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CHEM 2701 – Assignment 2 – Week 11, 12 (5% of final grade)

Pre-Health Chemistry II (standard)

/15 marks
My assignment is due on: ____________________________________ by 11:59 PM via DC Connect.

 As you are finishing the the Pre-Health Science program, it is important to gain a deeper appreciation
for the process of research and independent learning.
 Knowing how to critically analyze resources and draw conclusions is a valuable skill you will apply
throughout your future studies and career in health care.

Learning Outcomes and Content:

The assignment contains course content from week 11-12. The following learning outcomes (LO) are
addressed throughout this assignment.
 LO 5.3 Describe the uses and examples of important mon-, di- and polysaccharides
 LO 5.18 Describe the conditions that can cause proteins to denature
 LO 5.20 Explain why enzymes are vital in body chemistry
 LO 5.25 Examine the relationship between biomolecules and the health of the human body
 LO 5.26 Examine current issues in the media related to chemistry and the health of the human body

 This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade.
 Points have been attributed to each question.
 While you may work in pairs or small groups to complete the assignment, each student must submit
their own original work. Please refer to the Academic Integrity policy if you are unsure of specifics
regarding academic integrity:
 Assignments may be checked for authenticity using TurnItIn software.

Handing in your work:

 Submit your completed work to the appropriate Assignment folder in DC Connect.
 Accepting hardcopy submissions is at the discretion of your instructor.
 Refer to the course outline for policies surrounding late submissions.

Other things to note:

 Show all work for full marks.
 Answer using full sentences providing a complete rationale.

CHEM 2701 – Assignment 2 – Week 11, 12 Page 1 of 4

1. [6 marks] Many mono-, di- and polysaccharides have important uses in the body. Research to learn more
about one example each of a common mono-, di- and polysaccharide. Provide the name of the saccharide
and briefly summarize the function in the body in 1-2 sentences.

Monosaccharide Disaccharide Polysaccharide

Name Glucose Lactose Cellulose

Milk Sugar. This is

Glucose is an important Cellulose is the
composed of Glucose +
energy source for our structural element
Galactose. This is used
bodies, composed of 6 contained in plants, and
primarily as an energy
Function in the body carbons. Without glucose, is fiber for our bodies. It
source in the body, and
we would not have energy is responsible for
the enzyme lactase
and our blood levels would helping the digestive
breaks down the
be out of homeostasis. system.

2. [2 marks] In the lab you will perform an experiment to see the effect of temperature on protein/enzyme
denaturation. Research to find 2 other factors that can cause proteins to denature. Provide the name of the
factor and briefly in 1-2 sentences summarize how it leads to enzyme denaturation.

Factor 1 Factor 2

Name of factor Temperature pH

According to what was discussed

in class, proteins/enzymes are
Temperature (heat) is able to affect most effective when they are
hydrogen bonds within the within a narrow pH range. When
protein/enzyme. When these bonds these pH levels
How it denatures enzymes
are impacted, they break which causes decrease/increase, they are
the protein/enzyme to lose its subject to denaturation due to
structure, which results in denaturation. the pH falling out of balance due
to higher acidity levels or basic

3. [2 marks] Antabuse is a prescription medication used in the treatment of chronic alcoholism. Antabuse
impacts the enzyme responsible for breaking down alcohol. Research to find the name of the enzyme
Antabuse acts on. Then briefly summarize in 1-2 sentences the consequence of this enzyme action.

Enzyme Antabuse acts on Aldehyde dehydrogenase

Consequence of this enzyme action The consequence of the enzyme action results in the
enzyme inhibiting steps required for the metabolism of
alcohol. As such, if a person consumes alcohol while
taking Antabuse, it is going to result in the body being
CHEM 2701 – Assignment 2 – Week 11, 12 Page 2 of 4
unable to metabolize the toxicity of the alcohol
appropriately, which will result in the person becoming
very sick.

Canada’s food guide recently experienced some major changes. You can view the old food guide here:
aliment/print_eatwell_bienmang-eng.pdf and the new food guide here:

The changes have been controversial. The new food guide contains little meat or dairy.

Each food group in the new food guide is further broken down. Read more about each type of food group here:
 Proteins:
 Vegetables and fruits:
 Whole grains:

4. [2 marks] Consider your own eating habits. Is there a food group you eat too much of? Is there a food
group you eat too little of? Or, if you have a well-balanced diet, what do you do to make sure you maintain
a well-balanced diet?

Based on reviewing the food guide, I certainly eat too many carbohydrates and too little protein.
Protein has been difficult for me because I like to make ethical decisions concerning food choices; I
am trying to avoid eating animal products. As such, protein intake is limited as a result (and
because I have zero creativity in the kitchen). However, I consume a lot of starch and
carbohydrates (pasta, wheat, etc). This is has resulted in excessive weight-gain, which I am trying
to lose via high intensity exercise.

5. [3 marks] Predict what might happen in the body to someone with the following eating habits.

Someone who consumes a significant amount of carbohydrates

may have little emergency over a long-period of time. As learned
in biology and reinforced in chemistry, carbohydrates provide
Too many carbohydrates
short-term energy. As such, someone on a significant
carbohydrate diet may experience lower long-term energy and
might also experience changes in blood-sugar levels.
Too few proteins The body needs a fuel source and protein is responsible for
repairing and building muscle and hormone production, for
example. In the event of a protein-deficit diet, the body may
consume fat as an energy source, which will result in decreased
weight. In addition, protein helps build muscle so in the absence

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of protein; the body may lose muscle mass as well.

I think it’s well established that consuming too my fats/lipids leads

to a number of health implications including heart disease, etc.
Too many fats/lipids According to research I found online, consuming a diet that is rich
in saturated fats is likely to lead to other health problems as well
such as high cholesterol.

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