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The Peruvian Subandean fold and thrust belt: structural overview,

geochronologic constraints, and unexplored plays

Dr. Patrice Baby

In the Peruvian Subandean fold and thrust belt, the construction of balanced cross-
sections from a good set of structural data and an extensive knowledge of the stratigraphy
and geodynamic evolution allow a more refined definition of the unexplored plays, as
sub-thrusts, duplexes or pre-Cretaceous structures. Sequential restorations are proposed
by coupling thermochronologic analyses with growth strata studies. The results presented
in this talk show significant north-south variations in the geometry, the timing and the
rate of the deformation. This latitudinal variation is related to the pre-Andean basins
inheritance, but also to the Andean slab geometry. Thermochronologic ages correspond
to the most recent tectonic uplifts and cannot be disassociated from the study of growth
strata that might have recorded oldest events. In the Peruvian Subandean zone, thrusts
propagation started in the Late Cretaceous and two stages of Cenozoic deformation are
clearly identified.

Sociedad Geológica del Perú

Av. 28 de Julio 745, Miraflores, Lima, PERU
Teléfonos: +511 444 1180 | +511 628 1150 - 104

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