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Luiyyi Espino

February 26- March 1, 2019

Lesson Plans

4th Grade

1. Listen to 2 songs
2. Language Log pg 30.
3. Language pg 31.

1. Listen to 2 songs
2. Language log pg 32.
3. Language log pg 33.


1. Listen to 2 songs.
2. What is a time capsule, reading log pag 38.
3. Comprehension exercises 1,2 , 3 and 4 pg 42 and 5, 6 and 7 from pg 43.
4. writing log pg 36.

1. Listen to 2 songs.
2. phonics and spelling Log pg 13.
3. We are going to work with the vocabulary and grammar unit 2.
5th Grade


1. Listen to 2 songs
2. Language Log pg 28.
3. Language pg 29.


1. Listen to 2 songs
2. Language log pg 29.
3. Language log pg 30.



1. Listen to 2 songs.
2. What is a time capsule, reading log pag 38.
3. Comprehension exercises 1,2 , 3 and 4 pg 42 and 5, 6 and 7 from pg 43.
4. Writing log pg 36.

1. Listen to 2 songs

2. We are going to listen a video, 2 peter 3:18 the rizers, then we are going to
see a video about Salomon story, Religion.

3. Art.
6th/7th Grade


1. Listen to 2 songs
2. Language Log pg 28.
3. Language pg 29.

1. Listen to 2 songs.
2. Language log pg 29.
3. Language log pg 30.
4. I am going to present to them a project, where they have to learn a Christian
song and they have to write the meaning from the song and also they have
to sing the chorus.


1. Listen to 2 songs.
2. What is a time capsule, reading log pag 38.
3. Comprehension exercises 1, 2 , 3 and 4 pg 42 and 5, 6 and 7 from pg 43.

1. Listen to 2 songs.
2. Phonics and spelling Log pg 13.
3. We are going to work with the vocabulary and grammar unit 2.
4. Art.

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