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Muslim Saints and Mystics Attar Frvid al-Din Ataris considered one ofthe URE preeminent mystical poets of the Persie literary USTED SCL UCeS} ‘nadition. The duration of his life is uncextan, though ee lhe con be placed in the 12th end 13th ceatories CE. "Bown ia Nishapuria what is today Team, Atta OD eo appaveatly was a phaeaaacst, bu little information bout his persoaal his ss mown. Donang ut Liftane Iie is betiaved to ave written approximately 9 ook, inching sch famous works asthe Manteg ob Tovr (The Coutereace of the Bird) sud the Jinks Nano (The Book of Gos) Linzi Som and Meee i am sbeidgenne, ‘nvanlned by AT. Arbery, of Ata's only kxown, prose work: Tadilivat al tubva (The Memon of the Saints, which he worked on througlout much of Ais ife and which was available publicly bedore is death, im watt considered the uot compelling entry ints book: Attar relates the stony ofthe execution of Halla, the mystic who had uttered the sete “Lama the Truth” in state of ectatie contemplation rbery’s translation isan abridgement; the entry ox Ovrase al-Qaraai funuslated by Mohamed A. Haseex, omitted aa Aaberry’s text is included atthe following Sink Qusize al. Osram

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