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Reporting or Complaining




In the rest seven meeting we are going to discuss about the Indonesian Criminal Procedure. And
in this meeting we are discussing about Reporting or Complaining. The learning process is about
translating the material discussing about Reporting or Complaining. In this lesson the students are
expected to be able to know and understand the sentences and vocabularies concerning Reporting or
Complaining. The article discussing the Reporting or Complaining will be given in this meeting. This
material will also make the students think requirements of Reporting or Complaining and the students
must also be able to draft such Reporting or Complaining.


The objectives of the learning process are expected to make the students understand the text, and
meaning the article about Reporting or Complaining by translating the passage in group. The students
understand some vocabularies concerning the law especially on Reporting or Complaining and apply the
words into the form of a sentence. The students will be guided to make a draft that relate to the text of the
Reporting or Complaining and the students will also be able to give some comments and opinion about
the Reporting or Complaining, know the requirements as well as structure of the Reporting or

Eighth Meeting

Reporting or Complaining
In Indonesian Criminal Procedure, there are three levels based on the Indonesian Criminal
Procedure Act (Law No. 8 of 1981), to be referred to as “KUHAP”:

1. Police Level
2 .Prosecution Level
3. Court Level (Trial)


Criminal procedures at the police level consist of reporting/complaining, arresting, investigation,

detention as applicable, and completion for furtherance of case.

Reporting or Complaining
Procedures at the police level are initiated with the filing of a report or complaint by the
persons/parties concerned, i.e., those who have suffered from the alleged offence being reported
or complained about or who witnessed the alleged offence. The report shall be made to the

Relevant provisions in KUHAP:

Article 1, paragraph 24:

“A report is the notification to a competent official submitted by a person by legally based right
or obligation that a criminal event has occurred or is occurring or is about to occur.”

Article 1, paragraph 25:

“A complaint is the notification given to a competent official accompanied by a request from a
concerned party that legal action should be taken against a person who has committed an offence
which has caused him damage”
Article 1, paragraph 1:
“An investigator is an official of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia or a certain official
of the civil service who, by law, is granted special authority to conduct investigations”

Article 7, paragraph 1, point (a):

“An Investigator ….. by virtue of his authority shall be competent to accept a report or complaint
from a person about the occurrence of an offence;”

From the definition above, the report is a form of notification to the competent authority that
already exists or is being or suspected to be occurrence of a criminal incident / crime. This means
that the reported event may not be a crime, so it takes an act of investigation by the competent
authorities in advance to determine such actions constitute a criminal offense or not. We as
people seeing a crime does not have an obligation to report it.

Then, where we report to? In the event that you want to report a crime or a crime, you can
directly come to the police station nearest to the location of criminal events occurred. While the
area includes the police jurisdiction:

a. Jurisdiction of police of National Police Headquarters (Headquarters) for the jurisdiction of the
Republic of Indonesia;

b. Regional police jurisdiction (POLDA) for the Province;

c. Resort police jurisdiction (the police) for the district / city;

d. Sector police jurisdiction (POLSEK) for sub-districts.

(Article 4 Paragraph [1] Government Regulation – PP 23/2007)

For the police administration area, its jurisdiction is divided by the regional governments and the
integrated criminal justice system (Article 2, paragraph [2] PP 23/2007). For example if you saw
any crime committed in a Sub-district, then you can report it to the Police of Sector level
(POLSEK) in which it occurred. However, you are also justified / allowed to report the case to
the administrative area overlying for example reporting to POLRES, POLDA or MABES POLRI
(National Police Headquarter).
By the time you are at the police station, please connect directly to the IFMS (Integrated Police
Service Center) which is implementing elements of the main tasks in the field of police services.
IFMS has a duty to provide services to the reports / complaints from the public. This is as the
provisions of Article 106 paragraph (2) of Regulation Chief of the Indonesian Police No. 23 Year
2010 on Organizational Structure and Work On The Level Police and Police Sector, which reads.

IFMS tasked with providing police services in an integrated manner to the reports / complaints
from the public, provide aid and relief, as well as providing information services.

The report by the rapporteur made orally or in writing, after it was entitled to a certificate of
receipt of a report from the investigator or investigators.

Article 108 paragraph (1) and (6) the Criminal Procedure Code:

(1) Every person who suffered, saw, witnessed and or become victim of the events that constitute
a criminal offense has the right to file a report or complaint to the investigator or investigators
both oral and written;

(6) Upon receipt of a report or complaint, the enquirer or the investigator must provide a letter of
receipt of a report or complaint to the person concerned.

Our obligation as a reporter is already reducing the duty of the police, which should keep the
environmental conditions in order to remain safe. Therefore, we have already helped and eased
the police in carrying out the task, do the reports about the alleged crime is free of charge. Even
if there are charging it is the individual that you should report those responsible to the Profession
and Security Division ( "Propam") Police.

As for complaints by telephone, at the Police Chief Regulation No. 7 Year 2008 on Basic
Guidelines and Implementation Strategy Community Policing in the Implementation Task
Police, Police communication open and provide access to inform about people who want to
report a complaint by telephone a special number like 110, 112 and 110 sms to 1717. Service as
well as the 911 service applicable in many countries, especially in big cities.

Assignment and Exercise

1. In group of four students, please translate the passage into Indonesian!
2. Discuss any words, phrases or sentences that are incomprehensible!
3. Please collect the vocabularies (legal terms) in connection with the above passage!
4. Discuss the different between Reporting or Complaining!
5. Please write example of Reporting or Complaining!

References :

Azar, Betty Schrampfer, Understanding and Using English Grammar. Third. Edition. New
York: Longman. 2002
Echols, John M. dan Hassan Shadily.. Kamus Inggris Indonesia : An English. – Indonesian
Dictionary. Jakarta: 2005, PT Gramedia.
KUHP dan KUHAP, Jakarta: Pustaka Mahardika, 2010.
Peraturan Kepala Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 2008 Tentang
Pedoman Dasar Strategi Dan Implementasi Pemolisian Masyarakat Dalam
Penyelenggaraan Tugas Polri
Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2007 Tentang Daerah Hukum
Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia

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