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Mutual Advantage

- System where both parties, the state and citizen benefits equally
- System mutually advantageous to all – state protect rights of citizens and citizens obey
laws of the state
- Generates principles of social cooperation
- ‘Justice as mutual advantage’ theorists argue that moral norms are those that
rational, self‐interested persons would accept in regulating the pursuit of their self‐
- System lacks one basic principle of moral system – giving equal weight to interests of all
parties to the agreement
- Some people may even fall outside the system of rights – because of their inability to
- Power can exploit those lacking power. Usually more privileged in society with greater
education and opportunities can forge contracts with disadvantaged – justifying to them
how these contracts will benefit them, causing weaker party to agree to proposal
- Violation of social justice
- Treating a person or group of people unfairly because of who they are or because they
possess certain characteristics.
- Prejudice or discrimination against someone (treating someone unfavorably) because of
their age
- Prejudging what someone is like based on their age without knowing them
- Direct age discrimination happens when someone is treated unfavorably because of their
- Indirect age discrimination happens when a requirement, condition or practice is imposed
that disadvantages a person or group because of their age, and is not reasonable.
- Examples: access to services such as healthcare, employment, workplace
o Refusal to pay a young worker the national minimum wage
o Not employing a young worker on the basis of age – lack of experience
o Dismissal of an older worker because age is often linked to productivity
o Assuming young people are aggressive and hostile
o Assuming elderly person cannot use a computer
- Prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender
- Letting a person’s gender unfairly become a factor in situations like hiring, promotion,
employment related decisions or educational opportunities
- Sexual harassment – any form of unwelcome sexual behavior that’s offensive,
humiliating or intimidating. inappropriate words/action of a sexual nature that is
- Gender related employment discrimination
o women paid less than a man for the same job
- Job Classification
o Men hold managerial positions – prepared for leadership at various levels
- Fewer opportunities for women for educational advancement

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