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Wyatt Nelson


When motivating students, it is important to give them very clear directions. Without clear directions
the students could lose focus and get off track and that might lead them to not want to do the
assignment so they would lose motivation. Know what you are asking the students to do. When asking
students to do an assignment, we need context the students can relate to. We need to let them know
why they are doing it and how it will help them in the future and real world. I have learned students
respond better when you can relate the content to real life, it makes it more meaningful. Students also
feel motivated when they feel a supportive classroom setting. It is important that we make the students
feel safe and supported in the classroom. If we do not do that, they will get discouraged and shut down
and that can make it hard again to get them motivated again. It is also very important we make the
assignments appropriate for the students. We want to challenge them as teachers, but we do not want
to challenge them so much that they stop trying and lose motivation and interest.

One strategy that can build intrinsic motivation is making it the content relatable to the students. I want
them to be able to relate it back to something they see or do in everyday life. They will be more engaged
as well if it is something they see every day. Another way is being positive. If they are struggling and
need help, point out what they are doing well and try to build off of that. I have noticed, students
respond better when you point out the things they are doing well instead of picking out all of the things
that they are not doing well. When the teacher is positive with words and tone of voice, students will be
motivated to keep working hard. Having students work together, it can build their motivation. They are
able to compare and come up with ideas with help from peers. I like this strategy because they are
building relationships with their classmates and learning from the rather than from a book or from the

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