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Optimizing S-curve Velocity for Motion Control

Xiaolin Li
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL 36104, USA

February 2010


Velocity profile design plays an important role in motion control technology. Among various
velocity profiles, the S-curve velocity profile is a smooth and continuous curve and is differen-
tiable to the second order. In this article, we discuss how to optimize the S-curve velocity given
the constraints on jerk, acceleration and velocity magnitude regarding the physical capacity of
the motion devices of each axis. The optimized S-curve velocity profile can be used to program
motion processors to produce a smooth, fast and accurate motion.
Index terms: point-to-point motion, physical constraints, S-curve velocity

1 Introduction

Velocity profile design plays an important role in motion control technology. In a conventional close-
chain system, a motion is controlled by a controller and its velocity profile is implicitly defined by
the system. The controller takes feedback from sensors in different chains regarding movement
position, speed, accelaration, jerk, and so on. Within each chain, the actual state is compared with
the desired state and then the controller adjusts the system output to eliminate various errors.
Meantime, the controller optimizes the system response time and ensures the system stability.
Based on various feedback, the system produces an optimal velocity profile corresponding to a
smooth, fast and accurate motion [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].

In an open-chain system, the velocity profile of a motion is explicitly designed and calculated
[2, 5, 10]. Since there is no feedback involved in the control, the motion is completely defined by its
velocity. In a coordinated motion, one must consider the physical constraints on jerk, acceleration
and velocity magnitude of each axis because axis devices such as servomotors have their capacity
limitation. Given a start position and an end position of a motion in a 3D space, ideally, we want to
use the axis devices to their capacity extreme so that the motion will be smooth, fast and accurate.
Among various options, the S-curve velocity is one of the best choices. An S-curve velocity profile is
a smooth and continuous curve and is differentiable to the second order. We can easily incorporate
all physical constraints regarding jerk, acceleration and velocity magnitude into consideration.

In this article, we discuss the fundamentals of point-to-point motion using S-curve velocity.
Given the physical constraints on jerk, acceleration, and velocity magnitude of each axis, we show
how to calculate the different edges in an S-curve velocity profile and how to optimize the S-
curve velocity profile. The optimized S-curve velocity profile can then be used to program motion
processors to get a smooth, fast and accurate motion.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses 3D velocity decompo-
sition and 1D constraint synthesis. Section 3 presents the calculation of an S-curve velocity under
given conditions. Section 4 describes a binary search method for the S-curve velocity optimization.
Finally, Section 5 concludes this paper.

2 Velocity Decomposition and Constraint Synthesis

2.1 Velocity decomposition

Let us consider a straight movement given a start point p s (xs , ys , zs ) and an end point pe (xe , ye , ze )
in a 3D space. The directional numbers and the directional angles of the velocity are given by
∆x = xe − xs
∆y = ye − ys (1)
∆z = ze − zs

cos α =
cos β = (2)
cos γ =
where l is the distance between ps (xs , ys , zs ) and pe (xe , ye , ze ) such that
l= ∆x2 + ∆y 2 + ∆z 2 (3)
Let v(t) be the velocity magnitude of the movement, which is a function of time. Suppose the
movement starts from ps (xs , ys , zs ) at time t = 0 with v(0) = vs , and reaches pe (xe , ye , ze ) at time
t = T with v(T ) = ve , then v(t) must satisfy the travel distance constraint such that
v(t)dt = l (4)

Since the movement takes place in the 3D space, v(t) can be decomposed into 1D component
velocity magnitudes x(t), y(t) and z(t) such that
x(t) = v(t) cos α
y(t) = v(t) cos β (5)
z(t) = v(t) cos γ
where it satisfies
v(t) = x2 (t) + y 2 (t) + z 2 (t) (6)
And the above component velocity magnitudes can be used to program axis processors.

2.2 Constraint Synthesis

Let us consider the physical constraints on each axis. Because a motion system may have different
physical structures, we may have different constraints on different axes. Let x max , ymax and zmax
be the upper bounds of the velocity magnitude, x 0max , ymax
0 0
and zmax be the upper bounds of the
acceleration, and x”max , y”max and z”max be the upper bounds of the jerk of individual axes such
x(t) ≤ xmax
y(t) ≤ ymax (7)
z(t) ≤ zmax

x0 (t) ≤ x0max
y 0 (t) ≤ ymax
z 0 (t) ≤ zmax

x”(t) ≤ x”max
y”(t) ≤ y”max (9)
z”(t) ≤ z”max

where 0 and ” denote the first order derivative (corresponding to acceleration) and the second order
derivative (corresponding to jerk) of a function, respectively. Then the synthesis of the above 1D
constraints on the 3D velocity is given by

v(t) ≤ vmax
|v 0 (t)| ≤ vmax
0 (10)
|v”(t)| ≤ v”max

xmax ymax zmax
vmax = min{ , , }
| cos α| | cos β| | cos γ|
x0 y0 z0
vmax = min{ max , max , max } (11)
| cos α| | cos β| | cos γ|
x”max y”max z”max
v”max = min{ , , }
| cos α| | cos β| | cos γ|

Bearing the above constraints in mind, we can design a velocity profile v(t) for the straight
movement from ps (xs , ys , zs ) to pe (xe , ye , ze ) in time interval [0, T ]. Except for the above physical
constraints and the travel distance constraint, v(t) also satisfies the following boundary conditions:

0 ≤ v(0) = vs < vmax

0 ≤ v(T ) = ve < vmax

We want the movement to be smooth, fast and accurate. Among various options, the S-curve
velocity is one of the best choices to achieve our goals.

vm 00
−vm −vm
vm ve
T − t−j
0 tj ta − t j ta T − td T − td + t−j T
ta td
2 T− 2

Figure 1: S-curve velocity profile

3 S-curve Velocity Profile

An S-curve velocity profile is differentiable to second order, where both the velocity magnitude and
the acceleration are continuous functions. Let v(t) be an S-curve velocity profile defined in time
interval [0, T ], then ∀t ∈ [0, T ], we have
Z t
0 0
v (t) = v (0) + v”(w)dw
Z 0
t (13)
v(t) = v(0) + v (w)dw

v(t) also satisfies some boundary conditions. Let v(0) = v s and v(T ) = ve , for calculation con-
venience, v(t) can be decomposed into three edges: a) an ascending edge in time interval [0, t a ],
where the velocity magnitude increases from v s to vm , and ta is the ascending time of the velocity
magnitude, b) a descending edge in time interval [T −t d , T ], where the velocity magnitude decreases
from vm to ve , and td is the descending time of the velocity magnitude, and c) a horizontal edge in
time interval (ta , T − td ), where the velocity magnitude remains a constant value v m , See Figure 1.

Given a start point and an end point with physical constraints and boundary conditions as
described, we choose v”m = v”max in our solution to an S-curve velocity profile so that whenever
applicable, the acceleration or deceleration can change quickly. Then we try to find an optimal value
vm under the travel distance constraint and the conditions v s < vm ≤ vmax and ve < vm ≤ vmax ,
which gives the solutions to the ascending edge, the descending edge, and the horizontal edge.

3.1 Ascending edge

ta vm + v s
The ascending edge of an S-curve velocity is symmetrical about its center ( , ). Whenever
2 2
applicable, the time interval [0, t a ] can be divided into three regions corresponding to three phases:
1) positive jerk region [0, tj ), 2) constant acceleration region [t j , ta − tj ], and 3) negative jerk region

(ta − tj , ta ], such that
v(0) = vs
v(ta ) = vm

v 0 (0) = 0
v 0 (ta ) = 0 (15)
v 0 (t) = vm0 , t ≤t≤t −t
j a j

 v”m ,
 0 < t < tj
v”(t) = 0, t j ≤ t ≤ t a − tj (16)
 −v” , t − t < t < t

m a j a
0 and v”
where vm , vm 0 0
m are constants, satisfying v s < vm ≤ vmax , vm ≤ vmax , and v”m = v”max .
We can solve the ascending edge in the following steps:
Firstly, consider the case where tj = , i.e.
v”max , 0 < t < t2a
v”(t) = (17)
−v”max , t2a < t < ta

Notice that v(t) and v 0 (t) are continuous functions and that v(0) = v s and v 0 (0) = 0, when
0 ≤ t ≤ , we have
Z t
v (t) = v”max dw
= v”max t (18)
Z t
v(t) = v(0) + v 0 (w)dw
= vs + v”max t2 (19)

ta 1
v( ) = vs + v”max t2a
2 8
vm + v s
= (20)
It follows that
vm − v s
ta = 2 (21)

Secondly, consider the maximum acceleration achieved at t = t j = . Notice that
ta 1
v0 ( ) = v”max ta
2 2
= v”max (vm − vs ) (22)
we have two possible cases:

1. In the case that
v”max (vm − vs ) ≤ vmax (23)

the acceleration constraint has been satisfied.

2. In the case that

v”max (vm − vs ) > vmax (24)
the jerk regions must be adjusted such that t j < . To resolve tj and ta , consider tj with
0 0
the condition that v (tj ) = vmax . From equations (18) and (19), we have

v 0 (tj ) = v”max tj
= vmax (25)

tj = (26)

v(tj ) = vs + v”max t2j
v 02
= vs + max (27)
and it follows that
v(ta − tj ) = vm − (28)
ta vm + v s
since the ascending edge is symmetrical about ( , ).
2 2
On the other hand, when tj ≤ t ≤ ta − tj , we have
v(t) = vmax (t − tj ) + vs + (29)

v(ta − tj ) = vmax (ta − 2tj ) + vs +
= vmax ta + v s − (30)
In the light of equations (28) and (30), we have
vm − vs vmax
ta = + (31)
0 vmax

Thirdly, let us consider the travel distance in the time interval [0, t a ] after tj and ta have been
solved. In either case, we have
Z ta 1
v(t)dt = (vm + vs )ta (32)
0 2

3.2 Descending edge

Similar to the ascending edge, the descending edge of an S-curve velocity is symmetrical about
td vm + v e
its center (T − , ). Whenever applicable, the time interval [T − t d , T ] can be divided
2 2
into three regions corresponding to three phases: 1) negative jerk region [T − t d , T − td + t−j ), 2)
constant deceleration region [T − td + t−j , T − t−j ], and 3) positive jerk region (T − t−j , T ], such
v(T − td ) = vm
v(T ) = ve

v 0 (T − td ) = 0
v 0 (T ) = 0 (34)
v 0 (t) = −vm 0 , T − td + t−j ≤ t ≤ T − t−j

 −v”m ,
 T − td < t < T − td + t−j
v”(t) = 0, T − td + t−j ≤ t ≤ T − t−j (35)
 v” ,

T − t−j < t < T

Given the conditions that ve < vm ≤ vmax , vm 0 ≤ v0

max and v”m = v”max , we can solve the
descending edge in a way similar to solving the ascending edge.
Firstly, consider the case where t−j = , i.e.
−v”max , T − td < t < T − 2
v”(t) = (36)
v”max , T − t2d < t < T

When T − td ≤ t ≤ T − , we have
Z t
v 0 (t) = − v”max dw
T −td
= −v”max (t − T + td ) (37)

Z t
v(t) = vm − v”max (w − T + td )dw
T −td
= vm − v”max [t2 − (T − td )2 ] + v”max (T − td )[t − (T − td )] (38)

td 1
v(T − ) = vm − v”max t2d
2 8
vm + v e
= (39)
vm − v e
td = 2 (40)

Secondly, consider the maximum deceleration achieved at t = T − t d + t−j = T − . Because
td 1
v 0 (T − ) = − v”max td
2 2
= − v”max (vm − ve ) (41)
we have two possible cases:

1. In the case that

v”max (vm − ve ) ≤ vmax (42)
the deceleration constraint has been satisfied.
2. In the case that
v”max (vm − ve ) > vmax (43)
the jerk regions must be adjusted such that t −j < . To resolve t−j and td , consider t−j
0 0
with the condition that v (T − td + t−j ) = −vmax . From equations (37) and (38), we have
v 0 (T − td + t−j ) = −v”max t−j
= −vmax (44)

t−j = (45)

v(T − td + t−j ) = vm − v”max t2−j
v 02
= vm − max (46)
and it follows that
v(T − t−j ) = ve + (47)
td vm + v e
since the descending edge is symmetrical about (T − , ).
2 2
On the other hand, when T − td + t−j ≤ t ≤ T − t−j , we have
vmax 0
v(t) = vm − − vmax [t − (T − td + t−j )] (48)

vmax 0
v(T − t−j ) = vm − − vmax (td − 2t−j )
3vmax 0
= vm + − vmax td (49)
In the light of the equations (47) and (49), we have
vm − v e 0
td = + (50)
0 v”max

Thirdly, consider the travel distance in the time interval [T − t d , T ] once t−j and td have been
solved. In either case, we have
Z T 1
v(t)dt = (vm + ve )td (51)
T −td 2

3.3 Horizontal edge and travel distance constraint

Let us consider how to choose vm given the condition that vm ≤ vmax and the travel distance
constraint that
Z T Z ta Z T −td Z T
v(t)dt = v(t)dt + v(t)dt + v(t)dt
0 0 ta T −td
= l (52)

Suppose we have an initial value vm with related solutions to the ascending edge and the
descending edge, then there are two possible cases regarding the travel distance constraint:

1. In the case that

Z ta Z T
v(t)dt + v(t)dt ≤ l (53)
0 T −td

we have
vm (T − ta − td ) = l − [(vm + vs )ta + (vm + ve )td ] (54)
1 1
T = t a + td + {l − [(vm + vs )ta + (vm + ve )td ]} (55)
vm 2
And the S-curve velocity profile is solved with the travel distance constraint satisfied.
2. In the case that
Z ta Z T
v(t)dt + v(t)dt > l (56)
0 T −td

we must reduce the value vm and re-calculate the ascending edge and the descending edge so
that the travel distance constraint can hold. We can solve and optimize an S-curve velocity
profile using the following binary search method.

4 Binary search method

In summary of our previous discussion, given the maximum velocity magnitude v max , the
maximum acceleration vmax0 , and the maximum jerk v”max , with the boundary conditions
that v(0) = vs and v(T ) = ve , tj , ta , t−j and td are functions of vm and may have different
 s
 vm − v s p 0
, v”max (vm − vs ) ≤ vmax


tj = (57)
 max ,
 p

 v”max (vm − vs ) > 0


vm = vmax
∆v = vmax /2

∆v/ = 2 ta , td , tj and t−j

No R ta RT
vm + = ∆v vm − = ∆v 0 + T −td ≤ l?


No R ta RT
l − ∆l ≤ 0 + T −td ?
vm = vmax ?

Yes Yes

vm , ta , td , tj and t−j

Figure 2: Flowchart of S-curve calculation

 p 0
 2tj , v”max (vm − vs ) ≤ vmax
ta = vm − v s p 0 (58)
+ tj , v”max (vm − vs ) > vmax

 s
 vm − v e p 0
, v”max (vm − ve ) ≤ vmax


t−j = (59)
 max ,
 p

 v”max (vm − ve ) > 0

 p 0
 2t−j , v”max (vm − ve ) ≤ vmax
td = v m − v e p 0 (60)
+ t−j , v”max (vm − ve ) > vmax

Bearing the above equations in mind, we can solve an S-curve velocity profile under given
conditions and optimize the S-curve velocity profile by the binary search method illustrated
in Figure 2. Based on the fact that a large velocity magnitude ensures a fast motion, we
choose vm = vmax and get initial solutions to the ascending edge and the descending edge in
the first place. Then we test the travel distance constraint and modify v m if necessary. In
Figure 2, ∆l is a threshold for termination judgment. When the algorithm terminates, v m is
fixed and the solution to an optimal S-curve velocity profile readily follows.

5 Conclusion

In this article we have presented a technique of point-to-point motion using S-curve velocity. Given
the start point and the end point of the streight movement in a 3D space with constraints on jerk,
acceleration and velocity magnitude of each component axis, we have shown how to decompose
the 3D velocity into 1D component velocities and how to synthesize 1D axis constraints on the 3D
movement. We have chosen to use the S-curve velocity profile because it is a smooth and continuous
curve and is differentiable to the second order. We have shown how to calculate the ascending edge,
the horizontal edge, and the descending edge in an S-curve velocity profile given the constraits on
the jerk, the accelaration and the velocity magnitude of each axis. We have also presented a binary
search method to optimize the S-curve velocity profile so that the motion will be smooth, fast and

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