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Pham 1

Dalena Pham

Professional Goals:

In the next five years, I plan to…

1. Work a full-time position at United Regional or the surrounding areas such as Clinics

of North Texas or Kell West Regional Hospital.

2. Get certified in computed tomography (CT)
3. Apply to the Masters program through Midwestern State University.

The next 20 years, I plan to…

1. Work in a Dallas/Fort Worth hospital.

2. Complete the Masters program through Midwestern State University.
3. Be a lead technologist in a hospital.
Pham 2


Growing up I never thought about becoming a radiologic technologist or even heard

about of a radiologic technologist until I came to Midwestern State University. However, my

freshman year I thought I was going to be a nursing major, until it was about my sophomore year

something changed my thought to becoming a radiology major. Majoring in the medical field, I

started out lacking in communication with the patients. Going through this program, I have

obtained the ability to overcome my shy shell and soft spoken self to becoming a more extravert

and a projectile voice when interacting to those who are scared as well as those who I do not

know as well. With the capability to communicate to the patient in a voice to ease the one who is

scared and has no clue about what is going on is an important aspect to carry because this will

help build a good rapport between the patient and the technologist (or any healthcare worker).

Patient care is another necessity in the radiology. In the healthcare environment, it is essential to

perform the exam in the best care as possible as well as achieving a diagnostic image for the

doctors. To promote my profession in the community I will share and talk to the community

about what I do in my profession and how it affects me and other people in the healthcare. This

can be done in many ways such as through social media, which can promote articles from

sources such as the Radiologic Journal, or go to schools such as high schools/colleges to promote

what we do as radiologic technologist. My role in this profession is to positively promote the

radiologic technologists as well as being a patient advocate.

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