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now we’ve finally arrived at our first (second…) destination of our tour, and I’d like to
tell you a bit (more) about the city Saint Petersburg. Can you guys all hear me? Emmm… you,
the boy in a black shirt, what’s your name? Ok, David (or whatever), you hear me, great,
then let’s start.

Now, we are at a place called дмиралтейская набережная, or in English, Admiralty

Embankment. Here, right behind me, what do you guys see? Right, a huge lion
sculpture/monument, which is called Львы Дворцовой пристани, or in English, the Lions at
the Dvortsovaya pier.

Why did I take you guys here? Because the monument looks cool, and here you have a
beautiful view over the sea? Well, that is one of the reasons, but acutually, there is another,
more important reason. I wanted to show you this monument, because it is inseparably
connected with the history of Petersburg and Russian culture.

Does any of you know who Alexander Pushkin is? Oh, you know who he is? Who is that?
Right, he is one of the… or probably the most important poets and writers in the history of
the Russian literature. And among his works, probably the most famous poems, which in fact
every Russian kid in your age reads and partly “memorizes” is called “The Bronze
Horseman”, and here, where we are right now, is exactly the place where one of the most
dramatic events in this poem took place. Now, I’d like to tell you what exactly happened in
the novel, but in order to understand it well, you need to understand some special features
of the city Petersburg.

As you guys probably realized, Petersburg is a quite unusual city. It has a whole bunch of
unique monuments and architectural harmony. But the architecture is not the only thing
that separates Petersburg from other cities in Russia. Another important feature is that
Petersburg is located “ON” a river, a very deep and cold river called “Neva”.

In certain sense, you could say that Neva is “the Lord” of Petersburg …

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