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Instrument medis
Disusun untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Disusun Oleh:

Kelompok 3

1. AwaliaNur Endah Sari

2. Dini Indriyani
3. Fitriya Nofiyana
4. Hasna
5. M.Supryadi
6. Saeful A.H



Jalan Walet No. 21 Telp/fax: (0231) 201942


1. Kursi Roda ()
A wheelchair serves as an aid for those who have difficulty walking in sickness, broken
leg, or are congenital. Well, according to the system, juma's wheelchair has a variant of
electric wheelchair and manual.

2. ECG (Electrocardiograph)

Ekg is a medical instrument still associated with the heart. The use of this medical tool is
to record the electric of heart muscles in order to analyze whether or not cardiac rhythms
are present in the patient.

3. Tensimeter
Tensimeter is the one physical device used to measure blood pressure.
Two types of tensimeter are common in the marketplace of tensimeter manual and digital

4. Termometer

A body thermometer works to measure a patient's body temperature when he has a fever.
Thermometers also have a digital and manual type.

5. . Stetoskop
The stethoscope serves to perform acoustic checks inside the human body, such as
breathing, heartbeat, bowel and hull movement and other examinations.

6. Oxygen Mask

This tool is used as a mask to connect the patient’s respiratory hole with a gas, for the
patient who is suffering from shortness of breath.

7. Spuit / Syringe

A tool to inject patient’s, and to put in medicine.

8. Infusion Set
To enter liquid drugs, vitamins and electrolytes through veins.

9. Scales

Tool for measuring a person’s weight

10. GCU

This tool has three functions, besides to checking blood sugar levels can also be used to
check uric acid and colesterol in the blood.
11. Incubator
A tool to care for premature babies, it’s also possible to regulate temperature, provide
oxygen, monitor the babies condition.
12. Scales (timbangan)

its function is to measure a person`s weight. Other than that the clases of this body can be
used for medical purposes to obtain data on weighing a patient’s weight in a hospital or
other health industry.
13. Tourniquet

its function is to block blood vessels in the organ to be stabbed to facilitate blood
collection and infuse

14. Headpiece (Garputala)

its function is to test hearing

15. Crooked (Bengkok)

its function is to place the toots that have been used and dispose of used alcoholic cotton,
gauze, pus and others
16. Plester

its function is to protect wounds from collisions, damaged, or dirty

17. Ultrasonograph

Function ultrasonography
1. Bile sytem
2. Urination sytem
3. Cardiovascular sytem
4. Check pregnancy

18. Handschoen

Its Function is to Handscoon is a glove commonly used by medical personnel to avoid

patient droplets To protect hands from the influence of the surrounding environment
19. Reflex hamer

Its function reflex hamer is to Check the ability of reflection of certain parts of our
body such as the knee

20. Gauze roll

Its function gauze roll is to Shaped cloth like wire ram, which is a small hole with a
variety of sizes, Long gauze to wrap wounds

21. Suction pump

Its function suction pump is To overcome fluid that is not needed in the patien body such as
mucus,blood,saliva,pus,and other
22. Regulator oxygen :

1) as a place that stores oxygen.

2) to stabilize the gas pressure out of the tube.
3) regulate the amount of oxygen administered.

23. Colostomy bag:

Its function is to accommodate feces in patients who have undergone a colostomy


24. Bed pasien:

Its function is to as a bed used for someone who is sick.

25. Bedpan:

Its function is to accommodate feces in patients who cannot go to the toilet.

26. Ambu bag:

Its function is to facilitate breathing.

27. Plus Octymeter

1. To check oxygen levels in the blood

28. Korentang

Its function is To clamp or take medical tools and meterials so that the sterile condition is
29. NGT Hose

1. Used to provide nutrition and medicine to someone who is unable to consume food,
fluids, and medicines orally.
2. Can be used to remove the contents of the stomach by suctioning.

30. Catheter hose

Its function is to remove fluid from the bladder

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