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Ana Vest

Reflection Paper Assignment

EDT 180D
April 25, 2019

I never realized how much I didn't know about technology until I took this course. I always

thought I was somewhat familiar with these applications but, I had no idea. I learned so many

skills that I lacked before. Reasons why this has been an extremely beneficial class for me. At

first, I found myself struggling with the outside of class assignments just because I couldn’t

remember the little things said throughout lecture. But once I realized Professor Lewallen

provided for us the screencast it made everything so much easier, just because I was able to go

back and forth with the parts I didn’t understand fully. I feel really accomplished finishing this

course because I know that my application skills tremendously grew.I know that I learned skills

that will help me through my lifetime not only career wise but personal life as well.

The application I was most familiar with was Word. Even though I was so use to Google Docs I

thought I had figured my way through this application, but after our lesson with word I learned

that I hadn't. I learned so many new features and shortcuts that made my life way easier. For

example, the simple way of increasing the font size without having to manually putting it in.

That was probably one of the “duh” moments for me because it was such a simple thing that I

never knew of throughout my previous education. As well as learning the proper way to have a

header and footer. I know that Word will continue to be an application I will use forever.

PowerPoint was probably one of my favorite applications. Growing up I didn’t really use

PowerPoint but to me it was very similar to Google Slides. I really enjoyed learning about Word

Art and the Animation factors when working with PowerPoint. It was also nice to learn about

how the background and font of your PowerPoint is important, because before this course I just

tended to pick what I thought looked the nicest without taking the audience point of view into

Ana Vest
Reflection Paper Assignment
EDT 180D
April 25, 2019

consideration. I know this was probably one of the most beneficial applications to me because

wanting to be a teacher. I know I now have the skills and knowledge to make an appealing

PowerPoint. It will also help me throughout the rest of my college journey. I know that I will

have plenty of PowerPoint presentations that I will have to do.

The lesson on Excel was probably the one I struggled with the most. I had never worked with

Excel until this course. I always saw people at my work doing it but never took the initiative to

learn. I am grateful to now be able to go into work confidently to offer my help and support. It

amazed me to see how simple it was to put a simple equation and all the work was being done

for you. I must admit at first getting the hang of the equation was tough, but I managed to end up

confident when using Excel. I know it will to continue to be a beneficial application throughout

my education. Overall, I feel grateful for have taken this course.

Word Count: 536

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