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var var_name: type = init_value; Mixin:
eg. var i : int = 0; trait RichIterator extends AbsIterator {
default values: def foreach(f: T => Unit) {
private var myvar: T = _ // "_" is a default while (hasNext) f(next)


v.0.1 }
scala.Unit is similar to void in Java, except
“Every value is an object & every operation is a message send.” Mixin Class Composition:
Unit can be assigned the () value.
unnamed2: Unit = () The first parent is called the superclass of Iter,
PACKAGE whereas the second (and every other, if present)
default values:
Java style: parent is called a mixin.
package com.mycompany.mypkg 0 for numeric types object StringIteratorTest {
applies across the entire file scope false for the Boolean type def main(args: Array[String]) {
Package "scoping" approach: curly brace delimited () for the Unit type class Iter extends StringIterator(args(0))
package com null for all object types with RichIterator
{ val iter = new Iter
package mycompany iter foreach println
package scala Prefer val over var. }
{ form: val var_name: type = init_value; note the keyword "with" used to create a mixin
package demo val i : int = 0; composition of the parents StringIterator and
object HelloWorld RichIterator.
import java.math.BigInteger No static members, use Singleton, see Object TRAITS
// just to show nested importing Like Java interfaces, defines object types by
def main(args : Array[String]) :
Unit =
CLASS specifying method signatures, can be partially
{ Console.println("Hello there!") Every class inherits from scala.Any implemented. See example in Mixin.
} 2 subclass categories:
scala.AnyVal (maps to java.lang.Object) GENERIC CLASS
scala.AnyRef class Stack[T] {
} // members here
} form: abstract class(pName: PType1, }
pName2: PType2...) extends SuperClass Usage:
IMPORT with optional constructor in the class definition: object GenericsTest extends Application {
class Person(name: String, age: int) extends val stack = new Stack[Int]
import p._ // imports all members of p // do stuff here
Mammal {
// (this is analogous to import p.* in Java) }
// secondary constructor
import p.x // the member x of p
def this(name: String) { note: can also define generic methods
// calls to the "primary" constructor
import p.{x => a} // the member x of p renamed
this(name, 1);
import p.{x, y} // the members x and y of p
import p1.p2.z // the member z of p2,
// members here example:
} class Graph {
// itself member of p1
predefined function classOf[T] returns Scala class Node {
import p1._, p2._ // is a shorthand for import
var connectedNodes: List[Node] = Nil
// p1._; import p2._ class type T def connectTo(node: Node) {
implicit imports: if
the package java.lang OBJECT (connectedNodes.find(node.equals).isEmpty) {
the package scala connectedNodes = node :: connectedNodes
A concrete class instance and is a singleton. }
and the object scala.Predef object RunRational extends Application
Import anywhere inside the client Scala file, not just // members here
// members here
at the top of the file, for scoped relevance, see }
example in Package section.
usage: except operators ending in colon ':' are treated as SELECTION
object GraphTest extends Application { right-associative. The else must be present and must result in the
val g: Graph = new Graph
val n1: g.Node = g.newNode An example is the list-consing operator “::”. where, same kind of value that the if block does
x :: y :: zs is interpreted as x :: (y :: val filename =
val n2: g.Node = g.newNode
if (options.contains("configFile"))
n1.connectTo(n2) // legal zs). options.get("configFile")
val h: Graph = new Graph
val n3: h.Node = h.newNode eg. else
def + (other: Complex) : Complex = { ""
n1.connectTo(n3) // illegal!
Inner classes are bound to the outer object, so a
node type is prefixed with its outer instance and Prefer recursion over looping.
Infix Operator:
can't mix instances. Any single parameter method can be used : while loop: similar to Java
System exit 0
CASE CLASSES Thread sleep 10
See for info. for loop:
// to is a method in Int that produces a Range
unary operators - prefix the operator name with object
METHODS/FUNCTIONS "unary_" for (i <- 1 to 10; i % 2 == 0) // the left-
def unary_~ : Rational = new Rational(denom, arrow means "assignment" in Scala
Methods are Functional Values and Functions are numer) System.out.println("Counting " + i)
form: def name(pName: PType1, pName2: i <- 1 to 10 is equivalent to:
The Scala compiler will try to infer some meaning for (i <-
PType2...) : RetType out of the "operators" that have some
use override to override a method i % 2 == 0 is a filter, optional
predetermined meaning, such as the += operator.
override def toString() = "" + re + (if (im <
0) "" else "+") + im + "i" for (val arg <- args)
Can override for different return type. maps to args foreach (arg => ...)
arrays are classes
“=>” separates the function's argument list from its Array[T]
body access as function: More to come...
def re = real // method without arguments a(i)
Anonymous: parameterize with a type
(function params) | rt. arrow | function body val hellos = new Array[String](3) REFERENCES
(x : int, y : int) => x + y
The Busy Developers' Guide to Scala series:
MAIN • “Don't Get Thrown for a Loop”, IBM
OPERATORS def main(args: Array[String])
All operators are functions on a class. developerWorks
return type is Unit
Have fixed precedences and associativities: • “Class action”, IBM developerWorks
(all letters) • “Functional programming for the object
ANNOTATIONS oriented”, IBM developerWorks
| See
& Scala Reference Manuals:
ASSIGNMENT • “An Overview of the Scala Programming
< >
= Language” (2. Edition, 20 pages), scala-
= ! protected var x = 0
: <-
+ - val x <- xs is a generator which produces a • A Brief Scala Tutorial,
/ % • “A Tour of Scala”,
sequence of values
(all other special characters) "Scala for Java programmers", A. Sundararajan's
Operators are usually left-associative, i.e. x + y + z Weblog,
is interpreted as (x + y) + z,
"First Steps to Scala",

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