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At bus stop waiting for the next bus

Celso: Good morning miss. Excuse me. What time it is?

Fatima: Good morning. It is _________. Are you waiting for the next bus?

Celso: Yes, I am . It seems that it is late. The bus take too long .

Fatima: I think the same. Maybe, it is because of the traffic, you know at this hour everybody is on
the streets. I wish the bus is empty; otherwise we will be packed like sardines.

Celso: Ohh you’re right.

Celso: How long have you been waiting? You look tired.

Fatima: I had been waiting for almost 15 minutes, and I’m late from university. I’m going to miss
my first class. How about you?

Celso: I had just arrived. I fell asleep and I’m late from my job. I think I’m going to receive my first

Fatima: Don’t worry; I’m sure that in few minutes the bus will arrive. For next time you should put
your alarm, so you can wake on time. Oh!! We have been talking and I don’t know your name. I’m

Celso: You’re right. My name is Celso. It is a pleasure to meet you .

Fatima: Sorry, I don’t get it. How do you spell it?

Celso: C-E-L-S-O

Celso.It seems to me that my name is a little strange .

Fatima: Oh look, there is our bus. pufff hopefully it is not crowd. Nice too meet you.

Celso: Have a nice day.

Fatima: Thanks. You too.

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