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Creative Nonfiction
Direction: On your answer sheet, write the letter of the correct answer. (50 pts.)

1. It is a French word that means type.

a. literature b. genre c. introduction d. plot
2. It is a product from the imagination but with truthfulness of what has been happening around
a. fiction b. nonfiction c. canon d. literature
3. Written in prose format and published as a book
a. drama b. novel c. short story d. theater play
4. Stems from komeode which means merrymakings
a. farce b. musical theatre c. satire d. comedy
5. Demonstrates existentialism that rejects the realistic characters, settings, solutions, and thereby presents meaninglessness and
isolation of human life
a. absurd play b. historical drama c. farce d. satire
6. It employs different comic exaggeration to mock human behavior in the chance of being transformed or corrected.
a. farce b. comedy c. satire d. tragedy
7. It is grounded in ancient drama, yet critics looked down on it as vulgar.
a. satire b. historical drama c. farce d. tragedy
8. Can be Italian or Shakespearean with 14 lines illustrating emotions, feelings, and ideas.
a. ode b. sonnet c. psalm d. corrido
9. This shows eight syllables which is spoken to synchronize a martial tap.
a. spoken poetry b. corrido c. epic d. folksong
10. Can be comic or tragic whose goal is to bring social changes in the community.
a. folksong b. social poem c. elegy d. ode
11. In the structure of poetry, if a stanza has 5 lines, it is called a/an –
a. tercet b. cinquain c. sexain d. quatrain
12. Presents a series of abstract ideas and images depicted in a narrative.
a. allegory b. metonymy c. paradox d. synecdoche
13. It is a word or phrase that is used to represent for another word.
a. paradox b. symbolism c. personification d. metonymy
14. Types of creative nonfiction include the following except
a. autobiography b. reflection essay c. testimonia d. Shakesperean sonnet
15. The writing process differs from one writer to another since writing is subjective. This statement is
a. true b. false c. opinionated d. either way
16. The following steps are involved in the writing process (essay) except
a. knowing the topic b. brainstorming ideas c. outlining d. gathering data
17. It is the time where the readers understand how the writer’s experience will enable him or her to be successful or a failure from
such ordeal.
a. rising action b. exposition c. crisis situation d. denouement
18. Takes place when the readers comprehend the problem of the story.
a. dramatic question b. crisis situation c. falling action d. inciting moment
19. It is the reversal of the story that depicts the moment of final suspense.
a. falling action b. rising action c. exposition d. dramatic question
20. It is a response from the inciting moment.
a. denouement b. dramatic question c. exposition d. climax
21. It is a narrative of a story that can be transformed into a film. It consists of a page with longer and detailed synopsis summarized
into one or two paragraphs.
a. memoir b. plot outline c. plot devices d. drama
22. It pertains to the arrangement of events in a story governed by cause and effect relationship. It is the design or motif of the story
of how it will progress.
a. plot b. denouement c. summary d. crisis situation
23. ______________________ is/are portrayal of people or animals in a narrative wherein attitudes can be manifested in direct or
indirect characterization.
a. point of view b. characters c. character voice d. symbols
24. Point of view wherein the narrator uses the pronoun ‘you’ in telling the story of another person or the narrator himself/herself
a. First-person point of view c. Third-person point of view
b. Second person point of view d. Alternating person
25. Can be seen through the narrator who is the character in his or her own way and this can be illustrated in the pronoun ‘I’ or very
seldom using the pronoun ‘we’ when referring to a group
a. First-person point of view c. Third-person point of view
b. Second person point of view d. Alternating person
26. It is used in novels when authors experiment different points of view even if it is suggested that they establish a single point of
a. First-person point of view c. Third-person point of view
b. Second person point of view d. Alternating person
27. It is employed in the first-person point of view by trying to reproduce the inner thoughts of the narrative character so it may
provide an explanation or foreshadow a situation.
a. character voice b. stream-of-consciousness c. character voice d. unreliable voice
28. It is employed in the first-and-third-person-viewpoints wherein the storyteller portrays how the character views humanity and the
a. character voice b. epistolary voice c. character voice d. unreliable voice
29. It involves the use of uncertain or doubtful narrator who provides the reader’s skepticism, a level of suspicion, or anonymity as to
the validity of the information.
a. stream-of-consciousness b. character voice c. unreliable voice d. epistolary voice
30. It is when the narrator conveys feelings, thoughts to one or more characters.
a. subjective voice b. objective voice c. omniscient voice d. alternating voice
31. It is a technique of presenting the character’s voice without inhibitions using the third-person narration.
a. free indirect speech b. alternating voice c. objective voice d. subjective voice
32. It is the emotional sensitivity or mood the reader gets from the story.
a. theme b. moral c. atmosphere d. narrative time
33. ______________________ is employed by writers to make the literary piece interesting and the ability of not giving the literal
sense of the ideas or things.
a. plot device b. scene c. incongruity d. symbolism
34. It is the conversation between two or more characters in the story.
a. incongruity b. inner dialogue c. outer dialogue d. understatement
35. It is a position when there is a gap between what is said and what is meant.
a. understatement b. irony c. hyperbole d. incongruity
36. It is a story of a person’s life in a specific moment in time that is told by the person himself/herself.
a. biography b. journal c. diary d. autobiography
37. These are emotional accounts and personal experiences of the writer.
a. journals b. diaries c. letters d. memoirs
38. These are narrower in focus, carrying memories, feelings, and emotions of the writer.
a. journals b. diaries c. letters d. memoirs
39. ______________________ is a precise, well-researched report of which a reporter follows a topic, subject, or theme for a long
period of time and then provides a personal angle on it.
a. close reading b. practical research c. reportage d. personal narrative
40. Embraces the personal accounts of a writer on travel as he or she evaluates the food, hotels, restaurants, and best sites to visit.
a. journal b. flash essay c. reflection essay d. travelogue
41. Belongs to social networking service where it portrays an online discussion among writers as they engage in an informal diary-
method of presenting their stories.
a. literary journalism b. flash essay c. blog d. testimonio
42. Consists of a person’s written or spoken statement on a product or experience
a. testimonio b. memoir c. reflection essay d. flash essay
43. It serves as the text of the play.
a. lines b. act c. scene d. script
44. This is usually one sentence, that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, and is developed, supported,
and explained in the text by means of examples and evidence.
a. introduction b. gist c. summary d. thesis statement
45. An intensification of the conflict in a play
a. complication b. convention c. diction d. resolution
46. It is the part of a proscenium stage that sticks out into the audience in front of the proscenium arch.
a. apron b. aside c. hippodromes d. thrust
47. When an external source resolves the entanglements of a play by supernatural intervention.
a. denouement b. deux ex machina c. catharsis d. in medias res
48. These characters do not change in the course of the play.
a. foil b. flat c. round d. confidante
49. The point at which the action of the plot turns in an unexpected direction for the protagonist - from failure to success or success to
a. repertory b. peripeteia c. recognition d. satire
50. It is considered to be a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory.
a. historical research b. movie review c. book review d. critique

Everybody is a GENIUS. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is

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Teacher III SHS Focal Person, MT – I Principal II

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