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Nylah Walker


English 112

The Effects of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body by the transfer of

tissue, either in the treatment of injury or for cosmetic reasons. People are getting plastic surgery now

than ever before because of the way it can make a big impact on your life. Some people get plastic

surgery for their own reasons such as they want to feel better about themselves. They lost a ton of

weight and still have that flabby skin. Some people get plastic surgery to tighten that skin so they can

see their results from their weight loss journey. Some people just get it because they see people that

influence them like celebrities get stuff done to their bodies and they like the celebrity's results and

wants to see if their results can be the same results as them.

Plastic surgery is very common around the world such as Europe, Asia and China. But it is most

common in the United States. In the United States about 2.4 billion dollars goes into plastic surgery

(Branaman). People invest their money into plastic surgery hoping it will better their lives and careers.

Because some people might not feel comfortable about how themselves look in a certain career they

chose. They feel like that their supposed have to a certain look in their career chose. For example, if she

is wanting to be a model. Most people think of a model being small and skinny, so they strive to have

that look right away. And trying to lose weight can take years. So, they get plastic surgery and wait for

their body to heal which takes a about a month and half then finally get that look they have been

dreaming for. But sometimes people can get overboard with the surgeries. They tend to keep getting

them because people feel like they can always look just a little bit better.
Why people shouldn’t get plastic surgery. This certain article they didn’t talk about

reasons why they shouldn't get plastic surgery. It was talking about the nervousness and anxiety

they have when considering or getting the plastic surgery. In the article they did talk about

cosmetic surgery is becoming more popular to the older and the younger generations today.

The negative effects of plastic surgery are the surgery can go wrong; they can end up bleeding

out too much it’s a lot of different things that can wrong than go right. So, it's always best to get

the best surgeon to do your surgery. When getting surgery, it can be a very dangerous situation.

Surgeries can easily be done wrong. It only takes one thing to happen and it could change to a

life or death situation. So, when you think about getting plastic surgery think long and hard.

Another question people tend to ask plastic surgeons are can women still breastfeed

after having surgery.” According to Dr. Samuel Sohn women can still breastfeed after having

plastic surgery. Dr. Samuel Sohn is a plastic surgery doctor in Las Vegas. Dr. Shon talks about in

most cases you can still breastfeed after having the surgery. He also talks about the breast

augmentation cannot affect you getting pregnant or having kids. Some women get the tummy

tuck surgery also to reduce excess skin and tighten loose muscles” (Sohn). They usually get that

after their pregnancy because of the loose skin from caring the baby for nine months. And

gaining weight from feeding you and the child in your stomach it can cause very loose skin at the

end of the pregnancy. And it is hard losing weight and after having your baby it will be harder to

try to lose that weight because most of the time goes to the baby and you won't have time to

exercise to you just continue to gain that weight on top of the baby weight you have gained. Dr.

Samuel Sohn recommends that before they even thinking about the breast augmentation

surgery, they should have your whole family completed. Because people never know what

might happen. It is just something he recommends that they can do.

Can having plastic surgery boost your self-esteem? That is more of a question you will ask

yourself when thinking about having plastic surgery. In most cases, yes it can boost your self-esteem.

Studies say that for decades plastic surgeons has seen most of their patients satisfied with themselves

after the surgery. When people start to love their results, they tend to want more. They look in the

mirror and notice more things they can change. And up changing some more things about them. Also, I

was watching the show "Botched” and it should people that were being extreme with the plastic

surgery. The would say things like “I just need one more surgery and I will be done”. The take it

overboard just get that high self-esteem and that self-love they are looking for in themselves. But that

can cause an issue because after a lot of surgeries it can cause people to have health problems.

“According the American Psychological Association, they said that attractive people are more intelligent,

healthy, social and dominant than the average person. Which in my opinion is totally inaccurate because

you can healthy, and intelligent and not be attractive.(La jolla)” But that was according to American

Psychological Association.

The most important part after having the plastic surgery is how to take care of the scars. Scars is

a very important part of the plastic surgery steps you take. “In the article from “The Journal of Social

Psychology” It talked about the major medical problem is the scar formation. As of 2010, It hasn’t been

any reliable treatments to prevent scarring. Which can be a serious issue because if you're not taking

caring of your scarring it can cause infections and open wounds. It is a healing process after having the

surgery. It may take several weeks for you to heal from it and you are supposed to do exactly what the

doctor says so that your scars can heal properly.(stanford Univ)” So, it's very important to take of your

scars after plastic surgery because you don’t want to pay all that money and your surgery doesn’t come

out how you want it to.

In conclusion, I don’t feel like plastic surgery is an issue today, but it can be very dangerous and

life threatening. Plastic Surgery is becoming more popular in the United States. With celebrity influences
and doctor recommendations it is making us want plastic surgery. Also, it is hit tv series such as

“Botched” which fix plastic surgeries that has gone wrong. And people like Doctor Miami that does

plastic surgery on snapchat. Plastic Surgery is everywhere and is a multimillionaire business. As everyone

can see I lean towards getting plastic surgery. And making you feel better about yourself
Work Cited Page

Branaman, A. (2010). Making the cut: How cosmetic surgery is transforming our
lives. Contemporary Sociology, 39(2), 160-162.

Davis, D., & Vernon, M. L. (2002). Sculpting the body beautiful: Attachment style,
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influence of presumed media influence on young people's attitudes toward
cosmetic surgery. Sex Roles, 76(7-8), 436-447.

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