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MM Komunikasi


Ujian Tengah Semester Ganjil, Tahun 2018/2019

MataKuliah PR Research, Measurement & Eva (Take Home)

Dosen Elizabeth Goenawan Ananto, Ph.D
Hari/tanggal Kamis, 7 Februari 2019
Waktu Sampai dengan Tgl 14 Feb 2019 (batch 27)
Buat 3 soal teori (@ 60%) dan 1 kasus wajib (40%)

(1) Gambarkan secara sistimatis bagaimana proses research dalam public

relations dilakukan, untuk apa dan kapan harus dilakukan?
Cite clearly systemactic steps on how to conduct research in PR.
What is the significance of research and when should it be conducted?

(2) Dalam prakteknya public relations lebih menekankan banyaknya distribusi

surat, brosur, press release yang dikeluarkan – dibandingkan dengan
kegiatan yang dapat merubah sikap publik. Mengapa hal ini terjadi dan
sejauhmana Anda dapat membuktikan bahwa program public relations
tersebut efektif di era digital ini.
In most cases, PROs put more emphasis on disseminating information
through brochures, releases (output), instead of doing activities that could
change attitude and behavior (outcome).
Why so – and how can you prove PR effectiveness in this digital era?

(3) Mengapa ROI dianggap tidak realistik dalam dunia public relations – Berikan
pandangan para pakar akademisi dan praktisi yang mungkin berbeda.
Apa yang menjadi KPI kegiatan Komunikasi / PR disana?
Why ROI is considered not realistic in PR? What do you know about
academic and practitioners’ different point of veiws?
What is the KPI of PR activities in your company you work for?
Studi Kasus

Looking thoroughly at your surrounding, whether in your office, your household

environments or general phenomena.
 What is the gap – between what is expected and what is actually happening?
The result should give input on what should be done.
 Set up a case and you will have to decide which research should be
conducted based on the existing situation.
 Analyze each of the research and make sure that you have understood the
knowledge of PR research discussed in class.

Write up a two-page report of your research proposal.

 What are you going to write
 How do you identify the problems – problem identification
 What do you expect from the research – research result
 How are you going to conduct the research, the sampling methods,
 What theoretical framework do you propose?
Good luck !

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