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ILL Cheat Sheet

by yogitab via

Internet Leased Line ILL Products ILL Routing Alcatel basic Commands

ILL​:-An Internet leased line is a premium PILL- Premium ILL Forward Path : Forward path #admin displa​y-c​onfig | match
internet connec​tivity product, delivered over STDI​LL- Standard ILL remains same for all customer Circui- ID context all
fibre normally, which is dedicated and SILL- Shared ILL category except in the case of #show router VPRN​-id
provides uncont​ended, symmet​rical speeds, CILL- Compressed ILL PBR interface "L​ag-​Int​erf​ace​"
full-d​uplex. It is also known as an Ethernet Reverse Path : #admin displa​y-c​onfig | match
leased line, DIA line, data circuit or private Reginal commun​ities #P​ILL​,ST​DIL​L,IDC announced at "Lag- Interf​ace​" context all
circuit. all gateways and hence reverse #show lag Lag-​Int​erf​ace​-
Mumbai 4755:22 traffic can take nearest gateway. Nu​mber port

Cacti View Ahmedabad 4755:79 #S​ILL​,CILL only announced at US #show router VPRN​-id arp |
West Coast ,reverse path always match "Lag- Interf​ace​"
Pune 4755:20
from Westcoast #clear router VPRN​-id arp
Delhi 4755:11
#CILL compressed at gateway. #ping router VPRN​-id
Kolkata 4755:33 Dest​ina​tio​n-IP source
Chennai 4755:44 Effects on Latency Sour​ce-IP rapid count 100
#show router VPRN​-id bgp
Ernakulam 4755:48 #PILL , STDILL, IDC customers summary
Hyderabad 4755:40 get best latency as reverse path is #show router policy
via the nearest gateway from the Impo​rt/​Exp​ort​-Po​licy
Bangalore 4755:80
destin​ation. Note: VPRN​-id is the service
TATA ILL Setup #S​ILL​,CILL faces higher latency to id. Its not required in IES
Service Commun​ities
all destin​ations ( except to those in
TATA AS: 4755, Tele​globe AS: 6453 service.
PILL 4755:99 Westcoast ) as reverse traffic
Backbone ICR locati​ons:
always enters 4755 via gateways
Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Pune, STDILL 4755:199 Cisco Basic Commands
at West coast.
Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Bangalore,
VOIP 4755:299 #sh interface descri​ption | i
Ernakulum. Juniper MX960 is used at all
IDC 4755:399 Latency SLA (ms) Circ​uit​-id
ICR locations.
#sh interface Inte​rfa​ce-id
Internet RR's: Mumbai & Chennai DSL 4755:499
Prod​uc U.S Europe APAC​ #sh run int Inte​rfa​ce-id
VPN RR's: Mumbai, Chennai & Ernakulam
SILL 4755:599 t /ME #sh ip arp vrf VRF-​Name | in
Internet Gateway: Mumbai & Chennai
CILL 4755:699 PILL 290 180 120 Inte​rface
Transit Gateway: MLV6453 & CXR6453
#clear ip arp IP-A​ddr​ess
Longer Prefix 4755:914 STDILL 290 180 120
#sh ip arp vrf VRF-​Name | in
Global & VRF Internet

By yogitab Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 7th July, 2015. Measure your website readability!
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ILL Cheat Sheet
by yogitab via

Cisco Basic Commands (cont) Important Tools & Websites Important Tools & Websites Important Tools & Websites
(cont) (cont)
#ping vrf VRF-​Name 1. Cacti
Dest​ina​tio​nIP so Sour​ceIP https:​//1​72.3​1.6.1​90/​cac​ti/​plu​gin​s/w​ea 9. Trac​ero​ute 19 Sector Utiliz​ation
#sh policy-map interface Inte​rface t​her​map​/we​ath​erm​ap-​cac​ti-​plu​ tracer​out​ http:/​/17​2.3​1.5.87​/MR​TG/​10.1​60.68.2_​
#sh run vrf VRF-​Name p 10. MAC Address Lookup 150.html
#sh ip bgp vpnv4 vrf VRF-​Name​rvi​ce/​Gol​d@2015 http:/​/ww​w.m​acv​end​orl​ook​ – BS IP
summary 2. MRTG for ILL 11. TTSL Portal 150/250 – IF value
http:/​/ww​w.m​yvi​ew.i​nt​ern​eta​cce​ss.v​ http:/​/ec​rm.t​at​ate​l.c​o.i​n:8​020​/OA​_HT​
Juniper Switch Commands sn​l.c​om/​web​/fr​ame​s/g​ate​way​Frame‐ ML/​App​sLo​cal​Log​in.jsp
soc/12​3ta​ta321 BA8032​700​1/j​un@2015
1. #show interfaces descri​ptions |
3. MRTG for VPN 12. Geim​ini
match <Ci​rcuit ID> http:/​/ne​the​alt​h.t​ata​com​mun​ica​tio​ns.c​ http:/​/18​0.1​79.3​6.7​:8​080​/gp​tar​/cu​stom
2. #show interfaces <In​terface
om​/cg​i- er
name> b​in/​nhW​eb?​fun​c=m​ain​Choice Custom​er1​/Cu​stomer1
3. #show config​uration interfaces soc/TcL!23 13. RADB
<In​terface name>
4. Cramer http:/​/ww​w.r​
4. #show ethern​et-​swi​tching table http:/​/cr​ame​rin​dpr​od/​Cra​mer​OSS​/Lo​ 14. Looking Glass
interface <In​terface name> gin​/Se​ssi​onD​efi​nit​ion.jsp 4755:
5. #show interfaces <In​terface 5. BPM https:​//l​g.t​ata​com​mun​ica​tio​ns.c​om​:80
name> extensive | match err
http:/​/10.20​9.1​9.1​90/​TCL​Pro​ces​sUI​/J 80/
6. #show log messages | match S​P/l​ogi​n/l​ogi​n.faces 6453: http:/​/​645​3.n​et/lg/
<In​terface name> 6. Viznet 15. Wire​les​sOne
http:/​/vi​zne​t.v​​/lo​gin​for​m.php https:​//w​ire​les​son​e/l​ogi​n/?​next=
Problem Statements 7. Remedy 16. Whois IP
http:/​/re​mwe​bpr​d:8​081​/ar​sys​/fo​rms​/r http:/​/cq​cou​nte​r.c​om/​whois/
e​map​ppr​d/S​HR%​3AL​and​ing​Con​sol​e/ 17. Report for 6453
1.Link Down
D​efa​ult​+Ad​min​ist​rat​or+​Vie​w/?​cac​hei​ http:/​/re​por​ter.te​leg​lob​e.c​om/​gi.html
d=d​05f3062 inoc/inmc
1.No Browsing
8. Sify 18. DNS Lookup
2.Packet drops
http:/​/io​nin​x.s​​t/i​oni​/in​dex.php http:/​/su​rya.vs​nl.c​om​:80​80/​cgi​-
3.Reac​hab​ility issues for sites and
admin_​313​585​/si​fy2013 bi​n/a​clc​hec​k/c​hec​kac​l.cgi
4.Low Throughput
6.Link Flapping
7.Slow Browsing
8.DNS resolution
9.Mailing issues.
10.Routing issues / BGP related

By yogitab Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 7th July, 2015. Measure your website readability!
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