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Feature Activation of Enhanced uplink 2ms TTI and EUL

Single HARQ Guide & Troubleshooting reference


The Document describes the scope of work, methodology, steps of execution and
challenges involved in the Feature activation of Enhanced uplink 2ms TTI and
EUL Single HARQ.

Generic Name - W11A WCDMA Feature Activation Feature on Live network

Feature to Activate in RBS:

FAJ 121 1317, Enhanced Uplink 2ms TTI (RBS)

FAJ 121 1333, Advanced Receivers, Generalized RAKE (RBS)

FAJ 121 1443, EUL Single HARQ Process (RBS)

Feature Dependencies:

FAJ 121 990, Enhanced Uplink Interactive RAB (RNC)

In order to improve retransmission rate and overall EUL accessibility and

retainability, it is mandatory to turn on e6d.

RNC Feature Related Parameters:


Capability information indicating if HS is supported in the cell.



Capability information indicating if EUL is supported in the cell


Capability information indicating if 2 ms TTI EUL is supported in the cell



Admission threshold for the number of 2 ms TTI E-DCH users having this cell as
serving cell. Applicable at serving cell change, at RAB establishment and at
reconfiguration to EUL.

Unit: E-DCH user

Change takes effect: Immediately

Dependencies: If the value of this parameter is greater than the value of

eulServingCellUsersAdm, then this parameter will have no effect.

Range: 0 to 100, Default=4

EUL connections using a TTI of 2 ms use more radio resources than EUL
connections using a TTI of 10 ms. For that reason, a separate admission
threshold (parameter eulServingCellUsersAdmTti2 is used to limit the number of
EUL connections in a cell using a TTI of 2 ms. The eulServingCellUsersAdmTti2
parameter is a 2 ms TTI limit within the set of the eulServingCellUsersAdm
parameter which contains both 2 ms TTI and 10 ms TTI

The main driver for changing this parameter is the RBS capacity in terms of
Channel Elements in the UL (number of RAX2e boards basically) and the current

See more info from the following test report (Eridoc link):

EUL 2ms TTI Feature Report


Pathloss threshold for selecting 2ms TTI for EUL. Calls with pathloss less than
this threshold will be considered for setup on 2ms TTI EUL.

Values outside of the range 0..170 are all mapped to 170.

Unit: dB
Note: This attribute was initially created for another purpose. The parameter will
be completely removed in a later MOM release.

Filter: FDD

Application Tag: Filter=FDD

Range: 0 to 600, Default=200


CPICH Ec/No threshold for selecting 2ms TTI for EUL. Calls with CPICH Ec/No
larger than this threshold will be considered for setup on 2ms TTI EUL.

Values outside of the range -24..0 (positive or negative) are all mapped to -24.

Unit: dB

Note: This attribute was initially created for another purpose. The parameter will
be completely removed in a later MOM release.

Filter: FDD

Application Tag: Filter=FDD

Range: -350 to 150, Default=-350

RBS Feature Related Parameters:


Defines the maximum rate that may be allocated in the serving cell for scheduled
data to an E-DCH user during a soft handover.

Unit: 1 kbps

Resolution: 32

Range: 0 to 6016, Default=5760


The target scheduled grant for a user.

Unit: 1 kbps
Resolution: 32

Range: 0 to 6016, Default=160


The maximum allowed scheduled data rate per user.

Unit: 1 kbps

Resolution: 32

Range: 0 to 6016, Default=3968

If GRAKE feature is active: 4480

Tools Used

Moshell – To execute commands and for parameter change

Mobatch – For batch execution of commands on Nodes

Winfiol – For SSH connection to OSS/Sonar

Filezilla – For SFTP transfer of scripts/logs


1. Prerequisite

a. Check for provided scripts from TCM engineer. The TCM engineer
provides us with following scripts


ii. Utrancell_Band_II_Singlefile

iii. Utrancell_Band_V_Singlefile

iv. AT&T_EULSingleHarq_PA1

v. node_b_prereq

vi. node_b_postcheck

b. Check the sites list and consistency of password

c. Check for the connectivity of OSS and Sonar

d. Check for the approval for CSB

2. Pre-check of the system

a. Check for the correct node S/W level - RNC running a SW W11A CP3
IP3 or higher and RBSs must be on W11A CP3 IP5 or higher

b. Confirm that each feature’s License Key is loaded and available in the
RBS node.

c. Do a basic health check of the RNC and record the statistics that
include Alarm List, Cell Availability Errors, Red LED status, Abnormal

d. Check if the license for the specified features are present in the RBS.
The licenses required are licenseStateEul2msTti, licenseStateGrake,
licenseStatePerHarqProcessGrant. Also check for introduction
package Enhanced Uplink Introduction Package

e. RAX2E is a pre-requisite for 2ms feature. So RaxR2e must be present

in the node.

f. Record the KPI of the RNC

g. Record the number of alarms and number of calls going on each


h. Any critical alarm that is new needs to be escalated as per MOP

i. Call MNRC and log yourself in.(this step is usually done before

3. Activation of 2ms TTI

a. Create a CV in the RNC

b. run AT&T_EUS2msTTI_PA1.mos The script sets the following

parameters in the Nodes

i. featureStateEul2msTti – sets to true

ii. featureStateGrake - sets to true

iii. eulMaxAllowedSchRate - 4480

iv. maxEAgchPowerDlTti2' - (-80)

v. maxUserEHichPowerDlTti2' – (- 80)

c. In the RNC, set the power control bits

i. set PowerControl=1 sirMaxTti2 90

ii. set PowerControl=1 transmissionTargetErrorTti2 50

iii. set PowerControl=1 ulInitSirTargetEdchTti2 70

iv. set PowerControl=1 ulSirStepTti2 5

d. For UtranCells on Band II (1900MHz) – Execute the band II script


e. For UtranCells on Band V (850MHz) - – Execute the band V script


f. Using Sonar, , in the RNC, confirm the status of edchTtiSupport. If

necessary, disable 2ms TTI for uerc 62 (2*EUL/HS) set uerc=62
connectionCapability edchTti2Support=0 . This attribute is a hidden
parameter, its value cannot be changed in OSS;This attribute can only
be changed through SONAR, NOT in OSS.

g. In RNC, in order to improve retransmission rate and overall EUL

accessibility and retainability, it is mandatory to turn on event6d. Set
UeMeasControl=1 txPowerConnQualMonEnabled 1

h. Perform a health check on the Nodes and RNC. Compare results with

4. Activation of single HARQ

a. Check for number of utrancells with edchtti2support off . EdchSupport

is a capability information indicating if EUL is supported in the cell;
edchTti2Support is a capability information indicating if 2 ms TTI EUL
is supported in the cell. Troubleshoot to find out the reason.

b. Activate HARQ - AT&T_EULSingleHarq_PA1.mos – The script sets

the following parameter – featureStatePerHarqProcessGrant

c. Perform a health check on the Nodes and RNC. Compare results with

5. Post check

a. Do a basic health check of the RNC and record the statistics that
include Alarm List, Cell Availability Errors, Red LED status, Abnormal

b. Check if the features for the specified features are activated in the

c. Record the KPI of the RNC compare with precheck

d. Record the number of alarms and number of calls going on each node
and compare with precheck
e. The pmCounters related to the feature activation of Enhanced uplink
2ms TTI and EUL Single HARQ need to be activated in the OSS –
Performance Management. It is the customer’s responsibility to
activate these scanners. Make note of any scanners that do not print
for these RNC scanners as well as the Node B scanners in step 4
below. Note that counters will be available after the normal 15 minute
sample time on these counters.

f. After a full ROP with the new license features activated, log into one
Node B to verify stepping on following counters

g. critical alarm that is new needs to be escalated as per MOP

h. Create CV in the RNC

i. Call MNRC and logout yourself in.(this step is usually done before

6. Troubleshooting steps

a. Troubleshooting Steps for eDchCapability - In addition to preserving a

quick postcheck, below command helps troubleshoot deactivated
featurestate Node Bs and EUL channels with edchTti2Support turned
"OFF." Not all cells will be functional for 2ms TTI. This is expected.
But if this is the case, please verify the reason why these are “OFF."

b. grep 'C2.*eDchCapability 0' * - This command seeks out split power

cells. Currently, split power cells are not eligible for eDch capability,
so these utrancells will not be activated for any specification of EUL.

c. hget utrancell cellreserved|opera|admin|edchTti2Support 0 - This

command prints cells that cellreserved (unlaunched), locked and
disabled. By definition these cells will not be elligible for
edchTti2Support. However, if cells are 'NOT RESERVED' but locked,
investigate why. It is possible that someone has locked these cells
erroneously. If so, investigate who is performing the lock and if
possible, unlock briefly to verify edchTti2Support.

d. hget IubLink=Iub_ opera|admin 0 - Sites that have the iublink link

locked and disabled have probably not been integrated yet. These
sites may have been loaded in the RNC but have yet to be built in the
field. Note accordingly.

e. After verifying these conditions with these commands, ensure there

are no sites with deactivated featurestates, that do not meet these
conditions. It may be necessary to open a separate AMOS session
for these sties and manually run the activation scripts
(AT&T_EUS2msTTI_PA1.mos and AT&T_EULSingleHarq_PA1.mos)

7. Fallback
a. In RBS, if featureStateGrake is ACTIVE ,Note eulMaxAllowedSchRate
value and get NodeBFunction eulMaxAllowedSchRate

b. set nodebfunction featureStateGrake 0, set nodebfunction

featureStateEul2msTti 0

c. Apply a manual restart of type ‘cold’ to the RBS.

d. get NodeBFunction featureStateEul2msTti,get NodeBFunction

featureStateGrake,get NodeBFunction eulMaxAllowedSchRate,get
RbsLocalCell maxEAgchPowerDlTti2,get RbsLocalCell
maxUserEHichPowerDlTti2 and Reset all the parameters

e. A - If the Aal2 Class A Bandwidth Improvement for EUL 10ms and 2ms
was activated in section 3.3.1 Step 4, then rollback this configuration.
get RncFunction=1 spare, set RncFunction=1 spare
x,x,x,x,0,x,x,x,x,x ,

f. Turn off event6d.

g. Using the ‘undo’ scripts mentioned in step 6 of the feature step by

step activation set the feature related RNC parameters back to their
original values.

h. Compare the results with those collected at the pre-check

Scope Challenges

Few of the challenges in performing this activity are as follows.

1. For efficient completion of activity the OSS perfomance is a key factor. As

mobatch is a perl script and pulls out lot of OSS resources (memory usage) it
is always recommended to have no parallel activity on the OSS which may
use lot of resources.

2. For number of nodes more than 80, the activity should be split between two

3. Connectivity issues on the node harms the process of activation of the


Scope Issue encountered so far in past

Few of the issues encountered in the past were

1. In case the node is not integrated, or does not have

connectivity the parameter can not be activated

2. The parameter can not be activated for split power

3. The parameter can not be set for 3rd carrier OBIF
nodes having previously loaded baseline

Lesson learnt

The activation should be performed in batches, the effect of

parameter change must be checked after each batch.

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