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Almond is one of the much-loved nutty snacks rich with nutrients.

But does anyone know how to

grow an almond tree in our yard?

It’s very easy to grow almond saplings and you don’t even have to go search for its seeds. Almond
bought from market can be rooted and used for propagation.

Steps to grow root in almond

Collect good quality almond which have a whitish peel.

Soak almonds in fresh water for upto 24-36 hours.
It is ideal to use the water from well.
After 12 hours, change the water and soak for another 12 hours.
Almonds can be taken out of water after 24 hours.
The pointed edge of almonds should be slightly pinched off.
Spread the almonds on tissue paper leaving sufficient gap between them.
Fold the tissue paper and sprinkle some water on it.
Put two more tissue papers over it and sprinkle water again.
Store the almonds along with tissue paper in an airtight container.
Keep the container in fridge for two weeks.
Plant the almonds to ground once they are rooted.

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