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Judges, Senior Project Panel

First Colonial High School

1272 Mill Dam Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Dear Judges:

“Sometimes, we don’t get to choose where our talents lie.” -Don Draper, ​Mad Men

I decided to apply for the Legal Studies Academy (LSA) at First Colonial High School (FCHS)
after seeing their presentation at “Academy Night” when I was in eighth grade. Coming from
Landstown Middle School, I was far out of the zone of FCHS and had no friends for a few
weeks. Why did I make this leap out of my comfort zone? It was because the LSA presentation
was entertaining and welcoming. I knew I wanted to go into an academy, but I didn’t know
exactly which one would be a good fit. Once I saw how the LSA students bonded together like a
family, I knew that was where I saw myself spending my high school years.

I never really had a passion for law. However, I was excited to learn about it because it was
something new and different from anything else I’d studied. I was eager to find out more about
the legal process. In fact, I still think fondly of my classes in criminal justice and intro to law.
Interestingly, like many of my peers, the LSA actually helped me decide I want absolutely
nothing to do with law. After this realization, I decided to major in biomedical engineering. In
that field, I can pursue the love for math and science I found while in the LSA and be able to
help people in a tangible way.

My biggest praise for the LSA would not be its ability to teach a basic understanding of the law,
but rather its focus on instilling solid public speaking skills, often turning shy middle schoolers
into proficient presenters. This is exemplified by the very first assignment in “Introduction to
Law,” a presentation on your summer in front of 29 other students I personally had never seen
before. This philosophy carries through all four years, as in every legal studies class you are
expected to present your work and ideas to your class and teacher. The most beneficial classes in
the LSA are not the legal ones, but rather oratory and ethics, as they cement your public speaking
skills and give you the opportunity for the first time in high school to research a topic you truly
care about.

Through these two classes and my chosen research topics, I was able to realize my true passion
for the environment and marine life. I found I naturally tended to select topics such as whaling,
water pollution, fracking, and most importantly shark finning. I learned about shark finning a
few years ago while browsing the internet and I could not believe the barbaric and inhumane act
of finning was taking place all over the world, killing millions of sharks a year. In my final year
for my senior project, I knew I wanted to spread awareness of the practice of shark finning.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read and listen to everything all of us
students have to say. We truly appreciate it.


Seth Jarvis

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