently when a system authority generates secret values S and public val-
large number of session keys need to be established. ues P according to an existing symmetric key establishment

device ࡰ࢏ the system authority
ܴ௜ ՚ ‫;)ݍ(ܨܩ‬
6HVVLRQ/D\HU ‫ܥ‬௏ଵ = ݇௜ ۩ܴ௜ {request; ‫ܥ‬௏ଵ }

7UDQVSRUW/D\HU for ݆ = 1: ݉
‫ܥ‬௝ = ‫݇(ܪ‬௜ ||݆)۩ܵ௝ ;
ܴ௩ ՚ ‫;)ݍ(ܨܩ‬
3K\VLFDO/D\HU 3K\VLFDO/D\HU ܴ௜ = ‫ܥ‬௏ଵ ۩݇௜ ;
‫ܥ‬௏ଶ = ‫ܵ(ܪ‬ଵ ||ܵଶ || ‫ܵ|| ڮ‬௠ )۩ܴ௩ ;
‫ܥ‬௏ଷ = ‫ܴ(ܪ‬௜ ||݉ + 1)۩‫ܴ(ܪ‬௩ )
Figure 5: The system model of our design. Specif- {‫ܥ‬ଵ , ‫ܥ‬ଶ , … , ‫ܥ‬௠ , ‫ܥ‬௏ଶ , ‫ܥ‬௏ଷ }
ically, there are two types of keys, i.e., the master for ݆ = 1: ݉
key ki extracted at the physical layer and the session ܵ௝ = ‫ܥ‬௝ ۩‫݇(ܪ‬௜ ||݆);
key kij established at higher layers. end
ܴ௩ = ‫ܥ‬௏ଶ ۩‫ܵ(ܪ‬ଵ ||ܵଶ || ‫ܵ|| ڮ‬௠ );
if ‫ܴ(ܪ‬௩ ) = ‫ܥ‬௏ଷ ۩‫ܴ(ܪ‬௜ ||݉ + 1)
protocol KE(·, ·). Then, the system authority chooses a
accepts ܵଵ , ܵଶ , … , ܵ௠ ;
hash function H(x) from a collision-resistant hash family
H. The H(x) is used to map arbitrary finite inputs {0, 1}∗ ‫ܥ‬௏ସ = ‫ܴ(ܪ‬௩ ||ܵଵ ||ܵଶ || ‫ܵ ڮ‬௠ );

to {0, 1}k . At the end of this phase, the system authority else

publishes H(x). outputs ၧ

{‫ܥ‬௏ସ }
Master Key Extraction. In this phase, the master keys
(shared between devices and the system authority) are ex- if ‫ܴ(ܪ‬௩ ||ܵଵ ||ܵଶ || ‫ܵ ڮ‬௠ ) = ‫ܥ‬௏ସ

tracted at the physical layer. We denote by D the set of accepts device ‫ܦ‬௜ ;
N devices in the CPS. For the ith device Di (Di ∈ D and else
i = 1, 2, . . . , N ), it extracts and obtains a secret master key outputs ၧ
ki (shared with the system authority) by running Mathur et
al.’s algorithm [19] (as reviewed in Subsection 3.2). At the Figure 6: Operations in the Secrets Distribution
end of this phase, each device extracts a secret master key phase of the model.
shared with the system authority.
Secrets Distribution. In this phase, the system authority
distributes secrets for each device. We assume that in the Sj = Cj ⊕ H(ki ||j), and obtains the m secrets Sj s.
employed symmetric key establishment protocol KE(·, ·), Then, the Di computes Rv = CV 2 ⊕H(S1 ||S2 || · · · ||Sm )
device Di needs to be loaded with m secrets Sj s, e.g., S1 , S2 , and verifies if H(Rv ) = CV 3 ⊕ H(Ri ||m + 1). If the
. . . , Sm . Thus, in this phase, the system authority and the verification succeeds, the device Di accepts the m se-
device Di execute the following operations in order to dis- crets Sj s, computes CV 4 = H(Rv ||S1 ||S2 || · · · ||Sm ),
tribute the secrets Sj s for device Di (Figure 6 shows the and sends V2 =< idi , idsys , CV 4 > to the system au-
main operations): thority. Otherwise, the device Di outputs the unde-
fined symbol “⊥” and terminates the communications
• The device Di generates a random number Ri from the immediately.
field GF (q) (where q has length k bits), and computes
CV 1 = ki ⊕ Ri . Here “ki ” is the extracted master key • Receiving the message V2 , the system authority com-
shared between the system authority and the device putes H(Rv ||S1 ||S2 || · · · ||Sm ) and verifies if H(Rv ||S1 ||
Di , and “⊕” is the XOR operations. Completing these S2 || · · · ||Sm ) = CV 4 . If the verification succeeds, the
operations, the device Di sends the secrets distribu- system authority accepts the device Di as a legitimate
tion request {req secrets distribution : CV 1 , idi , idsys } device. Otherwise, the system authority outputs the
to the system authority. Here,“idi ” is the identifier of undefined symbol “⊥” and terminates the communica-
the device Di , and “idsys ” is the identifier of the system tions immediately.
• Receiving the request, the system authority computes Completing the Secrets Distribution phase, each device
Cj = H(ki ||j) ⊕ Sj , where j = 1, 2, . . . , m. Here, is distributed with m secrets Sj s.
“H(x)” is the public collision-resistant hash function, Session Key Establishment. The ith and j th devices can
and “||” is the string concatenation. Then, the sys- establish a secret session key by calling the employed key
tem authority generates a random number Rv from establishment protocol KE(·, ·). Recall that the system au-
the field GF (q), and computes Ri = CV 1 ⊕ ki , CV 2 = thority distributes each device with m secrets (according to
H(S1 ||S2 || · · · ||Sm )⊕Rv , CV 3 = H(Ri ||m+1)⊕H(Rv ). the employed key establishment protocol) in the Secrets
Completing the above operations, the system authori- Distribution phase, thus, the ith and j th devices can es-
ty sends the message V1 =< idsys , idi , C1 , C2 , . . . , Cm , tablish a secret session key by calling the key establishment
CV 2 , CV 3 > to the device Di . protocol (i.e., calling KE(idi , idj )).
This completes the description of our cross-layer key es-
• Receiving the message V1 , the device Di computes tablishment model. To facilitate understanding, in Section 6,

we implement the proposed model and convert existing sym- Besides, we assume that the employed key establishment
metric key establishment protocols into cross-layer key es- protocol is a secure key establishment protocol in the re-
tablishment protocols such that the protocols can be directly viewed security model (as shown in Subsection 3.1). Name-
implemented in the CPS. ly, the adversary has a negligible probability ε0 to com-
pute and obtain the session keys established between non-
5. SECURITY ANALYSIS compromised devices by making use of the eavesdropped
messages (the messages transmitted during the calling of
This section analyses the security of our cross-layer key
the employed key establishment protocol). Thus, we have
establishment model.
(k) − PAKE,A,Exp
(k)| ≤ ε1 = Q1 (k) · ε0 +
Theorem. Assuming that secret master keys can be extract- Q1 (k)
1 0

ed at the physical layer, the employed key establishment pro- 2k

, where Q1 (k) is the maximal number of executing ex-
tocol is a secure key establishment protocol (in the reviewed periment Exp1 executed by the adversary.
security model in Subection 3.1), and H(x) is a collision- Experiment Exp2 : In experiment Exp2 , the adversary
resistant hash function, then the proposed cross-layer key queries {req secrets distribution: cv1 , idi , idsys }. Receiving
establishment model is a secure key establishment model. the query, the simulator generates random numbers ks , Sj′ s,
Before proving the above Theorem, we briefly introduce Rv from the field GF (q), sets ki = ks , computes Cj′ =
the logic of our security proof. Let Exp0 be the experi- H(ki ||j) ⊕ Sj′ , Ri′ = cv1 ⊕ ki , CV 2 = H(S1′ ||S2′ || · · · Sm

) ⊕ Rv ,
′ ′
ment in which the adversary A attacks the proposed model. CV 3 = H(Ri ||m + 1) ⊕ H(Rv ). Then, the simulator sends
Then, a sequence of experiments are introduced. In order to the messages V1′ =< idsys , idi , C1′ , C2′ , . . . , Cm′
, CV 2 , CV 3 >
facilitate analysis, a simulator is employed to interact with to the adversary. The remainder operations are the same as
the adversary. Specifically, when the adversary queries, the in Exp1 . Assuming that secret master keys can be extracted
simulator executes the appropriate algorithm and makes a at the physical layer by running the key extraction algorith-
response. Under the assumptions that secret master keys m [19], and H(x) is a collision-resistant hash function, the
can be extracted at the physical layer, the employed key es- transmitted messages Cj′ s, CV 2 and CV 3 are one-time pad-
tablishment protocol is a secure key establishment protocol s. Namely, the adversary has probabilities 21k and 2m·k 1

(in the reviewed security model in Subection 3.1), and H(x) correctly compute and obtain ki and Sj s by making use of
is a collision-resistant hash function, experiments Exp1 to the received messages V1′ . Thus, we have |PAKE,A,Exp compromise
Exp5 prove that the adversary has the probability compromise
PAKE,A,Exp (k)| ≤ ε2 = Q22k(k) , where Q2 (k) is the maximal
PAKE,A,P (k) ≤ ε(k) number of querying {req secrets distribution: cv1 , idi , idsys }
executed by the adversary.
to compute and obtain the secret session key established be- Experiment Exp3 : In experiment Exp3 , the adversary
tween two benign devices. Here, ε(k) is a negligible probabil- queries v1 =< idsys , idi , c1 , c2 , . . . , cm , cv2 , cv3 >. Receiving
ity. Now, details of security proof are given in the following the query, the simulator generates random numbers K, Rs
paragraphs. from the field GF (q) and sets ki = K. Then the simulator
Proof. Let Exp0 is the experiment, in which an adver- computes Sj′ = cj ⊕ H(ki ||j), Rv′ = cv2 ⊕ H(S1′ ||S2′ || · · · Sm ′

sary A attacks the proposed model. Thus, PAKE,A,Exp
(k) = and sets CV 4 = Rs . Completing these operations, the sim-
ulator sends V2′ =< idi , idsys , CV′ 4 > to the adversary. The
PAKE,A,P (k).
remainder operations are the same as in Exp2 . As long
Experiment Exp1 : In experiment Exp1 , the adversary ob-
as secret master keys can be extracted at the physical layer,
tains the eavesdropped messages. As we assumed that the
and H(x) is a collision-resistant hash function, the adversary
adversary can eavesdrop the communications. Thus, in ex-
cannot compute and find the difference between Exp3 and
periment Exp1 , the simulator outputs the following mes- compromise compromise
Exp2 . Thus, we have PAKE,A,Exp (k) = PAKE,A,Exp (k).
sages: 3 2
Experiment Exp4 : In experiment Exp4 , the adversary
CV 1 = ki ⊕ Ri queries < idi , idsys , cv4 >. Receiving the query, the simu-
Cj = H(ki ||j) ⊕ Sj , where 1 ≤ j ≤ m, lator directly outputs the undefined symbol “⊥” and termi-
nates the communication immediately. The remainder oper-
CV 2 = H(S1 ||S2 || · · · ||Sm ) ⊕ Rv , (1)
ations are the same as in Exp3 . Under the assumptions that
CV 3 = H(Ri ||m + 1) ⊕ H(Rv ), secret master keys can be extracted at the physical layer,
CV 4 = H(Rv ||S1 ||S2 || · · · ||Sm ). and H(x) is a collision-resistant hash function, the adversary
cannot compute and find the difference between Exp4 and
Recall that ki is the extracted master key, S1 , S2 , . . . , Sm compromise
Exp3 . Thus, we have PAKE,A,Exp compromise
(k) = PAKE,A,Exp (k).
4 3
are secrets generated by the system authority, Ri and Rv Experiment Exp5 : In experiment Exp5 , the adversary
are random numbers generated by device Di and the sys- queries {req : KE(idi , idj )}. Receiving the query, the simu-
tem authority. Assuming that secret master keys can be lator runs the employed key establishment protocol KE(·, ·)
extracted at the physical layer by running the key extract and outputs the simulator generated messages to the adver-
algorithm [19], then, the master key ki is a secret key shared sary. Recall that calling a certain employed key establish-
between the device Di and the system authority. Addition- ment protocol, some public messages may be transmitted.
ally, we assume that the H(x) is a collision-resistant hash Thus, the simulator generates random messages and out-
function, and it is used to map {0, 1}∗ to {0, 1}k . Thus, puts the simulator generated messages when running the
CV 1 , Cj s, CV 2 , and CV 3 are one-time pads. Recall that the employed key establishment protocol. The remainder oper-
one-time pad is a perfectly secure cipher [24, 11], thus, the ations are the same as in Exp4 . We assume that the em-
adversary has probabilities 21k and 2m·k 1
to correctly com- ployed key establishment protocol is a secure key establish-
pute ki and Sj s (i.e., randomly guess) by making use of the ment protocol in the reviewed security model (introduced
eavesdropped equation set 1.

in Subsection 3.1). Namely, the adversary has a negligible key establishment protocol (i.e., the q-KP protocol [7]). For
probability ε′0 to compute and obtain the session keys es- instance, calling q-KP(idi , idj ), the ith and j th nodes broad-
tablished between noncompromised devices when it actively cast the identifiers of distributed keys (obtained in the Se-
attacks the employed key establishment protocol. Thus, we crets Distribution phase). We assume that the ith and j th
have |PAKE,A,Exp
(k) − PAKE,A,Exp
(k)| ≤ ε3 = Q3 (k) · nodes share q ′ keys. Thus, according to the q-KP proto-
′ col [7], the ith and j th nodes can establish a session key
ε0 , where Q3 (k) is the maximal number of querying {req :
KE(idi , idj )} executed by the adversary. kij = H(K1 ||K2 || · · · ||Kq′ ) when q ′ ≥ q.
The above analysis shows that This completes the description of converting the classical
key pre-distribution protocol (i.e., the q-KP protocol [7]) in-
(k) − PAKE,A,P
(k)| ≤ ε(k), (2) to a cross-layer key establishment protocol by implementing
our proposed model.
where ε(k) = ε1 (k) + ε2 (k) + ε3 (k) is a negligible probabil-
ity. Equation 2 illustrates that, under the assumptions: i). 6.2 Converting the Polynomial-Based Key Es-
secret master keys can be extracted at the physical layer;
ii). the employed key establishment protocol is a secure key
tablishment Protocol [17]
establishment protocol (in the reviewed security model in Motivated by the observations that the secrets sharing
Subsection 3.1); and iii). H(x) is a collision-resistant hash assumption can be weakened by implementing our model, we
function, the proposed cross-layer key establishment mod- remove the assumption and convert the P KE protocol [17]
el is a secure key establishment model. This completes the into a cross-layer key establishment protocol. The detailed
proof of the theorem. operations are as follows:
Initialization. In this phase, polynomials are generated
(according to the employed P KE protocol). For an input se-
6. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS curity parameter 1k , the system authority generates a set of
Subsection 4.2 presents our cross-layer key establishment bivariate t-degree polynomials F over the finite field GF (q),
model. Recall that implementing the proposed model, exist- where q has length of k bits. We denote ∑tby IDi the iden-
ing symmetric key establishment protocols can be converted tifier of the ith polynomial fi (x, y) = i j
i,j=0 aij x y , and
into cross-layer key establishment protocols such that they fi (x, y) ∈ F . Then, the system authority chooses a hash
can be directly implemented in scenarios, such as the CP- function H(x) from a collision-resistant hash family H. At
S. Thus, in this section, we analyse the performance of our the end of this phase, the system authority publishes H(x).
model by showing several examples. Master Key Extraction. In this phase, sensor nodes ex-
tract master keys (shared with the system authority) at the
6.1 Converting the Key Pre-Distribution Pro- physical layer. We denote by D the set of N nodes, i.e.,
tocol [7] D = {D1 , D2 , . . . , DN }. For the ith node Di , it extracts
Motivated by the observations that the secrets sharing a secret master key ki (shared with the system authority)
assumption can be weakened by implementing our model, by executing the operations presented in the Master Key
we remove the assumption and convert the q-KP protocol [7] Extraction phase of our model. At the end of this phase,
into a cross-layer key establishment protocol. The detailed each sensor node obtains a secret master key shared with
operations are as follows: the system authority.
Initialization. In this phase, random keys are generated Secrets Distribution. In this phase, the system author-
(according to the employed q-KP protocol [7]). For an input ity distributes the shares of polynomials for sensor nodes.
security parameter 1k , the system authority chooses parame- Specifically, for the ith node, system authority randomly
ter Z, generates a set of random keys K = {K1 , K2 , . . . , KZ } chooses a subset of polynomials Fi from the polynomial
and the key identifiers idi s. Then, the system authority pool F, and computes the shares of the chosen polynomials.
chooses a hash function H(x) from a collision-resistant hash Then, the system authority distributes the shares to the ith
family H. At the end of this phase, the system authority node by executing the operations presented in the Secrets
publishes H(x). Distribution phase of our model (please refer to Subsec-
Master Key Extraction. In this phase, sensor nodes ex- tion 4.2 for details). At the end of this phase, each sensor
tract master keys (shared with the system authority) at the node obtains the shares of a subset of polynomials Fi .
physical layer. We denote by D the set of N nodes, i.e., Session Key Establishment. In this phase, the ith and
D = {D1 , D2 , . . . , DN }. For the ith node Di , it extracts j nodes can establish a session key by calling the em-
a secret master key ki (shared with the system authority) ployed key establishment protocol (i.e., the P KE proto-
by executing the operations presented in the Master Key col). For instance, calling P KE(idi , idj ), the ith and j th
Extraction phase of our model. At the end of this phase, nodes broadcast the identifiers of distributed polynomials
each sensor node obtains a secret master key shared with IDi s (obtained in the Secrets Distribution phase). Then,
the system authority. according to the P KE protocol, the ith and j th nodes can
Secrets Distribution. In this phase, the system authority establish a session key using the shared polynomial(s).
distributes keys for sensor nodes. Specifically, for each node, This completes the description of converting the polynomial-
system authority randomly chooses m keys from K, and dis- based key establishment protocol (i.e., the P KE protocol [17])
tributes the m keys by executing the operations presented in into a cross-layer key establishment protocol by implement-
the Secrets Distribution phase of our model (please refer ing our proposed model.
to Subsection 4.2 for details). At the end of this phase, each
sensor node obtains m randomly chosen keys. 6.3 Converting the Matrix-Based Key Estab-
Session Key Establishment. In this phase, the ith and j th lishment Protocol [9]
nodes can establish a session key by calling the employed Motivated by the observations that the secrets sharing

assumption can be weakened by implementing our model, we certain applications, such as in the CPS, wireless devices
remove the assumption and convert the M KE protocol [9] are produced by different companies. It is not practical to
into a cross-layer key establishment protocol. The detailed assume that the devices are pre-loaded with certain secrets
operations are as follows: when they leave companies. As a result, the existing sym-
Initialization. In this phase, secret and public matrices are metric key establishment protocols cannot be directly im-
generated (according to the employed M KE protocol [9]). plemented in these applications. Motivated by this obser-
For an input security parameter 1k , the system authority: vation, this paper present a cross-layer key establishment
1. chooses system parameter λ, and designs a (λ + 1) × N model such that existing symmetric key establishment pro-
matrix G over a finite field GF (q) (where q has length k tocols can be directly implemented in the CPS by employing
bits) the proposed model.
Our cross-layer key establishment model can convert ex-
  isting symmetric key establishment protocols into cross-layer
1 1 1 ... 1 key establishment protocols such that these protocols can be
 s s2 s3 ... n 
s 
 2 directly implemented in the CPS. It is achieved due to the
 (s2 )2 (s3 )2 (sn )2 
G = s ... . reason that in our model, wireless devices extract and obtain
 .. .. .. .. ..  secret master keys ki s (shared with the system authority) by
 . . . . . 
running Mathur et al.’s algorithm [19] (as reviewed in Sub-
sλ (s2 )λ (s3 )λ ... n λ
(s )
section 3.2). Making use of the extracted master keys, “a
Here, “N ” is the number of nodes in the networks; 2. designs secure channel” can be established between the system au-
ω secret symmetric (λ+1)×(λ+1) matrices D1 , D2 , . . . , Dω thority and wireless devices. Recall that in existing symmet-
in GF (q), and computes matrices A1 = (D1 · G)T , A2 = ric key establishment protocols, it is assumed that devices
(D2 · G)T , . . . , Aω = (Dω · G)T . Here, “·” is the matrix are loaded with certain secrets via secure channels. Thus,
dot product, and “T ” is the matrix transpose; 3. chooses a implementing our model, the secrets sharing assumption in
hash function H(x) from a collision-resistant hash family H. existing symmetric key establishment protocols can be re-
The H(x) is used to map arbitrary finite inputs {0, 1}∗ to moved.
members of the field GF (q). At the end of this phase, the From the above analysis we can see that implementing
system authority publishes H(x). the proposed model, existing symmetric key establishmen-
Master Key Extraction. In this phase, sensor nodes ex- t protocols can be directly employed in the scenarios when
tract master keys (shared with the system authority) at the devices do not pre-share any secrets. However, it introduces
physical layer. We denote by D the set of N nodes, i.e., extra energy consumptions. The reason is that in our mod-
D = {D1 , D2 , . . . , DN }. For the ith node Di , it extracts el, devices need to extract master keys by running the key
a secret master key ki (shared with the system authority) extraction algorithm [19]. In [19], a linear error correcting
by executing the operations presented in the Master Key code is used. Thus, for an n-bit master key, the extra com-
Extraction phase of our model. At the end of this phase, putational complexity is O(n). As analysed in [19] that a
each sensor node obtains a secret master key shared with number of factors (such as the distance between a device and
the system authority. the system authority, the wavelength of the public source,
Secrets Distribution. In this phase, the system authority whether the devices are held stationary or moved, and the
distributes secrets for sensor nodes. For instance, the system number of RF sources being monitored) affect the perfor-
authority randomly selects τ Ai s, distributes the kth row of mance of the key extraction algorithm. For instance, when
each selected Ai and the kth key seed sk of G (the kth key a device and the system authority are d = 0.05λ apart and
seed is the second element in the kth column of matrix G they use 10 sources in parallel, it takes around 33 seconds
) for the kth node. The distribution can be completed by (from the TV signals) and 102.5 seconds (from the FM sig-
executing the operations presented in the Secrets Distri- nals) to extract a 128-bit master key (when both the device
bution phase of our model (please refer to Subsection 4.2 for and the system authority are stationary). It takes around
details). At the end of this phase, each sensor node obtains 10.2 seconds (from the TV signals) and 41.2 seconds (from
τ rows of matrices Ai s and a key seed. the FM signals) to extract a 128-bit master key, when both
Session Key Establishment. In this phase, the ith and j th the device and the system authority moved slowly.
nodes can establish a session key by calling the employed key
establishment protocol (i.e., the M KE protocol). For in- 7. CONCLUSION
stance, calling M KE(idi , idj ), the ith and j th nodes broad- To secure the communications, secret session keys need to
cast the identifiers of distributed matrices. Then, two nodes be established between wireless devices. In existing symmet-
can establish a session key when they are loaded with rows ric key establishment protocols, it is assumed that devices
from the same matrices Ai s. are pre-loaded with secrets. In practice, however, wireless
This completes the description of converting the matrix- devices in the CPS are produced by different companies.
based key establishment protocol (i.e., the M KE proto- Thus, it is not practical to assume that the devices are
col [9]) into a cross-layer key establishment protocol by im- pre-loaded with certain secrets when they leave companies.
plementing our proposed model. As a result, existing symmetric key establishment protocols
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