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Marking scheme final examination Physics Form 4 2018

1 (a) Pascal’s Principle 1 1

(b) Force needed to compress the air bubble 1 1
(c) (i) Pressure at X , Px = 50 N / (10 x 10-4 ) 1 2
Px = 50 000 Pa @ 5 Ncm 1
(ii) Weight of load, W = 50 000 x (100 x 10-4 ) 1 1
W = 500 N
Total 5

A property of matter that enables an object to return to its size

2. (a) 1 1
and shape when the force that was acting on it is removed.
Diagram 2.1 in series arrangement.
(b) (i) 1 1
Diagram 2.2 in parallel arrangement.
(ii) Diagram 2.1 > Diagram 2.2 1 1
Series arrangement, longer extension //
(iii) 1 1
Parallel arrangement, shorter extension.
Increase, decrease/ inversely proportional/
(iv) 1 1
spring constant α 1/extension
Reduce the diameter of spring coil//increase the diameter of
spring//Reduce the length of the spring
(c) 2
To increase the spring constant//to increase the stiffness of the
spring// less elastic spring// low extension
(d) Hooke’s law 1 1

Total 8

3. (a) Product of mass and velocity. 1 1

(b) Stability // do not toggle // stable 1 1

0 = m1v1 + m2v2 1
0 = 0.4 (v1) + (-8.0)
(c) 2
v1 = 2.0 ms-1
(d) Reduce mass of the bottle // mass of water projected downwards 1 1

Total 5
4. (a) Heat energy required to increase the temperature of 1 kg 1 1
substance by 1 0C


Sea breeze 1 2
Q=mcƟ 1
(c) c=Q/mƟ 2
= (100 000J) / (10 000 X 0.00256) 1
= 3906.25 J kg-1 0C -1
(d) Hot afternoon 1 1

Total 6

5. (a) Bernoulli’s Principle 1

(b) (i) The distance of lady A and the train is shorter// smaller// 1
lower than lady B // vice versa
(ii) The speed of air flows between lady A and the train is 1
greater than lady B // vice versa
(iii) The pressure of air exerted between the train and lady A 1
is smaller // lower than lady B // vice versa
The greater the distance the lower the speed of air flow 1

(d) The greater the speed of air the lower the pressure 1

(e) Difference in pressure 1

(f) Wings in aeroplane / shape of automobiles / racing car wings / 1

Bunsen burner / carburetor / sprayer
Total 8
7. (a) Thermal equilibrium 1 1

(b) (i) = 20 – 6 // 14 cm 1 1

(ii) = (16 – 6)/(20 – 6) x 100 1

= 71.43oC 1 2

(iii) Less than 100oC 1 1

(c) (i) 30 – 45//small 1 1

(ii) Normal body temperature is 37oC 1 1

(iii) Small 1 1

(iv) Not too big//increase sensitivity 1 1

(v) 0.1//small 1 1

(vi) Increase sensitivity/accuracy 1 1

(vii) Q 1 1
Total 12

8. (a) Convex lens 1

(b) (i) 1 - Optical centre

- Focal point with
1 - Position of object

Max 2 m

(ii) Real and magnified 1 Both must be stated

to get 1 mark
(c) (i) Big//larger//greater 1

More light can passes trough the lens 1 2

(ii) Shorter focal length eyepiece 1
To get greater magnification 1
(iii) At the focal point of objective lens/eyepiece lens 1

To get normal adjustment 1 2

Total 10
9. (a) Rate of change of displacement 1

(b) (i) The mass of the ball in 9.1 and 9.2 is the same 1

Velocity of bat in diagram 9.1 is smaller / lower than 1

diagram 9.2

Force that being exerted to the ball in Diagram 9.1 is

lower / smaller than diagram 9.2 1 3
(ii) The greater the velocity of the ball, the greater the 1
(iii) The greater the change of momentum, the greater the 1

(c)  Safety pad/helmet is made from spongy/ soft material at

the inside 1
 Lengthen the time of impact
 Produce low impulsive force
 Not hurt / low percentage of injury 1 4
(d) Modification Reason Marks
Material used :
Soft spongy/ elastic material To avoid injury 2
Strong materials Withstand the impact // long lasting // do 2
not break easily
Size :
Large To cover large area 2
Thicker Lengthen the time of impact // reduce
impulsive force 2
Safety features
Use bright colour Easy to be seen 2
Light Easy to bring it to location 2

Max 10 marks
Total 20

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