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The Amazing Healing Power of Questions!

One of the fastest ways to know yourself is through questions. Asking probing questions, especially the uncomfortable and challenging ones,
is one of the quickest ways to help you understand and accept yourself. Questions can be a powerful tool for self-growth and can ignite deep
introspection. Some of the questions listed below take courage to answer—they take the willingness to face yourself in an honest and
thoughtful way. There are no right answers—just truthful ones.

Regarding hypothetical situation questions, we may not always know exactly what we would do until the situation confronts us, but just
imagining what you might do can ellicit beneficial insights into yourself. Some of these questions listed are simple 'yes' and 'no' questions.
There are also questions that probe and allow you to search within to find what is real and authentic.

Sometimes you may find a question that is uncomfortable or that you just don't want to answer. It might be because it touches an unresolved
area of your life. Answering these questions can often bring the greatest self-realizations.

The questions are divided into different sections. They don't need to be answered in any particular order. You might want to write your answers
down and then in a year's time answer the questions again as a way of noticing how you've changed or what continues to be important to you
over the preceding year.

"Value Clarification" Questions

What qualities do you value the most in others? Which of these qualities do you feel that you currently possess?

What words do others use to describe you? If you wouldn't use the same words to describe yourself, what words
would you use? And why do you think that others see you differently than you see yourself?

What is something about yourself or your life that you are proud of?

What makes you sad? Happy?

What or who would you risk your life for and why?

If there was only one word that could go on your gravestone, what would it be?

If there was only one phrase that could go on your gravestone, what would it be?

If there was one cause that you could contribute $100,000 to, what would it be and why?

What are your top ten personal values and in what order are they important to you and why?

After you have answered all the above questions, ask yourself: "What values might someone possess who answered these questions in these
ways?" Go through each question, (with the exception of the last question) asking yourself this. For example, in response to the question:
"What are you most proud of?" You might have answered that you are most proud of your family. This answer might indicate someone for
whom 'love' and 'connection to others' are valuable qualities to them. If you answered that you were proudest of a short story for which you
won an award, this might indicate someone for whom 'creativity' or 'acknowledgement' was an important quality.

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"Know Yourself" Questions
What person do you feel closest to (safe with) and why? Who really knows you? Really 'gets' you?

If there was only one person that you could be with as you were dying, who would it be and why?

What is your most valued possession and why?

What are your best qualities?

What is the best advice you ever received and why?

What you do like/dislike about your body and why?

Given your current circumstances what will you be doing in five, ten, and twenty years? Are you happy about this?

If you had three wishes, what would they be? (One of the wishes can't be for more wishes.)

If you could be any animal, what would you choose and why?

Why do people like you? Dislike you?

If you could go anywhere in the world, expense free, where would you go and why?

Have you ever wanted to kill someone? If no one would ever know and you would never be punished, would you
have done it?

If you were going to die in the next few minutes, is there anyone that you would have regretted not having com-
municated something to. What is keeping you from telling that person today?

"What Are Your Dreams?" Questions

If you were given a million dollars, free and clear, and you can spend it on anything but bills, what would you
spend it on?'

If you never had to work and could do anything that you liked with your time, what would you do?

What would a perfect day be for you, starting with when you wake up until the next morning.

What would the perfect vacation be for you?

What would you love to be doing in five, ten, and twenty years?

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"Degree of Truth" Questions
To what degree are these statements true:

I treat everyone equally.

I put other's needs before my own needs.

My perception of myself is very accurate.

I care deeply about what people think about me after I'm dead.

I will lie rather than hurt someone's feelings

I am totally honest and trustworthy.

I care what others think of me.

"More Like a . . . " Questions

Are you more like (and why):

A silk blouse or a T-shirt?

The sun or the moon?

A glass of wine or a mug of beer?

The wild heather or a pink rose?

The heavens or the earth?

A Mercedes or a Jeep?

A dolphin or an eagle?

"Open Ended Statements" Questions

I get angry when . . .

I get frustrated when . . .

I feel hurt when . . .

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I feel completely joyous when . . .

I want to yell out loud when . . .

I want to have sex when . . .

I don't want anyone to know . . .

I'm afraid of . . .

The best thing that ever happened to me was . . .

I can totally be open and reveal myself when . . .

I'm embarrassed to admit that . . .

No matter what, I'm determined to . . .

I am unrealistic when . . .

"What if?" Questions

What if you are on a sinking ship with 500 people and there is a life boat that can only hold ten people, why (or
why not) should you be one of the people on that life raft?

What if you could only take one person to a desert island for one year, who would it be and why?

What if you could have any skill, what would it be and why?

What if you could view any event in history, what would you like to see and why?

What if you could be anyone in history for one day, who would you be and why?

What if you could do something illegal or immoral that no one would ever know and there would be no conse-
quences, would you do it, and if so, what would it be?

What if there was any event in your life that you could relive, what would it be and why?

What if you could know exactly how your life is going to proceed, would you want to know?

What if you could know when you were going to die, would it make a difference in the way that you live your life

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"Fast Track" Questions
These are questions that you answer quickly, without thinking—just the first thing that enters your mind. Write
your answer out as fast as you can without worrying about spelling punctuation or neatness.

If you had to choose one genre of movie to see for the next five years what would it be? Drama, comedy,
romance, action, murder mystery, historical, science fiction, documentary, independent film, horror, children's, or

If your life was a movie what would it be titled?

What is a favorite movie from your childhood? Book? What games did you love to play and why?

What is a favorite movie from your adulthood? Book?

If you could go out to lunch with anyone from history, whom would you go out with?

If you could be anybody from history who would you be?

If you could have three homes anywhere in the world, where would they be?

What would you most like to do with a free hour?

Where do you put the bulk of your attention? (on self, others, work, complaints, daydreams, nature, God, etc.? )

If you could choose any name for yourself, what would you chose?

What, if anything, do you do to avoid feelings? (alcohol, food, work?)

What is your most valued possession?

If there was a natural disaster and you could only save one thing from your home, what would it be?

After answering these questions, go through your answers and look to see if there are any themes or common
patterns emerging?

Naming Questions
If your soul (inner essence) had a name, what might it be?

If your inner opponent (saboteur) and your inner ally (hero) had names, what would they be?

If you had to choose another name for yourself, what might it be and why?

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If you had to choose a native or nature name (like Native Americans do), what name would you choose for
yourself and why?

If there were names for all your roles/sub-personalities what would they be?

If you had a secret "super hero" code name what would it be?

"What makes your Soul . . ." Questions

If you could hear your soul speaking to you right now, loud and clear, what would it be saying?

What makes your Soul want to sing?

What makes your Soul want to dance?

What makes your Soul joyous?

What makes your Soul feel close to God.

What makes your Soul feel free?

What makes your Soul feel drained?

What makes your Soul feel despair?

"If you…" Questions

If you absolutely could not get hurt, what would you want to attempt to do?

If you would never be found out or punished, would you do something illegal?

If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

If you would never die, what would you do today?

If you never had to work, would you work anyway?

If you could be successful at any other profession, other than the one you currently possess, what would you

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"What is it to be . . ." Questions
What is it to be powerful?

What is it to be noble?

What is it to be living a fulfilling life?

What is it to be authentic?

What is it to be in denial?

What is it to be present?

What is it to be free?

What is it to be kind?

What is it to be spiritual?

What is it to be totally at peace with yourself?

"When was . . . " Questions

When was the last time you gazed at the stars?

When was the last time you felt truly loved?

When have you lived your passion?

When will you start living your passion?

When have you felt truly relaxed?

When was the last time you were spontaneous and silly?

When was the last time you danced naked?

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"Decision A . . . Decision B" Questions
You can use the healing power of questions when faced with a decision in your life. For example, if you can't
decide whether to A-stay in your job or B-accept another job out of town, the questions below can help you with
that decision.

If you choose option A, what do you imagine that will feel like now? In one year? in five years? If you choose
option B, what do you imagine that will it feel like now? In one year? In five years?

If you choose option A/B, does your choice come out of being nice or being real?

What really bothers you about this situation/dilemma? (Keep writing until you run out of responses to get to the
core answer. Once you get to the core answer, the next question could help.)

What action can I take now to get the results I want?

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