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Republic of the Philippines

Olongapo City
College of Education, Arts and Sciences

A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Grade 7 | 1st Quarter

A. Content Standard :
The learner demonstrates understanding in Reading and differentiating different types of musical notes.

Achievement standard:
a. Identify different types of musical notes.
b. Read whole, half, quarter and eight notes.

B. Performance Standard:
With Guidance, explore and experience music concept (notes and beats).

C. Learning Competency:
The learner demonstrates understanding of basic musical notes through observing and responding.

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of a 60 minute discussion, 75% of the students are expected to:

1. Know how to read the different types of musical notes.

2. Identify the different types of musical notes, and
3. Value the importance of knowing the musical notes.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Musical Notes.
B. Materials: Chalk and Blackboard.
C. Reference(s): Music, art, physical education and health pp. 86-90
D. Values: Develop appreciation and Love for Music.

III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Greetings
Good Afternoon class! Good Afternoon too sir.
Before you seat down

2. Prayer
Student no.1 can you Lead the prayer in front (student no. 1 will stand in front and lead the prayer)
(In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy

3. Classroom Management

Class, before you seat down please check if there are (students will check if there are thrashes under their
any thrashes under your seat and throw them in the seats)

Okay class, you may now take your seat. (Students will take their seat)

Class check your seat and see if your seatmate is (students will check their seatmates)

Is there any absent today? None Sir.

Very Good.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation of the Lesson
Class, our Lesson for today is all about Musical

There are different types of notes. First is the whole

(The students will clap the beat of the note)
Whole Note consist of 4 beats. Let’s clap it in our
(clap, clap, clap, clap)

How many beat does the whole note consist again?

(Student No. 2 Raising hand)
Yes Student No. 2
Sir. The whole note Consist of 4 beats.
Very good.

Then next is the half note.

(the students will clap the beat of the note)
Half note consist of only 2 beats. Let’s try to clap it in
(clap, clap)
our hands again.

Very Good.
(Student No.3 Raising hand)
How many beats does the Half note consist again?

Yes student no. 3

Sir the half note consist of 2 beats.
Okay class, in order to identify the value of a note,
make the previous note as a basis. If the whole note
have a 4 beats then the half note have a 2 beats.
(Student No.4 Raising hand)

If the half note have a 2 beats, then the quarter note
has a?
Sir, base on your explanation, if the whole note has a
Yes Student no. 4 4 beats, then the half note has a 2 beats, if I’m going
to divide the half note into two, then the quarter
note must have only consist of 1 beat only, is that
correct sir?

Yes! That is precisely correct Student no.4

(Students will clap their hands)
Student please clap your hands for Student no.4

Then if you already got the trick on how to figure the (Student no. 5 raising hand)
number of beat of a note, how many beat should the
eight note consist?
Sir, the eight note should only consist of ½ beat only
Yes Student no. 5 sir.

Very Good, you have understand pretty well our topic None Sir.
for today. Is there any questions?

C. Post Activity
1. Generalization
How Many Beats does a Whole note have again? (Student no.6 Raising hand)

Yes Student no.6 Sir, the Whole note consist of 4 beats.

Very Good Student no. 6

How about the Half note? (Student no. 7 raising hand)

Yes Student no.7 Sir, the half note consist of 2 beats.

Very Good Student no.7

How about the quarter note? Sir, the Quarter note consist of only 1 beat.

Then lastly, how about the Eight note? (Student no.8 Raising hand)

Yes Student no. 8 Sir, the eight note consist of only ½ beat.

Very Good.

2. Application
Now that you have fully understand our lesson for
today, please bring out ¼ sheet of pad paper.

Sum all the notes indicated in each number.
1. Whole, half, quarter, eight =
2. Whole, whole, whole, eight =
3. Eight, half, half, whole =
4. Quarter, quarter, eight, whole =
5. Eight, half, quarter, quarter =

Okay exchange paper with your seatmate.

3. Valuing

Class learning the different types of notes, will help

you in your future, for maybe some of the class may
be the new Famous Singer or composer like, Mozart,
Patchbell, or Tzaichovsky.

V. Assignment
Read on all about Staffs and clefs for our next topic.

Prepared by:

Zhaldz Christian Jay A. Baltazar BSED 3-Mapeh

Submitted to:

Mr. Dante P. Sardina


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