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Mom, what can I write about her

I could write a thousand of pages, or just write the word Love

Five minutes of life

Just arrived in this world
What a sweetie look, this smell,
Hummmm , and is so warm.
Is this haven?
Is this the person who used to talk to me?
Is she the one called Mom?
I think she is

Seven months old

Ok, I got it.
I just have to cry, so she comes

Three years old

Mon, Can you read to me?
Sing to me.
Mom, I am tired. Can you carry me in your arms?
Can you fell that?
Is so calm, so in peace…..

Five years old

Mom, play with me.
Mom, I am hungry.
Mom, I am sleepy.
Mom, I am cold
Mon I am afraid, please, hold my hand

Mom, What is love?

Ten years old

Mom, can you help me with my homework?
Mom, did you see my book?
Do you know where my tennis are?
I cannot find my white jacket.
Mom, can I go to play at my friend´s house?
When I grow up, I will be…..

Fifteen years old

Mom, my 15 years old party will be unforgetable
Twenty five Yeats old.
Mom, Can I borrow your red blouse?
And those black shoes, can you lend them to me?
Am I beautiful?
Mom, I am going to the cinema and have dinner after, do not know at what time I will be back.

Mom, are you crying?

Are you feeling any pain? I thought you never feel anything.
Please tell me.
You mean everything to me, what can I do for you?

No, my dear
Is just that you grow up
When you were hungry, I fed you
When you were cold, I warmed you
When you were afraid , I held you hand
When you were sad, you laid your head on legs.
When you did not know where your things were, I found them.

Oh, Mom, please forgive me.

How could I think that you did not feel cold, hunger,
Never were sad, or cry.
As if you are not a human being.

No, my dear, there is nothing to forgive.

Now you are ready to face the world.
And I will watch you bloom.
with tears in my eyes.
I will vibrate with your victories.
With all my happiness.
And hold you in difficult moments.
With all my love
because I will always be Mom.
And, there is no better gift that to see your child grow up happy and healthy.

Yes, I might be just a human being

But, mom…..
A Mom is something that you cannot define.
It is like you try to translate the word LOVE.
It is impossible.
Being mom, is fell that your heart is beating out side of your body.
Being mom, is just being mom.
Oh, não, passei 20 años, pensando que você, era tudo para mim, perfeita, não choraba, não sentía frio,
não tinha fome e não tinha medo.

Você, foi meu mundo, meu porto seguro, minha referencia, meu tudo

Mas antes desse tudo, você è um ser humano assim como eu,

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