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The Ten Commandments

in Answering Bar Exam Questions

1. Thou shall not abandon your common sense.

2. Thou shall leave your personal biases at home.

3. Thou shall answer only what is being asked.

4. Thou shall not invent facts.

5. Thou shall write legibly and clearly.

6. Thou shall not write unduly long answers.

7. Thou shall not brag about your legal knowledge.

8. Thou shall not criticize the problem.

9. Thou shall always state the legal basis of your answer.

10. Thou shall not make an unjustified conclusion.


The make or break nature of this examination is not debatable but the good news is, we have the
opportunity to make it lean more on the “make” side. Of course, it is expected that you have done your
share of studying and preparation. This is the moment of truth.

1. Take care of your health during the exam week. One’s fitness to take the exam is as important
as the review process itself. Remember, it would take you four consecutive Sundays to complete
the Bar exam. Everything would be useless and all your efforts would be put to waste if you’d not
be able to continue taking the exam because you are sick during the exam day itself. For so many
months of preparation for the Bar exam, giving up is simply not an option.

2. Avoid unnecessary stress and distractions during the four week bar exams. Undue and
excessive stress and nerves is an enemy of the bar examinee as it results in a lack of sleep and
hinders proper thinking both while studying and taking the exam itself.

3. Ab Initio. - You should have set your alarm clocks the night before to make sure you don’t over
sleep. Literally jump out of bed and do some physical movements and stretching. Read tips if you
have, to rouse your sleepy brain. Just read, don’t study them. More importantly, welcome the day
like a meeting with an old lost dear friend. The Bar is not something to conquer. Befriend it.

4. Pace yourself. - Give enough time and provide for personal necessities. Re check things to bring
and make sure you don’t forget your permit and pens. Survival kit is essential. Wear comfortable
clothes and shoes. (it’s advisable to make and keep a list according to your individual needs)

5. Damages. - Instead of “tagip-TIPS”, rely on your personal preparation. Yes, you cynics! YOU CAN
6. Subpoena. - Call someone who inspires you.
7. Summons. - Call your family.
8. Always remember your 4L’s.

9. Be conscious of the time but don’t let it get the better of you.

10. Calculate the minutes you would want to spend on a question to make sure you finish on time.

11. Be always on guard against catchy questions capable of being answered in a number of ways.

12. Never be content to answer questions with a mere yes or no. You must, at all times, give
justification why your answer is a yes or no. Unless, of course, the examiner qualifies his question
with instruction enclosed in parenthesis like: (Answer with a yes or no only).

13. Always determine the real facts (examiners have the bad habit of including irrelevant facts to
confuse you) and the issue or issues in controversy. Which side you take, always justify your
side with reasons based on law, rule, equity and justice. Whatever your answer may be,
provided it is written in legible language, the examiner will never deny you the corresponding credit
you deserve.

14. Always remember, make efforts to frame your answers so that they are responsive to the
questions. Never beat around the bush. Go right straight ahead with your answer. Avoid citations
if and when you are not absolutely sure about them. The shorter the answers are, the more direct,
the better. Avoid display of flowery expressions which are complicated by legal verbosity. All you
need are sensible, direct and reasonable answers that are responsive to the questions.

15. Legal knowledge is not enough to solve a particular legal issue. What is important is ability to
apply this knowledge to the solution of legal controversies.

16. Brevity and directness when done properly could make an answer both effective and
impressive. However, when overdone to a point where the ideas sought to be conveyed becomes
vague and difficult to understand, they become a liability.

17. Always remember that nothing can really put a determined man down. Just do your best. On the
day of the exam, no one can assist you as you answer the test questions. You can’t rely on anyone
but yourself. So no matter how you feel about how you prepared for the exam, and even if you feel
you have not done enough to prepare for the exam, just do your best in answering those
questions. Be the best that you can be. As you will be answering the Bar exams, you should
constantly remember and apply this quotation: “To be a winner, all that you need to give is all
that you have.”

18. In your preparation for the greatest battle of your life, call upon Him who is the source of all
knowledge, wisdom and understanding. In deep humility, bended knees and tears, He will
make all things beautiful in His time. Victory belongs to the most persevering!


Lord, today I will take my examination.

Please enlighten my mind.
Help me to face them with courage, calmness and keenness in mind.
Help me to understand the questions that are asked,
To recall everything that I have studied
And to express my answers accurately.
Be with me while I write my answers and guide my hand!
Point out the beginning, direct the progress and help me in the completion.

Please remove this fear from my mind and fill me with confidence.
I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
I am happy that today you are with me for with you I will win this battle.
I take success in Your mighty name.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


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