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Alexandra Guillen Reflection Paper Assignment EDT180D

Alexandra Guillen


Gary Lewallen

25 April 2019

Reflection Paper

When I first signed up for EDT10 I remember thinking this class is going to be so boring, what

could I possibly learn if I am already capable of using the applications that I normally use such

as Word, Google Docs and Microsoft. I also sort of thought I knew what to expect since I had

taken this same course with a different instructor. I was so wrong, I learned so much in this

course and I found new exciting things to explore. I can honestly say I enjoyed the class and

everything it had to offer. I am especially grateful that I took this course with Mr. Lewallen

because the instructor I had before didn’t show me anything knew like Mr. Lewallen. The

syllabus had shown so many things that we were going to do I was a little intimidated and

thought it would be a workload. Although at time it was, it was a fun workload to accomplish

and its knowledge that will stick with me forever because as a student and future educator I will

encounter technology each and every day.

That being said, there were some topics that I enjoyed and some that I found confusing. Some topics that were

discussed included “Netiquette”, how to create a website, and even how to create the best password to

accounts so that no one could hack you or guess your password. Something that really struck and

stood out to me the most about this class is the idea that emails never truly go away and also that

scams are quite commonly seen throughout the Internet. This really shocked me because I really
Alexandra Guillen Reflection Paper Assignment EDT180D

didn’t know they always stayed there and now I can say I am more cautious about what and who

I email. I will definitely use these skills in my future since communicating through E-mail is

commonly seen within educators today and that is my profession. By learning these useful skills,

I am able to become more cautious in my classroom, so I do not cause potential danger to myself

or to my students. One of the most difficult concepts to cover within the class was how to use the

Excel program. This program confused me since there were so many different formulas that

needed to be used in order to create an accurate excel sheet. I had difficulty with this since one

tiny mistake in a formula can cause the entire result to show up as an error. It really took me a

few times before I was able to master this. One of my favorite things to do in the course were

coding and the research project. These would have to be my favorite because coding sounded so

harsh and complicated which made me nervous and at first, I didn’t want to learn to code. It was

my overall favorite task and I find myself coding outside of class which I could also use when I

become a teacher because technology inclusion is vital especially in today’s era. I would say the

project was also something I enjoyed because it encouraged me to use these tools that I learned

into heh classroom for future projects at ASU or in my classroom once I am a teacher.

If It wasn’t clear already, I obviously really enjoyed this class, I can’t say I enjoyed everyone in

the class because at timed I though some people were rude and unapproachable but the class

itself was great! Thank you, Mr. Lewallen, for reinstating that there’s always room for new

knowledge and every moment is a teachable moment.

Word Count: 610

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