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Charity L.

I-Content Standard: The learners demonstrates understanding of;
A. how the organs of the human body work together to form organ systems such
as digestive system.

II- Objectives: At the end of the discussion the students are expected to;
a. identify the different organs in the digestive system,
b. explain how the organs of digestive system functions,
c. perceive the importance of having digestive system.

Materials: Cartolina, Answer sheets, Powerpoint Presentation

References: Science Learner Module, page 291-297

III-Subject Matter: Digestive System

IV-Method: 5E’s
Grade Level: 8

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Engage (5 minutes)


That’s good! Now let’s start this morning with a game

entitled “Food Roulette” (Game of Food).

The teacher will divide the class into 4 groups and this
game starts on the first group.

1. The teacher will say a food word and the first

group will say another word from the last
letter of the food given by the teacher.
The second group will then again state
another food word from the last letter given
by the first group, this roulette will continue
until the last group can state a food word.
2. Each students will be given 3 seconds to
answer the group who can’t answer until 5
seconds will be out of the game and the
remaining groups considered as the winner of
this activity
3. The game is only good for 5 rounds
4. This game considers different languages
(Tagalog, English, Bisaya)

Trial: Apple—Egg-- Guava

Now class, our game talks about what? Food ma’am

Right! And we can say that we are all a food lover

base on our knowledge on different food and of
course we already eaten those food, I guess so, right? Yes ma’am.

But have you ever wonder, what happen to the food

that we eat inside our body before these food goes out
as poop?
Yes ma’am
Well then that’s good, and because I am here in front
of you to fill in your curiosity, then please do listen on
our topic carefully as I will explain to you all about
our “Digestive System”.. As of now we are going to
tackle first about “The Organs of Digestive System”

Everybody read!

Organs of Digestive System

C. Explore (5 minutes)

Activity 1:
With the same group.

Directions: Observe the video presentation that talks

about how digestive system works, then answer the
following question given in each cartolina.

1 question each group:

1. What are the different organs in our digestive
2. Where is the beginning of digestive system
takes place?
3. What happen to the food when it goes inside
our stomach?
4. Which organ is responsible for the absorption
of nutrients from the food?

D. Explain (10 minutes)

For you to see if your answers are correct, help
me check your work class.

Are the answers of group 1 correct? Yes Ma’am!

Now, tell me what are the main organs of digestive Possible answers:
system. Mouth
Small intestine
Large intestine
Right class! The answers of group 1 is correct!

Now in this 5 organs of our digestive system, where

do we take in our food? In the mouth ma’am!

Right! And what happen to food inside our mouth? It turns into pieces ma’am.
With the help of what organs? Teeth, tongue and salivary glands

Okay! Now, what do you call that pieces of food

inside our mouth with a combination of saliva? Bulos ma’am!

So, is the answer of group 2 correct? That the mouth

is the beginning of digestive system? Yes ma’am

Now that the bulos is now form, does it go straight on

our stomach? No ma’am!

Why? Because it will travel first in the esophagus.

Okay! Very good! What do you call the pushing of

food in the esophagus to the stomach? Peristalsis ma’am!

Very good class, now lets move on to the stomach.

Now base on the video presentation class, what

happen to the food inside our stomach? It disappears!
Why? Because of some gastric juices inside our stomach.

And what are those juices i class? Acids and enzymes

Right! Now what happen to the solid food as it is

being digested by gastric juices inside our stomach? The solid food ma’am will now turn into liquid.

Right! Now is the answer of group 3, correct? Yes ma’am!

Now, let me ask you this first:

Which is more easier to absorb? Solid or liquid?
Liquid ma’am
Very good!

Now next to the stomach, we have our small intestine!

Right? Yes ma’am

Again what happen to the solid food in our stomach?

It became liquid ma’am
Right, it became liquid which is easier to absorb.

Now which organ do you think is responsible for the

absorption of nutrient from the food?
The small intestine ma’am!
Right! Now what is the first part of the small
What is the function of duodenum? Duodenum
It is where the chemical digestion takes place
Chemical digestion takes place in our small intestine
with the help of what organs that produces digestive

What juice does the liver produce? Liver and pancreas ma’am
Right the bile. Coming from the gallbladder.
Bile ma’am
Again, the small intestine is goof for?

Of what? Absorption!

Now as we move on to our topic for today, lets talk Nutrients.

about this organ where another absorption takes place.
We have?

If the small intestine absorb nutrients from the food, The large intestine ma’am!
how about the large intestine?

Right! Now after the absorption of the nutrients and It absorbs water and salt ma’am!
other important molecules from the food it will turn
into a waste product.

And what do you call that waste product?

Possible Answers:
Very good and it will now go out into our? Feces

Right! Anus ma’am!

That is the end of the process of digestive system!

Now who can summarize the process of digestive


Values integration

Do we really need to take in food class?

And why? Yes ma’am

Now what system involves for the making of energy In order for us to survive and it also gives energy to our
in our body? body

Right! Now if our digestive system does not work, The digestive system ma’am
what do you think will happen?

If the digestive system shuts down, the body cannot be

So, is our digestive system important? nourished or rid itself of waste.

Okay! Yes ma’am!

E. Elaborate (5 minutes)
Activity 2
Same group

Directions: Using the illustration or drawing, label

the organs of the digestive system and in your own
words, write the function of each organs.

Small Intestine-
Large Intestine-

V- Evaluation (Exit slip) 5 minutes

1. Explain how digestive system works in 30 words.

2. Give 2 examples on how we can protect our digestive system.

VI- Extend

1. Give the two types of digestive system and state their diffesrences.

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