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Bioresource Technology 50 (1994) 275-279

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D. Craig Sheppard, a G. Larry Newton b
"Department of Entomology, bDepartment of Animal and Dairy Science, Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, GA 31793,

Sidney A. Thompson
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, University of Georgia, Drifimier Engineering Center, Athens, GA 30602,


Stan Savage
Extension Poultry Specialist, University of Georgia, Cooperative Extension Service, Tifion, GA 31793, USA
(Received 6 June 1994; revised version received 29 August 1994; accepted 13 October 1994)

Abstract analyses with various fly-based feedstuffs have shown

A manure management system for laying hens using the them to be generally equal to soybean meal in feed
black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (L.) converted value to poultry (Calvert et al., 1969; Dahsefsky et al.,
manure to a 42% protein, 35% fat feedstuff, reduced 1976; Gawaad & Brune, 1979; Teotia & Miller, 1974).
manure accumulation by at least 50% and eliminated Gawaad and Brune (1979) also conducted organolep-
house fly breeding. No extra facility or added energy was tic tests with their insect-fed broilers. They reported a
required. Mature larvae self-harvested producing a feed- typical smell and taste in both the standard and experi-
stuff as they attempted to pupate. Optimal feedstuff to mental groups, but noted that the meat from insect fed
manure dry matter yield was 7"8%. This insect occurs broilers had 'a little more intensive taste'. This may be
worldwide in tropical and warm-temperature regions valuable in certain markets, e.g. in Hong Kong local
and can digest many biological wastes. broilers are more expensive than US imports because
the US broilers are judged to be lacking in flavor.
Key words: Hermetia illucens, poultry waste, treatment, The proposed production and collection systems for
fertilizer, animal feed. house flies, face flies or blow flies noted above,
involved moving manure from animal production faci-
lities to insectaries. There, specialized equipment was
utilized to produce and harvest the insects (Morgan &
Manure is the principal food of many insects, especially Eby, 1975; Eby & Dendy, 1978). These procedures
larval flies. This insect utilization aids in the natural increase the cost of operating these systems.
recycling of manure and the insects produced are food The system we report here utilizes wild populations
for many larger animals. Several researchers have of the black soldier fly, Hermetica illucens (L.), directly
proposed using manure as a larval fly medium, thus under caged layers. No separate facility or special
producing high quality insect-based feedstuff, while equipment is needed for production or harvest. This is
reducing manure residues (Booram et al., 1977; possible due to certain habits of this large wasp-like fly,
Calvert et al., 1970; Chiou & Chen, 1982; Eby & i.e. it is not a significant pest (especially as managed in
Dendy, 1978; Miller et al., 1974; Morgan & Eby, our system) and the migrations of the last immature
1975; Sheppard, 1983). Feeding studies and chemical stage facilitate a simple self-collection of the mature
larvae (prepupae).
*This study funded in part by a grant from the USDA/LISA Soldier fly larvae have been fed experimentally to
Program. several animals, with larvae used to replace soybean or
276 D. C Sheppard, G. L. Newton, S. A. Thompson, S. Savage

fish meal in a formulated diet. These feeding tests have abundant. Sheppard (1983) described a manure
utilized cockerels (Hale, 1973), pigs (Newton et al., management system using the black soldier fly in small
1977) and catfish and tilapia (Bondari & Sheppard, basins under caged layers. The results included
1987). The general conclusion of each of these studies 94-100% control of house flies, a 50% reduction in
was that soldier fly larval meal was a suitable replace- manure residue, and self-harvest of prepupae for use as
ment for conventional protein and fat sources. Separa- feedstuff. A larger test of a similar system, reported
tion of the protein and fat in the larval meal would have here was conducted to test a soldier fly prepupal self-
allowed for more precise formulation. harvest system which would be practical in commercial
The black soldier fly is an attractive manure caged layer houses and to determine if the larval-
management agent since it can (1) eliminate house fly digested manure residue could be handled with existing
breeding; (2) reduce manure bulk by half or more when equipment. Some information on the biology of the
compared to similar unoccupied manure; and (3) black soldier fly and potential rates of feedstuff pro-
produce economically attractive quantities of larval duction was also gathered.
feedstuff. Soldier fly larvae tolerate a wide range of
temperatures and are well adapted to the tropics and
the warmer temperate regions (McCallan, 1974). It is
native to the Americas and is widespread from Argen-
tina to central USA. Transport by man has resulted in a A 460 hen caged layer house was modified with 30 cm
worldwide distribution from about 45°N latitude to deep, 1.1 m wide concrete manure basins under the
40°S latitude (Leclerq, 1969), including Australia and cage batteries. The floor of the basin sloped at a gra-
New Zealand (McCallan, 1974). They show an dient of ca. 200 cm per 100 m slope. Two-tier cage
amazingly wide range of larval habitats and have been batteries on each side of the 12 m long walkway held 3
collected from manures, rotting fruits and vegetables, hens per 25 x 45 cm cage. The basin wall against the
catsup and dead animals (James, 1947). Little is known central walkway was vertical, and the wall towards the
about the adult biology of this insect. Adults seen at outside of the curtain-sided house sloped up to ca. 40 °
animal housing, or other larval habitats, are newly to form a ramp for exiting prepupae. A 10 cm dia. plas-
emerged adults and older females returning to oviposit. tic pipe was fixed parallel and along the top of this
Adults apparently live in a wild environment. Unlike slope. A 1-5 cm gap was cut along the length of this
house flies, they very rarely enter dwellings (Furman et pipe and positioned at the top of the 40 ° sloped wall.
al., 1959). Adults initiate mating on the wing. Females This slit allowed migrating soldier fly prepupae to
usually lay an egg mass of ca. 500 and prefer to ovi- enter the pipe. Once in the pipe they travelled to down-
posit in a dry crevice near the selected larval medium. spouts at each end of the basin-long pipe which
Booth and Sheppard (1984) reported 99"6% of black directed prepupae into holding containers.
soldier fly oviposition occurs between 27"5 and 37"5°C. A 12 hp Kuboto B4200, four-wheel-drive tractor
General observations indicate that most oviposition was fitted with special steel box scrapers configured to
occurs at 32°C and higher. Eggs hatch in 102-105 h at the shape of the manure basins, this was used to push
24°C (Booth & Sheppard, 1984). Under ideal condi- the residual larval-digested manure to the end of the
tions, larvae can mature in 2 weeks, but limited food house and into a sump. In the sump, water was added
can extend the larval period to 4 months (Furman et al., and the resultant slurry was taken into a vacuum tank
1959). This ability to extend the larval interval in manure spreader for distribution on pastures. Basins
response to a food shortage is useful in managing wild were cleaned out in February and August of 1991.
populations for long-term production and for storing Two-year-old white leghorn hens from a commercial
larvae to begin new populations. The last immature flock were used. Hens were housed in August 1990.
stage is the prepupa, a non-feeding migratory stage. A About 460 hens occupied the facility during this study.
prepupal soldier fly has emptied its gut of waste and Each hen was provided with 105 g of commercially
developed a large fat body to provide energy for its prepared caged layer feed daily, and water continously.
migration and pupation to an adult. An empty gut and A few days after all the hens were housed, about 15 1 of
maximal stored energy make this the desired stage to soldier fly larvae from a nearby beef facility were ino-
collect for feedstuff. This non-feeding prepupa has its culated into the two manure basins to ensure devlop-
mouth parts modified into a hook, enabling it to travel ment of a dense population.
some distance from the larval habitat and dig into the Soldier fly prepupal collection from the self-harvest
soil to pupate (Schremmer, 1986). Pupation usually system was not carefully measured in 1990, since
lasts ca. 2 weeks but is highly variable and may extend many of these were individuals that had been artifi-
to 5 months (Furman et aL, 1959). cially introduced in early September. However, pre-
Soldier flies were found to compete with house flies pupal collections in 1991 from the naturally
for larval habitat. Female house flies did not lay eggs regenerated population were collected and weighed
where soldier fly larvae were moderately abundant regularly. The weight of the collections were summed
(Bradley & Sheppard, 1984). Furman et al. (1959), in weekly and the average weight of 100 prepupae was
California, and Tingle et al. (1975), in Florida, also determined, this allowed a calculated weekly estimate
reported house fly control where soldier fly larvae were of the number of prepupae leaving the manure basins.
Manure management system 277

Ten percent, by weight, of each week's collection was The pattern of prepupal crawl-off indicates that
released at the facility; these pupated naturally and there are three generations each year (Fig. 1). There
transformed to adults to establish the next generation. are clear peaks of crawl-off from late May to late July,
Percent drymatter of 20 self-collected prepupae was late July to early September and early September to
determined in November, 1990, by weighing, placing mid-November. These peaks lasted 9, 6 and 9 weeks,
in a 59°C drying oven for 5 weeks, and then weighing respectively. The last apparent peak on the graph in
again. An intermediate weighing indicated that drying Fig. 1 (mid-November to mid-December) is probably
was complete at 5 weeks. Percent dry matter was calcu- an extension of the third peak caused by cooler
lated by dividing the residual weight (1.81 g) by the weather. The zero collection on 12 November coin-
initial weight (4.24 g) and multiplying by 100. cides with the lowest average temperature seen during
the study (Fig. 1). These apparent generation times
agree well with the reported larval and pupal minimal
residence times of 2 weeks for each stage. Allowing
The experimental caged layer manure management approximately 1 week for the unreported interval from
facility was fully operational at the end of August, adult emergence to oviposition results in a very good fit
1990. The introduced soldier fly larvae established a for the middle generation (August). The early and late
resident population, and about 40 kg of prepupae were generations may be extended by cooler temperatures.
collected in September and October of 1990. Return- Sheppard (1983) did not determine numbers of pre-
ing females established a robust larval population in pupae collected per week, but graphing his data on
1991 and no new introductions were needed. Oviposi- weekly self-harvest weights gives very similar results.
ting females began appearing regularly by mid-April in Three similar peaks result, with an average deviation in
1991. By late May a solid layer of soldier fly larvae, date of less than 7 days from the three major peaks
several deep, occupied the basins under the hens. Pre- given in Fig. 1.
pupal self-collections were irregular until late May, at Monthly average prepupal weights seemed to be
which time we began recording collections on a weekly influenced by numbers of larvae present and tempera-
basis. Prepupal crawl-off on peak days during June, ture. Only one week's collection was made in May.
1991, blocked the slotted 10 cm diameter collection This collection averaged 0"20 g per prepupa (Fig. 1).
pipe. A replacement pipe with a 15.2 cm diameter As numbers increased in June and July, crowding (less
performed well for the remainder of the study. food per larva) probably reduced weights from 0-20 g
Numbers of prepupae self-collected are illustrated in in May to 0"15 and 0"16 g, respectively. A decrease in
Fig. 1. Also shown in Fig. 1 are weekly average tem- numbers (permitting more food per larva) in late July
peratures and monthly average weights of prepupae. and August, while temperatures still averaged ca. 26°C,


CL Basins
-I cleaned

C) . ~ m - 0.15gin 0.1(ftim O.22gm 0.1Qgm O.|2gin 0.119m 0.12gin

28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 10 17 24 31
May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Temp 24 26 22 26 26 26 26 28 26 27 26 27 26 25 26 25 27 23 20 19 19 17 22 13 8 15 14 16 11 13 10 9
a Monthly average weight of one prepupa

Fig. 1. Thousands of prepupae self-harvested per week from manure of 460 laying hens.
278 D. C Sheppard, G. L. Newton, S. A. Thompson, S. Savage

increased average prepupal weights to 0"22 g. Weights The dense soldier fly larval population prevented
dropped slightly in September, perhaps in response to house flies from reproducing from May through Janu-
somewhat cooler temperatures late in the month. ary. A very few adult house flies were present more or
Weights in October, November and December were less continuously and were assumed to have migrated
distinctly lower, probably because of lower tempera- from other nearby animal production facilities. Routine
ture (Fig. 1 ). inspections did not reveal any house fly larvae during
Total weight of self-controlled prepupae for each the summer and fall when soldier flies were abundant.
month is shown in Table 1. The calculated weight Nearly all adult soldier flies seen at the facility were
produced per hen and the metric tons expected from a ovipositing females, which did not cause problems.
commercial facility housing 100 000 laying hens are A February clean-out time was selected so that accu-
also shown. The prepupal dry matter determined in mulated manure would not interfere with basin flood-
November 1990 was 43%. Subsequent to this study, ing for early season house fly control. The late August
dry matter of a 33 kg batch of prepupae 'cooked' at a clean-out time was selected to allow time for re-
commercial rendering plant in April 1993, was deter- establishment of soldier flies, before cooler weather, to
mined to be 44%. Calculations that follow are based on assure a significant overwintering population. Exami-
the 43% dry matter determination. nation of the data (Fig. 1, Table 1) suggests that larvae
Sheppard (1983) reported summer prepupal black production (and thereby manure reduction) could be
soldier fly self-collections which amounted to 0"90 g maximized by a basin capacity allowing one annual
per hen per day. At 43% dry matter (d.m.) this is 0"39 g clean-out. The late summer clean-out probably
prepupal d.m. per hen per day. The Midwest Plan reduced prepupal production (Fig. 1 ).
Service (1975) reports 95 g manure with 25% d.m. Manure accumulations were easily scraped from the
produced per laying hen per day. Calculations with basins with the small tractor and specially-designed
these values yields 23"84 g manure d.m. per day. From steel box scrapers. The manure was scraped into a
the data given by Sheppard (1983), dividing 0-39 g sump at the end of the basins, water was added to make
prepupal d.m. by 23.84 g manure d.m. gives an esti- slurry, and the slurry was drawn into a vacuum tank
mated 1"6% prepupa:available-hen-manure yield. manure spreader and applied onto pastures. The
Similar calculations with the data in Table 1 gives a soldier fly-digested manure did not handle differently
yield of 4.2% for May through December and 7"8% for to more conventional animal manures and no problems
May through August 1991. Prepupae: available-hen- were encountered. The larvae which were removed
manure yield was highest in the May-August period and spread with the manure caused no apparent prob-
because of favorable temperatures for this heat-loving lems.
insect and because the larval population had not yet Soldier fly larvae yield was 7.8% of hen manure
been reduced by the late August manure clean-out excretion, on a dry matter basis. Larval production and
(Fig. 1 ). self-collection was accomplished easily with no exter-
Sheppard (1983) reported 56 and 42% reductions nal insectary or input of energy. House fly production
in manure accumulation (depth) concurrent with the was eliminated from May to January. Manure residue
1"6% prepupae:manure yield. The present study did was estimated to be reduced 50% or more and this
not have a check treatment without soldier fly larvae, residue was easily handled with conventional equip-
so manure reduction attributed to these larvae could ment.
not be measured. However, the much higher pre- The economics of this manure management system
pupae:manure yield ratio in this study suggests that are attractive. There will be savings in the cost of fly
manure reductions may have been greater than 50%. control and in manure removal. Sale of the prepupal
feedstuff could result in significant income.
Large scale commercial use of this sytem seems feas-
Table 1. Live weight of soldier fly prepupae self-collection ible and economically attractive. Many commercial
in 1991 from manure 0 f 4 6 0 laying hens
caged layer farms in Georgia and Florida are heavily
kg per g per hen Metric tons per populated with wild soldier fly larvae each year.
460 hens 100000 hens Increasing the research scale from 11 hens per basin to
230 increased the efficiency of manure-to-feedstuff
May 1"2 2.60 0.26 conversion from 1-6 to 7-8%; increased scale seems to
June 47-0 102-24 10-22 favor this insect. Low value manure can be converted
July 69.1 150.24 15-02
August 78"3 170.24 17-02 to high quality feedstuff, while concurrently reducing
manure residue by 50% or more and eliminating house
Manure basins cleaned out 26 August,
larval population reduced fly breeding.
September 22"0 47.89 4.79
October 10"8 23.48 2.35
November 7"8 17.04 1.70 REFERENCES
December 6"6 14.35 1.44
Annual total 242'8 kg 528-08 g 52.80 tons Bondari, K. & Sheppard, D. C. (1987). Soldier fly, Hermetia
illucens L., larvae as feed for channel catfish, Ictalurus
Manure management system 279

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