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Training Manual


September 1992
SN 05251P.542~3300

(40 copies)

(100 copies each)



(200 copies)



Navy Publications and Forms Center

5801 Tabor Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099

Although there are many ways to manage or control pest prob-

lems, the use of pesticides is frequently selected. Some of
these chemicals are extremely persistent in the environment and
toxic by their very nature. Public concerns over their extensive
use and their detrimental effects on human health, wildlife re-
sources and other environmental components, demand that we
provide continuous professional review and training in selection
and application of sound control measures. Pesticides are unique
because they are purposely released into the environment to
affect pest plants or animals and simultaneously may become an
environmental contaminant. It is our expertise that not only
determines their efficacy, but also minimizes their adverse
environmental impact. The objective of pest management is
effective control with minimal use of the least toxic product
available. The Department of the Navy, a steward of 3.9 million
acres of land at some 250 shore installations and landlord to a
million people, shall continue to support these concerns.
Program emphasis shall be on professional management of installa-
tion pest management programs, controlled application by or under
the supervision of trained and certified personnel, and use of
cost-effective strategies, and use of approved pesticides and
equipment. The purpose of this publication is to facilitate
training the activity pest controller.
Pesticide use is closely regulated under the Federal Insecti-
cide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act and several other federal
statutes. Navy pesticide applicators, in every case, should
consider state or host country requirements in their pest manage-
ment operations.
Recommendations for improvement are encouraged from any party
and these should be furnished to the Commander, Naval Facilities
Engineering Command, Code 1634, 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria,
VA 22332-2300.

E. R.
CEC, U. S. Navy
Commander for
Public Works Centers and Departments
This publication provides core or basic information on pest
management and it applies directly to the type of pest control
operations used in the Navy shore establishment. It is a compan-
ion to two other training manuals: Military Pest Management (MO-
310) and Urban Integrated Pest Management (MO-310.2). The manual
specifically offers information on developing an effective
control program, vulnerable stages in the life cycle of pests,
use of equipment for handling and applying pesticides, and the
safe, responsible use of pesticides. The text and figures were
provided through the courtesy of the Certification and Training
Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Applying Pesticides Correctly
A Guide for Private and Commercial Applicators

SEPAUnited States
Extension Service, United States
Environmental Protection Agency Defmtment of Agriculture
Preface ’
This manual representsthe second revision of benefit of society with a minimum of risk to either
“Applying Pesticides Correctly - A Guide for people or the environment.
Private and Commercial Applicators.” The series
began with separateguides for private and commer- Another major change is in the focus of the
cial applicators published jointly by the U.S. Depart- manual. The previous versions, while giving much
ment of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Environ- basic information, were slanted toward agricultural
mental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1974. Those pesticide use. Recognizing that more and more
manuals were a part of the initial implementation of applicants for certification come from fields other
the applicator training requirements of the Federal than agriculture, this version has taken a broad
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act of 1972. approach. The “core” of information it contains is, in
They established a threshold level of information general, applicable to the entire range of categories in
necessaryfor applicators seeking initial certification. which certification is granted.

The first revision, in 1983, recognized the need for Finally, this revision constitutes a major change in
private and commercial applicators to have a com- the format of the core manual. The information is
mon basis of knowledge about pesticide use. It contained in separateunits, or modules, that each
combined the two 1974 publications into an ex- contain learning objectives and review questions and
panded and updated “core” manual for use by both answers. The structure allows for replacement of
groups of applicators. Produced by North Carolina individual units, as needed, without the need to revise
State University and Information Impact. in coopera- and renumber the entire book. Since the modules are
tion with USDA and EPA, it included new informa- not numbered. training agencies can organize them to
tion and representeda step towards more depth of suit their individual needs and can add or delete units
knowledge for certified applicators. as appropriate.

This second revision reflects the continuing This project, which has the support of both the
evolution of the applicator certification program. Extension Service, USDA, and the Office of Pesti-
Pesticide use has become increasingly complex. cide Programs, EPA, representsthe continuation of a
Safe. responsible pesticide use has become increas- long-standing effort to ensure that pesticide applica-
ingly important to human health and environmental tor training is relevant and useful to applicators who
quality. This new manual includes much new infor- seek certification and that it fulfills the purpose of
mation about the effects of pesticides and how to improving the safety and efficacy of pesticide use.
ensure that they can continue to be used for the
Acknowledgements .
This manual, “Applying Pesticides Correctly.” Burton C. Evans. University of Georgia
was produced by The Ohio State University and Ronald Gardner. Cornell University
Information Impact. in cooperation with the Exten-
sion Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Several printed sources were particularly crucial to
Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Environmental the development of this manual:
Protection Agency. “Agricultural Respiratory Hazards Education Series.
Unit 9. Personal Protective Equipment”. 1986. C.
Principal participants in the project were: Mutel, C. Hradek. and W. Popendorf. American
Sally A. McDonald, Information Impact - primary Lung Association of Iowa, Des Moines. Iowa.
author and compiler. “Personal & Environmental Safety”. 1990. Lab
Mary Ann Wamsley, Information Impact - editor Safety Supply, Janeville, Wisconsin.
and reading level advisor. “Pesticide Applicator Training Manual, Core
John K. Victor, Mary Hoffelt, Jodi Bamhill, and Manual”. 1990. D. Rutz, R. Gardner, and W.
Jackie Mat-they, Section of Information and Smith. Chemicals-Pesticides Program, Cornell
Applied Communications in the Ohio Cooperative University, Ithaca, NY.
Extension Service at The Ohio State University - “Pesticide Education Manual, A Guide to Safe Use
artists and graphic designers. and Handling”. C. Brown and W. Hock. The
Richard C. Funt, The Ohio State University - Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
project coordinator. Pennsylvania.
“Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poison-
Members of The Ohio State University Advisory ings”. 1989. D.P. Morgan. Fourth Edition. Iowa
Committee included: Pesticide Hazard AssessmentProject, The Univer-
Richard C. Funt. Department of Horticulture, Chair sity of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City,
Mark Headings, Agricultural Technical Institute Iowa.
Jo Anne Kick-Raak. Pesticide Applicator Training
Richard Lindquist. Department of Entomology Thanks go also to the many other reviewers who
Erdal Ozkan, Department of Agricultural took the considerable time necessaryto read the draft
Engineering manuscript and to offer comments and suggestions.
Charles Powell. Jr., Department of Plant Pathology Each had a significant hand in ensuring that this final
Celeste Welty. Department of Entomology version representsthe best and most up-to-date
information available about the safe use of pesticides.
The following people are especially acknowledged These reviewers included Cooperative Extension
for their thorough reviews and constructive sugges- Service pesticide coordinators. EPA headquartersand
tions: regional personnel, NIOSH personnel, and other
Karen Angulo, Environmental Protection Agency experts from the pesticide industry.
Robert Bellinger. Clemson University
Unit 1 Principles ot PestControl
n Pests l Pest Control l Integrated Pest Management n Pest Control Failures
Unit 2 Pesticide labeling
n EPA Approval of Pesticide Labeling l Classification of Pesticide Uses
n Parts of Pesticide Labeling
Unit 3 formulations
n Liquid Formulations l Dry Formulations l Fumigants l Adjuvants
Unit 4 Pesticidesin the Environment
m Sourcesof Contamination n Sensitive Areas m Pesticide Movement
n Harmful Effects on Nontarget Plants and Animals l Harmful Effects on Surfaces

unit 5 Special EnvironmentalConcerns- Probcti~g around WatarandEndangmd Siwcies

m Sourcesof Ground Water n Pesticide Contamination of Ground Water
n The Certified Applicator’s Role n Limitations on Pesticide Use
n Habitats of Endangered Species B Imponance of Protecting Endangered Species
n The Certified Applicator’s Role

Unit 6 HarmtulEttectsand EmergencyResponse

n Exposure n Toxicity n Harmful Effects n Signs and Symptoms of Harmful Effects
n Responding to a Poisoning Emergency n Heat Stress
Unit 7 PersonalProtectiveEuuipment
n Chemical-Resistant Personal Protective Equipment n Protecting Your Skin
l Protecting Your Eyes n Protecting Your Respiratory Tract
n Personal Protective Equipment for Handling Fumigants n Disposables and Reusables
n Maintaining Personal Protective Equipment
Unit 8 Pesticide HandlingDecisions
l Personal Safety Considerations n Pre-Application Decisions l Avoid Heat Stress
Unit 9 Mixing, loading, and Application
m Safe Mixing and Loading Practices n Applying Pesticides Safely
l After Mixing. Loading, and Application m Safety Systems

Unit 10 Applyingthe CorrectAmount

n Deciding How Much To Apply n Mixing. Loading, and Calibration Alternatives
m Calibrating Your Equipment l Calibration Methods n Measure Accurately
Unit 11 Transportation,Storage,Disposal,and Spill Cleanup
l Transportation of Pesticides m Pesticide Storage H Disposal n Spill Management
Appendix Ettectsof Pesticideson the HumanBody
Principlesof Pest Control

p Pesticides \
_, ~.. . a’_ :

After you complete your study n Explain what is meant by n Define “integrated pest manage-
of this unit. you should be able to: prevention. suppression, and ment” and list several possible
n Explain why identification of eradication of pests. control tactics that may be used in
the pest is the first step in devel- l Describe “thresholds” and why an IPM strategy.
oping an effective pest control they are an important consider- n Name factors that can cause
strategy. ation in developing a pest control pesticide applications to fail to
w Explain the differences between strategy. control pests.
continuous pests, sporadic pests, W Describe “monitoring” as it H Name ways to help avoid the
and potential pests. relates to pest control and explain development of pest resistance to
why it is important to pest control pesticides.

a pest lives.
adult form.
cooIain ditccticms that psticidc uacm ate
kgally rcquirul to follow.
pest is anything that:
competes with humans. domes-
tic animals. or desirable plants for
food or water,
n injures humans, animals.
desirable plants, structures, or
n spreadsdiseaseto humans,
domestic animals. wildlife. or
desirable plants,
n annoys humans or domestic
a pest until it is proven to be one. will be. Correct identification of a
Typesof Pests Categories of pests include: pest allows you to determine basic
Types of pests include: n continuous pests that are nearly information about it. including its
n insects, such as roaches,ter- always present and require regular life cycle and the time that it is
mites. mosquitoes. aphids. beetles, control. most susceptible to being con-
fleas. and caterpillars, n sporadic, migratory. or cycli- trolled.
n insect-like organisms, such as cal pests that require control As a certified applicator, you
mites. ticks, and spiders, occasionally or intermittently. must be familiar with the pests
n microbial organisms. such as a potential pests that do not you are likely to encounter in the
bacteria. fungi, nematodes, require control under normal tyw of work in your certification
viruses, and mycoplasmas, conditions, but may require control category. To be able to identify
n weeds. which are any plants in certain circumstances. and control pests, you need to
growing where they are not know:
wanted. Pest Identification B the physical features of the
l mollusks. such as snails, slugs, Accurate identification is the pests likely to be encountered,
and shipworms, and first step in an effective pest n characteristics of the damage
n vertebrates, such as rats. mice, managementprogram. Never they cause.
other rodents. birds. fish, and attempt a pest control program B their development and biology,
snakes. until you are sure of what the pest H whether they are continuous,
Most organisms are not pests. A is. The more you know about the sporadic. or potential pests,and
species may be a pest in some pest and the factors that influence n what your control goal is.
situations and not in others. An its development and spread.the If you need help in identifying a
organism should not be considered easier, more cost-effective, and pest. contact your commodity or
more successful your pest control industry organization. Cooperative

Principles of Pest Control

Estens~onagent. or State land-
2 urnv~ersit\~.

Any time you are considering
vvhetherpest control is necessary.
Control a pest only when it is
causing or is expected to cause
more harm than is reasonable to
Use a control strategy that
will reduce the pest numbers to
an acceptable level.
Cause as little harm as
possible to everything except the
Even though a pest is present. it
ma! not do very much harm. It
could cost more to control the pest
than would be lost becauseof the
pest’s damage.

Whenever you try to control a
pest. kou w11Iwant to achieve one
of these three goals. or some Suppression is a common goal are supported by the Government.
combination of them: in many pest situations. The intent Mediterranean fruit fly, gypsy
n prevention - keeping a is to reduce the number of pests to moth, and fire ant control pro-
pest from becoming a problem. a level where the harm they are grams are examples.
n suppression - reducing pest causing is acceptable. Once a In indoor areas,eradication is a
numbers or damage to an accept- pest’s presence is detected and the more common goal. Enclosed
able level. and decision is made that control is environments usually are smaller.
n eradication - destroying an necessary,suppression and less complex. and more easily
entire pest population. prevention often are joint goals. controlled than outdoor areas. In
Prevention may be a goal when The right combination of control many enclosed areas.such as
the pest’s presenceor abundance measurescan often suppressthe dwellings: schools: office build-
can be predicted in advance. pests already present and prevent ings; and health care, food pro-
Continuous pests. by definition. them from building up again to a cessing, and food preparation
are usually very predictable. level where they are causing facilities. certain pests cannot or
Sporadic and potential pests may unacceptable harm. will not be tolerated.
be predictable if you know the Eradication is a rare goal in
ctrcumstancesor conditions that outdoor pest situations. becauseit ThresholdLevels
will favor their presenceas pests. is difficult to achieve. Usually the Thresholds are the levels of pest
For example, some plant diseases goal is prevention and/or suppres- populations at which you should
occur only under certain environ- sion. Eradication is occasionally take pest control action if you
mental conditions. If such condi- attempted when a foreign pest has want to prevent the pests in an
tions are present. you can take been accidentally introduced but is area from causing unacceptable
steps to prevent the plant disease not yet established in an area. injury or harm. Thresholds may be
organisms from harming the Such eradication strategies often basedon esthetic. health, or
desirable plants.
Monitoring of insect. insect-
like, mollusk. and vertebrate pests
usually is done by trapping or by
scouting. Monitoring of weed
pests usually is done by visual
inspection. Monitoring for micro-
bial pests is done by looking for
the injury or damage they cause.
Monitoring also can include
checking environmental condi-
tions in the area that is being
managed. Temperature and
moisture levels, especially humid-
ity. are often important clues in
predicting when a pest outbreak
will occur or will hit threshold
Monitoring is not necessary in
situations where a pest is continu-
ally present and the threshold is
zero. For example. there is zero
tolerance for the presenceof
bacteria in operating rooms and
other sterile areasof health care
facilities. In these situations,
routine pest control measuresare .
taken to prevent pests from
entering an area and to eradicate
any pests that may be present.

Pestcontrol involves more than

simply identifying a pest and
economic considerations. These take action to control some pests. using a control tactic. The treat-
levels. which are known as “action such as rodents or roaches, even if ment site. whether it is an outdoor
thresholds.” have been determined only one or a few have been seen. area or inside a structure. usually
for many pests. contains other living organisms
A threshold often is set at the PestMonltorlng (such as people, animals. and
level where the economic losses In most pest control situations, plants) and nonliving surroundings
caused by pest damage. if the pest the area to be protected should be (such as air, water, structures,
population continued to grow, monitored (checked or scouted) objects, and surfaces). All of these
would be greater than the cost of often. Regular monitoring can could be affected by the pest
controlling the pests. These types answer several important ques- control measuresyou choose.
of action thresholds sometimes are tions: Unless you consider the possible
called “economic thresholds.” n What kinds of pestsare present? effects on the entire system within
In some pest control situations, n Are the numbers great enough which the pest exists, your pest
the threshold level is zero: even a to warrant control? control effort could cause harm or
single pest in such a situation is n When is the right time to begin lead to continued or new pest
unreasonably harmful. For ex- control? problems. Rely on your own good
ample, the presenceof any rodents n Have the control efforts suc- judgment and. when pesticides are
in food processing facilities forces cessfully reduced the number of part of the strategy, on the pesti-
action. In homes. people generally pests? cide labeling.
Mo\t treatment \ltes are di+
rupted to some degree by pest
control strategies.The action5 of
ever! type of organism or compo-
nent sharing the site usually affect
the actions and well-being of
many others. When the balance is
dtsrupted. certain organisms may
be destroyed or reduced in num-
ber. and others - sometimesthe
pests- may dominate.

Integrated pest manqemenr is
the combining of appropriate pest
control tactics into a single plan
(strategy I to reduce pestsand their
damage to an acceptable level.
l!sing many different tactics to
control a pest problem tendc to
cause the leasr disruption to the
Ilvlng organisms and nonli\rlng
burroundings at the treatment site.
RelyIn? only on pestlcldes for pest
control can cause pests to develop
resistance fo pesticides. can cause
outbreaks of other pests. and can l observe local. State. and Federal availability of shelter. and food
harm surfacesor nontarget organ- regulations that apply to the and water supphes.
isms. With some types of pests. situation.
use of pesticides as the only tactic The strategy you choose will Climate
will achieve very poor control. depend on the pest you have Weather conditions. especialI!
To solve pest problems. you identified and the kind and amount temperature. day length. and
must: of control you need. humidity. affect pests’ activity and
n identify the pest or pests and their rate of reproduction. Pests
determine whether control is NaturalControls may be killed or suppressedb)
warranted for each. Some natural forces act on all rain. freezing temperatures.
l determine your pest control organisms. causing the popula- drought. or other adverse weather.
foal(\). tions to rise and fall. These natural Climate also affects pests indi-
n know what control lactics are forces act independently of rectly by influencing the growth
available. humans and may either help or ani1development of their hosts. A
n evaluate the benefits and risks hinder pest control. You may not population of plant-eating pests is
of each tactic or combination of be able lo alter the action of related to growth of its host plants.
tactics. natural forces on a pest popula- Unusual weather conditions can
n choose a strategy that will be tion. but you should be aware of change normal patterns so that
most effective and will cause the their influence and take advantage increased or decreaseddamage
least harm 10people and the of them whenever possible. results.
environment. Natural forces that affect pest
n use each tactic in the strategy populations include climate.
correctly, natural enemies. natural barriers.

Biolobical control
Biological control involves the
UseOf natural enemies - para-
sites. predators. and pathogens.
YOUcan supplement this natural
control by releasing more of a
pest’s enemies into the target area
or by introducing new enemies
that were not in the area before.
Biological control usually is not
eradication. The degree of control
fluctuates. There is a time lag
between pest population increase
and the corresponding increase in
natural controls. But. under proper
conditions, sufficient control can
Natural enemies Applied
Conb’ols be achieved to eliminate the threat
Birds. reptiles, amphibians. Unfortunately, natural controls to the plant or animal to be
fish. and mammals feed on some often do not control pests quickly protected.
pestsand help control their or completely enough to prevent Biological control also includes
numbers. Many predatory and unacceptableinjury or damage. methods by which the pest is
parasitic insect and insect-like Then other control measuresmust biologically altered, as in the
species feed on other organisms, be used. Those available include: production and release of large
some of which are pests. Patho- n host resistance, numbers of sterile males and the
gens often suppresspest popula- n biological control, use of pheromones or juvenile
tions. l cultural control. hormones.
m mechanical control, Pheromonescan be useful in
Oeographic barriers n sanitation. and monitoring pest populations.
Features such as mountains and n chemical control. Placed in a trap, for example, they
large bodies of water restrict the can attract the insects in a sample
spread of many pests.Other Hostmsistance area so that pest numbers can be
features of the landscapecan have Some plants, animals. and estimated. Pheromonesalso can be
similar effects. structures resist pests better than a control tool. Sometimesa
others. Some varieties of plants, manufactured copy of the phero-
Foodand water supply wood. and animals are resistant to mone th?t a female insect uses to
Pest populations can thrive only cenain pests.Use of resistant attract males can be used to
as long as their food and water types, when available, helps keep confuse males and prevent mating,
supply lasts. Once the food source pest populations below harmful resulting in lower numbers of
- plant or animal - is exhausted, levels by making conditions less pests. Applying juvenile hormones
the pestsdie or become inactive. favorable for the pests. to an area can reduce pest numbers
The life cycle of many pests Host resistance works in three by keeping some immature pests
dependson the availability of main ways: from becoming normal. reproduc-
water. n Chemicals in the host repel the ing adults.
pest or prevent the pest from
Shelter completing its life cycle.
The availability of shelter can n The host is more vigorous or
affect some pest populations. tolerant than other varieties and
Overwintering sites and places to thus less likely to be seriously
hide from predators are important damaged by pest attacks.
to the survival of some pests. n The host has physical character-
istics that make it more difficult to

Principles of Pest Control

Cultural control can hc reduced b! removing crop
Cultural practices sometimes residues.
are used to reduce the numbers of Other forms of \anttation that
pests that are attacking cultivated help prevent pest spread include
plants. These practices alter the using pest-free seedsor transplants
rnvironment. the condition of the and decontaminating equipment.
host plant. or the behavior of the antmal\. and other posstble
pest to prevent or suppressan carriers before allowing them to
infestation. They disrupt the enter a pest-free area or leave an
normal relationship between the Infested area. The proper design of
pest and the host plant and make food-handling areascan reduce
the pest less likely to survive, accessand shelter for many pests.
grow. or reproduce. Common
cultural practices include rotating Chemical control
crops. cultivating the soil. varyins Pesttcidex are chemicals used to
time of planting or harvesting. destroy pests.control their activ-
planting trap crops. adjusting ram ttv. or prevent them from causing
u idth. and pruning. thinning. and cleanliness. eliminating pest damage. Some pesticides either
fertilizing cultivated plants. harborage. and increasing thr attract or repel pests.Chemicals
frequency of garbage pickup. that regulate plant growth or
Mechanical [physical) control Management of pests attacking remove foliage also are classified
Devices. machines. and other domestic animals is enhanced b! ;is pesticide\. Pesticides are
methods used to control pests or good manure management prac- generally the fastest way to
alter their environment are called tices. Carryover of agricultural control pests. In many instances.
mechanical or physical controls. pests from one planting to the next they are the only tactic available.
Traps. screens.barriers. fences.
nets. radiation. and electricity
sometimes can be used to prevent
the spread of pests into an area.
Lights. heat. and refrigeration
can alter the environment enough
to suppressor eradicate some pest
populations. Altering the amount
of water. including humidity. can
control some pests. especially
insects and disease agents.

Sanitation practices help to
prevent and suppresssome pests
by removing the peststhemselves
or their sources of food and
shelter. Urban and industrial pests
can be reduced by tmproving
PestControl pesticide. Others withstand its OtherRaatonstar Failure
effects. Peststhat are not de- Not every pesticide failure is
Failures stroyed may pass along to their caused by pest resistance. Make
Sometimes you may find that offspring the trait that allowed sure that you have used the correct
even though you applied a pesti- them to survive. pesticide and the correct dosage
tide. the pest has not been con- When one pesticide is used and that you have applied the
trolled. You should review the repeatedly in the sameplace. pesticide correctly. Sometimes a
situation to try to determine what against the same pest. the surviv- pesticide application fails to
went wrong. There are several ing pest population may be more control a pest becausethe pest was
possible reasonsfor the failure of resistant to the pesticide than the not identified correctly and the
chemical pest control. original population was. The wrong pesticide was chosen. Other
opportunity for resistance is applications fail becausethe
PestResistance greater when a pesticide is used pesticide was not applied at an
Pesticides fail to control some over a wide geographic area or appropriate time - the pest may
pests becausethe pestsare resis- when a pesticide is applied not have been in the area during
tant to the pesticides. Consider this repeatedly to a rather small area the application or it may have
when planning pest control where pest populations are iso- been in a life cycle stage or
programs that rely on the use of lated. A pesticide that leaves a location where it was not suscep-
pesticides. Rarely does any residue that gradually loses its tible to the pesticide. Also remem-
pesticide kill all the target pests. effectiveness over time will help ber that the pests that are present
Each time a pesticide is used. it select out resistance. Rotating may be part of a new infestation
selectively kills the most suscep- pesticides may help reduce the that developed after the chemical
tible pests. Some pestsavoid the development of pest resistance. was applied.
0 . What is the first thing vou
should do when you detect the
A . Prevention is keeping a pest
from becoming a problem: sup-
0 . Define “integrated
(IPM 1 and list
presence of a pest that you think presston is reducing pest numbers several possible control tactics
you may need to control? or damage to an acceptable level; that may be used in an IPM
eradication is destroying an entire strategy.
A. Identify the pest to be sure you pest population.
know exactly what the problem is. A. Integrated pest managementis
Q . What is a threshold? Why the combining of appropriate pest
0 . How can pest identification should you consider thresholds control tactics into a single plan to
help you develop a good pest when you develop a pest control reduce pestsand their damageto
control strategy? strategy? an acceptable level. Pestcontrol
tactics may include: host rests-
A . Identification of the pest A. Thresholds are the levels of tance. biologtcal control. cultural
allows you to determme baste pest populations at which you control. mechanical control.
information about it. including Its must take pest control actton to sanitation. and chemical (pesti-
ltfe cycle and the time that it IS prevent unacceptabledamageor ctde) control.
most susceptrble to being con- injury. Use of threshold informa-
trolled. tion can improve your pest control
ctrategy by helping you make a
0it did. Younotapplied
a pesticide, but
the pest. Name
0 . Explain the differences decision about when to begin three reasons wh! your control
between continuous pests, control tactics. effort might have failed.
sporadic pests, and potential
pests. 0 . Describe pest monitoring A s The failure of the pesticide to
and explain how it can be control the pest might have been
A. Continuous pests are nearly important to pest control strat- caused by pest resistance,choos-
always present and require regular egy. ing the wrong pesticide.
control; sporadic pests are migra- misidentifying the pest. applying
tar!‘. cy,clical, or other occasional A Monitoring
l is checking or the wrong amount, or applying the
pests that require control once in a scouting for pests in an area to pesticide incorrectly.
while, but not on a regular basis; determine what pests are present.
potential pestsare organisms that
are not pests under normal condi-
how many of each kind of pest are
in the area. and how much damage
0 , What can you do to keep the
pests you are trying to control
tions. but can become pestsand they are causing. Monitoring is from becoming resistant to the
require control in certain circum- important to many pest control pesticides you use?
stances. strategies. becauseit helps deter-
mine if the threshold has been A. Pestresistancecan be reduced
0 . Explain what is meant by reached and whether control by using integrated pest manage-
prevention, suppression, and measureshave been effective. ment and rotattng the types of
eradication of pests. pesticides used.

m Applying Pesticides Correct!\

.4fter you complete your study name.” and “brand name” and product in a manner inconsistent
of this module. you should be able know which to use to most with its labeling.”
to: accurately identify a pesticide n Explain the pesticide user’s
m Interpret the terms “label” and product. responsibility to follow use
“labeling.” l Interpret the signal words (and directions and requirements
l Identify the meaning of “Re- symbols) on pesticide labeling. contained in separatedocuments
stricted Use” classification and l Know the types of hazard that. although referenced on the
explain where to look for it on precautionary statementson labeling. do not necessarily
pesticide labeling. pesticide labeling. accompany the product at the
n Distinguish among the terms n Interpret the statement “It is a time of purchase.
“common name.” “chemical violation of Federal law to use this

TermsToKnow ?WieidehMdkr-kl3anwhOdk!ctly
l=Yrpprr-btfcaexprme workswithpauiw. suchasduring
to8pl2dckk(tt8tuuywithin24houm). mixin&-. ~,slorlrg.
Meq#cdkts-Humfulcrffuasuch disptming. 8nd 8pplying. or working on
8sskinrdlorabm&th8tsomcpaTpk prticiac-
&velopintc8aion t0iWdiCibttNtdO RUWhU)---PWtiCi&
notc8u8ctkmmclestialinmostochcr l8bchgsmmnau8th8t8kttyouto
paopk. porriMebamdsbomuscofthcpdci&
chrrief-Thcplimluynutcricrlu8cdIo pluduct8ndtb8tsomctimc6-
allowapcstk5&tobcdispcr& spccSc8ctiastot8kctoavoidthe
cffcctively; for exampk. the tdc in a dust ba7mds.
fonndatioa. the water mixai with a Targetpest-Tbcpcsttowlowndwbich
woa8ble powder bcfotc a spry tlpplicrr- cmmdlDtaslares8rc&ing~
tion that accompaniesthe pesticide Environmental Protection Agency

P esticide product labeling is the

main method of communication
product. Pesticide labeling gives
you instructions on how to use the
product safely and correctly.
(EPA) has reviewed the
manufacturer’s application for
registration and determined that
between a pesticide manufacturer Pesticide users are required by the use of the product will not
and pesticide users.The informa- law to comply with all the present an unreasonable risk to
tion printed on or attached to the instructions and directions for humans or the environment. As
pesticide container is the label. use in pesticide labeling. part of this product registration
Labeling includes the label itself. process,EPA has certain labeling
plus all other information you EPAApprovalof information requirements and
must approve all language that the
receive from the manufacturer
about the product when you buy it. Pesticide labeling manufacturer proposes to include
The labeling may include bro- No pesticide may be sold in the in the product labeling.
chures. leaflets. and other informa- United Statesuntil the U.S.
EPA reviews the labeling to another State or region is subject
make sure that it contains all the .rmlclcDurrRsnclos
--1----m- to civil and crtminal penalties.
information needed for safe and Extension personnel. pesticide
effective use of the pesticide VIP DEPESTO I/M dealers. and other professionals
product and that the information is will help keep you informed of
backed up by data submitted (or SLN registrations that pertain to
cited) by the manufacturer. EPA your local area needs.
may require the manufacturer to
change the labeling if it does not Emergency exemptions from
contain enough information or if s-.-e
* ---
n muluu
are used when an
c-----d registration
the information is wrong. EPA .-CIa-IC.----.B.-.mC
.-.- -1-..-1.-m--
emergency pest situation arises for
also may require that the labeling w-w -A-
which no pesticide is registered. If
include other information about both Federal and SLN registra-
laws or regulations that have been tions would take too long to enact.
adopted to protect human\ or the an emergency registration can be
environment. used. Known as “Section 18
Only after EPA has reviewed exemptions.” these registrations
the labeling and registered the are handled by the highest govem-
product can a pesticide product bc trations often involve adding ing official involved - usually a
sold for use. If the manufacturer application sites. pests. or alternate State governor or Federal agency
wants to change the information control techniques to those listed head. This provision allows a
on the labeling after the product on the federally registered label- pesticide product to be sold and
and labeling are registered. EPA rng. used for a nonregistered purpose
must approve the change. EPA Supplemental labeling must be for a specified period of time.
also may require changes In provided for each SLN registra- Strict controls and recordkeeping
labeling. tion. Applicators must have a copy are required for all these emer-
of the SLN labeling in their gency uses. You must understand
Typesof Registration possessionin order to apply the all of the special requirements and
You are responsible for apply- pesticide for that purpose. The responsibilities involved whenever
ing only registered pestictdes. You registration number of SLN you use pesticides with emergency
may encounter three major types labeling will include the initials exemptions. The agency that has
of registration: “SLN” and the standard two-letter granted the emergency exemption
n Federal registration. abbreviation code for the State will supply you with the necessary
n special local needs registration. that issued the registration. These application rates. safety precau-
n emergency exemptions from registrations are legal only in the tions. and other vital information.
registration. State or local area specified in the
labeling. Any application in Classificationof
Federal EPA registrations are
the most common. Most pesticide Pesticide Uses
usesare registered this way. Look EPA categorizes every use of
for the official EPA registration every pesticide as either “unclassi-
number (which must appear on the fied” or “restricted use”. Man)
label) to be sure you are buying an times all the usesof a particular
approved product. L formulation are classified as
restricted or all are unclassified.
Special local needs registra- Sometimes. however. certain uses
tions (known as SLN or 1,3(c) of a formulation are restricted and
registrations) allow Statesto other uses of the same product are
further control how the pesticide is not. In these cases.the directions
used in their jurisdiction. includ-
ing registering additional usesor
adding limitations for a federally
II- /I for use for the two classifications
must be clearly separatefrom one
another. Entirely different packag-
registered pesticide. These regis- ing and labeling are used.
of these items will be on the front
panel of every label, becauseEPA
requires that they appear there.
Other items, while generally on
the front panel, may be located
elsewhere on the label or in the
labeling if the manufacturer

Each manufacturer has a brand

Pesticides of another person with whom they name for each of its products.
A pesticide, or some of its uses, trade services. Different manufacturers may use
is classified as restricted if it could different brand names for the same
cause harm to humans (pesticide Commercial applicators usepesticide active ingredient. Most
handlers or other persons) or to the or supervise the use of restricted- companies register each brand
environment unless it is applied by use pesticides on any property or name as a trademark and do not
certified applicators who have the for any putpose other than that allow any other company to use
knowledge to use these pesticides listed for private applicators. that name. The brand or trade
safely and effectively. The word Certification requires trainingname is the one used in advertise-
“use” in this phrase is a general or testing for competency in the ments and by company sales-
term - it refers to such activities safe and effective handling and people. The brand name shows up
as: use of restricted-use pesticides. plainly on the front panel of the
n application, Your State, tribal, or Federal label.
n mixing and loading, agency will conduct training and/ Pesticide handlers must beware
n transporting, storing, or han- or testing for certification and may
of choosing a pesticide product by
dling pesticides after the impose stricter standardsthan brand name alone. Many compa-
manufacturer’s seal is broken, those required by Federal law. nies use the samebasic name with
n care and maintenance of appli- Many such agencieshave agree- only minor variations to designate
cation and handling equipment, ments to allow certification by one
entirely different pesticide chemi-
H disposal of pesticides and their to be acceptedby others nearby. cals. For example:
containers. n DePesto= carbaryl

CertifiedPesticide Partsof Pesticide m DePestoSuper = parathion and

Applicators Labeling l DePestoSupreme = carbaryl,
Only a certified pesticide The information on pesticide parathion, and methomyl
applicator may use or supervise labeling usually is grouped under Sometimes several different
the use of restricted-use pesticides. headings to make it easier to find companies sell the samepesticide
Under Federal law, there are two the information you need. Some product under different brand
types of certified pesticide appli- information is required by law to names. For example:
cators - private applicators and appear on a certain part of the m De Weed 2E = diquat 2 lbs per
commercial applicators. labeling or under certain headings. gallon EC formulated by Com-
Other information may be placed PanY x
use or n No Weeds = diquat 2 lbs per
Private applicators wherever the manufacturer
supervise the use of restricted-use chooses. gallon EC formulated by Com-
pesticides to produce an agricul- PanYz*
tural commodity on property Always read the ingredient
owned or rented by themselves or Pesticide labeling contains statement to determine the active
their employer, or on the property basic information that helps users ingredients that a product con-
clearly identify the product. Some tams.

Pesticide Lubeling
Ingredientstatement Registration and Name and addressof
Each pesticide label must list establishment numbers manufacturer
what is in the product. The list is These numbers are needed by The law require\ the maker or
written so you can readily see the pesticide handler in case of distributor of a product to put the
what the active ingredients are and poisoning. claims of misuse. or name and addressof the company’
the amount of each ingredient (as liability claims. on the label. This is 50 you will
a percentageof the total product ). An EPA registration number know who made or sold the
The ingredient statementmust list (for example. EPA Reg. No. 3 l20- product.
the official chemical name and/or 280-AA) indicates that the pesti-
common name for each active cide label has been approved by Net contents
ingredient. lnet-t ingredients need EPA. Most products will contain The front panel of the pesticide
not be named. but the label must only two sets of numbers: for label tells you how much is in the
show what percent of the total example. EPA Reg. No. 3 120-280. container. This can be expressed
contents they make up. The first set of numbers, 3 120. as pounds or ounces for dry
The chemical name is a identifies the manufacturer or formulations and as gallons.
complex name that identifies the company. The second set. 780. quarts. pints. or fluid ounces for
chemical components and struc- identifies the product. liquids. Liquid formulations also
ture of the pesticide. This name is Additional letters and numbers may list the pounds of active
ilmost always listed in the ingre- are sometimes part of the EPA ingredient per gallon of product.
dient statementon the label. For registration number; for example.
example. the chemical name of EPA Reg. No. 3120-280-AA- Type01pes!icide
Diazinon’” is O.O-Diethyl O-(2- 0850. The letters AA might be The type of pesticide usually is
isopropyl-4-methyl-6-pyrimidinyl) required by a particular State to listed on the front panel of the
phosphorothioate. appear on that label. The 0850 is label. This short statement indi-
Becausepesticides have the distributor’s identification cates In general terms what the
complex chemical names.many number and appearson labels of product will control. Examples:
are given a shorter common distributor products.
name. Only common names that
are officially accepted by the U. S.
When a pesticide is registered
by a State becauseof a special
Environmental Protection Agency local need. the registration is
may be used in the ingredient designated. for example. as EPA
statement on the pesticide label. SLN No. KS-770009. In this case.
The official common name may SLN indicates “special local need”
be followed by the chemical name and KS means that the product is Her-hicidr for- the cottrtd c~f’rwcs,
in the list of active ingredients. registered for use in Kansas. If the brush. otld w’eeds.
For example, a label with the SLN registration is for only a few
brand name Sevin. 50% WP of the registered uses in the TyPe of tormulation
would read: pesticide labeling, the SLN The front panel of some pesti-
Active ingredient: number may not be on the front cide labels will tell you what kind
Carbaryl (I-naphthyl N-methyl panel of the pesticide label. of formulation the product is. The
carbamate) .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. 50% Instead. it may be located in the fotmulation may be named or the
Inert ingredient .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. 50% supplementary labeling with the label may show only an abbrevia-
By purchasing pesticides use to which it applies. tion. such as WP for wettable
according to the common or The establishment number powder. D for dust. or EC for
chemical names. you will always (for example. EPA Est. No. 5840- emulsifiable concentrate.
be sure to pet the right active AZ-l) appearson either the
ingredient. pesticide label or container. It
identifies the facility where the
product was made. In casethere
are questions or concerns about
the pesticide product. the facility
that made the product can be
for those usescovered by the certified applicatm’s certification.

Restrkted-Use these activities are informed of the The signal word is basednot on
Designation precautionary statements. the active ingredient alone, but on
When a pesticide is classified as the contents of the formulated
restricted, the label will state RESTRICTED USE product. It reflects the hazard of
“Restricted Use Pesticide” in a PESTICIDE due to oncogenicio. any active ingredients, carriers,
box at the top of the front panel. For retail sale and use only by solvents, or inert ingredients. The
Below this heading may be a certified applicators or persons signal word indicates the risk of
statementdescribing the reason for under their direct supervision and acute effects from the four routes
the restricted-use classification. only for those uses covered by the of exposure to a pesticide product
Usually another statement will certified applicator’s certification. (oral, dermal, inhalation, and eye)
describe the category of certified The use of this product may be and is basedon the one that is
applicator who can purchase and ha:ardous to your health. This greatest. The signal word does not
use the product. Pesticides that are product contains [active ingredi- indicate the risk of delayed effects
unclassified have no designation ent], which has been determined or allergic effects.
on the product label. Examples of to cause tumors in laboratoo Use the signal word to help you
restricted-use statementson animals. decide what precautionary mea-
pesticide labels include: sures are neededfor yourself, your
RESTRiCTED USE workers. and other persons (or
RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE due to ground water animals) that may be exposed.
PESTICIDE due to acute toxicity concern. For retail sale to and use m DANGER - This word
and toxicity to birds and mam- only by certified applicators or signals you that the pesticide is
mals. For retail sale and use only persons under their direct supervi- highly toxic. The product is very
by certified applicators or persons sion and only for those uses likely to cause acute illness from
under their direct supervision and covered by the certified applica- oral, dermal. or inhalation expo-
oni! for those uses covered by the tors’ certification. Users must sure, or to cause severe eye or skin
certified applicator’s certification. read and follow all precautionary irritation.
statements and instructions for use
in order to minimize potential of

PESTICIDE due to very high [active ingredient] to reach
acute to.ricity to humans and ground water.
birds. For retail sale to and use
only by certified applicators or
persons under their direct supervi-
sion and only for those uses Statements
colpered by the certified Signalwordsandsymbols
applicator’s certification. Direct The signal word - DANGER,
supervision for this product is
defined as the certified applicator
being physically present during:
must appear in large letters on the
front panel of the pesticide label.
application. mixing, loading, It indicates how acutely toxic the
repair. and cleaning of applica- product is to humans. The signal n POISON/SKULL AND
tton equipment. Commercial word is immediately below the CROSSBONES - All highly
certified applicators must also statement.“Keep out of reach of toxic pesticides that are very likely
ensure that all persons involved in children.” which also must appear to cause acute illness through oral,
on every label. dermal. or inhalation exposure
also will carry the word POISON
printed in red and the skull and I STATEMIZNT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT
crossbonessymbol. Products that C8lla&ctaf@hys&ian~chic.arho6piml~ly.Expkintlmttbc
have the signal word DANGER victimhllsbctnexpo8altQ~ddercn’bctrir/betcondition.
due to skin and eye irritation
potential will not carry the word
POISON or the skull and effects from exposure to the Allergic ettects statement
crossbonessymbol. pesticide. These statementsmay If tests or other data indicate
m WARNING - This word be on the front or side panel of the that the pesticide product has the
signals you that the product is label, or they may be located potential to cause allergic effects,
moderately likely to cause acute somewhereelse in the labeling. such as skin irritation or asthma,
illness from oral. dermal, or The statementswill warn you if the product labeling must state
inhalation exposure or that the you may be harmed by swallow- that fact. Sometimes the labeling
product is likely to causemoderate ing or inhaling the product or refers to allergic effects as “sensi-
skin or eye irritation. getting it on your skin or in your tization.”
l CAUTION -This word eyes.
signals you that the product is Many pesticides can cause Personalprotectiveequlpment
slightly toxic or relatively acute effects by more than one statements
nontoxic. The product has only route. so study these statements Immediately following the
slight potential to causeacute carefully. These precautionary statementsabout acute, delayed,
illness from oral, dermal, or statementstell you what parts of and allergic effects, the labeling
inhalation exposure. The skin or your body will need the most usually lists personal protective
eye irritation it would cause. if protection. “DANGER: Fatal if equipment requirements. These
any, is likely to be slight. swallowed or inhaled” gives a far statementstell you the minimum
different indication than “DAN- personal protective equipment that
Statementof Dractical GER: Corrosive - causeseye you must wear when using the
treatment (first aid1 damage and severe skin bums.” pesticide. Sometimes the state-
Most pesticide products are ments will require different
required to include instructions on PRECAUTIONARY
how to respond to an emergency PERSONAL
exposure involving that product. STATEMENTS PROTECTIVE
The instructions usually include HAzfARDsToEuMANs EQm=
first aid measuresand may include (&DoMesTICANIMALs)
instructions to seek medical help. Appliamandciiherhandkrs
If the Statement of Practical DANCER: mustwear
Fi3t&Iif&CKbCdthK@ltbe covaaIlsovabng-slecvalshirt
Treatment is not located on the skin, fatal if sw8llowal. and poi- and long-kggal pm*,
front panel, a statement on the sonousifi&akd.Donothathc Cbnhl-mistant gloves such
front panel must refer the user to V8pWSOrsplylllistDOIlOtgCt uhlttylaniuik
the section of the label or labeling CUlSkillOrC~ CbunM-nsisrmtfoaweapePs
where the Statement of Practical
Eye qtion
Treatment may be found. Respirator with an organic
Delayedettects statements vapor-~ caruidge and a
Hazardsto Humansand The labeling of pesticides that p&ilterrppmvedforpesticidea-
DomesticAnimals the Environmental Protection MSHA/NIOSH apprcwal prefix
Agency considers to have the (23c)acanism nppnmdfaper-
Acute etl ects statements potential to cause delayed effects
The label or labeling will must warn you of that fact. These Overhead applications: add
contain statementsthat indicate statementswill tell you whether chmial-resistant widdhmd
which route of entry (mouth skin, the product has been shown to kuahood
eyes, lungs) you must particularly cause problems such as tumors or -and-of
reproductive problems in labora- equipment: add chemical-hstant
protect and what specific action
you need to take to avoid acute tory animals.
personal protective equipment for
different pesticide handling
activities. For example, an apron This section of the pesticide
may be required only during labeling will tell you of any
mixing and loading or equipment special fire, explosion, or chemical
cleaning. Sometimes the state- hazards the product may pose. For
ments will allow reduced personal example, it will alert you if the
protective equipment when you product is so flammable that you
use safety systems,such as closed need to be especially careful to
systemsor enclosed cabs. keep it away from heat or open into treated areasafter a pesti-
flame or if it is so corrosive that it cide application. In addition, the
EnvironmentalHazards must be stored in a corrosion- Directions for Use section will
This section of the pesticide resistant container. When pesti- contain the specific directions
labeling will indicate precautions cides are flammable, smoking for using the product.
for protecting the environment while handling them is extremely
when you use the pesticide. Some hazardous.
general statementsappear on the Note: The physical or chemical
labeling of nearly every pesticide. hazard statementsare not located It is illegal to use a pesticide
in the sameplace in all pesticide in any way not permitted by the
ENVIRONMENTAL labeling. Some labeling groups labeling. A pesticide may be
HAZARDS them in a box under the headiig used only on the plants, animals,
“Physical or Chemical Hazards.” or sites named in the directions
Thispttaedeishighiytoxicto Other labeling may list them on for use. You may not use higher
ZUptiCinvcrttbratestiWiId- the front panel of the label beneath dosages,higher concentrations,
life.Bi&Mxwkdareasmaybe the signal word. Still other label- or more frequent applications.
k&d. ing may list the hazards in para- You must follow all directions
graph form under headings such as for use, including directions
Donotcofl-why “Note” or “Important.” If there are concerning safety, mixing,
cleaningofcq@maItor~ no unusual physical or chemical diluting. storage, and disposal.
of wastes. hazards, there may be no state- You must wear the specified
ment in the labeling. personal protective equipment
Thispaoductishighlytc&to even though you may be risking
beescxpostdtodinxt- DirecUonstorUse only your own safety by not
Directly under the heading wearing it. The use directions
“Directions for Use” on every and instructions are not
pesticide product labeling is the advice, they are requirements.
cropsorwccdsifbeesarevisit- following statement: “It is a Federal law does allow you to
violation of Federal law to use this use pesticides in some ways not
product in a manner inconsistent specifically mentioned in the
with its labeling.” The Directions labeling. Unless you would be in
Most pesticide labeling, for for Use section also contains violation of the laws of your
example. will warn you not to sections on storage and disposal State or tribe. you may:
contaminate water when you and may contain a section on entry m apply a pesticide at any
apply the pesticide or when you dosage, concentration, or fre-
clean your equipment or dispose ” > ,r_ ”

quency less than that listed on

of pesticide wastes.The labeling DIRECTIONS. the labeling,
will contain specific precautionary FOR USE n apply a pesticide against any
statementsif the pesticide posesa target pest not listed on the
specific hazard to the environ- Itisavio~ofkkr8lhwto labeling if the application is to a
ment. For example, it may warn usetbisproductinammnnin- plant, animal, or site that is
you that the product is highly conWentwithitslah&ng. listed.
toxic to bees or other wildlife.
n use any appropriate equipment Otherdirections tor use
or method of application that is The instructions on how to use
not prohibited by the labeling.
the pesticide are an important part
n mix a pesticide or pesticides DISPOSAL of the labeling. This is the best
with a fertilizer if the mixture is way you can find out the right way
PRORIBITIONS: Do not amtami-
not prohibited by the labeling, tlatcwatcr,food,0rfcedbystorageor to handle the product.
n mix two or more pesticides. if disLlod.Donot8tortlmdcrcatdi- The use instructions will tell
all of the dosagesare at or below you:
the recommendedrate. n the pests that the manufacturer
claims the product will control,
Entry statement !D-ORAGE:DOmtShXCbdOWtUtb n the plant, animal, or site the
Some pesticide labeling con- na.stominaiginal-ally.
product is intended to protect,
tains a precaution about entering a K&p amariner tightly closed what l in what form the product should
treated area after application. This not in nsc. Reduce stacking height be applied.
statement tells you how much time WherclOCdd~aIllti~- n the correct equipment to use.
must passbefore people can enter n how much pesticide to use.
clothing and cquipimnt listed under
a treated area except under special “PRECAUTIONARY STATE- n mixing directions.
circumstances. These entry MFNWwhen~gOpCttCOtl- n whether the product can be
intervals are set by both EPA and mincm. mixed with other often-used
some States.Entry intervals set by Sl‘ItIXDMATERIAL:BIockor products,
Statesare not always listed on the dikttoptwawpmacofspill. l whether the product is likely to
label; it is your responsibility to cmaum -m8midaudtrs cause unwanted injuries or stains
determine whether one has been to plants, animals. or surfaces,
set. l where the material should be
The entry statementmay be applied,
printed in a box under the heading --mbdy-hnptrpa
n when and how often it should
“Entry” or “Worker Protections,” diqMmaId-p~mix- be applied.
or it may be in a section with a aue.afhb8Gsavidrtion-
title such as “Important,” “Note,” l8w.lftksewastmamuMbc&
podctfbylueattoahglol8brJ Directions tor use by
or “General Information.” If the ittsme&clmtactyaurstateRr& raiarance
entry interval applies only to tide or Environmentrl Control Some directions for use that
certain usesor locations. the Agency,arbe HatadagWuaeSrcp pesticide users must obey are
heading may indicate that limita- tUUZltdivetith:-BPAb
giadoBicefixgilidMa contained in documents that are
tion. For example, the heading only referred to on the product
might be “Agricultural Use CONTAIIWR DIBPOSAL:
Me4&1-Tripleri~(araptiv&~~). labeling. Such instructions include
Restrictions.” naloffcrfatwyc~ataYlndi- EPA or other Government agency
F&sa+gd regulations or requirements
Storage and disposal concerning the safe use of the
All pesticide labeling contains dUttSrpprovedbyStrtc8DdlOCdul-
.. pesticide product. For example, a
some instructions for storing the pesticide label might state:
iez -Tripkrinsc(aapivs-
pesticide. These may include both lent).nuloffcrforrccyclingorfe-
general statements,such as “Keep .. * Use of this product in a manner
out of reach of children and pets.” ofinasanitarylandfiB,abnnemtc. inconsistent with the PESTICIDE
and specific directions, such as USE BULLETIN FOR PROTEC-
“Do not store in temperatures TION OF ENDANGERED SPE-
below 32 “F.” local laws vary. however, so the CIES is a violation of Federal
Pesticide labeling also contains labeling usually does not give laws. Restrictions for the protec-
some general information about exact disposal instructions. tion of endangered speck apply
how to dispose of excesspesticide Storage and disposal statements to this product. If restrictions
and the pesticide container in usually appear in a special section apply to the area in which this
ways that are acceptable under of the labeling titled “Storage and product is to be used, you must
Federal regulations. State and Disposal.” obtain the PESTICIDE USE

Applying Pesticides Correctly

BULLETIN FOR PROTECTION or company representatives. of the directions for use that are
OF ENDANGERED SPECIES for. industry or commodity organiza- applicable in the specific situation
rhur cwunt~. tions. land-grant universities. or need to be distributed only to the
Cooperative Extension agents. affected users.
This statement probably would This reference to other docu- The decision by EPA not to
be the only indication on the ments is a new practice. It is require all of the applicable
pesticide label or in the labeling necessarybecausethere is no directions for use to be distributed
that other use directions and longer room on the traditional with each pesticide product places
restrictions apply to the product. pesticide label to explain the greater responsibility on the
requirements of all laws and pesticide user. One sentence or
You are responsible for regulations that may apply to the paragraph on a pesticide label may
determining whether the regula- user. For example. EPA has be the only notice you will receive
tion. bulletin. or other document adopted or is considering new that additional use directions are
referred to on the pesticide prod- requirements concerning: required in order for the product to
uct labeling applies to your H ground water protection, be used in compliance with its
situation and your intended use of m endangeredspeciesprotection, labeling. You must:
the pesticide product. If the n pesticide transportation. storage. n determine whether you are
document is applicable. you must and disposal. and affected,
comply with all the specific H worker protection. n locate the applicable directions
directions for use and other Some of these are general use for use,
requirements that it contains. directions that apply to all pesti- m determine how to comply with
These documents do not always cides. so one copy should be the instructions and requirements
accompany the pesticide product sufficient for each affected user. In in the directions for use, and
when it is sold. Instead. you may other cases,the instructions and n comply with those instructions
have to get the additional direc- restrictions apply only in certain and requirements.
tions and requirements from other geographical areasor to certain
sources, such as pesticide dealers usesof a pesticide product. Copies
Knowthe law
in rsn. 1975,197a 8nd 2388

n ~Amustregistapwn’fiides
l AIIpesticidesmustbcusat
stricted use” those uses of pesti-

0 . Explain the diflerences A. “Restricted Use Pesticide” stricted Use Pesticide” will appear
between the terms “label” and means that the product has been in a box on the front panel of the
“labeling.” shown to be likely to harm people pesticide label.
or the environment if it is not used
A. The label is the information correctly. It may be purchasedand
used only by certified applicators
Q . Explain the differences
printed on or attached to the between chemical name, com-
pesticide container. Labeling and those under their direct mon name, and brand name.
includes the label itself, plus all supervision. Which of these terms should you
other information you receive use to most accurately identify a
from the manufacturer about the 0 . Where would you look to pesticide product?
product when you buy it. find out whether a pesticide is
classified as Restricted Use? A. The chemical name is a
Q . What do the words “Re- complex name that identifies the
stricted Use Pesticide” tell you A. If a pesticide is classified as chemical components and struc-
about the pesticide product? Restricted Use, the words “Re- ture of the pesticide. A common
name is a shorter name that EPA A. Signal words and symbols A. It is illegal to use a pesticide
recognizes as a substitute for the indicate the likelihood that you in any way not permitted by the
chemical name of a product. A will experience acute harmful labeling. A pesticide may be used
brand name is the name - usually effects if you are over-exposed. only on the plants, animals. or
a trademark - used by a chemical Signal words do not tell you sites named in the directions for
company to identify a pesticide anything about the risks of de- use. You may not use higher
product. The common name (or layed harmful effects or allergic dosages.higher concentrations. or
the chemical name, if no common effects. more frequent applications. You
name is given) is the most accu- must follow all directions for use,
rate and useful way to identify a Q . What types of hazard including directions concerning
pesticide product. statements should you look for safety, mixing, diluting, storage,
in the pesticide labeling? and disposal. You must wear the
Q . Name and explain the specified personal protective
meaning of the signal words and A. You should look for precau- equipment even though you may
symbols you may see on a tions about hazardsto humans be risking only your own safety by
pesticide product. (and domestic animals). environ- not wearing it.
mental hazards, and physical/
A. “Caution” indicates that the chemical hazards. 0 . Does the pesticide label
pesticide product is slightly toxic contain all the instructions and
or relatively nontoxic. “Warning” 0 . What types of precautionary directions for use that you need
indicates that the pesticide product statements may be included in to use the product safely and
is moderately toxic. “Danger” the labeling section titled “Haz- legally?
indicates that the pesticide product ards to Humans’*?
is highly toxic. “Poison” and the A. Some pesticide products have
skull and crossbones indicates A. Acute effects precautions, all the necessary instructions and
that the pesticide product is highly delayed effects precautions, directions for use on the product
toxic as a poison. rather than as a allergic effect precautions. and label. For other products. more
skin or eye irritant. personal piotective equipment instructions and directions may be
requirements may be in the section in other labeling that accompanies
0 . Can you use the signal word of the labeling titled “Hazards to the product at the time of pur-
on a pesticide label to judge the Humans.” chase.The label or labeling of still
likelihood of suffering acute, other products may refer to
delayed, or allergic effects if you Q . What is the meaning of the separatedocuments that contain
are overexposed to the product? statement: “It is a violation of specialized instructions and
Explain. Federal law to use this product directions. Pesticide users are
in a manner inconsistent with its required by law to comply with all
labeling*‘? these types of instructions and
directions - not just with the
label itself.

Pesticide Labeling
After you complete your study m Identify factors to consider appropriate formulations for
of this unit, you should be able to: when choosing a formulation. specific purposes.
H Explain what a pesticide n Use your knowledge of the n Recognize the purpose of
formulation is. characteristics, advantages,and adjuvants and list several types.
w Distinguish between “active” disadvantagesof different types of
and “inert” ingredients. pesticide formulations to select
T he active ingredients in a
pesticide are the chemicals that
about each formulation. For
m Do you have the necessary
liquid Formulations
control the target pest. Most application equipment? Concentrates(ECor El
pesticide products you buy also n Can the formulation be applied An emulsifiable concentrate
have other ingredients, called inert safely under the conditions in the formulation usually contains
(inactive) ingredients. They are application area? liquid active ingredient. one or
used to dilute the pesticide or to l Will the formulation reach your more petroleum-based solvents.
make it safer, more effective, target and stay in place long and an agent that allows the
easier to measure,mix, and apply, enough to control the pest? formulation to be mixed with
and more convenient to handle. n Is the formulation likely to water to form an emulsion. Each
Usually the pesticide is diluted harm the surface to which you will gallon of EC usually contains 25
in water. a petroleum-based apply it? to 75 percent (2 to 8 pounds)
solvent, or another diluent. Other To answer these kinds of active ingredient. EC’s are among
chemicals in the product may questions. you need to know the most versatile formulations.
include wetting agents. spreaders, something about the characteris- They are used against agricultural.
stickers, or extenders. This tics of different tyvs of fotmula- ornamental and turf, forestry.
mixture of active and inert inpre- tions and the general advantages structural. food processing.
dients is called a pesticide formu- and disadvantagesof each type. livestock. and public health pests.
lation. They are adaptable to many types
Some formulations are ready of application equipment. from
for use. Others must be further small. portable sprayers to hydrau-
diluted with water. a petroleum- lic sprayers. low-volume ground
basedsolvent, or air (as in airblast sprayers. mist blowers, and low-
or ULV applications) by the user volume aircraft sprayers.
before they are applied. Advantages:
A single active ingredient often H Relatively easy to handle,
is sold in several different kinds of transport, and store.
formulations. If you find that more n Little agitation required - will
than one formulation is available
for your pest control situation. you
must choose the best one for the &pC not settle out or separatewhen
equipment is running,
n Not abrasive,
job. Before you make the choice. l Do not plug screensor nozzles.
ask yourself several questions n Little visible residue on treated

n High concentration makes it
easy to overdose or underdose
through mixing or calibration
n May cause unwanted harm to
n Easily absorbedthrough skin of
humans or animals,
D Solvents may causerubber or
plastic hoses, gaskets,and pump
parts and surfacesto deteriorate,
w May cause pitting or discolora-
tion of painted finishes,
n Flammable - should be used
and stored away from heat or open
n May be corrosive.

soltttlotts (S)
Some pesticide active ingredi-
ents dissolve readily in a liquid
solvent. such as water or a petro-
leum-based solvent. When mixed
with the solvent, they form a
solution that will not settle out or
separate.Formulations of these
pesticides usually contain the
active ingredient, the solvent. and
one or more other ingredients.
Solutions may be used in any type
of sprayer indoors or outdoors.

Some solutions are products
that contain the correct amount of
solvent when you buy them. No
further dilution is required before
application. These formulations,
usually solutions in petroleum-
based solvents. contain small refined oil or petroleum-based n mosquito control.
amounts (often I percent or less) solvent. Advantages:
of active ingredient per gallon. Some uses of solutions are: n No agitation necessary.
n structural and institutional pest Disadvantages:
fi;ygate solutions control, n Limited number of formulations
l control of some household of this type available.
Other solutions are sold as pests, The other advantagesand
concentrates that must be further w livestock and poultry pest disadvantagesof solutions vary
diluted with a liquid solvent control, depending on the solvent used, the
before you apply them. Occasion- D space sprays in barns and concentration of the active ingre-
ally the solvent is water, but more warehouses, dient, and the type of application
often the solvent is a specially l shade tree pest control, involved.
for mosquito and biting fly control
WI Aerosols[A) outdoors.
These concentrates may ap- These formulations contain one Advantages:
proach IO0 percent active ingredi- or more active ingredients and a n Easy way to fill entire space
ent. They are designed to be used solvent. Most aerosols contain a with pesticide.
as is or to be diluted with only low percentageof active ingredi- Disadvantages:
small quantities of specified ent. There are two types of aerosol n Highly specialized use and
solvents. These special-purpose formulations - the ready-to-use equipment,
formulations are used mostly in type. and those made for use in n Difficult to confine to target site
outdoor applications, such as in smoke or fog generators. or pest,
agricultural, forestry, ornamental. n May require respiratory protec-
and mosquito control programs. Ready-to-useaerotelt tion to prevent risk of inhalation
Advantages: These aerosol formulations are injury.
l Relatively easy to handle. usually small, self-contained units
transport, and store. that release the pesticide when the Invert Emulsions
n Little agitation required. nozzle valve is triggered. The This mixture contains a water-
l Not abrasive to equipment. pesticide is driven through a fine soluble pesticide dispersed in an
l No plugging of screensand opening by an inert gas under oil carrier. Invert emulsions
nozzles. pressure.creating fine droplets. require a special kind of emulsifier
n Little visible residue on treated These products are used in green- that allows the pesticide to be
surfaces. houses. in small areas inside mixed with a large volume of
Disadvantages: buildings, or in localized outdoor petroleum-based carrier, usually
l Difficult to keep pesticide in the areas.Commercial models. which fuel oil. When applied, inven
target site - high drift hazard, hold 5 to 10 pounds of pesticide, emulsions form large droplets that
l Specialized equipment required. are usually refillable. do not drift easily. Invert emul-
n Easily absorbed through skin of Advantages: sions are most commonly used in
humans or animals, m Ready to use. vegetation control along rights-of-
m Solvents may cause rubber or m Easily stored, way where drift to susceptible
plastic hoses.gaskets.and pump l Convenient way to buy small nontarget plants is a problem.
parts and surfaces to deteriorate. amount of a pesticide,
n Retain potency over fairly long Dry Formulations
flowables IF or 1) time.
Some active ingredients are Disadvantages:
n Practical for very limited uses.
insoluble solids. These may be Most dust formulations are
formulated as flowables in which m Risk of inhalation injury. ready to use and contain a low
the finely ground active ingredi- l Hazardous if punctured. over- percentageof active ingredient
ents are mixed with a liquid. along heated, or used near an open (usually l/2 to 10 percent). plus a
with inert ingredients, to form a flame. very fine dry inert carrier made
suspension. Flowables are mixed m Difficult to confine to target site from talc, chalk. clay. nut hulls, or
with water for application and are or pest. volcanic ash. The size of indi-
similar to EC or wettable powder vidual dust particles is variable.
formulations in easeof handling formulattons tor smoke or A few dust formulations are
and use. They are used in the same tog generators concentrates and contain a high
types of pest control operations for These aerosol formulations are percentage of active ingredient.
which EC’s are used. not under pressure.They are used These must be mixed with dry
Advantages: in machines that break the liquid inert carriers before they can be
8 Seldom clog nozzles. formulation into a fine mist or fog applied.
l Easy to handle and apply. (aerosol) using a rapid1y whirling Dusts are always used dry, and
Disadvantages: disk or heated surface. These they easily drift into nontarget
n Require moderate agitation, formulations are used mainly for sites. They sometimes are used for
n May leave a visible residue. insect control in structures such as agricultural applications. In
greenhousesand warehousesand structures. dust formulations are

used in cracks and crevices and for
spot treatments. ‘They are widely
used in seed treatment. Dusts also
are used to control lice, fleas, and
other parasites on pets and live-
n Usually ready to use, with no
n Effective where moisture from a
spray might causedamage, Disadvantages: and other aquatic pests.Granules
n Require simple equipment, n Can be attractive to children are used in agricultural, structural,
n Effective in hard-to-reach and pets, ornamental. turf, aquatic, right-of-
indoor areas. n May kill domestic animals and way, and public health (biting
Disadvantages: nontarget wildlife outdoors, insect) pest control operations.
H Easily drift off target during n Pest may prefer the crop or Advantages:
application, other food to the bait, n Ready to use - no mixing,
D Residue easily moved off target n Dead pests may causeodor n Drift hazard is low, and par-
by air movement or water, problem, ticles settle quickly.
n May irritate eyes, nose, throat, n Other animals may be poisoned n Little hazard to applicator - no
and skin, as a result of feeding on the spray, little dust,
n Do not stick to surfacesas well poisoned pests. n Weight carries the formulation
as liquids. m If baits are not removed when through foliage to soil or water
n Difficult to get an even distribu- the pesticide becomesineffective, target,
tion of particles on surfaces. they may serve as a food supply n Simple application equipment,
for the target pest or other pests. such as seedersor fertilizer
Baits IB) spreaders,
A bait formulation is an active Granule (6) n May break down more slowly
ingredient mixed with food or Granular formulations are than WP’s or EC’s through a
another attractive substance.The similar to dust formulations except slow-release coating.
bait either attracts the pests or is that granular particles are larger Disadvantages:
placed where the pestswill find it. and heavier. The coarse particles n Do not stick to foliage or other
Pestsare killed by eating the are made from an absorptive nonlevel surfaces,
pesticide the bait contains. The material such as clay, corn cobs, n May need to be incorporated
amount of active ingredient in or walnut shells. The active into soil or planting medium,
most bait formulations is quite ingredient either coats the outside n May need moisture to stan
low, usually less than 5 percent. of the granules or is absorbed into pesticidal action,
Baits are used inside buildings them. The amount of active n May be hazardous to nontarget
to control ants, roaches,flies, and ingredient is relatively low. species,especially waterfowl and
other insects and for rodent usually ranging from 1 to 15 other birds that mistakenly feed on
control. Outdoors they sometimes percent. the grain- or seed-like granules.
are used to control snails, slugs, Granular pesticides are most
and some insects, but their main often used to apply chemicals to Pellets(P or PSI
use is for control of vertebrate the soil to control weeds, nema- Most pellet formulations are
pests such as rodents, other todes, and insects living in the very similar to gram&r formula-
mammals, and birds. soil. Granular formulations are tions; the terms often are used
Advantages: sometimes used in airplane or interchangeably. In a pellet
l Ready to use, helicopter applications to mini- formulation, however, all the
n Entire area need not be covered, mize drift or to penetrate dense particles are the sameweight and
becausepest goes to bait, vegetation. shape.The uniformity of the
l Control pests that move in and Granular formulations also are particles allows them to be applied
out of an area. used to control larval mosquitoes by precision applicators such as

Applying Pesticides Correctly

those being used for precision Advantages: Microencapsulated
planting of pelleted seed. A few n Easy to store. transport. and Pesticides(MI
fumigants are formulated as handle. Microencapsulated formula-
pellets; however, these will be l Less likely than EC’s and other tions are particles of pesticides
clearly labeled as fumigants and petroleum-based pesticides to (liquid or dry) surrounded by a
should not be confused with cause unwanted harm to treated plastic coating. The formulated
nonfumigant. granule-like pellets. plants, animals. and surfaces. product is mixed with water and
n Easily measuredand mixed. applied a5 a spray. Once applied.
n Less skin and eye absorption the capsule slowly releasesthe
than EC’s and other liquid formu- pesticide. The encapsulation
lations. processcan prolong the active life
Disadvantages: of the pesticide by providing a
n Inhalation hazard to applicator timed release of the active ingredi-
while pouring and mixing the ent.
concentrated powder. Advantages:
l Require good and constant n Increased safety to applicator.
agitation (usually mechanical) in m Easy to mix. handle. and apply.
the spray tank and quickly settle n Releasespesticide over a period
out if agitation is turned off. of time.
l Abrasive to many pumps and Disadvantages:
nozzles, causing them to wear out n Constant agitation necessary in
quickly, tank.
n Difficult to mix in very hard or n Some bees may pick up the
very alkaline water, capsules and carry them back to
l Often clog nozzles and screens. their hive where the released
l Residues may be visible. pesticide may poison the entire
Soluble owders
BP or uiSP) Water-Disersible
Soluble powder formulations GranulesPDryFlowablesl
look like wettable powders. (WDGor OF1
Wettable powders are dry, However. when mixed with water, Water-dispersible granular
finely ground formulations that soluble powders dissolve readily formulations are like wettable
look like dusts. They usually must and form a true solution. After powder formulations. except the
be mixed with water for applica- they are mixed thoroughly. no active ingredient is prepared as
tion as a spray. A few products, additional agitation is necessary. granule-sized particles. Water-
however. may be applied either as The amount of active ingredient in dispersible granules must be
a dust or as a wettable powder - soluble powders ranges from I.5 to mixed with water to be applied.
the choice is left to the applicator. 95 percent; it usually is over 50 Once in water, the granules break
Wettable powders contain 5 to percent. Soluble powders have all apart into fine powder. The
95 percent active ingredient, the advantagesof wettable pow- formulation requires constant
usually 50 percent or more. ders and none of the disadvantages agitation to keep it suspendedin
Wettable powder particles do not except the inhalation hazard water. Water-dispersible granules
dissolve in water. They settle out during mixing. Few pesticides are share the advantagesand disad-
quickly unless constant agitation is available in this formulation, vantages of wettable powders
used to keep them suspended. becausefew active ingredients are except:
Wettable powders are one of soluble in water. n They are more easily measured
the most widely used pesticide and mixed.
formulations. They can be used for l They cause less inhalation
most pest problems and in most hazard to the applicator during
types of spray equipment where pouring and mixing.
agitation is possible.
Fumigants alter the dispersing. spreading. and
Fumigants are pesticides that wetting properties of spray
form poisonous gaseswhen droplets.
applied. Some active ingredients Common adjuvants are:
are liquids when packaged under n Wetting agents- allow
high pressure but change to gases wettable powders to mix with
when they are released.Other water.
active ingredients are volatile n Emulsifiers - allow petroleum-
liquids when enclosed in an basedpesticides (EC’s) to mix
ordinary container and so are not with water.
formulated under pressure.Others n Invert emulsifiers - allow
are solids that releasegaseswhen water-based pesticides to mix with
applied under conditions of high petroleum carrier.
humidity or in the presenceof n Spreaders- allow pesticide to
water vapor. Fumigants are used form a uniform coating layer over
for structural pest control. in food the treated surface.
and grain storage facilities. and in n Stickers - allow pesticide to
regulatory pest control at ports of stay on the treated surface.
entry and at State and national n Penetrants- allow the pesti-
borders. In agricultural pest cide to get through the outer
control. fumigants are used in soil surface to the inside of the treated
and in greenhouses.granaries. and area.
grain bins. n Foaming agents - reduce drift.
Advantages: n Thickeners - reduce drift by
D Toxic to a wide range of pests. increasing droplet size.
n Can penetrate cracks, crevices. n Safeners- reduce the toxicity
wood, and tightly packed areas n Require the use of specialized of a pesticide formulation to the
such as soil or grains. application equipment. pesticide handler or to the treated
n Single treatment usually will surface.
kill most pests in treated area. Adjuvants n Compatibility agents- aid in
Disadvantages: An adjuvant is a chemical combining pesticides effectively.
n The target site must be enclosed added to a pesticide formulation w Buffers - allow pesticides to
or covered to prevent the gas from or tank mix to increase its effec- be mixed with diluents or other
escaping. tiveness or safety. Most pesticide pesticides of different acidity or
n Highly toxic to humans and all formulations contain at least a alkalinity.
other living organisms. small percentageof adjuvants. m Anti-foaming agents - reduce
n Require the use of specialized Some of the most common foaming of spray mixtures that
protective equipment. including adjuvants are surfactants - require vigorous agitation.
respirators. “surface active ingredients” that

.“. ,_ . ;&


TestYourKnowledge --
What is a pesticide formula- application equipment? Can you
apply the formulation safely? Will
A, The wettable powder would
be the best choice in the first
the formulation reach the target situation, becauseEC’s are
A, A pesticide formulation is the and stay in place long enough to corrosive and may cause pitting.
mixture of active and inert (inac- control the pest? Might the discoloration, or other damageto
tive) ingredients that forms a formulation harm the target site? treated surfaces. Wettable powders
pesticide product. are difficult to mix in very hard or
0 . If you had a choice of either very alkaline water, so the EC
0 . What is the difference a wettable powder formulation formulation would be the best
between active ingredients and or a granular formulation for a choice in the second situation.
inert ingredients? particular pest control task,
which would be best if drift were 0 . Why are adjuvants some-
A. Active ingredients are the a major concern? Which would times added to pesticide formu-
chemicals in a pesticide product be best if you need the pesticide lations?
that control pests. Inert ingredients to stay on a surface that is not
are the chemicals in a pesticide level, such as foliage? A, Adjuvants are added to a
product that are added to make the pesticide formulation or tank mix
product safer. more effective, A. The granular formulation to increase its effectiveness or
easier to measure.mix. and apply, would be the best choice in the safety.
and more convenient to handle. first situation, becausegranules
have a much lower drift hazard Q l What type(s) of adjuvants
Q . What types of factors than wettable powders. Granules should you consider for reduc-
should you consider when you do not stick to nonlevel surfaces, ing drift? for coating a surface
have a choice of formulations so the wettable powder would be evenly? when you wish to
for a pest control task? the best choice in the second combine two or more pesticides
situation. for one application?
A . You should think about the
characteristics of each formula- Q , If you had a choice of either A . Foaming agents and thicken-
tion, and you should consider a wettable powder or an emulsi- ers help to reduce drift. Spreaders
which of the formulation’s advan- fiable concentrate for a particu- help to coat the treated surface
tages and disadvantagesare lar pest control task, which with an even layer of pesticide.
important in your application would be better if you were Compatibility agents aid in
situation. Also consider the concerned about harming the combining pesticides effectively.
following: Do you have the right treated surface? Which would
be best if you were diluting with
very hard or alkaline water?
Pesticidesin the Environment
.,.Y^^ “. ‘ - __“G . ,, _ -&.- “;rr *a.,‘ i . LX - ” “,,” *..,

After you complete your study l Explain why sensitive areasare l Describe factors that influence
of this unit, you should be able to: important considerations for whether pesticides will move
n Explain the meaning of the pesticide handlers. offsite in water.
word “environment.” n Name the routes by which n Describe ways that pesticides
w Distinguish between point- pesticides can move offsite into move offsite in or on objects,
sourcesand non-point-sources of the environment. plants, or animals.
environmental contamination by n Describe factors that influence n Recognize that nontarget
pesticides. whether pesticides will move plants and animals can be
n List factors you should consider offsite in the air. harmed by both pesticides and
when you accidentally or inten- pesticide residues.
tionally release a pesticide into the w Describe harmful effects that
environment, pesticides can have on surfaces.


i6~itmldan8t6thcatvinm- Vobtik - Evqoratingrapidly;turning
tnatt. R8ka6ec6Ilkinmtioarl.86io80 cadyinto8g66av8por.
concerns that a pesticide product

T he environment is every-
thing that is around us. It includes
poses.Use good judgment. too.
The lack of a particular precau-
tionary statement does not neces-
not only the natural elements that sarily mean that the product poses
the word “environment” most no hazard to the environment.
often brings to mind. but also Both the public and the Envi-
people and the manmadecompo- ronmental Protection Agency
nents of our world. Neither is the (EPA) are becoming increasingly
environment limited to the out- concerned about harmful effects
doors - it also includes the on the environment from the use
indoor areasin which we live and of pesticides. As a result. EPA is
work. looking closely at environmental
The environment. then. is much effects as it considers new applica-
more than the oceans and the tions for registration, and it also is
ozone layer. It is air. soil, water, taking another look at existing
plants. animals. houses.restau- pesticide registrations. Hazards to
rants. office buildings, and facto- humans had been the primary
ries and all that they contain. reason for EPA to classify a
Anyone who uses a pesticide - pesticide as a restricted-use
indoors or outdoors, in a city or in product. Now. more and more
the country - must consider how pesticide labels list environmental
that pesticide will affect the effects. such as contamination of
environment. ground water or toxicity to birds
The user must ask two ques- or aquatic invertebrate animals. as
tions: a reason for restriction.
n How will this pesticide affect
the immediate environment at the
site where it is being used? Responsible pesticide users
n What are the dangers that the know and follow good practices Contamination
pesticide will move out of the use that achieve effective pest When environmental contami-
site and cause harm to other parts control with very little risk of nation occurs, it is the result of
of the environment? environmental damage. either point-source or non-point-
Pesticides can harm all types of Pesticide product labeling source pollution. Point-source
environments if they are not used statementsare intended to alert pollution comes from a specific.
correctly. you to particular environmental identifiable place (point). A
As a pesticide handler. espe-
cially if you use and supervise the
use of restricted-use pesticides.
you must become aware of the
potential for environmental
contamination during every phase
of your pesticide operation. Many
pesticide usesare restricted
becauseof environmental con-
cerns. Whenever you releasea
pesticide into the environment -
whether intentionally or acciden- (wells. sinkholes, porous soil,
tally - consider: etc.),
n whether there are sensitive areas n areasin or near surface water,
pesticide spill that moves into a in the environment at the pesticide m areasnear schools, playgrounds,
storm sewer i3 an example of use site that might be harmed by hospitals. and other institutions.
point-source pollution. Non-point- contact with the pesticide, n areasnear the habitats of
source pollution comes from a l whether there are sensitive endangeredspecies,
wide area. The movement of offsite areasnear the use site that n areasnear apiaries (honeybee
pesticides into streamsafter might harmed by contact with the sites). wildlife refuges, or parks,
broadcasrapplications is an pesticide, and
example of non-point-source l whether there are conditions in n areasnear ornamental gardens,
pollution. the environment at the pesticide food or feed crops, or other
Non-point-source pollution use site that might causethe sensitive plantings.
from pesttclde applications is rhe pesticide to move offsite. and Sensitive areas indoors include:
source that has most commonly n whether you need to change any n areaswhere people - espe-
been blamed for pesticide con- factors in your application or in cially children, pregnant women,
tamination In the outdoor environ- the pesticide use site to reduce the the elderly, or the sick - live.
ment. But more and more studies risk of environmental contamina- work, or are cared for,
tire revealing that. in fact. much tion. l areas where food or feed is
environmental contamination does processed,prepared, stored, or
not result from non-point-source SensitiveAreas served,
pollution. Contamination also Sensitive areasare sites or m areaswhere domestic or con-
results from point sources. such living things that are easily injured fined animals live, eat, or are
as: by a pesticide. otherwise cared for, and
n wash water and spills produced Sensitive areasoutdoors n areas where ornamental or other
at equipment cleanup sites. include: sensitive plantings are grown or
n improper disposal of containers. n areaswhere ground water is maintained.
water from rinsing containers. and near the surface or easily accessed Sometimespesticides must be
excess pesticides. deliberately applied to a sensitive
n pesticide storage sites where area to control a pest. These
leaks and spills are not correctly applications should be performed
cleaned up. and by persons who are well trained
n spills that occur while mixing about how to avoid causing injury
concentrates or loading pesticides in such areas.
into application equipment. At other times, the sensitive
These kinds of tasks are area is part of a larger target site.
involved with nearly every Whenever possible, take special
pesticide use, whether the precautions to avoid direct appli-
pesticide is applied outdoors or cation to the sensitive area. For
in or around an enclosed struc- example. leaving an untreated
ture. buffer zone around sensitive areas
is often a practical way to avoid introduc,ing the material into the created by ventilation systems and
contaminating them. air. by forced-air heating and cooling
In still other instances. the systems.
sensitive area may be near a site DO not me irr or around resi-
that is used for application. dences. ParUleS and droplets
mixing/loading. storage. disposal.
or equipment washing. The
pesticide users must take precau- Pesticides that move away from easily carried by moving air.
tions to avoid accidental contami- the releasesite may cause environ- Granules and pellets are much
nation of the sensitive area. For mental contamination. Pesticides heavier and tend to settle out of air
example, a permanent site for move away from the release site quickly. Small spray droplets also
mixing/loading or equipment both indoors and outdoors and are easily carried in air currents.
washing could be equipped with a may cause harm in both environ- High-pressure and fine nozzles
collection pad or tray to catch and ments. Pesticides move in several produce very small spray droplets
contain leaks. spills. or waste ways, including: that are very likely to drift. Lower
water. n in air. through wind or through pressure and coarsenozzles
Typical pesticide labeling air currents generated by ventila- produce larger droplets with less
statementsthat alert you to these tion systems, drift potential.
concerns include: n in water, through runoff or The likelihood that pesticide
leaching. particles and spray droplets will
Do IWI use in hospital putient l on or in objects, plants, or drift offsite dependspartly on the
quarter-s. animals (including humans) that way they are released.Pesticides
move or are moved offsite. releasedclose to the ground or
Remnlle all animals from building floor are not as likely to be caught
prior- to treatment and keep up in air currents as those released
animals out until spray has dried. Air from a greater height. Pesticides
Pesticide movement away from
applied in an upward direction or
Applicutinns prohibited in areas the releasesite in the air is usually
from an aircraft are the most likely
H4er.efood is hrld. processed. called drift. Pesticide particles,
to be carried on air currents.
prepared nr ser\*ed. dusts, spray droplets. and vapors
all may be carried offsite in the Vapors
Do not tise around home gardens. air. People who mix, load. and Pesticide vapors move about
sr~hools. reueotinnal parks. or apply pesticides outdoors usually easily in air. Fumigant pesticides
ploy,vnunds. are aware of the easewith which are intended to form a vapor when
pesticides drift offsite. People who they are released.Persons using
handle pesticides indoors may not fumigants must take precautions to
realize how easily some pesticides make sure the fumigant remains in
move offsite in the air currents a sealedcontainer until it is
releasedinto the application site,
which also must be sealed to
prevent the vapor from escaping.
Some nonfumigant pesticides also
can vaporize and escapeinto the
air. The labeling of volatile
pesticides often includes warning
statementsthat the pesticide
handler should heed. Any time
you release a volatile pesticide in
an enclosed area. consider the
hazards not only to yourself and to
fellow workers, but also to people.
animals, and plants that are in or
near the release site or that may
enter the area soon after the Most pesticide movement in water pesticide down a sink drain and
release. is across the treated surface into the water system.
Typical pesticide labeling (runoff) or downward from the Some pesticides can leach
statementsthat alert you to avoid surface (leaching). Runoff and downwards in indoor environ-
drift include: leaching may occur when: ments. In a greenhouse.for
n too much liquid pesticide is example, pesticides may leach
Do not uppI! w*hen weather applied. leaked, or spilled onto a through the soil or other planting
conditions ful*or drift from areas surface, or medium to floors or benches
treated. n too much rainwater, irrigation below. Some pesticides used
water, or other water gets onto a indoors may be absorbed into
Do not allows drift onto plants surface containing pesticide carpets, wood, and other porous
intended for food or feed. residue. surfaces and remain trapped for a
Runoff water in the outdoor long time.
Drift fr-om treated ureus may he environment may travel into Typical pesticide labeling
hoxrdorts to aquatic organisms in drainage ditches. streams,ponds, statementsthat alert you to these
neighboring ureas. or other surface water where the concerns include:
pesticides can be carried great
distances offsite. Pesticides that Do not contaminate wwter through
Pesticide particles and liquids leach downward through the soil runoff. spills. or impsuper disposal
may be carried offsite in water. in the outdoor environment of excess pesticide. spru.v mix-
Pesticides can enter water through: sometimes reach the ground water. tures. or rinsates.
l drift, leaching. and runoff from Runoff water in the indoor
nearby applications, environment may get into domes- Do not allon~ runoff or spru.v to
l spills, leaks, and back-siphon- tic water systemsand from there contominute wells, irrigation
ing from nearby mixing, loading, into surface water and ground ditches. or onp body of water used
storage. and equipment cleanup water. Runoff can flow into floor for irri,gation or domestic, pur-
sites. and drains or other drains and into the poses.
l improper disposal of pesticides, water system. Sometimes a
rinsates. and containers. careless pesticide handler washes

Y I Applying Pesticides Correct!\

DO not apply direct& to M*uter and n the days-to-harvest. days-to- a pesticide application. Poorly
nvetlonds (sn8umps.hogs. ma&&. grazing. or days-to-slaughter timed applications can kill bees
and porhnles). directions on the pesticide labeling and other pollina:ors that are
are not obeyed, or active in or near the target site.
Maintain a hufler xne (IaJWff m pesticides move out of the Pesticides may harm other wild-
distance ) c,f IO0 feet from bodies release site and contaminate plants life. too. Even tiny amounts of
of n*uter. or animals nearby. some pesticides may harm them or
Typical pesticide labeling destroy their source of food.
This product is n*ater soluble and statementsthat alert you to these Pesticides applied over large
can move n’ith surfuce runoff concerns include: areas, such as in mosquito. biting
H*uter. Do not contuminate crop- fly. and forest pest control, must
land. n’uter. or irrigation ditches. Do not apply nlithin 5 dug of be chosen with great care to avoid
harvest. poisoning nontarget plants and
Onor in Objects,Plants,or animals in or near the target site.
Animals Do not apply under conditions Read the warnings and directions
Pesticides can move away from inl*ol\ing possible drift to food. on the pesticide labeling carefully
the releasesite when they are on fkuge, or other- plantings that to avoid harming nontarget
or in objects or organisms that might be damaged or the cwps organisms during a pesticide
move (or are moved) offsite. thereof rendered unfit for sale. application.
Pesticides may stick to shoesor use. or consumption. Drift from the target site may
clothing, to animal fur. or to injure wildlife, livestock. pets.
blowing dust and be transferred to Remove meut animals from treuted sensitive plants. and people. For
other surfaces. When pesticide areas ut least I day before shrgh- example. drift of herbicides can
handlers bring home or wear home ter if they n’ere present at upplicu- damage sensitive nearby plants.
contaminated personal protective tion 01’grazed treated ureas within including crops, forests. or oma-
equipment. work clothing. or other 21 duvs after application. mental plantings. Drift also can
items, residues can rub off on kill beneficial parasitesand
carpeting, furniture, and laundry Do not pasture or feed treated hqv predators that are near the target
items and onto pets and people. to lactating do& cattle within 21 site.
Pesticides may stick to treated dqs after- upplicotion. Pesticide runoff may harm fish
surfaces. such as food or feed and other aquatic animals and
products that are to be sold. To
protect consumers, there are legal
HarmfulEffectson plants in ponds, streams.and
lakes. Aquatic life also can be
limits (tolerances) for how much NontargetPlants harmed by carelesstank filling or
pesticide residue may safely draining and by rinsing or discard-
remain on crops or animal prod- andAnimals ing used containers along or in
ucts that are sold for food or feed. Nontarget organisms may be waterways.
Products that exceed these toler- harmed by pesticides in two ways: Typical pesticide labeling
ances are illegal and cannot be m The pesticide may cause injury statementsthat alert you to these
sold. Crops and animal products by contacting the nontarget concerns include:
will not be over tolerance if the organism directly, or
pesticides are applied as directed n The pesticide may leave a Phytotak. Do not spru~ on
on the product labeling. Illegal residue that causeslater injuries. plmts.
pesticide residues usually result
when: HarmfulEffectsfrom Do not apply this product or allon*
n too much pesticide is applied to DirectContact it to drift to blooming crops or
the crop or animal. Pesticides may harm nontarget nveds if bees ure 1,isiting the
organisms that are present during treutment area.
E.wemelJ toxic to aquatic
organisms. Do not contaminate
w,ater-by cleaning of equipment
w disposal of n’astes.

This product is toxic to fish.

shrimp. crab. birds. and other.
n*ildlife. Keep out of lakes.
streams. ponds. tidal marshes.
and estuaries. Shrimp and crab
mu! be killed at application rates.
Do not apply n*herethese are
important resources.

A residue is the part of a
pesticide that remains in the
environment for a period of time
following application or a spill.
Pesticides usually break down
mto harmless components after
they are released into an environ-
ment. The breakdown time ranges
from less than a day to several
years. The rate of pesticide
breakdown depends mostly on the
chemical structure of the pesticide
active ingredient. The rate of
pesticide breakdown also may be
affected by environmental
conditions at the releasesite, such
n surface type, chemical compo-
sition. and pH. plants or animals, including When pesticides build up in the
n surface moisture, humans. that contact them. Clues bodies of animals or in the soil,
n presenceof microorganisms. on pesticide labeling that a particu- they are said to accumulate.
n temperature, and lar pesticide product is likely to be When the samemixing/loading
l exposure to direct sunlight. persistent include: site or equipment cleaning site is
Persistent pesticides leave used frequently without taking
residues that stay in the environ- Can remain in the soil for 34 steps to limit and clean up spills,
ment without breaking down for months or more and cause injury pesticides are likely to accumulate
long periods of time. These to certain crops other than those in the soil. When this occurs,
pesticides are sometimesdesir- listed as acceptable on the label. plants, animals, and objects that
able, becausethey provide long- come into contact with the soil
term pest control and may reduce This product can remain phytotoxic may be harmed. When pesticides
the need for repeatedapplica- for a year or more. accumulate in the soil, there is
tions. However, some persistent also a higher likelihood that the
pesticides that are applied to or When using persistent pesti- pesticides will move offsite and
spilled on soil. plants. lumber, cides. consider whether their contaminate the surrounding
and other surfacesor into water continued presence in the environ- environment or move into surface
can later cause harm to sensitive ment is likely to harm plants and or ground water.
Sometimes animals can be Animals feeding on treated areas Typical pesticide labeling
harmed when they feed on plants may he killed and pose a hazard to statementsthat alert you to these
or animals that have pesticide hawks and other birds-of-prey. concerns include:
residues on or in them. A special Buty or othemlise dispose of dead
concern is for predator birds or animals to prevent poisoning of Do not apply to carpeting, lino-
mammals that feed on animals that other wildlife. leum, or other porousfloor
have been killed by pesticides. coverings, as discoloration may
The predators may be harmed by HarmfulEffectson result.
the pesticide residues remaining
on or in the bodies of the dead Surfaces Do not spray on plastic, painted,
animals. Sometimes surfaces are harmed or varnished surfaces.
Typical pesticide labeling by pesticides or pesticide residues.
statementsthat alert you to these Some surfaces may become May cause pitting of automobile
concerns include: discolored by contact with certain and other vehicle paint.
pesticides. Other surfaces may be
Toxic to fish. birds. and uildlife. pitted or marked by contact with Do not spray directly into any
This product can pose a secondary some pesticides. Some pesticides electronic equipment or into
ha:ard to birds of prey and can corrode or obstruct electronic outlets and switches, or any other
mammals. systemsor metal. Sometimesa location where the pesticide may
pesticide will leave a visible foul or short-circuit contacts and
Do not usefish as food or feed deposit on the treated surface. circuits.
within 3 days of application.
A visible deposit may occur on
some dark surfaces.

0. What is the “environment”? Non-point-source pollution comes

from a wide area. The movement
3. Failure to correctly clean up
leaks and spills at pesticide
A l Environment is everything of pesticides into streamsafter storage sites.
that surrounds us - indoors and broadcastapplications is an 4. Spilling pesticides while
outdoors - including natural example of non-point-source mixing concentrates or loading
elements. manmade objects, pollution. pesticides into application equip-
people, and other living organ- ment.
isms. 0 . Name some ways that
careless pesticide handling could 0 . What environmental factors
0 . Explain what is meant by lead to point-source pollution. should you consider any time
point-source and non-point- you accidentally or intentionally
source contamination of the A. Ways that carelesspesticide release a pesticide into an
environment by pesticides, and handling could cause point-source environment?
give an example of each. pollution include, for example:
I. Mismanagement of wash water A. Consider:
A. Point-source pollution comes and spills produced at equipment I. Whether there are sensitive
from a specific. identifiable place cleanup sites. areasin the environment at the
(point). A pesticide spill that 2. Improper disposal of containers, pesticide use site that might be
moves into a storm sewer is an water from rinsing containers, and harmed by contact with the
example of point-source pollution. excesspesticides. pesticide,
3. Whether there are sensitive 0 l List three routes by which A. I. Pesticides may be carried
offsite areasnear the use site that pesticides can move offsite. offsite if they stick to such things
might harmed by contact with the as shoesor clothing, animal fur. or
pesticide, A. I. In air, through wind or blowing dust - anything that
3. Whether there are conditions in through air currents generated by moves from the use site to another
the immediate environment that ventilation systems. location.
might cause the pesticide to move 2. In water, through runoff or 3. Pesticide residues may remain
offsite, and leaching. on treated surfaces. such as food
4. Whether you can change any 3. On or in objects. plants, or or feed products, when they are
factors in your application or in animals (including humans) that taken from the use site to be sold.
the pesticide use site to reduce the move or are moved offsite.
risk of environmental contamina- 0 . In addition to direct contact
tion. 0 . What factors infIuence with the pesticide during appli-
whether a pesticide will move cation or through drift or
0 . What is a “sensitive area? offsite in the air? runoff, how else may nontarget
Give four examples of sensitive plants and animals be harmed
areas that you must be espe- A. I. Droplet or particle size. by a pesticide?
cially careful to protect when 2. Height and direction of release.
you are handling pesticides. 3. Whether the pesticide tends to A4 Nontarget plants and animals
form vapors. may be harmed by the pesticide
A. Sensitive areasare sites or residues that stay in the environ-
living things in environments that 0 . Name two cirumstances that ment for a period of time after the
are easily injured by a pesticide. might cause a pesticide to move release.These can be residues that
Some examples of sensitive areas offsite in water. remain in soil or on surfaces.or
are: places where pesticides might they may be residues that build up
get into ground water or surface A . I. Too much liquid pesticide in the bodies of animals. harming
water; homes, schools, play- is applied, leaked. or spilled onto a those animals themselves and
grounds, hospitals, and other surface. sometimesother animals that feed
on them. a
places where people are present: 2. Too much rainwater. irrigation
places where there are animals - water, or wash water gets onto a
endangeredspecies, bees,other surface that contains pesticide 0 . What kinds of damage can
wildlife, livestock. pets; places residue. some pesticides cause to sur-
where crops, ornamental plants, or faces?
other sensitive plants are growing; 0 . Give some examples of ways
and areas where food or feed is that pesticides can move offsite A . Surfaces may become discol-
processed,stored, or served. on or in objects, plants, or ored. be pitted or marked. be
animals. corroded or obstructed. or be left
with a visible deposit.

Applbng Pesticides Correctly

andEndangered Species

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After you complete your study subject to any special limitations pesticide influence its move-
of this unit, you should be able to: related to ground water or endan- ment into ground water.
n Name pesticide handling gered species. n Explain how soil type affects
activities that posea threat to l Name factors that determine the movement of pesticides into
ground water or endangered whether pesticides will reach ground water.
species. ground water. n Describe how the geology of
n Explain why the location of H Describe actions that pesticide a release site affects the move-
your pesticide use site is the main users can take to avoid pesticide ment of pesticides into ground
factor that determines whether contamination of ground water. water.
you must take special steps to m Explain how water on surfaces n Define “endangered species.”
protect ground water and endan- at the release site affects the l Explain the concept of
gered species. movement of pesticides into habitat.
l Explain where to find out ground water. n Define biological diversity.
whether your pesticide use is l Explain how the solubility. H Describe how pesticides may
adsorption. and persistenceof a harm endangeredspecies.


kills, md feeds on

Applying Pes:icides Correctly

accidentally released into the determine whether your pesticide

C oncems about wildlife and

the environment are becoming
environment - either during
application or during other han-
dling activities, such as mixing.
use is subject to any special
ground water or endangered
species limitations.
more important in decisions about loading. equipment cleaning. The U.S. Environmental
which pesticides will be registered storage.transportation. or disposal Protection Agency may establish
and what they may be used for. - pose a threat to ground water specific limitations or instructions
Two environmental concerns are and endangeredspecies. for pesticide users in locations
receiving particular attention: Whether you must take special where ground water or endan-
n protection of ground water. and action to protect ground water and gered speciesare most at risk.
n protection of endangered endangeredspeciesdepends These limitations and instructions
species. mainly on the location of your use are often too long to be included
Federal and State efforts to site. Ground water contamination in pesticide labeling. The labeling
protect ground water and endan- is of greatestconcern in release may tell you that you must consult
gered speciesare resulting in new sites where ground water is close another source for the details
instructions and limitations for to the surface or where the soil about the instructions and limita-
pesticide handlers. Whether you type or the geology allows con- tions that apply in your situation.
apply pesticides indoors or taminants to reach ground water Your legal responsibility for
outdoors, in an urban area or in a easily. Protectionpf endangered following instructions that are
rural area, you must become aware speciesusually is required only in distributed separately is the same
of the imponance of protecting locations where they currently live as it is for instructions that appear
these two vital national resources. or are being reintroduced. Read in full on the pesticide labeling.
Pesticides that are incorrectly or the pesticide labeling carefully to

Ground water is water located nels or caverns. Surface water may
beneath the earth’s surface. Many move several feet in a second or a Sourcesof
people think that ground water minute. Ground water may move GroundWater
occurs in vast underground lakes, only a few feet in a month or a Ground water is recharged
rivers, or streams.Usually. year. If the ground water is (replaced) mostly from rain or
however, it is located in rock and capable of providing significant snow that enters the soil. How-
soil. It moves very slowly through quantities of water to a well or ever, some water from lakes and
irregular spaceswithin otherwise spring. it is called an aquifer. streamsand from irrigation also
solid rock or seepsbetween Pesticide contamination of aqui- becomesground water. Water that
particles of sand. clay. and gravel. fers is very troubling, because is above the ground can move in
An exception is in limestone areas. these are sourcesof drinking. three ways - it can evaporate into
where ground water may flow washing, and irrigation water. the air: it can move across the
through large underground chan- surface. as in a stream or river: or

Special En\ir-onmental Concerns

it can move downward from the n Consider whether your applica-
surface. Some of the water that tion method presentsany special
moves downward is absorbedby risks. For example, soil injection
plants and other organisms. of some pesticides may not be
Another portion of the downward- wise when ground water is close
moving water is held in the upper to the surface.
layers of the soil. The rest moves n Take precautions to keep
down through the root zone and pesticides from back-siphoning
the relatively dry soil zone until it into your water source.
reachesa zone saturated with n Locate pesticide storage facili-
water. This saturated zone is the ties at least 100 feet from wells,
uppermost layer of ground water springs, sinkholes. and other sites
and is called the water table. The that directly link to ground water
water table is the “dividing line” to prevent their contamination
between the ground water and the from runoff or firefighting water.
unsaturated rock or soil above it. l Whenever possible, locate mix-
load sites and equipment-cleaning
Pesticide sites at least 100 feet from surface
Contaminationof water or from direct links to
ground water. This will help
GroundWafer prevent back-siphoning, runoff.
When water that is moving and spills from contaminating the
downward from the surface water sources. If you must locate
contains pesticides - or comes one of these work sites near a
into contact with them as it moves water source, use methods such as
- the pesticides may be carried dikes, sump pits, and containment
along with the water until they pads to keep pesticides from
eventually reach the ground water. reaching the water.
Five major factors determine l Do not contaminate ground
whether a pesticide will reach Practicestar water through improper disposal
ground water: Pesticide Users of unused pesticides. pesticide
n the practices followed by The best way to keep from containers. or equipment and
pesticide users. contaminating ground water is to container rinse water. Dispose of
n the presenceor absenceof water follow labeling directions exactly. all pesticide wastesin accordance
on the surface of the site where the Be sure to note whether the with local. Stare. tribal, and
pesticides are released. labeling requires you to take any Federal laws.
n the chemical characteristics of special steps to protect ground
the pesticides, water. In addition, remember the Wateron the
l the type of soil in the site where following: TreatedSurface
the pesticides are released. n Avoid the temptation to use If there is more water on the
n the location of the ground water more pesticide than the labeling soil than the soil can hold. the
- its distance from the surface directs. Overdosing will increase water (along with any pesticides it
and the type of geological forma- both the cost of pest control and contains) is likely to move down-
tions above it. the odds that the pesticide will ward to the ground water. Pro-
By being aware of these reach ground water. Overdosing is longed heavy rain or excessive
considerations, you can handle also illegal. Keeping the use of irrigation will produce excess
pesticides in ways that will make pesticides to a minimum greatly water on the soil surface.
the potential for ground water reduces the risk of ground water
contamination less likely. contamination.

Applying Pesticides CorrectI?



Rain Pesticide Factors water are highly soluble. moder-

If weather forecastsor your Some pesticide chemicals are ately to highly persistent, and are
own knowledge of local weather more likely than others to move to not strongly adsorbedto soil. A
signs cause you to expect heavy ground water. Such movement nonpersistent pesticide would be
rain. delay outdoor handling depends mainly on: less likely to move to ground
operations - including mixing n solubility - Some pesticides water. even if it is highly soluble
and loading. application. and dissolve easily in water and are or not strongly adsorbedto soil. A
disposal - to prevent wash-off. more likely to move into water pesticide that is strongly adsorbed
surface runoff. or leaching. systems. to soil would be less likely to
n adsorption - Some pesticides move to ground water even if it is
Irrigation become tightly attached (strongly persistent.
Pesticide movement into adsorbed) to soil panicles and are Pesticide labeling usually does
ground water is affected by both not likely to move out of the soil not tell you about these properties
the amount of water used in and into water systems. of the pesticide product. The Soil
irrigation and how soon before or n persistence - Some pesticides Conservation Service. Cooperative
after a pesticide application the break down slowly and remain in Extension Service. your trade
irrigation is done. If irrigation the environment for a long time. association, or your pesticide
water contains pesticides. be These factors are all related to dealer may have specific informa-
careful to prevent it from flowing one another. Pesticides that are tion about the characteristics of
into water sources. most likely to move into ground the pesticides you are using.

Special En\-ironmental Concerns

Soil Factors arid areas.the water table may lie chemical breakdown. On the other
Soil is also an important several hundred feet below the soil hand. layers of clay may be totally
factor in the breakdown and surface. The depth to the water impermeable and may prevent
movement of pesticides. Your table does not stay the sameover most water and any pesticides in it
local Soil Conservation Service the course of the year. It varies from reaching the ground water.
can help you determine the types according to: Sinkholes are especially
of soil m your area and how they n the amount of rain. snow, and troublesome. Surface water often
affect breakdown and movement. irrigation water being added to the flows into sinkholes and disap-
The three major soil characteris- soil surface, pears quickly into the ground
tics that affect pesticides are n the amount of evaporation and water. If a pesticide is released
texture. permeability. and organic plant uptake, into an area that drains to a
matter. n whether the ground is frozen. sinkhole. even a moderate rain or
Soil texture is an indication of and irrigation may carry some of the
the relative proportions of sand. n how much ground water is being pesticide directly to the ground
silt. and clay in the soil. Coarse. withdrawn by pumping. water.
bandy SOIISgenerally allow water The Soil Conservation Service
to carry the pesticides rapidly can provide you with valuable
downward. Finer textured soils information on the geology of an
generally allow water to move at area and on the potential for
much slower rates. They contain ground water contamination on
more clay, and sometimesorganic your property.
matter. to which pesticides ma) Spring and fall generally are the
cling. times when the water table is
Soil permeability is a general closest to the soil surface. The
measureof how fast water can water table often moves down-
move downward in a particular ward during the summer when
soil. The more permeable soils evaporation and plant uptake are
must be managed carefully to keep high and when larger than normal
pesticides from reaching ground amounts of ground water are being
water. used for irrigation and other hot
Soil organic matter influences weather needs.The water table
how much water the soil can hold
before it begins to move down-
also moves downward in winter if
surface water cannot move down
The Certified
ward. Soil containing organic through the frozen soil to recharge Applicator’sRole
matter has greater ability to stop the ground water. Some pesticides or certain uses
the movement of pesticides. Soils The permeability of geological of some pesticides may be classi-
in which plants are growing are layers between the soil and fied as restricted use becauseof
more likely to prevent pesticide ground water is also important. If ground water concerns. As a
movement than bare soils. surface water can move down certified applicator, you have a
quickly, pesticides are more likely special responsibility to handle all
Geology to reach ground water. Gravel pesticides safely in and near use
The distance from the soil deposits are highly permeable. sites where ground water contami-
surface to the water table is the They allow water and any pesti- nation is particularly likely. Take
measureof how deep the ground cides in it to move rapidly down- extra precautions when using
water is in a given location. If the ward to ground water. Regions techniques that are known to be
ground water is within a few feet with limestone deposits are likely to cause contamination of
of the soil surface. pesticides are particularly susceptible to ground ground water. such as chemigation
more likely to reach it than if it is water contamination, because and soil injection.
farther down. In humid areas, the water may move rapidly to the When a pesticide product has
water table may be only a few feet ground water through caverns or been found in ground water or has
below the surface of the soil. In “rivers” with little filtration or characteristics that may pose a

Applying Pesticides Correct!\

threat of contamination of ground ,~rcnrnd Mutrr. especially uhere per ucrc. und soil tenrpcruturc
water. the pesticide product . soils ow coume and ground n’atct helm. WF (lm) at application
labeling may contain statementsto is neur the surjCace. time tend to reducv degradation
alert you to the concern. Typical and promote movement of residues
pesticide labeling statements This pmdwt is read;/? decom- to ground n*ateI’. If the aholte
include: posed into harmless residues desr~rihcs yur local use cvndi-
under most use conditions. Hon.- tions und ground M’ater in WUI
This chemical has been identified ever. u cw~hination of permeable area is used for drinking. do not
in limited ground m’atet-sampling und acidic soil conditions. moder- use this product n?thoutfirst
and there is the possibili~ that it ate to heal:\ irrigation and/or contacting (registrant’s name and
can leach through the soil to rainfall, use of 20 or more pounds telephone number).

Protectionof Endangered
An endangeredspecies is a
plant or animal that is in danger of
becoming extinct. There are two
classifications of these plants and
animals in danger - “endangered -~--_

species” and “threatened species.”

-hhm UYU.CMCl
The term “endangered species” is Protecting Endangered
used here to refer to the two Species
classifications collectively.
Scientists believe that some E
pesticides may threaten the
survival of some of America’s
endangered species if they are
used in the places where these
plants and animals still exist.
A Federal law. the Endangered
Species Act. requires the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) to ensure that endangered
species are protected from pesti-
cides. EPA’s goal is to remove or
reduce the threat that pesticide use
posesto endangered species.
Reaching this goal will require
some limitations on pesticide use.
These limitations usually will
apply only in the currently occu-
pied habitat or range of each
endangered speciesat risk. Occa-
sionally the limitations will apply
where endangered speciesare
being reintroduced into a habitat
they previously occupied.
Habitats, sometimes called
“critical habitats.” are the areas of survival. Such areas include ing territory that gives room for
land. water, and air spacethat an breeding sites: sourcesof food. normal population growth and
endangered speciesneeds for cover. and shelter; and surround- behavior.
Habitatsof Endangered Species
Endangered Restriction
Species itisaFe&riiIoffensetouseany
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife pesticideinamanncrthatresultsin
the death of a member of an
Service is responsible for identify- endangered species. Prior to
ing the current habitat or range of makiuga@ca&ms,tkusermust
each endangered species. For -~-specieJ
aquatic species, the restricted are not located immediately
habitat often will include an
additional zone around the body of llOtCdllgCdSpCCiCSll,Uybe
water to keep any drift. runoff, or affectedtheyshouldcontactthe
leachate in the watershed from n@mal U.S. Fiih and Wildlife
reaching the water. Service Office (Endangered
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife specialist)orpersonm 1oftlle state
Service is attempting to identify Fish and Game Office.
the habitats as accurately as
possible so that pesticide use will naintaining biological diversity.
need to be limited only in loca- Biological diversity is the variety
tions where it is absolutely neces- md differences among living
sary. For this reason, limitations things. and the complex ways they
on pesticide use may apply on one interact. Diversity is necessaryfor
property. while a similar adjoining several reasons:
property may not have these
limitations on limitations. Agriculture
PesticideUse Importanceof
Nearly all of today’s crops
started as wild species.Genes
Read all pesticide labeling from wild species often are used to
carefully to find out whether the Protecting create new hybrids that have
use of that product requires you to
take any special steps to protect Endangered resistanceto plant diseasesand
insects. better climatic tolerance,
endangered species. The label may
direct you to another source for the
Species and higher yields. Having differ-
Hundreds of animals (including ent varieties available is necessary
details about what you must do. insurance against devastating crop
When limitations do apply, they fish, birds, mammals, reptiles,
amphibians, insects, and aquatic failures caused by climate ex-
usually will be in effect only in tremes or major pest outbreaks.
some specific geographic loca- invertebrates) and thousands of
tions. Use of a particular pesticide plants have been named as endan-
gered or threatened species under Medicine
is usually limited in a particular Many of today’s most impor-
location when: the provisions of the Endangered
Species Act. Some of these tant medicines come from obscure
n the site is designated as the plant and animal species.A mold
current habitat of an endangered animals and plants are ones that
everyone knows about, such as the is the source of penicillin. the
species,and miracle drug; an herb is the source
n the endangered species that uses
bald eagle. Others are tiny. little-
known creatures that may rarely of quinine, a cure for malaria.
the site might be harmed by the Scientists are testing countless
use of the pesticide within (or be seenby anyone except trained
naturalists. plant and animal speciesaround
close to) its habitat. the world for sources of cures for
Regardlessof the size or
apparent significance of these major diseases.
endangered species, it is important
that each is allowed to survive -
mankind’s well-being depends on
m Pesticides can kill endangered
plants and animals directly.
n Pesticides in the habitat of the
endangered organisms can disrupt
or destroy their sources of food
and shelter.
m Pesticide application, drift,
runoff, and leachate can contami-
nate water ingested by or inhab-
ited by endangered organisms.
n Some pesticides can build up to
dangerous levels in endangered
predators that feed on plants or
animals exposed to pesticides.
As a certified applicator, you
have a clearly defined legal
responsibility to protect endan-
gered species against the hazards
Presoning choices certain insects, higher animals, posed by pesticides. Careful use of
No one can predict which and other plants. pesticides in and around the key
species may be essential to the habitat areas will help these fragile
future of mankind. A speciesthat Natural balance plants and animals to survive, and
is allowed to become extinct Extinction has always been a it also may prevent some impor-
might have been the key to natural part of an ever-changing tant pesticides from being re-
stopping a global epidemic or to process. During most of history, moved from the market.
surviving a major climate change. species have formed at a rate Typical pesticide labeling
greater than the rate of extinctions. statementsthat alen you to
Interdependence Now, however, it appearsthat concerns about endangered
The extinction of a single human activity is greatly speeding species include:
speciescan set off a chain reaction up the rate of extinctions. People,
of harm to other species.The Under the Endangered Species
plants, and animals live together in
disappearanceof a single kind of Act, it is a Federal offense to use
a delicate balance: the disappear-
plant from an area, for example, any pesticide in a manner that
ance of speciescould easily upset
may lead to the disappearanceof results in the death of a member of
that balance.
an endangered species. Prior to
making applications, the user must
Stability determine that endangered species
The more diversity that exists
are not located in or immediately
in an ecosystem,the more stable it
adjacent to the site to be treated. If
is likely to be. There is less
the users are in doubt whether or
likelihood of huge swings in
not endangered species may be
populations of patticular organ- affected, they should contact the
isms. There is also less likelihood
regional U.S. Fish and Wildlife
of devastation from the introduc-
Service ofice (Endangered
tion of a new species from outside
Species specialist) or personnel of
the system.
the State Fish and Game ofice.

TheCertified Endangered Species Restrictions:

Applicator’sRole For Aerial Application -Do not
use within 100 yards of aquatic
Pesticides have the potential to
habitats. For Ground Application
harm living organisms, including
-Do not use within 20 yards of
aquatic habitats.

Special En~~ironmental Concerns

Q . Which pesticide handling introduced and in areaswhere A. The factors include: practices
activities pose a threat to ground ground water is especially likely followed by pesticide users;
water or endangered species? to be contaminated. Unless your presenceor absenceof water on
pesticide use site is in one of these the surface of the site where the
A. All handling activities may places, the special restrictions do pesticides are released;chemical
pose a threat, including mixing, not apply to you. characteristics of the pesticides;
loading, applying, equipment type of soil in the site where the
cleaning, storage, transpottation, 0 . How will you know if you pesticides are released; location of
disposal, and spill cleanup. must take special action to the ground water - its distance
protect emdangered species or from the surface and the type of
0 . Why is the location of your ground water? geological formations above it.
pesticide use site the main factor
that determines whether you A. The pesticide labeling will 0 . How can you help to pre-
must take special action to tell you if special measuresare vent pesticides from reaching
protect endangered species or necessary,but it may not contain ground water?
ground water? the detailed instructions that you
must follow. The labeling may A. Avoid using more pesticide
A. These special limitations on instruct you to get these from than the labeling directs; avoid
pesticide use are usually in effect another source. application methods that present
only in locations where endan- special risks; keep pesticides from
gered species live or are being 0 . What are some factors that back-siphoning into your water
determine whether pesticides source; locate pesticide storage
will reach ground water?

Applying Pesticides Correctly

facilities at least 100 feet from
wells, springs, sinkholes, and ’
adsorbed) to soil particles and are
not likely to move out of the soil
0 l What is a habitat?

other sites that directly link to and into water systems. A. A habitat is the area of land,
ground water; locate mix-load Persistence - Some pesticides do water. and air spacethat an
sites and equipment-cleaning sites not break down quickly and endangered species needs for
at least 100 feet from surface remain in the environment for a survival. Such areas include
water or from direct links to long time, so are more likely to breeding sites; sources of food.
ground water or take precautions move into ground water. cover, and shelter; and enough
to protect those sites; dispose of surrounding territory to give room
unused pesticides, pesticide 0 . What types of soil slow the for normal population growth and
containers, and equipment and movement of pesticides into behavior.
container rinse water correctly. ground water? What types
permit rapid movement? Q , What is biological diversity?
0 . Explain why the amount of
water on the surface of the soil A. Soils that are fine-textured A. Biological diversity is the
at the pesticide use site is an and contain organic matter slow variety and differences among
important factor in ground the downward movement of water living things, and the complex
water contamination. containing pesticides. Coarse, ways they interact.
sandy soils generally allow water
A. If there is more water on the
soil than the soil can hold, the
to carry pesticides rapidly down-
Q . How can pesticides
endangered species?

water (along with any pesticides it

contains) is likely to move down-
ward to the ground water.
Q . What geologic factors affect
the movement of pesticides into
A. Pesticides may harm endan-
gered species by direct contact; by
ground water? disrupting or destroying sources of
0 . Explain how the solubility, food and shelter; by contaminating
adsorption, and persistence of a A . Distance to ground water, water ingested by or inhabited by
pesticide affect its ability to permeability of geologic layers. endangeredorganisms; by build-
move into ground water. and the presenceor absenceof ing up to dangerous levels in
sinkholes. endangeredpredators that feed on
A. Soluhility - Some pesticides plants or animals exposed to
dissolve easily in water and are
more likely to move into water
0 . What
is an endangered pesticides.

Adsorption - Some pesticides A l An endangeredspecies is a
become tightly attached (strongly plant or animal that is in danger of
becoming extinct.

Special Environmental Concerns


After you complete your study l List three factors that determine ing and of pesticide irritation
of this unit, you should be able how quickly pesticides will be effects.
to: absorbed through your skin. l Describe appropriate first aid
n Explain the concepts of hazard, n Explain the three main types of for pesticide exposures.
exposure, and toxicity and how harmful effects that pesticides can B Define “heat stress” and
they relate to one another. cause in humans. describe some signs and symp-
n List the four routes by which n Describe how to avoid harmful toms of heat stress.
your body cart be exposed to effects from pesticides. m Describe appropriate first aid
pesticides, and name the route n Describe some general signs for heat stress.
that should be of most concern to and symptoms of pesticide poison-

._ ,_ I_. “. __.. ~.

by pesticides that are external cause extremely harmful effects.

M ost pesticides are

designed to harm or kill pests.
Pesticides that are chemically
similar to one another cause the
Other pesticides are less toxic, but
too much exposure to them will
cause harmful effects also. A good
Because some pests have systems sametype of harmful effects to equation to remember is:
similar to the human system, some humans. These effects may be Hazard = Toxicity x Exposure
pesticides also can harm or kill mild or severe, depending on the
humans. Fortunately, humans pesticide involved and the amount Hazard is the risk of harmful
usually can avoid harmful effects of overexposure. But the pattern effects from pesticides. Hazard
by avoiding being exposed to of illness or injury caused by each depends on both the toxicity of the
pesticides. chemical group is usually the pesticide and the exposure you
Humans may be harmed by same. Some pesticide chemical will receive in any situation.
pesticides in two ways: they may families can cause both external
be poisoned or injured. Pesticide irritation injuries and internal Exposure
poisoning is caused by pesticides poisoning illnesses. When a pesticide comes into
that harm internal organs or other Some pesticides are highly contact with a surface or an
systems inside the body. Pesticide- toxic to humans; only a few drops organism, that contact is called a
related injuries usually are caused in the mouth or on the skin can pesticide exposure. For humans, a

Harmful Effects and Emergency Response

pesticide exposure means getting
pesticides in or on the body. The
toxic effect of a pesticide exposure
dependson how much pesticide is
involved and how long it remains

Typesof Exposures
Pesticides contact your body in
four main ways:
n oral exposure (when you
swallow a pesticide),
n inhalation exposure (when you
inhale a pesticide),
n ocular exposure (when you get
a pesticide in your eyes). or n the pesticide itself and the n mistaking the pesticide for food
n dermal exposure (when you get material used to dilute the pesti- or drink,
a pesticide on your skin). cide. Emulsifiable concentrates, n accidentally applying pesticides
oil-based liquid pesticides, and to food. or
AvoidingExposure oil-based diluents (such as xylene) l splashing pesticide into the
Avoiding and reducing expo- are. in general, absorbed most mouth through carelessnessor
sures to pesticides will reduce the readily. Water-basedpesticides accident.
harmful effects from pesticides. and dilutions (such as wettable Inhalation exposures often are
You can avoid exposures by using and soluble powders and dry caused by:
safety systems, such as closed flowables) usually are absorbed n prolonged contact with pesti-
systems and enclosed cabs, and less readily than the oil-based cides in closed or poorly venti-
you can reduce exposures by liquid formulations but more lated spaces,
wearing appropriate personal readily than dry formulations. n breathing vapors from fumi-
protective equipment. washing Dusts. granules, and other dry gants and other toxic pesticides,
exposed areasoften, and keeping formulations are not absorbedas m breathing vapors, dust, or mist
your personal protective equip- readily as liquids. while handling pesticides without
ment clean and in good operating n the area of the body exposed. appropriate protective equipment,
condition. The genital area tends to be the n inhaling vapors present immedi-
In most pesticide handling most absorptive. The scalp. ear ately after a pesticide is applied;
situations. the skin is the part of canal. and forehead are also highly for example, from drift or from
the body that is most likely to absorptive. reentering the area too soon, and
receive exposure. Evidence n the condition of the skin n using a respirator that fits
indicates that about 97 percent of exposed. Cuts. abrasions, and skin poorly or using an old or inad-
all body exposure that happens rashesallow absorption more equate filter, cartridge, or canister.
during pesticide spraying is by readily than intact skin. Hot, Dermal exposures often are
contact with the skin. The only sweaty skin will absorb more caused by:
time that inhalation is a greater pesticide than dry, cool skin. l not washing hands after han-
hazard than skin contact is when dling pesticides or their contain-
you are working in a poorly Causesof Exposure ers.
ventilated enclosed spaceand are One of the besr ways to avoid m splashing or spraying pesticides
using a fumigant or other pesticide pesticide exposures is to avoid on unprotected skin or eyes,
that is highly toxic by the inhala- situations and practices where n wearing pesticide-contaminated
tion route. exposures commonly occur. clothing (including boots and
The amount of pesticide that is Oral exposures often are gloves),
absorbed through your skin (and caused by: n applying pesticides (or flag-
eyes) and into your body depends n nor washing hands before ging) in windy weather.
on: eating. drinking. smoking, or n wearing inadequate personal
chewing. protective equipment while
handling pesticides, and should consider is how toxic each Acute inhalation ettects
n touching pesticide-treated possible choice is to persons who Your entire respiratory system
surfaces. will use it or be exposed to it. can be burned by some pesticides,
Eye exposures often are caused making it difficult to breathe.
by: HarmfulEffects Other pesticides that you inhale
l splashing or spraying pesticides Pesticidescan cause three types may not harm your respiratory
in eyes, of harmful effects: acute effects. system. but are carried quickly in
n applying pesticides in windy delayed effects, and allergic your blood throughout your whole
weather without eye protection, effects. body where they can harm you in
n rubbing eyes or forehead with various ways.
contaminated gloves or hands, and Acute Effects
n pouring dust, granule, or Acute effects are illnesses or Acute decal and skin
powder formulations without eye injuries that may appear immedi- irritation eft ects
protection. ately after exposure to a pesticide Contact with some pesticides
(usually within 24 hours). Study- will harm your skin. These
Toxicity ing a pesticide’s relative capability pesticides may cause your skin to
Toxicity is a measureof the of causing acute effects has been itch. blister, crack, or change
ability of a pesticide to cause the main way to assessand color. Other pesticides can pass
harmful effects. Toxicity depends compare how toxic pesticides are. through your skin and eyes and get
on: Acute effects can be measured into your body. Once inside your
n type and amount of active more accurately than delayed body. these pesticides are carrier’
ingredient(s). effects, and they are more easily throughout your system wnere
n type and amount of carrier or diagnosed than effects that do not they can cause you harm in
solvent ingredient(s), appear until long after the expo- various ways.
n type and amount of inert sure. Acute effects usually are
ingredient(s), and obvious and often are reversible if Acute eye ettects
n type of formulation, such as appropriate medical care is given Some pesticides that get into
dust, granule, powder, or emulsift- promptly. your eyes can cause temporary or
able concentrate. Pesticides cause four types of permanent blindness or severe
The toxicity of a particular acute effects: irritation. Other pesticides may not
pesticide is measuredby subject- W acute oral effects, irritate your eyes, but passthrough
ing laboratory animals (usually n acute inhalation effects, your eyes and into your body.
rats, mice, rabbits, and dogs) or l acute dermal effects. These pesticides can travel
tissue cultures to different dosages W acute eye effects. throughout your body, causing
of the active ingredient and of the you harm in various ways.
formulated product over various Acute oral effects
time periods. These toxicity Your mouth, throat. and DelayedEfiects
studies help to estimate the risk stomach can be burned severely Delayed effects are illnesses or
that the pesticide may cause by some pesticides. Other pesti- injuries that do not appear imme-
harmful effects in humans. How- cides that you swallow will not diately (within 24 hours) after
ever. some people react more bum your digestive system, but exposure to a pesticide or combi-
severely or more mildly than will be absorbed and carried in nation of pesticides. Often the
estimated. Be alert to your body’s your blood throughout your body term “chronic effects” is used to
reaction to the pesticides you are and may cause you harm in describe delayed effects, but this
handling. Some people seemto be various ways. For some pesticides. term is applicable only to certain
especially sensitive to individual swallowing even a few drops from types of delayed effects.
pesticides or to groups of similar a splash or wiping your mouth Delayed effects may be caused
pesticides. with a contaminated glove can by:
You may have a choice of make you very ill or make it n repeated exposures to a
pesticides for a particular pest difficult to eat and drink and get pesticide. a pesticide group, or a
problem. One of the factors you nourishment. combination of pesticides over a
long period of time, or

Harmful Effecrs and Emergenq Response

n a single exposure to a pesticide
(or combination of pesticides) that
causesa harmful reaction that
does not become apparent until on Pesticidelabeling
much later.
Some pesticides causedelayed Highly Toxic Moderately Toxic Slightly Toxic
effects only with repeated expo-
sure over a period of days, kdO(kJ “Fatalif “HaTmfUl or fatal “Hamiful if
months, or even years. For ex- swallowed,” or ifswdlow~“or swauowed”oI
ample, if a rat eats a large amount Y3UlkiUpUif waybefarldif “Mrybelmsmfat
of the pesticide cryolite at one SWdbVCdn swallowuL” if-”
time, the pesticide passesthrough
the rat’s system quickly and is
eliminated without harmful Acute “Poisonous if “Harmful or fatal if “Harmful if
effects. However, if the rat regu- Inhalation inhaled,” or “Can inhaled,” or “May inhaled,” or “May
larly eats small amounts of kill you if be fatal if breathed,“be harmful if
cryolite, it soon becomesill and breathed,” followed by a breathed,” com-
dies. Cryolite does not readily combined with statement such as bined with the
dissolve in water. The small the statement “Do not breathe statement “Avoid
amount of pesticide that is ab- “Do not breathe dusts. vapors, or breathing dusts,
sorbed into the rat’s system from a dusts, vapors, or spray mist.” vapors, or spray
one-time exposure is not enough spray mist.” mist.”
to cause illness. But if that same
small amount is absorbed day after
“Fatal if abwrbal “Hamful or fatal if
day, enough poison will be
dlroughfhe~~ -thrw$l
absorbed into the rat’s system to
OrTMtkillpU tfKtt&i&“Crr’May
cause illness and death.
byskinumtact,” bef&albyskin
Sometimes repeated exposures .
annbmcdwitil c4nlraa” followed
to a pesticide or family of pesti-
the-“Do byaotllhemcatsucb
cides will result in a delayed
notgetonEkinor asmDnotgeton
effect, but a larger exposure will
cause an acute effect. Organo-
Cl~.” skin or clothing.*

phosphate and carbamate pesti-

cides inhibit a chemical, called
cholinesterase. in the nervous Skin “Corrosive - “Causes skin “May irritate
system of humans. A large expo- lnitatlon causessevere irritation,” or skin,” combined
sure causesimmediate acute skin bums,” “Causes skin with the state-
illness. Smaller exposures cause combined with bums,” followed ment “Avoid
no apparent problem at first. They the statement by a statement such contact with
inhibit the cholinesterase, but not “Do not get on as “Do not get on skin.”
enough to cause immediate illness. skin.” skin.”
Small, repeatedexposures to these
pesticides over several days or
weeks may greatly reduce cho- El0 ‘Drrosivc - "Csuses eye %!lay hilate
linesterase levels in the body. At causes irrcvcrs- irritation,” or eyes,” combined
that point, even a small exposure iblc eye damage,” Tames eye Withthestaae-
to a pesticide with relatively low or’*causcs scvcle bums,” followed mcnt “‘Avoid
cholinesterase-inhibiting proper- cyebumsor byastatcmcnt contact with
ties may trigger severe illness. blindness,” suchas”Donot eyes.”
A person who is repeatedly combined with get in eyes.”
exposed to two or more specific the statement “Do
chemicals may become ill even not get in eyes.”
though any one of the chemicals l changes in the genes or chromo- Other developmental or reproduc-
alone would have had no harmful somes(mutagenic effect). tive effects are thought to result
health impact, Some orpanophos- Typical precautionary statements from repeated exposures to a
phate pesticides have been shown on pesticide labeling include: pesticide or combination of
to have this effect when they are pesticides over a period of time.
used in combination. Cancer Hazard Warning State- A typical precautionary state-
In some cases,a single expo- ment: This product contains an ment on pesticide labeling is:
sure to a pesticide (or combina- ingredient which has been deter-
tion of pesticides) could adversely mined to cause tumors in lahora- This product may be hazardous to
affect the exposed person’s health top animals. your health. This product has been
after a period of time. For ex- determined to cause birth defects
ample, large exposures to para- NOTE: This product has been in laboratory animals.
quat, a herbicide, may cause shonn to cause cancer in lahora-
severe or fatal lung injury that tor:v animals. Systemic effects
does not appear for 3 to I4 days A delayed systemic effect is an
after the initial exposure. After an The use of this product may be illness or injury to a system in the
exposure, paraquat slowly builds hazardous to your health. This body that does not appear immedi-
up in the lungs and destroys lung product contains an ingredient ately (within 24 hours) after
cells. which has been determined to exposure to a pesticide or combi-
Some kinds of harmful effects cause tumors in laboratory nation of pesticides. Such effects
may not occur unless a certain set animals. include:
of circumstances is present. These n blood disorders (hemotoxic
effects can occur after the first Developmental
and effects), such as anemia or an
exposure, but the likelihood is reproductive eft ects inability to coagulate,
small. Continuous or frequent A developmental effect is an w nerve or brain disorders (neuro-
exposures over a long period of injury or illness that occurs to a toxic effects), such as paralysis,
time make it more likely that all fetus in the womb of a woman nervous excitation, behavioral
the necessaryfactors will be who has been exposed to a changes, tremor, blindness, and
present. Some genetic changes pesticide(s). These effects include: brain damage,
that result in the development of l birth defects (teratogenic n skin disorders, such as rash,
cancer or other delayed effects are effect), and irritation, discoloration, and
in this category. n illness or death (miscarriage or ulceration,
Types of delayed effects stillbinhj to a fetus (fetotoxic n lung and respiratory disorders,
include: effect). such as emphysema and asthma,
n chronic effects, A reproductive effect is an n liver and kidney disorders, such
n developmental and reproductive injury to the reproductive system as jaundice and kidney failure.
effects. and of exposed men or women. These Typical precautionary state-
n systemic effects. effects include: ments on pesticide labeling
n infertility or sterility in men or include:
eftects women, and
Chronic effects are illnesses or n impotence in men. &lay produce kidney and liver
injuries that appear a long time, Some developmental or repro- damage upon prolonged exposure.
usually several years. after expo- ductive effects are thought to
sure to a pesticide. Some delayed occur immediately after exposure Inhalation may cause delayed
effects that are suspectedto result to a pesticide or combination of lung, nerve, or brain injury.
from pesticides’ chronic toxicity pesticides, but they may not be
include: apparent for some time after the Liquid or vapor may cause serious
l production of tumors exposure. For example, a birth skin or e!e injury nvhich may have
(oncogenic effect), defect may be seenonly after the a delayed onset.
n production of malignancy or birth of a child. which may be
cancer (carcinogenic effect), several months after the exposure.

Harmful Effects and Emergency Response

Becauseof the time delay
between the exposure and the
observable effect, and because
many other types of exposures
may have occurred during the
delay, it is sometimes hard to
identify the cause of a delayed
effect. Although some pesticides
may cause delayed effects in
laboratory animals, further studies
are neededto determine whether
these pesticides will affect humans
the same way.
When there is clear evidence
that a pesticide may cause chronic,
developmental. reproductive, or
systemic effects in humans, the
Environmental Protection Agency
will determine what stepsare
appropriate to reduce or eliminate
the risk. Such actions include:
D removing the pesticide from
n requiring label warning state-
ments about the possible effect,
l requiring specific personal
protective equipment or safety
systems during handling of the
n requiring changes in dosages,
method or frequency of applica-
tion, and waiting times before
entry or harvest/slaughter/grazing,
n restricting the use to certified

fl delayedeffacts
Scientists. pesticide manufac-
turers, and the Environmental
Protection Agency cannot yet be
sure what the delayed effects of
too much exposure to individual AllergicEffects causesthe body to develop
pesticides or combinations of Allergic effectsare harmful repelling responsechemicals to
pesticides may be. It may be years effects that some people develop that substance.A later (the second,
before there are clear answers on in reaction to substancesthat do third. or more) exposure results in
the effects of all the pesticides and not cause the same reaction in the allergic response.This process
combinations of pesticides in use most other people. Allergic is called sensitization, and
today. Meanwhile. it makes good reactions are not thought to occur substancesthat cause people to
senseto reduce your exposure to during a person’s first exposure to become allergic to them are
all pesticides as much as possible. a substance.The first exposure known as sensitizers.
Certain substancescause many ence, such as the flu or even a
people to develop an allergic ’ hangover. If you have been
reaction. Poison ivy. for example. working with pesticides and then
causesa severe skin rash in many develop suspicious signs and
people. Other substancescause symptoms. call your physician or
allergic reactions in only a few poison control center. Only a
people. Turfgrass, for example, physician can diagnose pesticide
causesa severe skin rash in poisoning injuries.
relatively few people. External irritants cause:
n redness,blisters, rash, and/or
Trues of alleqic effects bums on skin. and
Some people are sensitized to n swelling, a stinging sensation,
certain pesticides. After being and/or bums in eyes, nose, mouth,
exposed once or a few times and throat.
without effect, they develop a Pesticide poisoning may cause:
severe allergy-like responseupon Avoidinfl allergic elfecb n nausea,vomiting. diarrhea. and/
later exposures. These allergic Depending on how severe the or stomach cramps,
effects include: allergic reaction is, persons with n headache,dizziness. weakness,
n systemic effects. such as asthma allergies to certain pesticides may and/or confusion,
or even life-threatening shock, have to stop handling or working m excessive sweating. chills. and/
n skin irritation, such as rash. around those pesticides. They may or thirst.
blisters, or open sores, and be unable to tolerate even slight m chest pains,
n eye and nose irritation, such as exposures. Sometimes persons w difficult breathing,
itchy, watery eyes and sneezing. with allergies to certain pesticides n cramps in your muscles or
Unfortunately, there is no way can continue to work in situations achesall over your body.
to tell which people may develop where those pesticides are present
allergies to which pesticides. by reducing their exposure to TelltaleSigns
However, certain people seemto them. or Symptoms
be more chemically sensitive than Poisoning by some pesticide
others. They develop an allergic
responseto many types of chemi-
SiensandSymptoms chemical families results in
distinctive signs that help others to
cals in their environment. These of HarmtulEffects recognize the cause of the poison-
persons may be more likely to Watch for two kinds of clues to ing. Organophosphateand n-
develop allergies to pesticides. pesticide-related illness or injury. methyl carbamate poisoning. for
Typical precautionary state- Some clues are feelings that only example, is often identified by the
ments on pesticide labeling the person who has been poisoned presenceof very small (pinpoint)
include: can notice, such as nauseaor pupils in the victim’s eyes.
headache.These are symptoms. Poisoning by pesticides containing
This product may produce tempo- Others clues. like vomiting or arsenic or phosphorus is often
rary allergic side effects charac- fainting, can be noticed by some- identified by a garlic odor on the
terized by redness of the eyes. mild one else. These are signs you victim’s breath.
bronchial irritation. and redness should know: Ask your physician or poison
or rash on exposed skin areas. n what your own symptoms might control center to obtain the latest
Persons having allergic reaction mean, and edition of “Recognition and
should contact a physician. m what signs of poisoning to look Management of Pesticide Poison-
for in your coworkers and others ings” by Donald P. Morgan, M.D.,
May be a shin sensitker. who may have been exposed. Ph.D. It is available through the
Many of the signs and symp- U.S. Environmental Protection
The active ingredient may cause toms of pesticide poisoning are Agency or from the U.S. Govem-
skin sensitixttion reactions in similar to signs and symptoms of ment Printing Office. Many
certain individuals. other illnesses you might experi- physicians have not been trained

Harmful Effects and Emergency Response

to recognize and treat pesticide
poisonings or injury and may
rarely see such cases.

You should know the kinds of
harmful effects most likely to be
caused by the pesticides you use.
The appendix, “Effects of Pesti-
cides on the Human Body,”
contains a guide to help you judge
how the products you are using
might be expected to affect you.
The chart lists the major groups of
pesticides. For each group. it tells:
l the action of the poison on the
human system.
l acute poisoning (systemic)
l acute irritation effects,
l delayed or allergic effects,
I type of pesticide.

Respondingto a
Get medical advice quickly if
you or any of your fellow workers
have unusual or unexplained
symptoms starting at work or later
the same day. Do not let yourself
or anyone else get dangerously
sick before calling your physician
or going to a hospital. It is better
to be too cautious than too late.
Take the pesticide container (or sure the victim is breathing and is Pesticide on skin:
the labeling) to the physician. Do not being further exposed to the n Drench skin and clothing with
not carry the pesticide container in pesticide before you call for plenty of water. Any source of
the passengerspaceof a car or emergency help. Apply artificial relatively clean water will serve. If
truck. respiration if the victim is not possible, immerse the person in a
breathing. Do not become exposed pond, creek, or other body of
to the pesticide yourself while you water. Even water in ditches or
FirstAid for are trying to help. irrigation systemswill do, unless
PesticidePoisoning In an emergency, look at the you think they may have pesti-
The best first aid in pesticide pesticide labeling, if possible. If it cides in them.
emergencies is to stop the source gives specific first aid instructions, n Remove personal protective
of pesticide exposure as quickly follow those instructions carefully. equipment and contaminated
as possible. First aid is the initial If labeling instructions are not clothing.
effort to help a victim while available, follow these genera1 n Wash skin and hair thoroughly
medical help is on the way. If you guidelines for first aid: with a mild liquid detergent and
are alone with the victim, make water. If one is available, a shower
is the best way to completely and but may affect pesticide handlers
thoroughly wash and rinse the ’ who are working in hot conditions.
entire body surface. Personal protective equipment
n Dry victim and wrap in blanket worn during pesticide handling
or any clean clothing at hand. Do activities can increase the risk of
not allow to become chilled or heat stressby limiting your body’s
overheated. ability to cool down. If you are
l If skin is burned or otherwise under a physician’s care. you
injured, cover immediately with should consult your physician
loose, clean, dry, soft cloth or before working in hot conditions.
n Do not apply ointments, ~~~~~iwtorns
greases,powders, or other drugs in
first aid treatment of bums or
I I Mild forms of heat stress will
injured skin, n Induce vomiting only if instruc- make you feel ill and impair your
tions to do so are on the labeling. ability to do a good job. You may
Pesticide in eye: get tired sooner, feel weak, be less
n Wash eye quickly but gently. Procedure for inducing vomit- alen. and be less able to use good
m Use an eyewash dispenser, if ing: judgment. Severe heat stress is a
available. Otherwise, hold eyelid m Position victim face down or serious illness. Unless victims ate
open and wash with a gentle drip kneeling forward. Do not allow cooled down quickly, they can die.
of clean running water positioned victim to lie on his back, because Severe heat stress is fatal to more
so that it flows across the eye the vomit could enter the lungs than 10 percent of its victims,
rather than directly into the eye. and do additional damage. even young, healthy adults. Many
n Rinse eye for 15 minutes or u Put finger or the blunt end of a who survive suffer permanent
more. spoon at the back of victim’s damage.Sometimes the victims
n Do not use chemicals or drugs throat or give sytup of ipecac. remain highly sensitive to heat for
in the rinse water. They may U Do not use salt solutions to months and are unable to return to
increase the injury. induce vomiting. the samework.
Learn the signs and symptoms
Inhaled pesticide: Do not induce vomiting: of heat stressand take immediate
w Get victim to fresh air immedi- n If the victim is unconscious or action to cool down if you suspect
ately. is having convulsions. you may be suffering from even
n If other people are in or near the n If the victim has swallowed a mild heat stress. Signs and symp-
area. warn them of the danger. corrosive poison. A corrosive toms may include:
n Loosen tight clothing on victim poison is a strong acid or alkali. It u fatigue (exhaustion, muscle
that would constrict breathing. will bum the throat and mouth as weakness),
n Apply artificial respiration if severely coming up as it did going n headache,nausea,and chills,
breathing has stopped or if the down. It may get into the lungs n dizziness and fainting,
victim’s skin is blue. If pesticide and bum there also. n severe thirst and dry mouth,
or vomit is on the victim’s mouth l If the victim has swallowed an l clammy skin or hot, dry skin,
or face, avoid direct contact and emulsifiable concentrate or oil n heavy sweating or complete
use a shapedairway tube. if solution. Emulsifiable concen- lack of sweating,
available, for mouth-to-mouth trates and oil solutions may cause n altered behavior (confusion,
resuscitation. death if inhaled during vomiting. slurred speech,quarrelsome or
irrational attitude).
Pesticide in mouth or swallowed: HeatStress
m Rinse mouth with plenty of Heat stressis the illness that FirstAidfor HeatStress
water. occurs when your body is sub- It is not always easy to tell the
n Give victim large amounts (up jected to more heat than it can difference between heat stress
to I quart) of milk or water to cope with. Heat stress is not illness and pesticide poisoning.
drink. caused by exposure to pesticides, The signs and symptoms are

Harmful Effects and Emergency Response

similar. Don’t waste time trying to other clothing that may be making
decide what is causing the illness. the victim too warm, HeatCramps
Get medical help. D Have the victim, if conscious, Heat cramps can be quite
First aid measuresfor heat drink as much cool water as painful. These muscle spasms in
stressvictims are similar to those possible. the legs, arms, or stomach are
for persons who are overexposed l Keep the victim quiet until help caused by loss of body salt
to pesticides: arrives. through heavy sweating. To
n Get the victim into a shadedor relieve cramps, have the victim
cool area. drink lightly salted water or
1 Cool victim as rapidly as “sports drinks.” Stretching or
possible by sponging or splashing kneading the muscles may tempo-
skin, especially face, neck, hands, rarily relieve the cramps. How-
and forearms, with cool water or, ever. if you suspectthat stomach
when possible, immersing in cool cramps are being causedby
water. pesticides rather than heavy
m Carefully remove all personal sweating, get medical help right
protective equipment and any away.

Applying Pesticides Correctly

Knowthe Lay 1

involved in a p&i&k-related
=l2mp@asmustklxpreards -
pcriodicnparu Mioorinjuries
valved medical ~1oasOf
consciw mshiction of work
n OSHA will invcstigam em-
ployee complaitlts x&ted to
-P-=tcJ -materials,
such as pesticides.

0 . Explain the terms hazard,

toxicity, and exposure, and tell
A. 1. Oral exposure (when you
swallow a pesticide).
0 . What three factors deter-
mine how much pesticide will be
how they relate to one another. 2. Inhalation exposure (when you absorbed through your skin and
inhale a pesticide), into your body?
A. Hazard is the risk of harmful 3. Ocular exposure (when you get
effects from pesticides. Toxicity is a pesticide in your eyes), and A. The amount of pesticide that
a measureof the ability of a 4. Dermal exposure (when you get is absorbed through your skin (and
pesticide to cause harmful effects. a pesticide on your skin). eyes) and into your body depends
Exposure is the total amount of on:
pesticide that gets on or in the Q . Which route of exposure 1. The pesticide itself and the
body. HAZARD = TOXICITY x should you, as a pesticide material used to dilute the pesti-
EXPOSURE. handler, be most concerned cide.
about? 2. Which area of the body is
Q . What are the four routes exposed.
through which pesticides can A. Exposure to the skin is the 3. The condition of the skin that is
contact your body and cause you most common route of exposure exposed.
to be exposed? for pesticide handlers.

Harmful Effects and Emergency Response

Q. Explain acute effects, tw.0 signs or symptoms of 0 , What are some common
signs and symptoms of heat
delayed effects, and allergic irritation effects from pesticides.
effects. stress?
A. Pesticide poisoning may
A. Acute effects are illnesses or causenausea,vomiting. diarrhea, A. Heat stressmay cause fatigue
injuries that may appear immedi- and/or stomach cramps; headache, (exhaustion, muscle weakness);
ately after exposure to a pesticide dizziness, weakness,and/or headache,nausea,and chills;
(usually within 24 hours). Delayed confusion; excessive sweating, dizziness and fainting; severe
effects are illnesses or injuries that chills, and/or thirst; chest pains; thirst and dry mouth; clammy skin
do not appear immediately (within difficult breathing; cramps in your or hot, dry skin, heavy sweating or
24 hours) after exposure to a muscles or aches all over your complete lack of sweating; altered
pesticide or combination of MY- behavior (confusion, slurred
pesticides. Allergic effects are External irritants may cause speech,and quarrelsome or
harmful effects that some people redness,blisters, rash, and/or irrational behavior).
develop in reaction to pesticides bums on skin, and swelling, a
that do not cause the samereaction stinging sensation, and/or bums in 0 . If you are not sure whether
in most other people. eyes, nose, mouth, and throat. a person is suffering from heat
stress or pesticide poisoning,
0 . How can you avoid harm- Q . What is the first thing you what should you do?
ful effects from pesticides? should do when you or someone
else is overexposed to pesticides? A. Because so many signs and
A. Avoiding and reducing symptoms could be from either
exposures to pesticides will reduce A. The best first aid in pesticide heat stressor pesticide poisoning,
the harmful effects from pesti- emergenciesis to stop the source do not waste time trying to
cides. You can avoid exposures by of pesticide exposure as quickly as diagnose the problem - get
using safety systems, such as possible: If pesticide is on the skin medical help. In the meantime, get
closed systems and enclosed cabs, or in the eyes, flood with water, if the person to a cooler place that is
and you can reduce exposures by the pesticide has been swallowed, away from pesticides. Remove
wearing appropriate personal drink large amounts of water; if personal protective equipment or
protective equipment, washing the pesticide has been inhaled, get other clothing that could be
exposed areasoften. and keeping to fresh air. a contaminating the skin or making
your personal protective equip- the person too warm, use water to
ment clean and in good operating 0 . What is heat stress? clean and cool the skin, and give
condition. the person plenty of water to
A. Heat stress is the illness that drink.
0 . Name four signs or symp- occurs when your body is sub-
toms of pesticide poisoning and jected to more heat than it can
cope with.

Applying Pesticides Correctly



After you complete your study l Identify factors that determine m Distinguish among dust/mist
of this unit, you should be able to: how well a coverall will protect filtering respirators,vapor-
m Describe your legal responsibil- your body. removing respirators,and air-
ity for following personalprotec- m Explain the importance of supplying Ircspirators.
tive equipment requirementsin wearing gloves when you Me m Dcscribc the special hazards
pesticide labeling. pesticides. that fumigants pose.
l Detine the mm “chemical m Give reasonswhy gloves and m Explain somebasic guidelines
rcsistan~” and explain how to tell footwear may fail to protect you. for cleaning and maintaining
when a ma&al is not chemical m Explain when you should wear permnal protective equipment
resistantto a particular pesticide. protective headgear,and describe items.
m Explain the term “protective
information on the labeling about
precautions for humans, and the FactorsAttectinu
ersonal protective equip task you will be performing will ChemicalResistance
ment (PPE) is clothing and help you to assessyour potential How chemical-resistant a
devices that are worn to protect hazard and to select the amount material will be in your pesticide
the human body from contact with and kind of personal protective handling situation dependson the
pesticides or pesticide residues. equipment you need for each length of exposure, the exposure
Personal protective equipment handling job. situation, and the chemical to
includes such items as coveralls or Pesticide labeling lists the which the material is exposed.
protective suits, footwear, gloves, minimum personal protective
aprons, respirators, eyewear, and equipment you must wear while Leneth of exwure
headgear. handling the pesticide. Sometimes Not all types of materials that
Ordinary shirts, pants, shoes the labeling lists different require- are resistant to a particular pesti-
and other regular work clothing ments for different activities. For cide will protect you for the same
usually are not considered per- example, more personal protective amount of time. Some materials
sonal protective equipment, equipment may be required for will keep the pesticide out for a
although the pesticide labeling mixing and loading than for fairly long time. Others will allow
may require you to wear specific application. the pesticide to go through the
items of work clothing during material to your skin fairly
some activities.
Exposure to pesticides can
Chemical-Resistant quickly. Thin materials, such as
disposable plastic gloves. shoe
cause harmful effects. To prevent PersonalProtective covers, or aprons, may be as much
or reduce exposure to pesticides, protection as you need for tasks
you need to wear personal protec- Equipment that can be done in a few minutes.
tive equipment. You are legally Some pesticide labeling re- Longer jobs usually require items
required to follow all personal quires you to wear chemical- made of a heavier material.
protective equipment instruc- resistant personal protective Chemical resistance is often
tions that appear on the label or equipment. You must select a stated in terms of exposure time.
in labeling. material that will be resistant for For example, neoprene is resistant
Remember, the lack of any the period of time that you will be to acetone for 30 minutes or less
requirement for personal protec- exposed to the pesticide. Most and to diesel fuel for more than 4
tive equipment or the mention of chemical-resistant personal hours. If you wear neoprene
only one piece of equipment does protective equipment items are gloves while handling pesticides
not rule out the need for more made of plastic or rubber, but with an acetone solvent, you must
protection. No pesticide labeling these materials are not equally change the gloves at least every 30
instructions can cover all situa- resistant to all pesticides and in all minutes; otherwise, the pesticide
tions. Your common sense,the circumstances.

Personal Protective Equipment

and the acetone will get through sometimes move through cotton
the gloves and onto your hands. and other woven materials as
quickly as wet formulations and
Exposuresituation may remain in the fibers even after
Even a chemical-resistant three launderings. Do not use hats
material will not continue to that have a cloth or leather sweat-
protect you if it becomesdamaged band. and do not use cloth or
during the pesticide handling task. cloth-lined gloves, footwear, and
For tasks that involve handling aprons. These materials are
sharp or pointed objects or walk- difficult or impossible to clean
ing through rough terrain, for after pesticide gets on them, and
example, a heavy-duty or sturdy they are too expensive to be
material probably would be disposed of after each use.
necessaryto ensure chemical ,
resistance. Chemical-resistantsuits and
Typeof chemical The best choice of materials for
Very few materials will protect chemical-resistant suits and hoods
you from all pesticide products. is generally:
The level of chemical resistance l rubber or plastic, such as butyl, \
may depend not only on what the neoprene,or polyvinyl chloride i
active ingredient is, but also on (PVC), or
whether the pesticide is liquid or l nonwoven fabric coated with
dry and what diluents or solvents plastic or another barrier material.
are used. Read the packaging for the suits
carefully to be sure that they are
ChoosingChemical- “chemical resistant,” “chemical
ResistantMaterials protective,” or “liquidproof.”
Always read the pesticide
labeling to see if it tells you what Otherchemical-resistantitems
materials are resistant to the For other chemical-resistant
pesticide product. If it does not, items, such as gloves. footear.
look for another source of help in aprons, and hats. you can choose
making a selection. The Environ- from many types of materials.
mental Protection Agency, the Foil-laminate materials are
United StatesDepartment of resistant to most pesticides. but
Agriculture - Cooperative Exten- many pesticide handlers consider
sion Service. pesticide producers, them uncomfortable to wear and
or personal protective equipment difficult to use while performing L
manufacturers may issue guidance many tasks. The type of material that is
about which materials are resistant Any plastic or rubber mate- resistant to non-water-based
to particular pesticides. When no rial is resistant to dry pesticides liquid pesticides depends on the
outside advice is available, you and to water-based pesticides. type of solvent used. Pesticides
must use your own best judgment Dry pesticides include dusts, that do not dissolve in water are
in selecting a material. granules, pellets. and some baits. often mixed with other solvents to
When you must select a Water-basedpesticides include form liquid formulations. Liquid
chemical-resistant material, there wettable powders, soluble pow- pesticides that are not water based
are some general guidelines to ders, some solutions, dry include emulsifiable concentrates.
follow. Cotton. leather. canvas, flowables (water-dispersible ultra-low-volume and low-volume
and other absorbent materials are granules), and microencapsulated concentrates,low-concentrate
not chemical resistant, even to dry pesticides. solutions, flowables, aerosols. and
formulations. Powders and dusts invert emulsions.
Common solvents are xylene. BodyProtection
fuel oil. other petroleum distil- . Any time you handle pesticides,
lates. and alcohol. When xylene is wear at least a long-sleeved shirt
in a formulation. it must be listed and long-legged pants. in many
in the ingredient statementon the instances the pesticide labeling
front panel of the pesticide label. will require you to wear a cover-
Some solvents do not have to all, a chemical-resistant suit, or a
be listed in the ingredient state- chemical-resistant apron.
ment, so you may not be able to
choose a chemical-resistant long-slesred sbhl and long-
material on the basis of what is in leggedpants
the formulation. For these pesti- Long-sleeved shirt and long-
cides. select sturdy foil-laminate, legged pants should be made of
butyl. or nitrile materials. Then sturdy material. Fasten the shirt
watch for signs that the material is collar completely to protect the
not chemical resistant. Sometimes lower part of your neck.
it is easy to see when a plastic or
rubber is not resistant to a pesti- Coveralls
cide. The material may: Coveralls should be made of
n change color. sturdy material such as cotton,
n become soft or spongy, polyester, a cotton-synthetic
n swell or bubble up, blend. denim, or a nonwoven
n dissolve or become like jelly, fabric. One-piece coveralls look
n crack or get holes. like jump suits or flight suits.
n become stiff or brittle. Two-piece coveralls look like
If any of these changesoccur. surgeons’ suits. When wearing a
discard the items and choose coverall. close the opening se-
another type of material. curely so the entire body except
the feet, hands, neck. and head are
Protecting covered. If you wear a two-piece
coverall, do not tuck it in at the
YourSkin waist: the shirt should extend well
The skin is the part of your below the waist of the pants and
body that usually gets the most fit loosely around the hips.
exposure while you are handling When handling pesticides that
pesticides. Pay particular attention are highly or moderately toxic
to covering as much of your skin dermally or are skin irritants,
as possible. Remember that always wear a coverall over
personal protective equipment another set of clothing that covers
protects you only if the pesticide your body at least from shoulders
remains on the outside of the to thighs. An entire set of clothing protection. That is why the
material. Once the pesticide gets such as a long-sleeved shirt and coverall should fit loosely. If it fits
on the inside and next to your long-legged pants worn under the tightly, there will not be a layer of
skin. the material works against coverall is ideal. Sometimes the air between it and your skin, and
you. It holds the pesticide tightly pesticide labeling will specify a any pesticide getting through the
next to your skin for as long as it particular type of clothing to be coverall will be in direct contact
is worn. When this happens. more worn under the coverall. with your skin.
pesticide will get on your skin and Several factors determine how The design and structure of
cause irritation or will go through well a coverall will protect you. coveralls also affect how well they
your skin and into your body. Each layer of clothing and each will protect you. Well-designed
i layer of air between the pesticide
and your skin provides added
coveralls have tightly constructed
seamsand snug, overlapping

Personal Protecthe Equipment


closures that do not gap or become consider wearing a chemical- pesticides in cool or climate-
unfastened readily. This construc- resistant suit even if the pesticide controlled environments, heat
tion makes it harder for pesticides labeling does not require you to do stressbecomesa major concern.
to get through these areasand onto so. Under those circumstances, Wearing a chemical-resistant suit
your inner clothing or your skin. even pesticides that are applied in even moderate temperature and
dry, such as dusts or granules, can humidity conditions can cause you
Chemicai-resistant suit get through ordinary fabric and to become overheated very
Some pesticide labeling re- harm you. quickly. Take extra precautions to
quires handlers to wear a Chemical-resistant suits made avoid heat stressby drinking
chemical-resistant suit. This of rubber or plastic often ate plenty of water and taking fre-
usually indicates that the pesticide referred to as “rainsuits.” They quent rest breaks to cool down.
is very hazardous, either for acute may be sold as one-piece coveralls
effects or for delayed effects, and or as two-piece outfits consisting Chemical-resistant apron
that extra precaution is necessary of a jacket worn over overalls. The pesticide labeling may
to prevent the pesticide from Chemical-resistant suits made of require you to wear a chemical-
getting on you. coated nonwoven fabric usually resistant apron while you are
If you expect to be in a situa- are sold as one-piece coveralls. mixing and loading the pesticide
tion where a large amount of The biggest drawback to and while you are cleaning
pesticide could be deposited on chemical-resistant suits is that they pesticide equipment. Consider
your clothing, and if you will be in may make you uncomfortably wearing an apron whenever you
that situation for a long time, warm. Unless you are handling are handling pesticide concen-

Interpretinglabeling PPEStatements
LabeiinmStatement Amgtabie PPE
Long-sleeved shirt and long-legged pants Long-sleeved shirt and long-legged pants, or
Woven or nonwoven coverall, or
Plastic- or other barrier-coated coverall, or
Rubber or plastic suit

.,e.. Rubberaphsticsuit
_. .,I ,, _,
Coverall worn over long-sleeved shirt and Coverall worn over long-sleeved shirt and long-
long-legged pants legged pants, or
Coverall worn over another coverall, or
Plastic- or other barrier-coated coverall. or
Rubber or plastic suit
reststantapronwomov~‘covcmllor*ver ‘1 clKa&&~-womov~cuvcrauar
long-slc!evcd shirt and lung-legged pants brrrg-slnmll~=-F!J-~pmts,~
.,.~ ,.
Chemical-resistant protective suit Plastic- or other barrier-coated coveralls, or
Rubber or plastic suit
Wateqm3ofsuitorliifsuit Plastic- orotklmxIicrumtcd covcraIls* or

HI Applying Pesticides Correctly

protects your arms. hands, and
front and eliminates the potential
gap where the sleeve and glove or
sleeve and apron meet.
An apron can sometimes be a
safety hazard. It can get caught in
some machinery or get in your
way in some situations. At those
times. you may choose to wear a
chemical-resistant suit instead.

Pesticide handlers get by far the
most pesticide exposure on their
hands and forearms. As a result,
most pesticide labeling will
require you to wear chemical-
resistant gloves at all times while
handling the pesticide. Wear
chemical-resistant gloves any time will instruct you not to wear
you may get pesticides on your chemical-resistant gloves and
hands. footwear or other chemical-
Pesticide handlers also often get resistant clothing.
pesticides on their feet. Sturdy
shoes and socks are sufficient to Wear gloves and footwear
protect your feet during a few correctly
pesticide handling activities. Always start out with gloves
Canvas, cloth, and leather are and footwear that you know are
difficult or impossible to clean new or freshly cleaned. Don’t
adequately, however. Consider choose a pair just becausethey are
using chemical-resistant materials close by. They may already have
when pesticides or pesticide pesticides on the inside and will
residues, especially concentrates, not protect your hands or feet.
may get on your footwear. If pesticides get inside your
Some pesticide labeling re- gloves or footwear, you must take
quires you to wear chemical- them off right away, wash your
resistant footwear. Such footwear hands or feet, and put on a clean
can be shoes,shoe covers, or pair. Keep several pairs of gloves
boots. If a pesticide is likely to get and footwear available and change
trates. It will protect you from on your lower legs or feet, con- to a clean set whenever you
splashes, spills, and billowing sider wearing chemical-resistant suspect the inside has become
dusts and will protect your cover- boots. The boots should extend contaminated.
all or other clothing. Wear an past your ankle and at least
apron over the coverall or long- halfway up to your knee. Avoid contaminatingtheinside
sleeved shirt and long-legged One situation where you should of glovesand foefwear
pants required for application or not wear chemical-resistant gloves Even when you are wearing
other handling activities. and footwear is during the han- gloves and footwear, you can get
Choose an apron that extends dling of a few fumigants, such as pesticides on your hands and feet
from your neck to at least your methyl bromide, becausethe unless the gloves and footwear
knees. Some aprons have attached gloves and footwear can trap the are:
sleeves and gloves. This style is gas near the skin and cause bums. n chemical-resistant to the
especially protective becauseit The labeling on these fumigants pesticide being handled,
labeling Statement AcceptablePPE
Waterproof gloves Any rubber or plastic gloves sturdy enough
to remain intact throughout the task being

alcmcd-resistant gloves Balrkr-iaminnrr gloves, or


Chemical-resistant gloves such as bury1or nitrile Bury1 gloves, or

Nitrile gloves, or
Other gloves that glove selection charts or
guidance documents indicate are chemical-
resistant to the pesticide for the period of
time required to perform the task

Leather, canvas or fabric shoes,or

tllmnid-resistant sbocs,or
Chemical-resistant boots, or
czhemical-resistant !Bhoc covering.s (booties)

Chemical-resistant footwear Chemical-resistant shoes,or

Chemical-resistant boots, or
Chemical-resistant shoe coverings (booties)

Chexnical-resistant boots Chemical-re&ant boots


n worn correctly, may transfer the pesticide from will be working some of the time
l in good condition, your hands to your socks and feet. with your arms raised and some of
n cleaned and cared for, and You must keep pesticides from the time with them lowered. Close
l replaced often. running down your sleeves or the glove cuff tightly outside the
Contamination often happens pants legs and into your gloves sleeve and put heavy-duty tape or
when handlers remove their gloves and footwear. For many jobs, you an elastic band around the end of
briefly to adjust their equipment, the glove where it meets the
open a pesticide container, wipe sleeve. Some gloves have a
their face, etc., and then put the method of tightening the cuff to
gloves on again over their con- your sleeve so the pesticide cannot
taminated hands. If you must run down into the glove.
remove your gloves during a Place sleevesoutside the gloves
handling activity, wash your to keep pesticides from running
gloves thoroughly before taking down the sleevesand into the
them off, and wash your hands gloves. Use gloves that go up over
thoroughly and dry them before your wrist and at least half way to
you put the gloves on again. your elbow.
Handlers also sometimes make For jobs when you will be
the mistake of putting on footwear exposed to pesticides on your legs,
with contaminated hands. This put your pants legs outside the
coveralls can be purchased with
attached protective hoods.

When the pesticide labeling
requires you to wear protective
eyewear, wear goggles, a face
shield, or safety glasseswith
shields at both the brow and sides.
Eyes are very sensitive to the
chemicals in some pesticide
formulations, especially concen-
trates, and temporary blindness
caused by an accident may delay
or prevent self-treatment. Eyes
also readily absorb some pesti-
Shielded safety glassesor full-
boots so the Pesticide will not hood or wide-brimmed hat will face shields are a good choice in
travel down your leg and collect in help keep pesticides off your head, many handling situations, because
the boots or shoe covers. neck, eyes, mouth, and face. they are comfortable, do not cause
Plastic “safari” hats with plastic fogging or sweating, and give
HeadandNeck sweatbandsare a good choice. good eye protection for many
They are relatively cool in hot exposure situations. Face shields
Protection weather. Other more flexible hats that are cupped inward towards
If you will be exposed to and hoods are also available in your throat give better protection
pesticides from above, wear from splashesthan straight face
chemical-resistant materials.
something to protect your head Many chemical-resistant jackets or shields. However, if you will be in
and neck. A chemical-resistant an open cab during an airblast
application, flagging directly
under an aerial application,
applying mists, fogs, or aerosols
indoors. or in any other situation
where you will be enveloped in a
spray, mist, or dust, wear goggles
that fit tightly against your face.
Either goggles or shielded
safety glassescan be worn with a
half-face respirator. Full-face
respirators are supplied with their
own face shield, so additional eye
protection is not required.


Personal Protecrive Equipment

Interpretho LabelingPPEStatements
labelingStatement AcceptablaPPE
Chemical-resistant hood or wide-brimmed hat Rubber- or plastic-coated safari-style hat, or
Rubber- or plastic-coated firefighter-style hat, or
Plastic- or other barrier-coated hood, or
Rubber or plastic hood, or
Full hood or helmet that is part of some

;n .

,.1 ” * f*l : 1 2,
Goggles Goggles, or
Full-face style respirator

Cartridge respirator Respirator with organic vapor-removing cartridge

and pesticide prefilter. or
Respirator with canister approved for pesticides,
or Air-supplying respirator
.-“_-,de. --noncom
‘~T@1rX’:“~~~~~, .bk’U. i’ .-3*7-s”
‘nnitJ’- ,” rl-.-,yq
Canisterrcs@aUr@asmask) ’

. .:, 1s c .I%-crni. *_- ,-,_-_. ._ .. .‘L. . .;,:

Air-supplying respirator or Air-supplying respirator, or
Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)

ProtectingYour has a labeling precautionary

statement such as “do not breathe
otherwise not be able to detect.
The additive may have a charac-
RespiratoryTract vapors or spray mist,” or “harmful teristic odor or be a mild irritant to
The respiratory tract - the or fatal if inhaled,” or alert you that you should put on a
lungs and other parts of the D if you will be exposed for a respirator or that your respirator is
breathing system - is much more long time to pesticides that are in no longer protecting you. The
absorbent than the skin. You must or near your breathing zone. warning agent can help you
wear a respirator when the pesti- Some fumigants and a few determine when you should use a
cide labeling directs you to do so. other pesticide formulations respirator for products whose
Even if the labeling does not contain an additive that will warn labeling does not require respira-
require it, you should consider you if you begin to inhale the tory protection in all situations.
wearing a respiratory protective pesticide. Such warning agents Some pesticide labeling lists
device: often are used when the active the type of respirator you should
H if you are in an enclosed area ingredients in the pesticide are wear when handling the product.
and the pesticide you are handling highly toxic ones that you would Other labeling requires the use of

Applying Pesticides Correctly

a respirator. but does not specify high concentrations of vapor. or
I’ the type or model to be used. when the oxygen supply is low.
NIOSH and MSHA approve
respirators as adequatefor certain Functionsof air-purifying
types of uses. When the pesticide respirators
labeling requires you to use a Air-purifying respirators
respirator. you must wear one that remove contaminants from the air
is approved by NIOSH and in two ways:
MSHA. If the respirator has more m by filtering dusts, mists, and
than one part, all the parts must be particles, and
approved. n by removing gasesand vapors.
Studies have shown that many Sometimes you will need only a
pesticide handlers do not use respirator that filters dusts and
respirators correctly and so are not mists from the air; at other times,
being well protected. Before you you will need one that removes
use a respirator, you should be gasesand vapors as well.
trained in the correct procedures Wear a dust/mist-filtering
for selecting, fitting, cleaning and respirator if the pesticide labeling
sanitizing, inspecting, and main- tells you to or if you will be
taining respiratory protective exposed to pesticide dusts, pow-
equipment. ders, mists, or sprays in your
There are two basic types of breathing zone. Wear a respirator
respirators: that also removes vapors if the
n air-supplying respirators, pesticide labeling tells you to or if
which supply you with clean, you will be exposed to gasesor
uncontaminated air from an vapors in your breathing zone.
independent source, and Sslf-cortrinsdbngthing
n air-purifying respirators. mmfus !Qylesof air-purifytng
which remove contaminants from This type of respirator supplies respirators
the air around you. clean air from cylinders that you Air-purifying respirators are of
carry with you, usually on your three basic styles:
Air-SupplyingRespirators back. This lets you move more n dust/mist masks, which usually
Air-supplying respirators are freely and over a wider area than are shaped filters that cover the
used in a few specialized situa- you can with a supplied-air nose and mouth to filter out dusts,
tions where other types of respira- respirator. Get training from mists, and particles,
tors are not protective enough. Use competent instructors before using m devices consisting of a body
an air-supplying respirator when self-contained breathing equip- and one or more cartridges that
the pesticide labeling tells you to. ment. These devices contain a contain air-purifying materials,
In addition, you should use one limited air supply (usually about and
when handling pesticides: 30 to 45 minutes), which may be n devices consisting of a body
n when the oxygen supply is low, used up even more quickly in high and a canister that contains air-
or temperaturesor with excessive purifying materials.
n during fumigation in enclosed exertion.
areas,such as greenhousesor Cartridges may contain either
other buildings, railcars, ship Air-PurifyingRespirators dust/mist-filtering material or
holds, or grain bins. In most situations where vapor-removing material. For
pesticide handlers need to use a pesticide handling tasks where
Supplied-air respirators respirator, some type of air- vapor removal is needed. a
These respirators pump clean purifying respirator provides prefilter must be used with the
air through a hose to the face enough protection. Air-purifying vapor-removing cartridge. The
mask. You are limited to working respirators will not protect you prefilter removes dusts, mists, and
within the distance the hose can from fumigants, from extremely other particles before the air
reach from the supply of clean air. passesthrough the vapor-remov-

Personal Protective Equipment

ing cartridge. A few vapor-
removing cartridges have an
attached preftlter. but most are
sold separately. Separateprefilters
are preferred for use with pesti-
cides. becausethey often need to
be replaced before the vapor-
removing cartridge is used up.
Some cartridge-type respirators
are one-piece units with cartridges
permanently attached to the
facepiece. After use. the entire
unit is discarded. Other cartridge
respirators are two-piece units
with removable cartridges and a
body that can be cleaned and
reused. The dust/mist filtering or
vapor-removing cartridges and the
prefilters can be replaced when
they lose their effectiveness.
A canister contains both dust/
mist-filtering and vapor-removing
material. Canisters contain more
air-purifying material than car-
tridges. They last much longer and
may protect you better in situa- cartridges with NIOSH/MSHA the mask if it gets soakedor loses
tions where the concentration of approval number prefix TC- its shape.
gas or vapor in the air is high. 21c.
They are also much heavier and Look for a dust/mist mask that Selecting and using vapor-
more uncomfortable to wear. is held in place by two straps. removingdevices
Canister-type respirators are One-strap styles are not approved Vapor-removing devices are
often called gas masks. They by NIOSH and MSHA. because rated by NIOSH for the types of
usually have the canister con- they do not keep the respirator gasesand vapors they will re-
nected directly to the facepiece or adequately sealed against the face. move. For pesticide handling tasks
worn on a belt and connected to When you wear a dust/mist where vapor protection is needed,
the facepiece by a flexible hose, filter -either a mask, cartridge, NIOSH requires that an organic-
The body is designed to be or prefilter - you will have more vapor-removing material and a
cleaned and reused. The canisters trouble breathing as more dusts, pesticide prefilter be used.
can be replaced when necessary. mists, and other particles become Pesticide handlers must use
trapped in the filter material. either:
Selecting and using dust/mist- When breathing becomestoo l a cartridge approved for
Ultering devices difficult, replace the filter. Eight organic vapor removal plus a
Dust/mist filtering masks and hours of use is usually the limit for prefilter approved for pesticides
cartridges are approved by NIOSH these filters. During continual use, (NIOSH/MSHA approval
and MSHA. You must wear one you may need to change filters number prefix for both is TC
that has their stamp of approval. twice a day, or even more often in 23C), or
Nonapproved filters are not as dusty or dirty conditions. Do not n a canister approved for
protective and are not acceptable. use a dust/mist mask when the pesticides (NIOSHIMSHA
Pesticide handlers must wear pesticide will completely soak the approval number prefix is 14G).
dust/mist-filtering masks or mask and be held close to the skin When you wear a vapor-
and breathing passages.Replace removing respirator, remember
a medical condition that would
prevent you from using such
devices. If you have trouble
breathing while you are wearing
your respirator even though you
have used and cared for it cor-
rectly, seeyour physician to find
out whether you have a health
Powered air-purifying respira-
tors use a blower to draw air to the
user. PAPR’s should not be
confused with air-supplying
respirators, becausethey do not
supply clean air. The air is cleaned
by cartridges or canisters, as it is
with other air-purifying respira-
tors. These respirators are avail-
Respirator able as lightweight backpacks, or
they may be mounted on or in
that vapor-removing materials Air-delivery systems application equipment where the
gradually lose their ability to hold Air-purifying respirators draw power is supplied by the vehick’s
more gasesand vapors. Their air through the filters and vapor- electrical systems.
useful life can vary greatly de- removing materials in one of two
pending on: ways. Ordinary air-purifying Fitling air-Durilying respirators
n the amount of particles in the respirators depend on the wearer’s Respirators fit wearers in one of
air, lung power to draw air through the two ways. Most must seal tightly
n the concentration of vapor being purifying material with each to the face; others are loose-fitting.
filtered, breath. Powered air-purifying Face-sealing respirators must
w the amount of absorbent mate- respirators (PAPR’s) assist the form a tight seal against your face
rial they contain, wearer by pulling the air through to be effective. Otherwise, pesti-
l the breathing rate of the wearer, mechanically. Dust/mist masks cides can leak in around the edges.
n the temperature and humidity, and most cartridge and canister People with beards cannot wear
and respirators are nonpowered air- this style of respirator becausea
n the length of time they have purifying respirators. tight seal cannot be formed
been stored before use and be- If you have a respiratory through the hair. These respirators
tween uses. problem, even a temporary must be fitted to each wearer and
If you notice an odor, taste, problem such as a cold or allergy, are not interchangeable among
irritation, or dizziness, that is a you cannot wear nonpowered handlers.
signal that you are no longer being cartridge and canister respirators. Dust/mist masks are face-
protected. Some vapor-removing You need strong lung pressure to sealing respirators. They fit over
materials have a “service life draw the air through the purifiers your nose and mouth and have a
indicator” to tell you when the into your lungs. Even persons with clip that you press around the
material is nearly used up. The normal lung capacity cannot wear bridge of your nose to help form a
instructions on some other materi- these respirators for long periods seal. Most cartridge and canister
als will tell you to replace them of time, becausethey tend to be respirators are also face-sealing
after a specific number of hours of hot, uncomfortable, and exhaust- respirators. Full-face styles form
use. If there are no instructions ing. and keep a tight seal better than
about replacement, change the Before you use these respira- half-face styles.
cartridge or canister after about 8 tors, have a medical examination Many pesticide handlers are not
hours of use. to make sure that you do not have being adequately protected while
wearing face-sealing cartridge and
canister respirators. becausethey
often break the seal by pulling the
respirator away from their face to
get temporary relief from the heat,
sweat. itching, or difficult breath-
ing. Once the seal is broken in the
exposure area, the respirator’s
ability to protect you is greatly
reduced. Face-sealing cartridge
and canister respirators are most
useful for short-term tasks.
Your face-sealing respirator
should be tested before you wear it
in a situation where you may
inhale pesticides. There are two
types of tests: fit tests and tit 1 Halt-faceCartridgeResPirator
checks. They ensure that the
respirator is operating correctly the breathing tube so that it does The second method for testing
and that you are being protected. not allow air through), the facepiece seal is to close the
Have a fit test before you use n inhale gently so that the exhalation valve with your palm
your cartridge or canister respira- facepiece collapses slightly, and and exhale gently into the
tor the first time. and then be m hold your breath for about IO facepiece. If slight pressure builds
retested periodically. Get the tit seconds. up inside the facepiece without
test through a program approved If the facepiece remains slightly any evidence of outward leakage,
by NlOSH and OSHA, the agen- collapsed and no inward leakage is the respirator probably fits tightly
cies that regulate respirator fit detected, the respirator probably enough and will work correctly.
testing. Public health depanments, fits tightly enough and will work This method is not appropriate for
fire departments, and the Coopera- correctly. This method does not respirators with an exhalation
tive Extension Service may be work for dust/mist masks.
able to tell you where to find an
approved fit testing program.
The two main types of fit tests
B testing whether the wearer can
detect a test substanceby in-ita-
tion. odor. or taste, and
w measuring the actual amount of
a test substancethat gets inside the
A fit check is an on-the-spot
check that you should do to make
sure the respirator is still working
correctly. Do a fit check each time
you wear a face-sealing respirator.
There are two methods for
checking the seal of the facepiece
against your face. To check by the
first method:
n close off the inlet of the canister
or cartridge (cover it with your
palm, replace the caps, or squeeze

m Applying Pesticides Correctly

valve cover that would have to be
removed first.
Another on-the-spot fit check is .
the use of a test substance to
i determine whether you can detect
an odor, taste, or irritant, This fit
check tests both the facepiece seal
and whether a vapor-removing
cartridge or canister is still work-
ing. Most test agents are gasesor
vapors and will not test a dust/
mist-filtering mask or cartridge.
Test agents are available from
catalogs and dealers that sell a
variety of respirators. If you
cannot detect the test agent while
you are wearing the respirator, it
probably is working correctly.
Loose-fitting respirators ax
powered air-purifying respirators
that constantly pump air through a
cartridge or canister into a loose-
fitting helmetlike or hoodlike head
covering. The positive outward
pressure caused by the steady
outflow of air prevents contami-
nants from entering the headpiece.
The purified air circulates over the
user’s head, face, and neck and
provides some cooling.
Not all loose-fitting respirators
move the air at the same rate.
Most pesticide handling tasks
require a minimum airflow rate of
4 cubic feet per minute. If you are
doing physically strenuous work,
use a respirator with an airflow
rate of at least 6 cubic feet per
Loose-fitting respirators do not
have to form a seal on your face,
so people with facial hair can use
them safely. They do not require
extra lung power and are not
nearly as tiring or as hot as face-
sealing respirators.
Loose-fitting respirators are
much more expensive than face-
sealing respirators. In some
situations, however, they are the
only safe option. For example, you
might have to use one if you have
facial hair that prevents an ad-

Personal Protective Equipment

equate seal with the respirator use an air-supplying respirator. In For example, you might use
facepiece. enclosed areas such as green- disposable gloves, shoe covers,
In many situations, loose-fitting houses, ship holds, railcars, bins, and apron while pouring pesticides
respirators are a good choice. For vaults, and chambers there may into a hopper or tank, cleaning or
example, you might choose to use not be enough oxygen for you to adjusting a nozzle, or making
one: breathe. Cartridge and canister minor equipment adjustments.
n to avoid the need for fit tests respirators will not protect you in Nonwoven (including coated
and fit checks, these situations. nonwoven) coveralls and hoods
l if you will be exposed to Some fumigants readily pen- usually are designed to be dis-
pesticides for several hours at a etrate plastic, rubber, and leather. posed of after use. Most ate
time, or These fumigants may be trapped intended to be worn for only one
n if you are working in situations inside gloves, boots, or tight- workday’s exposure period. The
where heat stress is a concern. fitting coveralls and cause Severe instructions with some coated
skin irritation or lead to poisoning nonwoven suits and hoods may
PersonalProtective through skin absorption. The
labeling on these fumigants will
permit you to wear them more
than once if each period of use is
Equipmentfor tell you the appropriate personal short and they do not get much
protective equipment to wear pesticide on them. Be especially
HandllnaFumiaants while handling them. Such label- alert when reusing these items,
Fumigants are pesticides that ing often will tell you to wear and be ready to change them
are applied as a gas or that readily loose-fitting clothes and “breath- whenever there are signs that
form a gas when they are applied. able” footwear such as canvas or pesticides could be getting through
Their pesticidal action is in the other fabric. The labeling may tell the material or that the inside
gaseousform. Fumigants are very you not to wear any gloves or to surface is contaminated.
highly toxic to plants and animals, wear cotton or other absorbent Dust/mist masks, prefilters,
including humans. Use extreme gloves. canisters, filtering and vapor-
caution and wear appropriate removing cartridges, and a few
personal protective equipment
whenever you handle fumigants.
Disposablesand cartridge respirators arc
disposables. They cannot be
Personal protective equipment Reusables cleaned, and they should be
requirements for protection from Personal protective equipment replaced often.
fumigants are often very different items either should be disposable
from the requirements for other or should be easy to clean and Reusables
types of pesticides. Follow label- sturdy enough for repeated use. Some personal protective
ing directions for each fumigant equipment that you buy may be
exactly. designed to be cleaned and reused
Inhaling even small amounts of Disposable personal protective several times. However, do not
some fumigant gasescan be fatal equipment items am not designed make the mistake of reusing these
or cause severe injury. You must to be cleaned and reused Discard items when they are no longer
wear the respirator listed on the them when they become contami- protecting you.
fumigant labeling. Wear it during nated with pesticides. Rubber and plastic suits,
any handling activity, including Chemical-resistant gloves, gloves, boots, aprons, capes, and
removing tarps or other coverings, footwear, and aprons that are headgear often are designed to be
when exposure to the gas is likely. labeled as disposable are designed cleaned and reused, but even these
Never work alone with fumi- to be worn only once and then reusables should be replaced
gants, especially in enclosed areas. thrown away. These items often often. Wash them thoroughly
Arrange to be monitored at all are made of thin vinyl, latex, or between uses. Before you put
times by another handler who has polyethylene. These inexpensive them on, inspect reused items
immediate accessto an appropri- disposables may be a good choice carefully for signs of wear or
ate respirator, in case rescue is for brief pesticide handling abrasion. If they show any sign of
needed. activities that require flexibility wear, throw them out. Even tiny
While handling a fumigant and will not tear the thin plastic. holes or thin places can allow
indoors or in any enclosed area, large quantities of pesticides to

m Applying Pesticides Correctly

move to the inside surface and clothing or footwear. They cannot between uses. Even if they were
transfer onto your skin. Check ,for be safely reused. worn for only a brief period of
rips and leaks during cleaning by Most protective eyewear and exposure to pesticides during that ..
using the rinse water to form a respirator bodies, facepieces and day, wash them before you wear
“balloon” or by holding the items helmets are designed to be them again. Pesticide residues that
up to the light. cleaned and reused. These items remain on the personal protective
Even if you can see no signs of may last many years if they are equipment are likely to continue to
wear, replace reusable chemical- good quality and are maintained move slowly through the personal
resistant items regularly. The correctly. protective equipment material,
ability of a chemical-resistant even chemical-resistant material.
material to resist the pesticide If you wear that personal protec-
decreaseseach time the items are Maintaininq tive equipment again, pesticide
worn. and after repeated exposure
to pesticides. Even though you do
PersonalProleclSve may already be on the inside next
to your skin. Also, personal
not see any changes in the mate- Equipment protective equipment that is worn
rial, the pesticide may be moving When you finish an activity several times between laundering
through the material and getting where you are handling-pesticides -. may build up pesticide residues.
on your skin. The pesticide moves or are exposed to them, remove T’he residues can reach a level that
through the material in the same your personal protective equip can harm you, even if you are
way air leaks through the surface ment right away. Wash the outside handling pesticides that are not
of a balloon - slowly, but of your gloves with detergent and highly toxic.
steadily. water before you remove them.
A good rule of thumb is to Consider washing the outside of WashingPersonal
throw out gloves that have been other chemical-resistant items ProtectiveEquipment
worn for about 5 to 7 days of before you remove them also. This Wash pesticide-contaminated
work. Extra-heavy-duty gloves, helps you avoid contacting the items separately from
such as those made of butyl or contaminated part of the items uncontaminated clothing and
nitrile rubber, may last as long as while you anzremoving them and laundry. Otherwise, the pesticide
10 to 14 days. Because hand helps keep the inside surface residues can be transferred onto
protection is the most important uncontaminated. If any other the other clothing or laundry and
concern for pesticide handlers. clothes have pesticides on them, can harm you or your family.
make glove replacement a high change them also. Determine
priority. The cost of frequently whether the items should be
replacing your gloves is a prudent disposed of or cleaned for reuse.
investment. Footwear, aprons, PIace reusable items in a plastic Be sure that the people who
headgear, and protective suits may bag or hamper away from your clean and maintain your personal
last longer than gloves, because other personal clothes and away protective equipment and other
they generally receive less expo- from the family laundry. Place work clothes know that they can
sure to the pesticides and less disposables in a separateplastic be harmed by touching the pesti-
abrasion from rough surfaces. bag or container. The pesticides cide that remains on the contami-
However, they should be replaced remaining on your personal nated items. Tell them that they
regularly and at any sign of wear. protective equipment, work should:
Fabric coveralls are designed clothing, and other work items n wear gloves and an apron,
to be cleaned after each day’s use could injure persons who touch especially if handling contami-
and reused. However, absorbent them. Do not allow children or nated items regularly or handling
materials such as cotton. polyester. pets near them. Do not allow items contaminated with highly
cotton blends, denim, and canvas contaminated gloves, boots, toxic pesticides.
cannot be cleaned adequately after respirators, or other equipment to m work in a well-ventilated area,
they are drenched or thoroughly be washed in streams, ponds, or if possible, and avoid inhaling
contaminated with concentrated other bodies of water. steam from the washer or dryer.
pesticides labeled with the signal Clean all reusable personal
word “DANGER” or “WARN- protective equipment items
ING”. Always discard any such
for at least24 hours in an area A zip-closablesturdy plastic bag
mcedare with plenty of fresh air. Even after works well for storage.
Follow the manufacturer’s thorough washing, some items still Respiratormaintenanceis
instnrctions for cleaning chemical- may contain pesticides.When the especially important. Inspect your
resistantitems. If the manufacturer items are exposedto clean air, respirator before each use. Repair
instructsyou to wash the item but remaining pesticide residuesmove or replace it whenever any part
gives no detailed instructions, or to the surfaceand evaporate.You shows sign of wear or deteriora-
offers no cleaning instructions at may wish to buy fwo or more sets tion. Maintain an inventory of
all. follow the procedurebelow. of equipmentar a time so you can replacementparts for the respira-
Somechemical-resistantitems that leave one set airing in a clean tors you own, and do not try to use
are not flat, such as gloves. place while you are using the other makeshift substitutesor incompat-
footwear, and coveralls,must be set. Do not hang items in enclosed ible brands.If you keep a respira-
washedtwice - once to thor- living areas,becausepesticides tor for standbyor emergencyuse.
oughly clean the outside of the thar remain in the items may inspect it at leastmonthly and
item and a secondtime after evaporateand exposepeople or before use.
turning the item inside out. Some animals in the area. If you remove your respirator
chemical-nzsistantitems, such as Using a clothes dryer is betweenhandling activities:
heavy-duty boots and rigid hatsor acceptablefor fabric items, if it is m Wipe the respirator body and
helmets.can be washed by hand nor.possiblefo hang them to dry. facepiecewith a clean cloth.
using hot water and a heavy-duty However, over a period of time, l Replacecaps, if available, over
liquid detergent.They should be the dryer may becomecontami- cartridges,canisters,and prefilters.
dried and aired as directed below. nated with pesticide residues. m Sealthe entire rtspirator in a
The best procedurefor washing sturdy, airtight container,such as a
non-chemical-resistantitems. such ~&~I~ Eyewear and zip-closable plastic bag. If you do
as cotton, cotton/polyester.denim. not seal the respirator immediately
canvas.and other absorbent Washgoggles, face shields, after each use. the disposableparts
materials.and most chemical- shieldedsafety glasses,and will have to be replacedmore
resistantitems is: respiratorbodies and facepieces often. Cartridges, canisters,
1. Rinse in a washing machine after eachday of use. Use a prefilters, and filters will continue
or by hand. detergentand hot water to wash to collect impurities as long as
2. Wash only a few items at a they an2exposedto the air.
them thoroughly. Sanitize them by
time so thee will be plenty of soaking for at least 2 minutes in a At the end of any work day
agitation and water for dilution. mixture of 2 tablespoonsof when you wore a reusable respira-
3. Wash in a washing ma- tor.
chlorine bleach in a gallon of hot
chine. using a heavyduty liquid water. Rinse thoroughly to remove nRemovethe filter or prefilter.
detergentand hot water for the the detergentand bleach. Dry Most filters should be discarded.
thoroughly or hang them in a clean A few are designedto be washed
wash cycle.
4. Rinse twice using two entire areatodry. and reused.
rinse cycles and warm water. Pay pglticular attention to the l Take off the cartridgesor
5. Use two entire machine headbands.Headbandsmade of canisters.Discard them or, if still
cycles to wash items that arc absorbentmaterials should be usable,replace their caps and seal
moderately to heavily contami- replacedwith chemical-resistant them in an airtight container, such
nated. headbands.After each day of use. as a zip-closableplastic bag.
6. Run the washer through at inspect all headbandsfor signs of m Clean and store respirator as
least one additional entire cycle wear or deterioration and replace dircctexlabove.
without clothing, using detergent as needed. Discard disposablerespirators
and hot water, to clean the ma- Store respiratorsand eyewear in according to manufacturer’s
chine after each batch of pesticide- an area where they are protected instmctions. Do not uy to clean
contaminateditems. and before from dust, sunlight. extreme them.
any other laundry is washed. temperatures,excessivemoisture,
Dryin procedure and pesticidesor other chemicals.
Hang the items to dry, if
possible. It is best to let them hang

Applying Pesticides Corrdy
st YourKnowledge
0 , What legal responsibility do seamsand snug, overlapping A l Wheneveryou may be
you have for wearing the per- closuresthat do not gap or become exposedto pesticidesfrom above,
sonal protective equipment that unfastenedreadily. wear protective headgearto help
the pesticide labeling lists for keep pesticidesoff your head,
your handling situation? Q . When should you wear neck, eyes,mouth, and face. Wear
chemical-resistant gloves? Why a chemical-resistanthood or wide-
Am By law, you must wear at are gloves so important to a brimmed hat. Plastic “safari” hats
least the personalprotective pesticide-handler? with plastic sweatbandsare a good
equipmentlisted on the labeling choice,
for the handling task you will be A , Wear chemical-resistant
performing. You are allowed to glovesany time you may get a l When the pesticide labeling
wear additional or more protective pesticideson your hands,except calls for ‘protective eyewear,”
personalprotectivequipment. for somefumigants whose label- what should you wear?
ing may direct you not wear
0 . Define the term ‘khemical gloves.The handsare by far the A l Wear goggles,a face shield,
resistant”. most likely route of exposurefor a or safety glasseswith brow and
pesticidehandler. side shields.
A . Chemicalresistant:Able to
preventmovementof the pesticide 0 l If you need to remove your 0 n What are the differences
through the material during the gloves during the handling among dust/mist-filtering
period of use. activity, what steps should you respirators, vapor-removing
take to remove them and put respirators, and air-supplying
Q . How can you tell when a them back on? respirators?
material is not chemical-resis-
tant to the pesticide you are
Am 1. Wash glovesthoroughly A . Dusr!/nlist-flltelingrespirators
are masksor cartridgesthat frlur
before taking them off.
2. wash hands thoroughly and dry dust, mists, and particles out of the
A . The material may change
color, becomesoft or spongy:
them before putting the gloveson air around you. Vapor-removing
respiratorsuse a cartridge or
swell or bubble up; dissolveor canisterto removepesticide gases
becomelike jelly: crack or get Q . Why do pesticides -me- andvaporsfromtheairaround
holes; becomestiff or brittle. times get on your skin even you. Air-supplying respirators
when you are wearing gloves provide you with clean air either
0 . What factors determine and protective footwear? from an air tank or from a location
how well your coverall will where the air is not contaminated
protect your body? A . The items may not be chemi- with pesticides.
cal-resistantto the pesticide being
A I 1. A coverall is most protec- handled, they may not be worn 0 l What special hazards do
tive if it fits loosely so there is a correctly; they may not be in good fumigants pose for pesticide
layer of air betweenit and the skin condition; or they may not have handlers?
or inner clothing. beencleanedcorrectly or replaced
2. A coverall is most protective if soon enough. A . Fumigantspose a serious
it is worn over anotherlayer of inhalation hazardto pesticide
clothing, becauseeach layer of Q . When should you wear handlers.Somefumigants also can
clothing adds a protective layer of protective headgear? What type causesevereskin bums if they are
air as well as a layer of fabric. of headgear should you use? trappednext to the skin by tight
3. Coveralls are most protective if clothing or chemical-resistant
they havetightly consttucted personalprotective equipment.

Personal Protective Equipment

0 , If the chemical-resistant
glovesyou have selectedare
1. Wear chemical-resistantgloves
and apron, especially if handling
a mixture of 2 tablespoonsof
chlorine bleach in a gallon of hot
reusable, how often should you contaminateditems regularly or water. Rinse thoroughly. Dry
routinely replace them? Under handling items contaminatedwith thoroughly or hang them in a clean
what conditions should you highly toxic pesticides. areato dry.
replace chemical-resistant items 2. Work in a well-ventilated area 4. Store the respirator and any
immediately? and do not inhale steamfrom the reusablecartridges,canisters,
washerand dryer. filters, and prefilters in an airtight
A. Throw out most reusable container in an area where they are
gloves that have beenworn for Q . What should you do with protectedfrom dust. sunlight.
about 5 to 7 days of work. Extra- your respirator between han- extremetemperatures,excessive
heavy-duty gloves, such as those dling tasks? moisture,and pesticidesor other
madeof butyl or nitrile rubber, chemicals.
may last as long as 10 to 14 days. A. Seal the respirator in a clean,
Replacechemical-resistantitems airtight container,such as a sturdy 0 I How will you know when to
immediately if they show any sign zip-closableplastic bag. If pos- replace dust/mist masks,
of wear or haveholes, tears,or sible. put capsover the opening on prefilters, and dust/mist-filter-
k&S. the cartridgesor canisters. ing and vapor-removing canis-
ters and cartridges?
0 9 What should you do with a a . What should you do when
coverall that has highly toxic you are finished using your A4 1. Changedust/mistmasks,
pesticide concentrate spilled on respirator for the day? cartridges.and prefilters immedi-
ately if you havetrouble breath-

L Dispose of the coverall. It

A . 1. Discard any masks,filters.
or respiratorsthat cannot be
ing. They usually need to be
changedat leastevery 8 hours.
cannot be adequatelycleaned. rCU%d. 2. Changevapor-removing
2. Take off the prefilters and canistersor cartridgesimmedi-
0 . What should you tell the
people who will be laundering
cartridgesor canisters.Discard
them or, if still usable,replace
ately if you smell, taste,or feel
irritation from pesticidevapors.
your clothing about how to their capsand sealthem in an Changethem wheneverany
protect themselvesfrom pesti- airtight container,such as a zip “service life indicator” tells you
cides? closableplastic bag. that you should,or after the time
3. Wash the respirator body. limit set by the manufactumr.
Am Tell them to: facepiece,and any reusablefilters. Otherwise, replacethem after
Soak them for at least 2 minutes in about 8 hours of use.

Applying Pesticides Correctly

After you completeyour study m Explain someconsequencesof of the decisionsyou make about
of this unit, you should be able to: incorrect use of pesticides. the application.
m List basic safety questionsyou l List factors to consider when l Describe adjustmentsyou
should ask yourself wheneveryou you havea choice among different might need to make in the task
or those you supervisewill be types of formulations. itself or in the workplace condi-
handling pesticides. m Name conditions at the applica- tions if heat stressis a concern.
tion site that may influence some
avoid exposureto them. Always

B efore you do a pesticide

handling task, you needto make
keep personalclothing, food,
drinks, chewing gum, tobacco
products,and other &longings
someimportant decisions.For any away from where pesticidesare
pesticidehandling activity, you storedor handled.They could
must decide how to ensurethe becomecontaminatedand poison
safety of yourself, others,and the or injure you when you use them.
environment.Before you apply II When you take a break, wash
pesticide,you must make several your gloveson the outside,
decisionsabout how to fit the removeyour gloves. and wash
application to your own pest your handsand face thoroughly.
control situation. Then you can safely chew gum,
eat, drink, or smoke,if you wish.
Avoid getting pesticideon
PersonalSafety yourself when you use the toilet.
Considerations The skin in the genital areahas
Make safety one of your first been shown to absorbmore
concernsevery time you handle pesticidesthan any other skin area.
pesticidesor allow someoneelse Take the time to wash your hands
. to handle them under your super- thoroughly before using the toilet,
vision. By making a few simple and be careful not to contaminate
safetydecisions,you can prevent yourself from pesticidesthat may
many pesticide accidentsand be on the outside of your clothing.
reducethe severity of others. Ask Be aware of other situations
yourself thesebasic safetyques- where you might be exposedto
tions: pesticideson the job. Protect
yourself not only during mixing,
HaveI Readthelabeling? loading, and application, but also
Always read the applicable concemsthe task you plan to do. during spill cleanup,repairing or
sectionsof the pesticidelabeling Be sure you understandeverything maintaining equipment,and when
before you open a pesticide you need to know about the transporting, storing, or disposing
containeror begin any pesticide pesticideproduct before you are of pesticidecontainersthat are
handling activity. Pesticide exposedto it. open or have pesticideson their
labeling containsprecautionsand outer surface.Use personal
instructions that you must follow HowCanI Avoid protective equipmentwhen
in order to use the product safely Exposure to Pesticides? necessaryto keep pesticidesfrom
and appropriately.It may contain The key to personalsafety gening on your skin and in your
very specific information that when handling pesticidesis to mouth, eyes, or lungs.
Is Needed?
Decide what personalprotective
equipment you and the people you
supervisewill need. You must use
what the labeling requires,and
you may decide that you need
additional equipment.Make sure
that the personalprotective
equipment is clean and in good
operating condition.
Be sure that you know how to
use the personalprotectiveequip
ment correctly. Put on and remove
the equipmentcarefully so that
you will not come in contact with
any pesticidesthat may be on the
outside of it. Do not “cheat” on the
personal protective quipment by
taking off your gloves to make an
equipment adjustmentor by
pulling your respirator away to
scratchyour face. wipe off sweat,
or take a deep breath while you
are still being exposedto the
pesticide. Do not wipe your gloves
on your clothing; this will con- accidentally spreadpesticides. leavepesticidesbehind. If you
taminate your clothing, and You may transferpesticidesto step into your office or home to
pesticide may move through to objects,people, and animalswhen answer a telephonecall or use the
your skin. you touch them with gloves that toilet, you may leavepesticideson
you wore while handling pesti- surfacesthere.
Is the Egulpmenl cides.When you sit in your car or Any time you take home or
ReadvandSafe? on a chair while wearing your wear home your work clothing,
Decide what quipment is pesticide-handlingoutfit, you may personalprotective equipment,or
necessaryfor your task. Check to
make sure that you haveall the
equipment you need and that it is
clean and in good operating
condition. Make sure that anyone
who will use the quipment knows
how to operateit safely and
cornctly. Do not allow children,
livestock or pets, or unauthorized
people to touch the equipment.If
they are injured or poisoned,you
are responsible.
AmI Avoidingthe
Make it a habit to consider how Personal
you and those you supervisemay L

Applying Pesticides Correctly

other items that are contaminated
with pesticides,the pesticidescan
rub off on carpeting,furniture, and
laundry items, and onto pets and
people who come into contact
with the contaminatedmaterials.
When you do not clean up a spill,
no matter how small, other people
or animalsmay get pesticideon
themselveswithout knowing they
are being exposed.Pesticidesthat
you spreadmay harm whoever or

HareI Instructed
HandlersI Supervise? AmI Prepared
If you superviseother people Emerpencies?
who handlepesticides,be sumthat Befom you begin any pesticide
they are instntctedaboutthe handling activity, be sure you ate
personalandenvironmentalhazards preparedto deal with emergencies
of pesticideuse.They shouldknow such as spills, injuries. and poison-
the ways they may be exposed,how ings. Your emergencysupplies
to limit pesticideexposureand should include at least:
reducethe risk of heatstmss,and l Persaul decontamination
how to respondin an emergency. equipment - Keep plenty of
They also shouldknow how to use clean water, detergent,and paper
the pesticidelabeliig and other towels nearby in a protected
soulcesof informationto leam containerto allow for fast decon-
aboutthe pesticidethey areusing. tamination in an emergency.Have
Be sureto providethemwith an extra coverall-type garment
specificinstructionsaboutthe m Spill cleanup equipment -
nearby in caseclothing becomes Keep a spill cleanup kit on hand at
pesticidesthey will be handlingand soakedor saturatedwith pesticide
aboutthe handlingdutiesthey will all times. The kit should contain
and must be removed. not only all the items neededfor
be performing.It is your legal m First aid equipment - Have a
responsibilityto makesurethat prompt and complete spill
well-stocked first aid kit on hand. cleanup, but also personalprotec-
thoseyou superviseare well
informedand that they takeall the It should include a plastic eyewash tive equipmentto protect you
pncautions the pesticidelabeling dispenserthat has a gentle flush- while you are dealing with the
requites. ing action. spill.
Know who to call in a medical
emergency,and be familiar with
the signs and symptomsof poison-
ing causedby the pesticidesyou
handle. In a poisoning emergency,
get the person out of the exposure
at once, quickly summonmedical
assistance,and provide first aid.

Outoi the Area?
Do not allow anyone but
trained and quipped pesticide
handlersto be presentduring any
pesticidehandling task. You have
the legal responsibility to make
sure that no one is overexposedto
pesticidesthat you or thoseyou
superviseare handling. Always
warn workers, supervisors,and
any other people who may be near charging you with liability for Amcau@n
the application site about which damages. Someformulations ate more
sitesyou plan to treat and how m Pesticidesare expensive.Using likely than others to causeun-
long they must stay out of those them incorrectly can be costly. wanted harm to surfaces,plants,
sites. and animals in the application site.
Chokeol Pesticide Emulsifiable concentrates,for
Pre-Application One of the fast things you must example,tend to pit or stain some
decide is which pesticideto use. surfaces,are easily absorbed
Decisions Your knowledge of the situation through the skin of someanimals,
Take the time to think carefully may allow you to make that and may injure someplants. Dusts
about every pesticideapplication decision on your own. When in and pow&rs are likely to leavea
before you begin. The decisions doubt, ask for help in choosing the visible residuethat may be tmac-
you make will determinewhether safestand most effective pesticide ceptable.Fumigant formulations
you will be using the pesticide for the job. Your pesticidedealer. are very likely to injure or kill all
safely and correctly. Making the the CooperativeExtension Ser- plants or animals in the applica-
wrong decisions can causeprob- vice. your trade association,or tion site.
lems: other expertsmay be able to help When pesticidesare to be
l Incorrect use can result in you choose. broadcastover large amass,such as
wasted material, failure to control in mosquito, biting fly, and
the pest, and damageto the target Chokeof Formulation forestry pest control, the formula-
site (the animal, plant, or place to The pesticide you have chosen tion must be chosenwith great
which you were applying the to apply may be available in care to avoid poisoning nontarget
pesticide). severalformulations. Each type of plants and animals in the area.
n Misused pesticidescan cause formulation has different advan- Typical pesticidelabeling
immediate as well as long-term tagesand disadvantages.Decide statementsthat alert you to these
harmful effects to which one best fits your needsand considerationsinclude:
other living things, to property, the special tequirementsof your
and to other parts of the environ- application site. When choosing Spray droplets will permanently
ment. among fommlations, consider the damage automobile paint.
n Misused pesticidescan result in following factors:
fines as well as legal actions Do not apply directly to catpet, as
discoloration may occur.
Repeated applications may cause considerusing an adjuvant de-
the appearance of visible spray signedto reducedrift, such as a Surtacecharacteristics
residues on foliage. foaming agent,thickener, or Somepesticide formulations ‘.
sticker. are bettersuited for use on some
Do not allow spray to contact types of surfacesthan on others.
ferns, hickory, and maples. as Personalsafetr Granules,for example,often
injury may result. Somepesticideformulations provide good control on flat
are more hazardousto people than surfaces.but are less useful on
Do not apply over areas contain- others.Emulsifiable concentrates surfaceswhere they are likely to
ing exposedfood crops. and ulna-low-volume concentrates slide or blow off. Gn a porous
often contain solventsthat are surface.consider using a wettable
Birds feeding on treated areas hazardousthemselvesor that powder rather than an emulsifiable
may be killed. Cover or incorpo- allow the pesticideto passthrough concentrateor oil-basepesticide.
rate granules. the skin more quickly. Fumigants The wettable powder formulation
and aerosolsate easily inhaled. will leavemore pesticideremain-
Beekeepersshould be warned well Wheneveryou havea choice, ing on the surface.
in advance to remove hives a s4fe selectthe formulation thatis4east
distance from areas to be treated. hazardousto the people (or COSt
animals)who will be exposed. Pesticidesthat are sold as
Euuiumeal Someadjuvantsthat you mix concentratesto be diluted by the
The type of equipmentavail- with your pesticidemay increase user usually are the leastexpen-
able and in good working condi- your risk of exposure.Penetmnts sive and most convenientto
tion may limit your choice of and emulsifiersmay allow the purchaseand transport.However,
formulation. Check to be sureyou pesticideto travel through the skin thesepesticidesoften meanmore
have all the equipmentyou need more quickly than usual. Stickers risk during mixing and loading
and that it is in good operating may increaseyour exposureby than pesticidesthat are sold
condition beforeyou selecta causingthe pesticideto stick to aheady diluted. It is important that
particular pesticideformulation. personalpmtectivequipmen the pesticideapplication be as
other clothing, and skin. Spreaders economicalpossible,but other
Pesticidemwement and wetting agentsmay allow the factors listed abovemay be even
Consider whether runoff is pesticideto spreadout more more important than cost when
likely to carry the pesticideout of easily, causingthe pesticideto choosingthe most appropriate
the application site. Granules, contaminau larger areasof skin or pesticideformulation.
pellets, dusts,and other dry personalprotectiveequipment.
formulations that do not tquire
water as a diluent can reducethe
risk of runoff. The type of formulation you The conditions at the applica-
Consider whether air cumnts selectmay dependon the pest you tion site will influence someof the
are likely to carry the pesticide are trying to control. Sometimes decisionsyou make about the
away from the application site. If an entire areamust be covered application. Consider factors that
you must apply pesticideswhen with a pesticideto try to contact affect:
wind or air currentsare present, each pest.Other pests,however. l the effectivenessof the pesti-
try to choosea formulation or can be controlled with baits or cide application.
application method that minimizes pesticidesplacedin a few loca- m the possible effects on you and
drift. Avoid dusts,high-pressure tions, such as cracks and crevices, thoseunder your supervisionwho
sprays,aerosols,and ultra-low- at the application site. Fog formu- are involved in the application,
volume formulations. A granular lations are useful only for control- and
or pellet formulation or a low- ling pestspresentat the time of l the possibleeffects on other
pressurespray with coarsedrop application. Systemicpesticides people and the environment.
lets would be a good choice. For are useful for peststhat arc
other types of formulations, sucking fluid from or biting into
plants or animals.
traces medium rate on medium textured an advantage.However, if the
Somefogging and aerosol soils or soils containing more than pesticidemust remain on the
applications are usedin 5% organic matter. Use the surfaceto be effective, porous
unenclosedareasoutdoors. highest rate for fine textured surfacesmay require more pesti-
However, most such pesticide (heavy) soils or soils containing cide to gain effective control.
applicationsare applied to an more than 107~ organic matter. Pesticidesmay bounceor run off
enclosedspace.The spacemay be nonporous surfaces. making it
a building, hold, or silo, or a Plantsurtaces difficult to achievean even
smallerenclosure,such as a room Pesticidestend to bounce or run coverage.
or vault. Sometimesyou must off narrow, upright leaves.Broad, Applying pesticidesso that they
createthe enclosedspaceby using flat leavestend to hold the pesti- remain on upright and slanted
tarpaulins,sheetsof plastic, or cide longer. Foliar spraysmay be surfaces is also difficult. Consider
other chemical-resistantcoverings. preventedfrom entering the leaf using adjuvants,such as stickers,
Consider whether thesetreated by a thick wax and cuticle layer. that help the pesticidecling to the
spacesare sealedwell enough to The waxy surfacealso tendsto treatedsurface.
prevent the pesticidefrom escap- causea spray solution to form Typical pesticidelabeling
ing too quickly when it is applied. droplets and tun off the leaves. statementsthat alert you to these
If the enclosedspaceis not sealed A denselayer of leaf hairs may considerationsinclude:
well, consider using a different hold the pesticidedroplets away
application method or taking steps from the leaf surface,causing Use the lower rate on nonporous
to improve the seal.You may need unevendistribution on the surface surfaces and the higher rate on
to tighten openings,cover air and allowing lesschemical to be porous surfaces.
vents,or fasten the covering more absorbedinto the plant. However,
securelyat the base. a thin layer of leaf hairs may allow Activity on porous surfaces may
more evendistribution on the be limited.
Soilsurfaces surfaceand may causethe chemi-
If you are directing a pesticide cal to stay on the leaf surface The cleanlinessof tbc surface
application at a soil surface, longer than normal, allowing more may also affect the effectiveness
consider the characteristicsof the chemicalto be absorbedinto the of a pesticideapplication. An
soil at the application site. Organic plant. accumulationof organic matter on
matter in soils may “tie up” Typical pesticidelabeling the soil surfacemay absorbmany
pesticides,limiting their activity. statementsthat alert you to these pesticidesand reducethe amount
Some pesticide labeling will allow considemtionsinclude: availableto control the target pest.
you to use higher rateson soils For applicationsto surfacesother
with high organic maner. Soil Add spreader-sticker when than soil, excessdust and dirt may
texture also affects the way applying to smooth or waxy prevent someof the pesticide from
pesticideswork. Soils with fine surfaces. reaching the surfacebeing created.
particles (silts and clays) havethe Considerremoving thesematerials
most surfacearea.The labeling For best results on emerged from the application site before
may direct you to usehigher rates weeds,add a surfactant and apply you apply the pesticide.
for total coverage.Coarsersoils as a directed spray. Typical pesticide labeling
(sands)have less surfaceareaand statementsthat alert you to these
may allow you to use lower rates. In dificult wetting situations, such considerationsinclude:
Typical pesticide labeling as mature waxy foliage, use the
statementsthat alert you to these higher rate. Remove existing plant material
considerationsinclude: from surface before application.
oiher sumces
In soils over 10% organic matter. Porous surfaces such as wood, Application should be made to
use highest rate given. concrete,and fabric may absorb clean su$aces. ’
pesticides(especially liquid or gas
Use the lowest rate for coarser applications) readily. If your Bejore application, clean up waste
textured (light) soils or soils with objective is to saturatethe material materials, dust, dirt, and all other
lower organic matter. Use a with pesticide,porous surfacesare debris.
When applied to properly pre-
pared soil, the liquid is converted
into a gaseousfumigant.

Do not breathe vapors or fumes.

These statementsprovide you

with an important clue that the
pesticide is volatile and that you
should take precautionsto keep it
from vaporizing and moving
offsite. When the pesticideis
applied as a spray, consider
reducing the volatility by decreas-
ing the pressureand increasingthe
droplet size.
Humidity also influences,the
Surfacemoisture High temperature and direct effectivenessof somepesticide
Pesticidesoften work best with sunlight will influence the effec- applications.For example,herbi-
moderatesurfacemoisture.Too tivenessof somepesticide applica- cides often work best when weeds
much wetnessmay keep the tions. They causesomepesticides are growing fast - usually in high
pesticidefrom adequatelycontact- left exposedon top of surfacesto humidity and optimum tempera-
ing the surface.Drynessmay break down before there is ad- ture. However, thesesamecondi-
prevent the pesticidefrom spread- equatecontrol of the pest. A tions may make the protected
ing evenly over the surfaceand typical pesticidelabeling state- plant more likely to be injured by
contacting the target pest. ment that alerts you to this consid- herbicides.A typical pesticide
A typical pesticide labeling eration is: labeling statementthat alerts you
statementthat alerts you to this to this considerationis:
considerationis: Do not apply when temperatures
are above 95 “F. Apply when conditions are favor-
Most effective when good surface able for weed growth.
moisture conditions exist. High temperature, especially
combined with low humidity, Rain01irrigationwater
Temgeratun, sunligM, increasesthe likelihood that some In somepest control situations,
andhumidity pesticideswill vaporize.Once in you must considerwhether rain or
Temperaturemay influence the vapor form, pesticidescan drift other watering will occur during
effectivenessof somepesticide fmm the original application site or soon after a pesticideapplica-
applications.Low temperature and settleonto nontarget areas. tion. Sometimessuch watering is
slows down or stopsthe activity of When you are applying pesticides helpful. Somepesticidesthat are
somepesticides.Low temperature that you know or suspectcan applied to porous surfaces,espe-
also affectssomepestsby making vaporizeeasily, consider the cially soil, must be carried by
them move about less,eat less,or tempranue conditions at the water into the surface.Thorough
changeinto another form. These application site. Typical pesticide watering also is neededto start the
pestsmay he lesssusceptibleto labeling statementsthat alert you pesticide action after the applica-
somepesticideapplications.A to this considerationinclude: tion of somegranular pesticides.
typical pesticide labeling state- Someprotectant fungicides are
ment that alens you to this consid- At high air or surface tempera- designedto be applied to plants
eration is: tures, vapors from this product during or just before an expected .
may injure susceptible plants. rain or watering.
Do not apply when temperatures
are below 50 “F.
Typical pesticide labeling
statementsthat alert you to these

Apply just before a light rain or

water lightly after application to
wash chemical down to soil.

Begin applications when dew or

rain occur and disease threatens.

Most pesticide applications,

however, should not be made
during or just before ram or
watering. Rain, irrigation water, or
other water that wets the surface
soon after a surfaceapplication
may interfere with pest control by
washing off the pesticidesor by
causing them to leach downwards
away from the surface.For
outdoor applications,check the
forecastand make your own
weather observations.For applica- application techniqueyou will be Scheduling
tions to plants, check for an using. As a rule of thumb, the
irrigation or watering schedule. farther from the target surfacea Each pesticideapplication
Typical pesticide labeling pesticide is applied, the lessair involves a different set of condi-
statementsthat alert you to these movementis acceptable. tions. Your responsibility is to
considerationsinclude: Typical pesticidelabeling assessthe conditions and decide
statementsthat alert you to these when to apply the pesticideand
Application may have to be considerationsare: whether to take any special
repeated if rain occurs shortly precautions.
after application. Do not apply when weather Sometimesyou haveno choice
conditions favor drififiom treated about when to schedulea pesticide
Following application. and during areas. application. In those situations,
rainfall events that cause runofi, you must be careful to apply the
this chemical may reach su$acc Do not apply wirh aerial equip pesticidessafely under the existing
water bodies including streams, ment when wind speed is greater conditions. If you have a choice
rivers, and reservoirs. than IO mph. about when an application can
take place. consider applying
Avoid wash-&of sprayed foliage Coarse sprays are less likely to during off-hours. Applying
within 6 hours of application. drifi; therpfore, do not use nozzles pesticidesduring very early
or noz:le configurations which morning hours, in the evening. or
Alt mowmeni dispense spray as fine droplets. even at night - both in outdoor
Air movementfrom wind or situations and indoors in green-
ventilation can greatly alter the Sometimesyou can offset air houses,malls. office buildings,
effectivenessof a pesticide movementby allowing the air to and other nonresidentialstructures
application. Too much air move- blow the pesticide towards the - has severaladvantages:
ment can blow the pesticide off anta to be protected.You may be H It is less likely that people other
target and result in inadequate able to arrangefor the ventilation than pesticidehandlerswill be
control. The amount of air move- systemto be turned off during nearby.
ment that is acceptabledependson indoor applications.
the type of formulation and

11;1 Applying Pesticides Correctly

n Allow time for adjustmentto
the heat factors and workload. ..
Peoplewho have becomeused to
working in the heat are less Iikely
to be affectedby heat stress.To
becomeadjustedto hot work
environments,do short periods of
Iight work in the heat for several
days in a row; then gradually
increasethe work period and the
workload for the next several
l Schedulefrequent breakswhen
the heat stressrisk is high,

Pesticidehandling tasksoften
require that you wear extra layers
of clothing or chemical-resistant
suits and other protectiveequip-
ment. This equipmentkeeps
pesticidesfrom getting on the
n It is more likely to be cooler, l workload, skin, but it also interfereswith the
reducing concernsabout heat l personalprotectiveequipment. natural body cooling that happens
stressand pesticidevaporization. m water, when sweatevaporatesfrom the
w The wind is likely to be low, n schedulingadjustments. skin. You can get overheatedvery
and indoor ventilation systems quickly when you are wearing
may he off or reduced. poti;sots and personalprotectiveequipment.
n There will be no direct sun in m Choosepersonalprotective
outdoor and glass-roofedsites. High temperatures,high equipmentdesignedto be as cool
If you do chooseto work during humidity, and direct sunlight as possibleor to provide a cooling
off-hours, haveanotherperson increasethe likelihood that heat effect, such as a powered air-
. check on you often. Work only stmsswill occur. Air currents purifying respiratoror, when
where there is enough light to provide a cooling effect. Because appropriate,back-ventedcover-
allow you to apply the pesticide hard work causesthe body to alls.
correctly and accurately. produceheat, you are more likely m Increasethe shadeor cooling by
to developheat-relatedillness use of devicessuch as awnings,
AvoidHeatStress when you are working on foot fans. air conditioners,and cooling
Severalfactors work togetherto than when you are driving a vests.
causeheat stress.Before you vehicle or flying an aircraft. You
begin a pesticidehandling task. are even more likely to become Water
think about whether any of these overheatedwhile lifting or carry- Evaporationof sweat from the
factors are likely to presenta ing heavy containersor equip- skin helps to cool the body and
problem. Consider what adjust- ment. maintain a constantcore tempera-
mentsyou may need to make in m Use fans and ventilation sys- ture. Under the conditions that
the task itself or in the workplace ternsand provide shadewhenever may lead to heat stress,the body
conditions, including: possibleto reducethe heat.A producesa large amount of sweat.
B heat factors- temperature, work areaor vehicle sometimes Unless the water that is lost in
humidity, air movement,and can be shadedby a tarp or canopy sweat is replaced,the body can no
sunlight, or provided with fans. longer regulate its temperature

Pesticide Handling Decisions

correctly. Under conditions of problems.But you must be ready
high temperature,strong air for times when, regardlessof your
currents,heavy workload, or direct efforts, you or the handlersyou
sunlight, a loss of as much as 1 superviseget dangerouslyhot.
gallon of water per hour is pos- When this happens,you must:
sible. n Adjust work/rest cycles -
l Make a special effort to drink Decreasethe length of work
plenty of water or “sports drinks” periods and increasethe length of
during heat stressconditions. Do rest periods.
not rely on a feeling of thirst to tell m Try to scheduletasksrquiring
you whether your body has the heaviestworkload or the most
enough water. You can lose a personalprotective equipment
dangerousamount of water even during the coolest part of the work
before you begin to feel thirsty. day.
You also may stop feeling thirsty m stop work - Under extremely
long before you drink enough hot conditions when you cannot
fluids to replace what you have use cooling devices,you may need
lost. Scneduline Adjustments to stop work until conditions
l Drink plenty of water before By taking the above steps,you improve.
and after work. will prevent most heat stress

Applying Pesticides Correctly

0. What eight basic safety
questions should you ask your-
2. Misused pesticidescan cause
immediateas well as long-term
5. Habits or growth patternsof the
self whenever you or those you harmful effects to humans,to 6. Surfaceto which the pesticide is
supervise will be using pesti- other living things, to property, to be applied.
cides? and to other parts of the environ- 7. Cost considerations.
A. 1. Have I readthe labeling? 3. Misused pesticidescan result in
fines as well as legal actions
Q l Name four conditions at the
application site that may influ-
2. How can I avoid exposureto
pesticides? charging you with liability for ence some of the decisions you
3. What personalprotective damages. make about the application.
equipmentis needed? 4. Pesticidesare expensive.Using
4. Is the equipmentready and them incorrectly can be costly. A. Type of spaceor surfaceto be
safe? treated;surfacecleanliness;
5. Am I avoiding the accidental 0 . Name at least four factors surfacemoisture; temperature;
spreadof pesticides? that you should consider when humidity; presenceof direct
6. Have I instructedthe handlersI you must chooseamong differ- sunlight; possibility of rain or
supervise? ent formulations. watering; air movement.
7. Am I preparedfor emergencies?
8. Are people and animalsout of Am 1. Whetherthe formulation 0 l Ifheatstressisaconcern
the area? will causeunwantedharm to when you schedule a pesticide
plants, animals,or surfacesin the application, what five factors
a l List some consequencesof application site. might you need to adjust?
the incorrect use of pesticides. 2. Application equipmentavail-
able and bestsuited for the job. Am Heat factors, workload,
A. 1. Incorrect use can result in 3. Hazard of drift or nmoff personalprotective quipment,
wastedmaterial, failure to control (likelihood of air currentsor amount of water consumed,and
the pest, and damageto the target excesswater). the work schedule.
site. 4. Risk to applicator, workers, and
other people and animals likely to
be exposed.

Pesticide Handling Decisions

learning Objectives
After you completeyour study B Describe ways to determine m Describe what to do with
of this unit, you should be able to: whether two pesticidescan be rinsatesfrom equipmentcleanup.
m Describe how to protect the safely mixed togetherfor applica- m Describe personalcleanupafter
water sourceat the mixing site. tion. pesticidehandling.
n Name types of protection you l Name somepesticide applica- m List somebenefits of record-
may need while mixing or loading tion tasks for which you may need keeping.
pesticides. to wear more personalprotective B Explain “closed systemmixing
n Explain what to do with empty equipmentthan the minimum and loading” and “enclosed
pesticidecontainers. required by the pesticide labeling. application systems”.
n Name types of empty contain- l Name actionsto take when n Explain when pesticide collec-
ersthatcanberinsed,andde- mixing, loading, and application tion systemsare appropriate,and
scribe rinsing methods. activities are over. list advantagesof such systems.
M ixing, loading, and
application r&the primary
pesticidehandling tasks.They are
also amongthe most hazardous
aspectsof a handler’sjob. Never
try to cut comerswhere safety is
concerned,and do not assumethat
everyjob will be lie every other.
For example,even though you are
familiar with a pesticide,take the
time to read the labeling again
each time you buy the product -
important directions are changing
more often than in the past, and
new information may have been

Safe Mixing and ventilatedareaaway from unpro- siphoning into the water source.If
loading Practices tectedpeople,animals,food, other you are pumping water directly
Pesticidehandlersare most pesticides,and other items that fromthesourceintoamixtank,
often exposedto harmful amounts mightbeconmmmated.Choosea usea check valve, antisiphoning
of pesticideswhen mixing or place with good ligh& especially if device.or backnow preventerto
loadmg concemmtedpesticides. you am working at night. Be preventhack-siphoningif the
Handlers who mix and load particularly car&l not to mix or pump fails. Backflow prevention
concentratedpesticideswith high load pesticidesindoors unless devicesare required by law in
acute toxicity havean especially lighting and ventilation are someareas.
high risk of accidentalpoisoning. adequate. Avoid mixing or loading
By observingsomesimple precau- pesticidesin areaswhere a spill,
tions, you can reducethe risks ProtectYour leak, or ovefflow could allow
involved in this part of your job. WaterSource pesticidesto get into water sys-
Protect your water sourceby tems.When mixing situations
Selectan keeping the water pipe or hose require you to use water from a
AppropriateArea well abovethe level of the pesti- faucet, well, stream,pond, or other
Choosethe pesticidemixing cide miXNn%This prevents water system,take special precau-
and loading areacarefully. It contammationof the hoseand tions. Place your mixing equip-
should be outdoors or in a well- keepspesticidesfrom back- ment where spills, leaks, and

Mixing, Loading, and Application

overflows will not flow towards a
drain or into the water supply. If
necessary,install dikes or other
barriers, or grade the soil to divert
the flow. If you will be mixing or
loading at the site often, consider
installing a collection pad or tray.
Typical pesticide labeling
statementsthat alert you to these

Care must be taken when using

this product to prevent back-
siphoning into wells. Check valves
or antisiphoning devices must be
used on all mixing andlor irriga-
tion equipment.

Do not spill or empty into streams,

ponds, or any other body of water.

Equipment should be equipped

with automatic shutofldevices and
valves to prevent backflow into the
water source.

Before opening a pesticide l keepspesticidesoff the front of l is easily removedat the end of
container, you and those you your clothing, the activity.
supervisemust put on the appro- m is cooler than a chemical-
priate personalprotective equip resistantprotective suit, and
ment. By law, you must use all of If you will be pouring liquid
the pemonal protective equipment pesticide or adding dry pesticide
that-thepesticide labeling requires to a liquid consider wearing a
for mixers and loaders.Consider face shield to keep splashesand
using additional personalprotec- wafting dusts off your face and out
tive equipment in certain mixing ofyournoseandmouth.Aface
and loading situations. shield is easyto put on, take off,
Front protocuon youneedtoweararespirator,
If you may be splashedduring goggles or shieldedsafetyglasses
mixing or loading tasks,or if you will fit better than a face shield.
will need to lean against contami-
nated equipment during mixing or
loading, consider wearing a bib- When you will be pouring dusts
top apron made of butyl, nitrile, or for long periods of time or work-
foil-lamiite material.The style of ing under conditions where dusts
apron that includes built-in gloves might swirl up into your face,
and sleevesis especially protec- consider wearing a dust/rniit
tive. An apron: filtering respirator to keep from
Even after it appearsthat all the
pesticideproduct has been re-
moved from a container, it usually
is not truly empty. The pesticide
that clings to the inside of the
container can be dangerousto you,
other people,and the environment.
Take care of empty containersat
If containersare rinsable, rinse
them as soon as they am empty.
ReNm all pesticide containersto
the pesticidestorageareaor the
container holding areawhen you
finish your task. Do not leave
them unattendedat the mixing,
inhaling the dusts.Choosea dust/ container and pesticidebelow face loading, or application site. Never
mist respiratorwith NIOSW level. This will avoid a splash, give pesticidecontainersto
MSHA approval.Also wear eye spill, or dust from getting on your children to play with or to adults
protection, such as shieldedsafety face or into your eyes and mouth. to use.
glasses,goggles,or a face shield, If there is a wind outdoors or a If you haveempty pesticide
to keep the dustsout of your eyes. strong air current indoors, standso containersthat cannot be refilled,
the pesticidecannot blow back on reconditioned,recycled, or re-
Protection tremvmon you. turned to the manufacturer,crush,
If you will be handling pesti- If you are siphoning the pesti- break, or puncture them. This will
cides that produce vaporsthat cide from the container to the make the containersunusableand
causeyour eyes,nose,or throat to tank, never use your mouth to get may also savestoragespace.
sting or that causeyou other the siphon started.You could Disposeof containersin accor-
discomfort, wear eye protection easily get a mouthful of pesticide. dancewith label directions and
and a vapor-removingrespirator with Federal,State,tribal, and
with NIOSH/MSHA approval. Spills local laws and regulations.For
To preventspills, close contain- more specific information on how
Opening Containers ers after eachuse.Even if you to disposeof containers,see
Donottearpaperorcardboard plan to mix more pesticidesoon, Wansportation, Storage,Dis-
containersto open them. Use a close the containertightly each posal, and Spill Cleanup.”
sharpknife. Clean the knife time. Never leavea tank unat-
afterwards,and do not use it for tendedwhile it is being filled. It Wonrhsable contalnen
other purposes.Open containersof may ovelflow and contaminau the You may not be able to rinse
pesticidesonly when they are bags,boxes,and other containers
sitting on a flat, stablesurface.If If you splashor spill a pesticide of dry pesticides,because the
theyatetippedonanangleorate on yourself while mixing or container will not hold up to the
in an unstableposition. they can loading, stop right away and rinsing. You also may not be able
easily spill over or leak out when remove your contaminatedcloth- to rinse containersof ready-to-use
the seal is broken. ing. Wash thoroughly with a mild pesticides,becausethere is no
liquid detergent(or soap)and place to put the rinsate.The
TransferringPesticides water asquickly as possible.Put pesticidelabeling may tell you not
When pouting any pesticide on clean personalprotective to rinse certain types of containers.
from its container,keep the equipment.Then clean up the Thesecontainersmay be designed

Mixing, Loading, and Application

to be returned to the pesticide
dealer or manufactww for rinsing.
Containersthat cannot or should
completely as possible. Shakeor
tap the container to removeas
much of the pesticide product as
you can. Drain containersof liquid
pesticidesfor at least an additional
30 seconds.

When you are diluting pesti-

cides, you should rinse the empty
labeling directs you not to. Rinse
empty, becausethe remaining
residuescan dry quickly and
becomedifficult to remove.Such
rinsmg often savesmoney, be-
causeeachrinse removespesticide
container and allows you to add it
to the pesticidemixture.
If you tinse empty pesticide Pressure rindq is an altema- l rotating the nozzle and rinsing
containerst.horoughIy,you usually tive to triple rinsii. Somepesti- for at least 30 seconds,and
candisposeofthemas cide equipment,including some m draining the containerthor-
nonhazardouswaste. Rinsed closed systemmixing and loading oughly into the mix tank.
containersthat are to be stored for equipment,is equipped with a Somesystemspuncture the base
later disposal should be clearly mechanismto pressurerinse or side of the container to insert
markedtoindkatethattheyhave pCStiCid.CcontainerswhcnthC~~ the nozzle. Chhersystemsinsert
been rinsed. There are stickers emptied.The systemusually the nozzle into the container’s
commerciaIly available for this operatesby: ngular opening.
PWo= m insating a high-pressurenozzle Typical pesticide labeling
Glass,metal, and plastic andhoseintothecontainer, instructions about emptying
contai.ners,pIastic-Iined paper or containersinclude:
cardboardcontainers,and even
containersthat can withstand the
rinsmg processshould be triple
liquid you use for rinsing should
be the diluent (water. kerosene,
high-grade oil, or another liquid)
Iisted on the pesticide labeling for
diluting the pesticide for applica-
tion. After rinsing, add the hnsate
to your pesticide mixnut.
Tripie rinse containers and looking at the mixture. However, 5. Add Emulsifiable concentrates
dispose of rinsate in area just . the chemicalchangecan result in: last. ‘_
treated. m loss of effectivenessagainstthe
Shakethe jar vigorously. Feel
targetpests, the sidesof the jar to determine if
Triple rinse (or equivalent). l increasedtoxicity to the pesti- the mixNre is giving off heat. If
cide handler,and so, the mixture may be undergoing
Completely empty bag into n injury to the treated surface.
a chemical reaction and the
application equipment. Somepesticidelabeling lists pesticidesshould not be com-
pesticides(and other chemicals) bined. Let the mixture stand for
Triple rinse original container known to be compatible with that about 15 minutes and feel again
with fuel oil, kerosene or a similar formulation. Compatibility charts for unusual heat.
type of petroleum solvent and are availablein somepest man- If scum forms on the surface,if
dispose of rinsate by incorpora- agementrecommendations, the mixture clumps, or if any
tion into the area just treated or pesticidetradepublications, and solids settle to the bottom (except
by other approved means. CooperativeExtensionor industry for wettable powders), the mixture
recommendations.If you cannot probably is not compatible.
Pesticides find a chart that tits the compat- Finally, if no signs of incompat-
Pesticidehandlersoften like to ibility of the two pesticides(or the ibility appear,test the mixture on a
combine two or more pesticides pesticideand other chemical) that small area of the surfacewhere it
and apply them ar the sametime. you wish to mix, test a small is to be applied.
Such mixNres can savetime, amountOf the miXNIt before you
labor, and fuel. Manufacturers mix large quantities.
sale as a pre-mix. but pesticide Compatlblllty
handlersalso sometimescombine First, put on personalprotective Safely
pesticidesat the time of applica- equipment.Wear at leastthe Every time you apply pesti-
tion. equipmentrequired by the labeling cides, you havetwo major respon-
Under Federallaw, combining of any of the pesticidesto be sibilities:
pesticidesis legal unlessthe combined;protective eyewear, n protecting yourself, others,and
pesticide labeling of any of the and chemical-resistantgloves and the environment,and
pesticidesinvolved instructsyou apron, both pnzferablymadeof l making sure that the pesticide is
not to combinethem. However, foil laminate.Get a large, clean, applied correctly.
not all pesticideswork well when clear glasscontainer,such as a
mixed together.They must be quart jar. Use the samewater (or Personal
compatible - that is, mixing them other diluent) that you will use Equipment
together must not reducetheir when making up the Iargcr mix- By law, you must wear the
safety or effectivenessin any way. ture.Addthewaterandeachof personalprotective equipment and
The more pesticidesyou mix the productsin the samepropor- other clothing that the pesticide
together,the greater the chanceof tions as you wiIl mix them. Unless labeling requires for applicators.
undesirableeffects. the pesticidelabeling states Consider using additional protec-
SomepesticidemiXNrtS that otherwise, add pesticidesto the tion for sometypes of pesticide
are physically incompatible make diluent (usually water) using the application tasks.You may need
the miXturk difficult or impossible “W-A-L-E” plan: to weigh severalfactors before
to apply and may clog equipment, you can make good decisions
pumps, and tanks. Thesereactions 1. Add someof the diluent first. about the personalprotective
sometimescausethe pesticide to 2. Add Wettable and other pow- equipmentyou should wear.
form lumps or gels, to become ders and Water-dispersible
solids that fall to the bottom of the granules. Hand-csnied
mix tank, or to separateinto layers 3. Agitate thoroughly and add the equipment
that cannot be remixed. remaining diluent. When you carry the application
Sometimesthe combined 4. Add the Liquid products, such equipment,such as hand-held
pesticidescreatea chemical as solutions,surfactants,and sprayersor shakecans,you risk
reaction that cannot be seenby flowables. being directly exposedto the
Mixing, Loading, and Application
pesticide.A dripping or partially
clogged nozzle, an unfastenedcap,
a leaky hose,or a loose connection
are extremely likely to cause
exposure.Consider wearing extra
personalprotective equipmentto
protect the areaof your body that
is in contact with the equipment.
If the application equipmentis
carried in front, consider wearing
a sleevedapron, an apron with
built-in gloves and sleeves,or an
apron plus arm-coveringgloves to
protect your front from leaks,
drift, and splashes.
If the application equipmentis
a type that is carried on your back,
such as backpack,knapsack,or
trombone-style sprayersor dust-
ers, consider wearing a capeto
protect your back and shoulders
from leaking equipment.
If you carry only the nozzle,
consider wearing arm-covering
gloves or elbow-length gloves
with the cuffs taped or otherwise
sealedto the coverall sleeve.

Many applicationsperformed
while on foot causeyou to walk
into the path of the pesticideyou
are releasing.Wheneverpossible,
apply pesticidesso that you are when you apply pesticides as high as your face, consider a
backing into the untreatedarea, f&navehicIe,trytousequip- dust/mistmspirator and eye
away from where the pesticide is ment that releasesthe pesticide to protectiotl.
being teleased.Under many themarsothatyouamlocatedin
conditions. however, it is unsafeto frontofandahovetheareaof walung me a
walk backwards in an application releaseand are moving away from Jaswmled ama
site. it. Sometimes,however, you may Even when you apply a pesti-
If you must walk into the path have to use a vehicle that causes cide from a vehicle, you may need
of the releasedpesticide,consider you to drive into the path of the towalkintoanareathatyouhave
wearing shin-high or knee-high pesticide that is being released. just treated For example,you may
boots, or protective footwear with Whether you are walking or needtorepairoradjustthequip
chemical-resistantpants.Spraying riding, if the pesticide is not ment or check the pesticide
a thick coating of fabric starch or dimted downward or if it remains dispersal.You probably will he
fabric stain protectant on the lower suspendedin the air long enough climbing over a contaminatedrig
legs of your coveralls can provide tocauseexposuretothefrontof andwalkingthroughanareathat
a temporary harrier for low- your body, consider wearing an was treatedonly momentsbefore.
toxicity pesticidesand also makes apron or chemical-resistantsuit. If Consider putting on additional
the coveralls easier to clean. the pesticide mist or dust reaches personalprotective quipmertt
while you are out of the vehicle.
l someapplications using high-
preSSWesprayersand power
n applications directed upward
over your head,such as to tree
canopiesor roof eaves,
m aerial applications that use
human flaggers to mark the swath.
Wheneveryou work in these
situations,large amountsof
pesticide fallout are likely to be
depositedon your skin and
clothing, often to the point of
completely drenching or covering
you. Unlessyou are in an enclosed
cab, you cannot avoid this expo-
sure,even if you perform the
application in conditions of little
or no air curmnts.
In thesesituations,you should
wear more personalprotective
equipmentthan the pesticide
labeling requims for other types of
applications.Only a chemical-
resistantsuit with a hood. gloves
and footwear with sealedcuffs,
and a full-face respiratoror half-
face respirator with sealedgoggles
can provide enoughprotection for

If the vegetationin the treated If spray is dripping or dust is applied in enclosedspacessuch as
area is coveredwith pesticide falling from overhead,considera warehouses,factories,homes,and
spray or dust and is fairly short, hood or wide-brimmed hat in other buildings; railcar, ship, and
consider shin-high or knee-high addition to the body protection truck cargo areas;silos, elevators,
boots, or protective footwear with and footwear. A dust/mist respira- and other grain storageareas;and
chemical-resistantpants. In this tor and protective eyewearmay be gmenhouses.when you use
situation, as with walking into the necessary,too. pesticidesin enclosedspaces,you
path of the releasedpesticide,it imxase the risk of being exposed
may be useful to apply spray appllcatlons
Hlgh-exuosun to the pesticideby inhalation. You
starch or fabric stain protector to Certain types of pesticide may need to use a nspirator even
the pants legs. applicationspose a specialexpo- if you would not need one for the
If the plants in the treatedarea sum risk+becausethey engulf you sameapplication outdoors.
are tall, consider wearing a in pesticide fallout. They include:
chemical-resistantsuit in addition m mist blower or airblast applica- Adjustingpestlclde-coab!d
to the footwear. If you cannot tions, equlpmenl
wear a chemical-resistantsuit n aerosoland fog applications, You may need to wear a
becauseof the heat, tty a capeor especiallyindoors, protective apron while doing some
an apron. types of equipmentadjustments
and repairs.Consider wearing a
Mixing, Loading, and Application
outdoors,if you must adjust
fumigation equipment.

Someapplication techniques,
such as animal, plant, or seed
dipping vats and spray-dip ma-
chines,require you to place your
handsand forearmsinto the
pesticide liquid or dust. With this
exposure,consider a sleevedapron
for full front and atm protection,
and protective footwear. A face
shield will protect againstsplashes
or drifting dusts.

If you will he applying pesti-

cides into or acrosswind or air
currents,consider wearing extra
personalprotective equipmet%
becausepesticide may be blown
onto you. More body protection,
protective eyewear,and a dust/
mist filtering respirator may be

You may be exposedto highly

someapplications. Ulha-low-
volume concenaatesand fumigant
formulations may be close to IO&
percentactive ingredient and often
are highly toxic. Consider using
extra personal protective equip
ment when applying concentrates,
such as that required for mixing
and loading of those formulations.

Every time you apply a pesti-
cide, follow thesebasic proce-
dures to make sure that you are
using the pesticide safely and
spaceto which you are directing Cbeckthedellmytate
Dellwrthsmstlclde it. Pesticidethat is deposited Checktobesurethatyouare
b~hrost elsewhere is a waste of time and applying the pesticideevenly and
Take the time to be sum that the money and may hatm the nontar- in approximately the right
pesticide is reachingthe surfaceor get areas. amounts.No puddles of liquid

m Applying Pesticides Correcrly

possible.encouragepeople to
remain out of the treatmentarea ,
for at least an hour after applica- .

When possible,removefrom
the application site any items that
should not be contaminatedwith
pesticides.Cover or protect any
items that cannot be removedfrom
the areaand that are not involved
in the handling activity. Items that
should be removedor covered
include such things as food and
pesticideor moundsof dry pesti- releasedthe pesticide.If the food utensils;bedding; toys; seed;
cide should be depositedin the surfaceis changingcolors or is pet or livestock feed, water, or
application area.Be especially stainedunexpectedly,stop and supplies;and other items that
careful in areaswhere you turn or check whether you are harming could transferpesticidesto people,
pause.Many types of application the surface. pets,or livestock.
equipmentwill continue to release
pesticideeven when not in motion. Avoldnontarget
organisms Operateequipment
When you haveapplied the Before you apply a pesticide, Turn off your equipment
pesticideto the first part of the clear all unprotectedpeople from wheneveryou pausefor any
areaor spacethat is to be treated, the area.It is illegal to allow them reason.Take specialcare to turn it
check to be sure that approxi- to be exposedto a pesticide off before making any adjustments
mately the correct proportion of application - either directly or or repairs.When you stop applica-
pesticidehas been used.If too through drift. Also removeany tion to take a break, to move to
little is being released,check the petsor livestock that ate not being anothersite, or for repairs,deptes-
equipmentopeningsfor clogging treatedwith the pesticide.Even surize any pressurizedtanks.Turn
or obstntctions.If too much is when the pesticideapplication is a off the main pressurevalve on the
being released,check for worn or narrowly directedone, such as a tank and releaseany pressure
stuck openings. crack and crevicetreatment,keep remaining at the nozzles.
people and animalsout of the If you are applying pesticidesat
. Check
faragpearance immediateareaduring the applica- a distancefrom your equipment-
As you apply, notice whether tion. at the end of a long hose,for
the pesticide you are releasing Check the pesticide labeling to example- be sure that unpro-
looks the way it should. Applica- find out when people and nontar- tectedpeople and pets stay away
tions of wettable powders usually get attim& can go back into the from the equipment.You may
have a whitish color. If the liquid application area.The labeling of need to post a helper near it.
is clear, check to be surethat you somepesticidesrestricts entry into Check hoses,valves,nozzles.
are agitating the mixture enough treatedareasfor periods ranging hoppers,and other equipment
to keep the wettable powder from severalhours to severaldays. parts occasionallywhile you ate
mixed with the water. Granules Even if the pesticide labeling has applying. If you notice a problem,
and dusts should appeardry and no such instructions,do not allow stop right away and fix it. Do not
should not form clumps. Emulsifi- anyone to enter the treatedareaat use bare handsor your mouth to
able concentratesusually look leastuntil any dusts and mists clear nozzles.hoses,or hopper
milky. If the pesticide doesnot have settledout of the air and any openings.Carry a small nylon
look right, he sure that you have vaporshavedispersed.After brush for suchjobs. Be sum that
the right mixture and that it is still indoor treatments,consider any tool usedfor this kind of job is
blended evenly. ventilating the areawith fans, never usedfor any other purpose.
Check the appearanceof the vents.or open windows before
target areawhere you havejust you let anyonereturn. Whenever

Mixing, Loading. and Application

After Mixing,
As soon as you finish mixing.
loading, or applying a pesticide,
you should do a few important
followup tasks.Take the time to
clean up properly. Wash your
pesticide equipment and then wash
yourself. Retum equipmentto its
designatedplace and safely store
or disposeof all pesticidemateri-
als and other chemicalsthat you
have used.Be sure that your work
site presentsno hazardsto people
or to the environment.Never leave
the site unattendeduntil evety- equipmentand onto the floor or little or too much pesticide when
thing has beencleanedup and put soil. the equipmentis opera&d. Some
away. While you can still remem- Do not assigna worker to clean liquid pesticideschangeif they ate
ber the facts. make a record of pesticidecontaminatedquipment stored after being diluted and will
what you have applied and the unlessthat person has been not be suitablefor application at a
conditions at the application site. instntcted in the basicrules of later time. Some will settle out and
pesticide safety. Rememberthat form a solid clump at the bottom
Equipment Cleanin quipment cleaning presents as of the tank that even tncchanical
Always clean mixing, loading, great a risk of exposureto pesti- agitation cannot remix. others will
and application quipment as soon cides as do many other pesticide separateinto two or more separate
as you finish using it - do not handhngt.aslcsandthatallpartsof liquids that cannot easily be
leave equipment with pesticides the equipmentate likely to have remixed. Liquid pesticidesthat are
onorinitatthemixingand pesticidesor pesticideresidueson allowed to stay in the quipment
loading site or at the application them. When you clean pesticidt- unti.ltheyaretotallydrymaybe
site. When the job is completed contaminatedequipment,wear the impossibleto removecompletely
and the tank or hopper is empty, personalpmtective quipment that at a later time.
return the quipment to the the labeling requires for handling Dry pesticidesthat becomewet
designatedequipment cleanup jobs, plus a chemical-resistant through humidity, rain, dew, or
area.Avoid washing equipment apron- other moistum tend to clump and
repeatedlyin the samelocation stick to the sidesand hopper
unlessyou use a comainmentpad Pemllls .I amecl cle8llllw openings.They cannot be applied
or tray. Over time, the flooring or Sloppy cleanup practicesare at a later time, and they cannot be
soilinaf%quentlyusedamacan oneofthemaincausesofquip easily removedfrom the quip
becomecontaminatedwith large ment failure or malfunction. Never ment.
amountsof pesticides.This keep excesspesticidesin your
contamination increasesthe equipment for more than a short Cleanlnfl flroc8dlwes
likelihood of harmful effects to time. Even small amountsof After the quipment is empty,
people and animals who may pesticideresiduesthat are left in clean both the inside and outside
contact the contaminatedarea and quipment can damageit. thoroughly, including nozzles or
increasesthe likelihood of runoff Liquid pesticidesthat are left hopper openings.Sometimesyou
or leaching into water systems. in the quipment may quickly mayneedtousethedihrentused
Also avoid keeping pesticide- corrode the equipment and clog or in the pesticidemixture (kerosene
contaminatedquipment in one corrode the nozzle openings.They or high-grade oil). special cleaning
location all the time. Pesticides may causethe quipment to leak agents.or water under pressure.In
may move off the outside of the or causethe nozzles to releasetoo
Applying Pesticides Correctly
m the rinsate is used to dilute a
mixture containing the same
pesticide or a compatible pesti-
l you comply with other applica-
tion instructions specified on the
labeling, including any specific
labeling instructions for applica-
tion as an excesspesticide.
The rinsate cannot be addedto
a pesticide mixture if:
m the pesticidelabeling doesnot
list the rinsate as an acceptable
diluent; for example,if the tinsate
containsa strongly acidic or
alkaline neutralizing agent,
m the rinsate~containsstrong
cleaning agents,such as bleachor
ammonia,that might harm the
plant, animal, or surfaceto which
the pesticidewill be applied,
n the rinsate would alter the
pesticidemixture and make it
unusable;for example,if the
pesticidesare physically or
chemically incompatible.
If you haveany rinsatesthat
you cannotuse,disposeof them as
you would excesspesticides.

Pestleidslabllna btsbuctions
other cases,ordinary water may be canbeharmfultopeopleandthe Typical pesticidelabeling
enough. environment.Do not allow statementsthat alert you to these
Collect the rinsate- the liquid rinsatesto flow into water sys- concernsinclude:
that resultsfrom the washing tems,including sink or floor
process.If you do not havea way drains, rainwater culverts, welk. Do not store spray solution in tank
to reuseor disposeof the rinsate, streams,lakes,and rivers. Do not overnight.
limit the amount of material you mate puddlesthat children. other
use, so you will createless waste. unpmtectedpersons,or animals Clean application equipment
Wash with specialcare any could get into. thoroughly afer use by flushing
vehicles,such as vansand trucks, You may use equipmentrinsate with water in a safe place.
that may be usedfor transporting as a diluent for f&ure mixtures of
unprotectedworkers or for family pesticides,if: Do not contaminate water by
use.Peoplehave beenpoisonedby 8 the pesticidein the tinsate is cleaning of equipment.
riding in vehiclesthat had been labeled for use on the target site
used to apply pesticidesor to where the new mixture is to be FIush all application equipment
perform flagging for aerial appli- applied, withfuel oil. kerosene or a similar
cations. H the amountof pesticidein the type of petroleum sqlvent immedi-
r&ate plus the amountof pesti- ately after use. Fill pumps and
Rinsales cide product in the mixture does meters with new motor oil or a
Rememherthat the rinsatesyou not exceedthe labeling rate for the 50% motor oillfuel oil mixture
createwhen you clean your target site, bdore storing. Do not use water.
equipmentcontain pesticidesand Dispose of rinsate by incorpora-

Mixing, Loading, and Application

tion into area just treated or by
other approved means.

When you finish working with
pesticidesor pesticide-contami-
natedequipment,take time for
personalcleanup.Wash the
outside of your gloves first, before
taking them off. Then carefully
peel back your personalprotective
equipment to avoid getting
pesticideson your skin. Remove
any other clothing that haspesti-
cide on it.
If you cannot take a shower
right away, use a mild liquid
detergentand warm water to wash
your face, hands,forearms,and
any other areathat may have
pesticideson it. As soon as you
can- no later than the end of the
work day - wash your whole
body and hair thoroughly with a
mild liquid detergentand plenty of
warm water.
When you removeyour per-
sonal protective equipmentand
work clothing, put it in a plastic
box or bag until it can be laun-
dered. Do not allow children or
pets to play with theseitems. Do
not wash work clothing and
personal protective equipment in
the samewash water with the
family laundry.

Keeping records of pesticide
use and application is a good idea
Recordscan establishproof of
proper use. If an etror has been
made, records are helpful in
finding the cause. They also can
provide you with information to
use in responseto claims of excess
residues or damages.
Good records can saveyou
money. They allow you to com-
pare the results obtained from
using different pesticides,different
formulations, and different
equipment. and from applying

Applying Pesticides Correctly

percentageof active ingredient,
and EPA registration number.
l Amount of formulation used ‘.
(and amount of diluent or other
adjuvantsadded.if any),
H Total amount of pesticide
applied and the rate of application
(pounds per acre, ouncesper 100
squarefeet, etc.), if applicable,
l Size of treatedarea (total square
feet, acres,or linear feet; room or
structure size; number of animals,

Every record form should have
a spacefor additional comments.
Use this spaceto jot down infor-
mation for your own personaluse
or to record anything that was
unique about the treatment.
Record information about scouting
or monitoring that may havebeen
done. Write down what other pest
managementmethodsare being
usedand how successfulthe
Necessary hformtion overall pest managementstrategy
under various site conditions. You The more information you keep is. You can usethis information to
can improve your pestcontrol on record, the more useful the improve your pest management
practicesand your efficiency. records will he. Devise a standard operations,either through better
Recordscan help you reduce form to be sureyou write down all customeror worker relations or by
pesticide mistakesor misuse.If a the necessaryfacts each time. saving money.
pest is not controlled, if damage Keep the forms handy so you will
hasoccurredinthetargetarea+or fill them out promptly - you may Reguired mcords
. if a pesticide has moved off the not rememberall the information Many States,tribes, and other
target area and causedproblems, at a later date. local authoritiesrequire you to
you may be able to determine Record: keep recordsof pesticide applica-
what went wrong. Recordsmay m Namesof any handlersinvolved tions. Be sureyou know what
help you to determinethat a in the activity, records you must keep and how
particular pesticide,a particular m Time of day and date of appli- long you must keep them. Many
formulation, a type of application cation, enforcementinspectionslook
equipment,or somecondition in H Location and description of closely at recordkeeping,because
the tteatmcnt areacausedthe treatedama, including climatic recordsare a clue to the way an
problem. Then you can take steps conditions at the site, operation is being managed.Keep
to avoid such a situation in future m Treatedsurface(plant. animal, your recordsin a safe place where
pesticide applications. soil, water, structure,or other you can find them when you need
Good recordscan help you surfaceat which the pesticide was them.
reduce carryover by buying only diicted,
the amount of pesticidesyou will m Target pest,
need. Somepesticidesdo not store m Equipmentused,
well for long periods of time, and n Pesticideused- brand name,
disposal of excesspesticidecan be common name,fotmulation type,
very expensive.

Mixing, Loading. and Application

menu the other type usessoluble to rinse it thoroughly. The rinse
Safety Systems packaging. water also drains into the mixing
Closed mixing and loading tank. The rinsed container is then
systems,enclosedapplication Mechanical systems removedfor disposal.
systems,and pesticidecontain- Mechanical systemsare often a A limitation of this systemis
ment systemsare excellent seriesof interconnectedequipment that only full container quantities
investmentsfor pesticide handlers that allows you to removea can be used.It is not possible to
who handle large quantities of pesticide from its original con- use part of the pesticide in a
pesticidesor who handle pesti- tainer. rinse the empty container. container and store the rest.
cides that are very hazardousto and transfer the pesticide and rinse Gravity systemsare available
humansor to the environment.In solution to the application equip- for use with both liquid and dry
somecasesthesesystemsmay be ment without being exposedto the concentrates.
required for handling certain pesticide.The most common Suction systems use a pump to
pesticidesor when pesticidesare mechanicalclosed systemsare for removethe pesticide through a
used in or near sensitiveareas. use only with liquid fotmulations. probe insertedinto the container.
Closed mixing and loading Somecontainersare quipped
ClosedMixing and systemsare often custom-made, with built-m probes.The pesticide
LoadhmSystms using componentsfrom several is transferredto the mixing tank
A closedmixing and loading commercial sources.Because by hoseand pipe. When the
systemis a systemdesignedto pesticidecontainer openings, container is empty, it and the
prevent pesticide from coming in shapes,and sizesvary, no single transfer systemare rinsed with
contact with handlersor other closed systemcan be used with all water. The rinse water is addedto
personsduring mixing and load- containers.The mechanical the mixing tank.
ing. The labeling of somepesti- systemsnow availableremove the To allow the use of only part of
cides requiresyou to use a closed pesticide concentratefrom the the pesticidein the container, the
mixing and loading systemwhen original container in one of two systemmust have a way to
handling the product. This require- ways - by gravity or by suction. measurethe amount of pesticide
ment usually appearson products Gravity systems are sometimes suctioned into the mixing tank and
that havea high risk of causing called “punch and drain” systems. must allow the probe to remain in
acute effects or that may cause The unopenedpesticidecontainer the containeruntil all the pesticide
delayed effects.Typical state- is inserted into a chamber,which is usedand the container and
mentson the labeling of such is then sealed.A punch cuts a prohe can he rinsed. Someprobes
products include: large opening in the container, have a breakawayhead that allows
allowing all the material to drain the headto stay and the probe to
Must be trans$erred and mixed into the mixing tank. A water be withdrawn and mused.
using closed-system equipment. nozzle attachedto the punch Somesuction systemsdo not
Do not use open mixing vats or spraysthe inside of the container permit the resealingof partially
tanks, or open pouring.

Must be transferred into the spray

tank through the use of a mechani-
cal transferring device.

Some Statesmay require use of

closed mixing and loading systems
for pesticideswith high acute
Therr are two primary types of
closed mixing and loading sys-
tems.One type usesmechanical
devicesto deliver the pesticide
from the container to the equip
emptiedcontainers.Another systemequipmentbreaksdown or PesticideContainment
disadvantageof suction systemsis there is an accidentalspill. Systems
that highly viscouspesticides ’ If you often mix and load ‘I
(thosethat pour like molasses)are Enclosed Aptrlication pesticidesin one place, or if you
difficult to move by suction. Systems often clean equipment at one
You can reduceyour exposure location, you may find a pesticide
Solubleuackauinu to pesticidesby using enclosed collection pad or tray a good
Soluble bagsor containersare a systemsto do someapplications. investment.Thesepads and trays
much lesscomplex type of closed- An enclosedapplication systemis are designedto catch spills, leaks,
systemmixing and loading. The an enclosure,such as a cab or ovefflows, and wash water and
pesticidepackageis designedto cockpit, that surroundsthe occu- allow them to be recoveredfor
be placed, unopened,into the pants and preventsthem from reuseor disposal.Larger pads may
mixing tank. The container coming in contact with pesticides be permanentlyinstalled, but
dissolvesin the solvent (usually outsideof the enclosure. smaller padsand trays can be
water) in the tank. When you will be working in portable.
Disadvantagesof soluble an enclosedapplication system, Thesesystemscan saveyou
packaginginclude the risk of pesticide-labelingdirections and-c time and money. They make spiI1
accidentallyreleasingthe concen- current pesticideregulationsmay cleanupeasier,and they reduce
trate if the packagingis exposedto allow you to wear lesspersonal pesticidewaste by allowing you to
water or other solventsduring protectiveequipmentthan is reusethe rinse water and spill
shipping or storage,and the high required for ordinary application. cleanup water. They also help
risk of splashingas containersare However, you must keep the preventthe harm that spills and
added to the tank. required personalprotective runoff can causeto the environ-
equipmentinside the cab and wear ment or to people.
Personalurutectlre it any time you get out of the cab
euuiumentnuuhments in the treatedarea.Removeit Collection
The personalprotective equip before you get back into the cab. A collection tray can be usedat
ment requirementsfor many Either stonethe contaminated mixing, loading, and equipment
pesticidesmay be reducedif you personalprotectiveequipment cleaning siteswhere only small
use a closed system: outside the cab or place it in a amountsof pesticideare handled
w You may be allowed to substi- chemical-resistantcontainer, such at a time and portable equipment
tute a long-sleevedshirt, long- as a plastic canisteror trash bag, is used.Suchtasksoften take
legged pants,shoes.and socksfor that can be closedtightly and place on a counter or bench.The
the personalprotective equipment taken inside the cab. tray can be madeof sturdy chemi-
listed on the pesticide labeling. Enclosedsystemsfor applica- cal-resistantrubber or plastic, such
m If the closed systemis for the tion include: as a boot or shoemat. The tray
mixing or loading of concentrated m enclosedcab - provides skin must havea rim around it to
pesticides,you may be required to and eye protection, collect spills and leaks and should
wear a chemical-resistantapron l enclosedcab with an air- have a spout where the contents
and chemical-resistantgloves. filtering ventilation system- can be poured off.
m If the systemoperatesunder protects againstinhalation of dusts
pressure,you may be required to and mists, and protects skin and Collection
wear protective eyewear. eyes, A collection pad is suitablefor
If you wear lesspersonal # enclosedcab with a vapor- mixing, loading, and quipment
protective equipment while using removing ventilation system- cleaning siteswhere large quanti-
a closed system,you should keep provides inhalation protection plus ties of pesticidesare handled and
at the mixing and loading site a set skin and eye protection, large equipmentis cleaned.Such
of the personalprotective equip l enclosedcockpit - provides operationsoften take place
ment that the pesticidelabeling skin, eye, and inhalation protec- outdoors or in a large, open space
requires for regular mixing and tion. in a building such as a warehouse
loading activities. Then you will or barn.
be preparedin casethe closed

Mixing. Loading, and Application

The collection pad should be curbs or walls high enough to hold Locate the collection pad where
made of a waterproof material, the largest amount of spill, leak. or rainwater, irrigation water, and
such as sealed,smooth concrete; equipment wash water likely to be flood water cannot flow over it.
glazed ceramic tile; or no-wax createdat the site. It also must be Wash the pad at the end of each
sheetflooring. Poroussurfaces, quipped with a systemfor day’s use to prevent possibleharm
such as wood, asphalt,soil, or removing and recovering spilled, to the environmentand to animals
carpeting,are not acceptable.The leaked,or releasedmaterial- and unprotectedpeople.
pad must be concaveor must have either an automatic sump system
or a manually operatedpump.

Q l what two precautions
should you take to avoid getting
2. Return all empty pesticide
containersto the pesticidestorage
0 What are three ways to help
yet decide whether you can
pesticides into your water source areaor the container holding area safely mix two pesticides to-
at a mix-load site? when you finish your task. gether for application?
3. Crush, bmk, or puncture empty
A l I. Keep the water pipe or containersthat cannot be refilled, A 1.Check the pesticidelabel-

hose well above the level of the reconditioned.recycled, or re- ing. It may list the pesticides(and
pesticide mixture, and use a device turned to the manufacturer. other chemicals)known to be
to prevent back-siphoning,if 4. Disposeof containersin accor- compatible with the formulation.
necessary. dance with Iabeling directions and 2. Get a compatibility chart, which
2. Avoid mixing or loading with any laws or regulationsthat may be availablefrom several
pesticidesin areaswhere a spill, apply. sources.
leak, or overflow could allow 3. Test a small amount of the
pesticidesto get into water sys- 0 l What types of empty pesti- mixture before mixing large
tems. cide containers can be rinsed? quantitiesof the pesticidesto-
a l What four types of personal AD 1. Glass,metal, and plastic
protection, beyond what you
need during application, should
2. Plastic-lined Paperor cardbo&
Q , Name four types of pesticide
application that might require
you consider wearing while containers,and more personal protective equip
mixing or loading pesticides? 3. uniincd paper or cardboard ment than that specified on the
containersthat can withstand the pesticide labeling.
AD Front protection, face protec- rinsing process.
tion, protection from dusts,and AD 1. Hand-carrying application
protection from vapors. 0 What two methods of
l equipment.
rinsing can you use? 2. Entering the path of the released
a l What should you do with an pesticide.
empty pesticide container? AD Triple rinsing and pressure 3. Walking into a just-treatedarea.
rinsing. 4. Using high-exposureapplica-
A l 1. If containersare rinsable, tion methodswhere the pesticide
rinse them as soon as they are may engulf you.

m Applying Pesticides Correctly

5. Applying pesticidesin aIcb+ 0 , Wbatsbmldyoudowitb 4.GmdmmlscMhclpyou .
riosa that you ere8te when you reducecmyover by buying only
dclo your psticidc equipment? the amountOfpesticides you will

A Collcctt&rins8fe.Rcufei~if
possibk,ordisposeofitasexuss 0 8 wh8t8reclastdmixi8gatId
piisticide. lordiao w-=?

a l whmyou8r8finkbedrrstb A sy8wuis lk8igned w prevent

mhradlinL-* pcstkidcfmmcominginconracl
stepsdlouldyout8keforpcr- wittlhondktsorotherpersoos
a 0 wh8ts8fttyproctdluts smd cieanup? dwillgmixing8ndIo8ding.
apply 8 pestwe? A Washtheoutsideof your 0 l wh8t M emiosed 8ppl.b
giovesfim. beforetaking them tioa system8?
A 1.Dclivat&pcstici&tothc off. ‘Ihen carduIiy peel back your
mrgetsite. penad pmtcctive quipmcnt to A &iCllCbSUE,SUdl8S8crb~
2ch&dledeiivayrate. 8v~$cltingpesticidesmyour &XXiCpi~thatSW7OtWdSthCOCCU- skiu.Rcmmemyothcrclothing pints~pmnno~from
4.AvoidxmmgctcIrgmhL tliith8sperticideathlfyou cominghlalnactwithpesticidM
5.Avoid8almgetrmfrca. C8tWUtt8kC8SlJOWH~8My. oursideof the cnclm.
Immw8certowashyourfacC 0 l WbmrboPldFcwsldcr
0 .memyalu+fidsh8drrftb hmdL,faerrms,udmyotha ~8&MStkidecOnti-
8mm-m 8r88thum8yh8ve&Kstkibon meatsystan?
bdr,-rbocrldy-dodgM iLA88oonasyoua8-Iwl8ter
l@ tb8tAthCcnddtkWC&d8y- A ~,moftcnmixmd~od
w88hyalrwhoktmdy8odil8it p8staksilloncpI8ce.orifyoll
A . l.Washyoorprtiddt zi-f&idid ofmdea8 apdpmmtuonc
qmpnKat8ndtbcnw8shyournlf. klarial.
2Ruumquipmmttoitsdaig- w8m.
-plrec. Q I wh8t8retbe8dv8nt8g8sof
~3.wcly8taeordiqmcof8u 0 ‘-QY-Y-lrccp pl!dw8amtainm8ntsy8tems?
pestek~8ndocba -afpertiddcw
cbank8kth8tyouh8veu#d t&Id A lk~C8lI88VCtilllC8Od
4.Bcsuletb8tyourworksite rwoey.Tbey~rpillc~up
A ~.~ecadrcan-poof u8ier.8ndtheywducepe8ticitic
afpopr- w8stcby8llowingralscofrinsc
5.M8kerweadofwb8tyoub8ve 2c3oudl8amdscsnnveyou w8wr8ndspiIIcie8nIIpw8wr.
8ppIkd8uddlcalnditioasulllc -=YbyimprwingpmP-- Ttley8I8ohdpprevalttheb8rm
8@c8tion site. cOnnalprraicamdyaUrCffi-

Mixing, Loading, and Application

Applyingthe CorrectAmount




. ........

.? ..............
................. . .
................ ..........
. ........................
l Explain why it is important to l Explain what information you
alihratc some equipmm!. must find in the pesticide label-
m Dscfihc how to figure applica- ingorinotherfaxmw&ioos
tion rate. kfom you an dilute the pesti-
l ExplaiIatheim~0f cide coructly.
cbeckiagcllihf8tionoftaL n Explain wh8t infdaar you
mExpl8inwhichtypcsofpcsti- mustlmow8tmutyourown
cidcs must be diluted bcforc situation before you can calculate
application. how much of the dilute pesticide
mixture to pqarc.
0 ncoftkmostimportant

- 5 gakns of fomulptim per loadingNeeded,No
acrc.a I pomdofformuluion . Mixingor Calibration :
per 100 cubic feet of spscc, for Some ready-to-use pesticides
example. Appliation ntcs also arc not sold in the pesticide
tNybcexpKSscdintetmsofhOw application cquipmcnt. The user
much pesticide fortttukiat should must load them into the equip
hcuscdpcfvoitnTtcofmix?.ttfe. mcnt. If the application a+tipmcnt
IAhcling might cdl for 3 mble- to be used is a squazc-trigger
spooasofpoductprm-saf spmycr, s&kcr-c8n duster, 1.vat
w8tcraq?intofpKt&ctpcr100 fadipping8nimalsaplmu,r
Spry-dip VY 8 wiper 8@i-.
a some fumigant 8ppliiofs. no
cah8tion is fmwwfy.





type of tppliation cquiplnalt you
h4any conatttmtcd pesticides
8lMppliedwithcquipmcllt th8t
cmifii applicators, this is tk
either in dilutkm or in adhat&
be applied.


Applying the Comet Amount

. -

tek8sitlgtherightmKlumof l 8ppmprbforthcskuldtypc mattttf-‘sinsmtuials

pesticide,t8ketimetoalibr8uit Of8@k8tiOttjOb. atefully-tbeyexpl8itlex8ctly
adullyaadcomctly.Rech#kit Equ@altwlllnot&livcrtlK howtoadjustthcaquipncntThey
rrgulrrlY~-dcoen@ right8lnountofpestiddetothc oftatcatt8in sugg&asonsuch
bywerr,-8nd8ging. t8TgUSitCifitiSUOtWlXkittg thiIQp8sthc 8ppmpdet8uof
c8librrtianofun~somc COtlCUly.BefOtCpullCgitttO u8vel,themtlgcofmostefnckat
simpkmithuic.Udlytbe aliithe~checkit P-P--
esuipnau mmufrctma, tk C8SfUU~tObCSttEth8t8llCOtlp sutingsfor8dGelhgvtriooc
pCStiCidC&8kptUltbdUSQ nmts8feck8n8ndingood delivaynteq~~of
. .
cwg8mmmatbecoopntive waLipp-.~Yppticulrt Doniesthatcmkwed.
Extensiatserviccwillptovi& -~*purs-rrgulut
somesund8rdfofmlll8stobtlp tbemomtofpesticirkbeing
you.Thee8skst8mimo8t- IekYsa8uch8$Dozzk88nd FarSOlIlCtyperOf8@htiOO
W8ytOdOthCC8lCUl8tiOtUiSWith happreIftbyfnpmw e4qmpaqtilespeed8twhichbw
8C8kUhOC apipmaumoves(aiscmkd)
chose eqltipment tb8t you ittii%zFEZ tllmUghmet8rget8iulsoneoftbe
kttOWbOWtO~8ttdth8tiS: toomucltpestki&willbefe- m8infac%oIsilldetedhgthc
l tksigncdfortilctypeofchani- ratc0frpplicrtim.Fa~othcr
C8lbCii8jlplidUld Equipmcmth8tUlUStkC8li- typc!sofe4pipmayaldonot
bt8talilxhl&s-c8l needtocaudckrspe8dwhat
Qnerr;gr8nukrptdar;hod c8lilJmting.
spmyax 8ndfumig8nt 8pplic& iigEiz--
tors.Tklwnylypcsof@ica- Iftbcetpipmmyath8vt
tiOftequipnaudiffCtitttht&t8ilS chosenusesgr8vitytom8inain
OfthdOpCtWtLbUtifyOU thdb~0fperded~,dibd~1
-rhebatic~pksof maybef8irlysimpk.scJme
c8li~~yauc8nrpplythanin fL!qtipmatLsuch8ssomegMuk
8nysiMion.shtdythe spre8&aneuistobcc8libt8ud
onlyt08djustthcratcoffIo~~ area. Keep the speed as constant Unltom RellMsa
&livery. This equipment relerws as possible during the calibr8ticm If the applic8tion equipment
pesticideottlywhmthcwhcelsue prcessanddutingtheacaul youwdlbcuSingbasmorethan
inmarioaifrbcspcaiofthc itpplic8tiw. Fathe most 8ccur8tc oncnozzle(ormaeth8n 1 cluster
equipmmtiSkCp8t8IlCVm, calibrati~opcnu~aq~pmmt ofno~s)orbopptr,paItofthc
tlwkmup8a,the8moumof utbet8rgetsitcorongrwnd(a c8libtationprocessistomeasure
pesticide being nkased per wit otherSUtf8CC)ShilUtOth8t8ttk theompltfmmerchtobcstm
trtrWillbCWtifO6ln. mget site. whetb the aptipmcm th8tthey8l18Tcrclc8singtbe
ishmk8niedamountedon8 concctamountofpchcidc.Noae
r- ~theamditk8ofthe WhUhUlhCQCStki&OUtpttfrom
ennnlIk- gmundmf=m--k oncamorenoxzles(aclustaof
IfputcquipneDt~8PU’4’ aw#diSitllpfWAroughd aozzles)ahoppetsisSpuwnt
aothermcchmimtodispusemt uwlK!n~willc8usetlle moteakssthanthe8mouut
puticide,yaJwillocedtodeur- cksitul. check for clogging or
minethemteofspeuibestsuiud SkOpcntcdU8 OthCfObSttUhOttillthCopeningS
forthetypcofcquipmcm8t%lfor ‘Ibeequipmuttman~actumr’s that ate distributing less. Check
the pluticular lcquhemems of your ~Ot’tstn8yOff~O~Of forluLsorwompattsinthe
appliastiw job. Suchequipment 8ppqhtcbpceda.Yauflarawtl-... opmingsth8t~disuibuting~
may be either lmndcrrried a edgeofcotMiitiaQsittthe~ mofc.Ifyo4tfiadnocofnnble
mountcdonrv&ick.Ineitha site (iticluclhg the dtift htnd), ptoblarLrepl8atbenozxlesa
asc.thespceduwhichthe #lSpKCxprierre*riththC
equipnem-e* ~WillbdppltCktCt-
tqctsitcdctmnimtht8m0ttnt miaem8pprqhurpeed



Appiying the Correct ArnounI

size. mttlm. 8nd other properties or linear feet), you can
of the pesticide bcii 8pplia so . Figurethe chose a test site th8t is sm8ll.
youwillnecdtodccidtwh8t ApgllcaRoaRate Iftkusediions8refor loo ’
m8tai8ltotlseinthctest.Ifthc The 8motmt of pesticide linurfeet.youmightcboosc8ust
pcsticideisrliquidwithw8tcras dispmd, divided by the distance site of 25 linear feet. If the direc-
thcm8jordillter&tKcw8tcr8lone covMd is the 8ppktion rate. tions8rcfor1.ooosqll8EfeetM
inthcM.Ifthepcsticidcis8 sometimcsnoc8lcularionsut f~8tl~,yOUmi~tChOOSC8
dusbgr8nuk*afumiguu.a8 medcd If. for eJL8rnple,bw lobe1 tCstL5itCOf~k4#l8Efett(81&
liquiddilutedwithrliquidathcr hsthe8pplicuionntc8s”pa by z-foot rectangle). MmsuTe the
th8nw8tcr.youmuawthc 8crc”a”pr1,oaIlincarfeet” 8mount8pplicdintbissm8Ucrsitc
8au8lpcsici&intb8rca. mdyou~tbtalQutfor 8adthmmuhiplytofindther8tc:
7lJcr8rcofrlrplicrtiaasanc- eJcdy18cJeaex8aly1,ooo rntc8mllunt8ppliedco2slintrr
t.hesdepsds8lsoontheprsJurr linarfee~noci8fawoos8fc feet, multiplied by 4. cquds the
8tKlonthcrKwzkrizeorhoppcr txcMuybeccuusethc8mauntof m&per 100linarfeet.
opening. The c!4Tpipmcnt OutpnYW mcmtred is the tot8l l ‘Ihc8mount8ppkdto250
m8nuf8cturer’sdizcuioasurthe 8moum Fequircd. squtz feet, muhiplicd by 4,
bcstguidetothe8csckctiotls. However, you miy not have the ClJtUlSthCnteprl.OOO~llaTC
timctotestyourequipncatovcl fat..
sl@8$8rgeaite.Or,ifyou8rc l ‘Ibc8mount8ppfi8dto250
usiagthe8audprticidcitlthe Sputef#sm~~by 175,
MVyaU-ll~ttOtW8tlttOrisk 8qttdsthentepcr~.
withoutknowingthe8pplicuial fpm=mmw
cmMsm8li8rsites8adthcn IfpUOeUSiQgrppliarian
c8ldMctherpplicuioar8tc. spuipnerrtth8tcurier8i8Qer
muhihapper cgpipaar28

*autpltyou -during
8cTc (43$60) divid8d by
m uscaflowmetertome8suR You can measure the capacity
molethWt~gdkXLS~8titIU. of your t8nk 8nd check (or m8ke)
c8Yefdly !nc8sun tk 8lnount pttges indicating puti8l fill levels
ofpcstici&to8dd.Donotgueos intwow8ys.Youc8nfrllthetank
or8pproxim8te tlK mlwnt you byh8ndusingrcoWnerof
8lddifl&8nddOllOtrdd8Liftlc known Cq’Sity, such 8s 8 tnasur-
cxm”just to be sum” Also ing~f~~t8IlkS8ltd85-
measurcthc8mauntofdiluuu g8llonpailfml8rgert8nks.otyou
CMlfCSdtiIl8WbOktdfdOfdw mczbod~yaufill~onl,yw
wrmg-H-pesticide shouldcheckorm8fkmc8stmd
mixtute.Mixotllythc8mauntyou VO1tJUlCSOll8dipStiCkOrdght
h8vccalcul8tcdisnee&dforthe Pm-
8pplic8tjuQ. Ifuntcror8nothcrliquidis
Donot8ssum8th8ttbct8nkis bCiiUSUitOdilUtCtlECUWUk
a8crlytbcsixcofitscl8imcd irite; ii& the me8suting utensils
apacity.A-5gallun”mokmry withthedilualt8ndputtherinstue
hOkltUlXt!OTkSSttunSg8ll~A iotothemixt8nkRcpc8tthis
Yroogallon-mt&oftatbolds ducetimestobcstm8lloftk
WhttttU8ll~fik!d.MC8SUlCthC z=-*
t8UkpU&ftobCSUlC.EVCOthC h4CWICthC8QKIUMOf8E8dj’-
gtacmcd~aJaane~a to4Befonnul8tioncmefully,tuo.

tjcmisoften8diffdtt8SkAdd olhcrsthattttc -used tttixttt~ in a Variety Of W8yS.
only tk 8motuu you h8ve c8lti- if&de other liquids, such as depadingonthetypcofproduct .
latediszleededtocoInpktcthe kmsene md oil; and 6ry ingredi- andthcprimalyintuldcduscs.If
8pplic8timljob. cnts.suchascanhusks8nd your 8pplication situ&m is not
M~UtWSilS,SUChttS variouspowdcts.c4.nwattr8tcd dlcs8mc8sthoseonwhichthc
spoons.cups,~.pails~ pesticides 8rc either diluted in a labding directions wae based,
sales. th8t you use with pesticides “mixt8nk”8ndtknhdedinto you may have to use some simple
shuuldneverkuscdforuthcr tk applk8tion equipment a 8rithmetic to convert the quantities
PW=.---@Y lW&dditCCtlyiIltOthCrppliatian todiffaanUiiaoflllaure.
8fterc8chtmcds&aethemwith equipmcnt8ttddilutedthcrc.
yuaothcrpcrticide~ -nlcprticidel8belingaaher
DilutingPestkides l wh8ttowtodilutet&fumm-
circle, or aialgle, you an use
cotmcuy m how much to dilute bw formuia- simple mcwucmca and furtnu-
sotneofthcpestak8youbuY tiun, 8m.i Irstodctcrrniaitssize.lnegu-
arcdilutefommbiasthuue l howmuchofthcdilutcpcsti- l8rlysh8pedsitcsofiutc8nk
solduappliariatsaw@h.l%csc cidc to 8pply per unit Of ma EdUCdtO8CUIlbi&i~Of
often are hbckd “Rady-TeUte- *youdnamimcbo*l,mucs! ~.circlcr.8Udai8UgkS.
CK*RTU.“ButllUUypesticidc yuuntt!dtodilutctheputici& c8lNl8uthc~ofercb8tld8dd
form~dmtyouu8cme cmanmte*yar-- thutttoguhertoohtainthetotJ
coaaatrrtawhich8resold8t howtnuchp#ricidt8llddu~m
-w-y--- combineto8chicvelhc- Toapplyfinni~pdafcw
for8ppkwILnlcstfamul& slnountofdiiutepe#iddernixwre othapciaicwtofiuthecutire
tiansmustkdiluadbefhyou jw=rpplicmMne bilkOf stmlufeautkr
~mYtbem.Tby~-Y D8p&ingonmcrinuboayou awlonedspmpmurt-
UJ8yttCCdtOhKW tbevolume(cobicf8u)obthc
iZiZ”ZZ ~Jmwmdyaxap@caf buildias,e*nudc
tr8tcxfuln&mm8udultr8-low- bolclswhca,fuuabowntuch nilrwdar,ashipbohLToqply
volumefonmuiau me - mjxftucywwulnccdtoalmplae pCStkWtOhOdiC8dWM(001
tlmusthu8rc8ppliulfuustra@L tkjob. justtbcautf8c8xyaJmuuc8lcu-
mpnar--* 8bowmucbmixlwcywrapip l8tcIkvohmEoftkw8tainthe
pcsticidcmixnucfa8ppuc8tiat maulppliespaunitofprr. puodal8k.sanuhwsthc
tWStfigUEC8fCfUU~hOWtWCh l thcsizeofthe*ywnecdto wwturcsaho&sofw8tcr8rc
CWCWMCdpCStiCidCK?USCmd legul8rinshape.Thcc8lawws
howmuchdilucnttoddcotk fathescuefairlyrimplc.lftbc
cUWlB8kUnlezsthCperticjdc suuuureabodyofw8tais
isd.ilutedcanctly.yuualt8pply ilTCgh.Wm~cJculuepuo
thcwmng8mamtof~in OfthCSUUUUICpeprsnoelY8ttddd
thcmrgctsitc. thantogetharofiadthetuc8l
WItaQlbCllNXfCOlmMl vo1utnc.
0 l wbykit8oimportantto

unit of area a per volulne of
mixlurr,such8s1pintactive A You must dilute 8l.l form*-
ptStiC&tOtbt~Sitt? tionsexcqtthcwth8tutsoldrs
al/Zpamdrctiningtcdientper tudy-to-useptlldlmathoat
A Ifyou8pplytootittlcpcsti- saIpllansofwucr. dtSigdtok8@iCdfUU
cidc,yuum8ynotfuuyamuo~the 4.perenurgeoftbcfiarldiluti~ -grh-
pesLovadosimgm8yc8ttse suchrslRperccntbyvolumea1
danltqe a injuri~ leave illegal pwcau by wcigbt. 0 l What inform&ho do you
residues.andcauseyoutokfmed nttdtogttfromthtJItstMt
atobeliablefadamages. 0 . wbykitimportantto l8btiing or other sources before
cdibmtesometypesofpatidde- yeucandUutepe&idtscor-
0 l wbtrtc8flyuuitlldwtbon appl&a* equipment? rtctly?


A M8iiy typts of pesticide ReadthcpeJticidtl8bclinga

A Promthe-Ditcctionsfa r>mzth cotmltrrconrmndrtioasfian
Use” scctioo of the pesticide Otk-tOfittdOUtWh8ttO
l8belin&8ndfhmothusotncc& rmountofpcsticidewillbc llsetodiltnetkfofmluon;hnv
wcb~cartultmtt.industy rciastdtothct8tgctsite. muchtodilutetbcfomuiati~
agtnintiaarpcatapcsticide 8ndhowmwhoftkdilute
specirlisrr, Coopudw Extension 0 l HowdoyouakuJ8tttlK pcsti&kto8pplypcrunitof~
wJ-+&niz-*a 8ppbtbUrrttt

Q l WbtiOf~dOyOlJ
Am,cwtuuntotprticidc nttdtohmwaboutyalrowa
0 l wh8t8rtslmtofthtw8ys diqladdividalbythedisance 8ibNtiuebtfatywc8Daku-
th8t8ppUUth~ttSUS8gbt covtle4isthc8ppuatiuttr8tt. i8ttimwmachpcdcidt8ztd
8bttdt diiutntQwmbinttooch&vt
8 wbysboaklyal- tbcorect8momatof~nte
A l.Amountoffonnulationpcr

unitof8reaapcrunitofvolumc q-w .
pasqu8Tcfee&apcralbicfa!L A cioggiqcolKlsi~8ndwerr A Youmustkaowbowmuch
2. Amount of famul8tion pa m8ycitmgethedeliveryr8te.a yoUrC@MWltbOl&WlM!llfUlla
volumeofmixtule.such8s3 ~Oettinss~YgndurllYW~ howmuchmixtmcyouwillnced
-afpoductpr5 of8djustmwL tocomplctcthejob;howmuch
g8llatsofkcrowcalpintof mixtueyoure@pmattrpplies
pluductpcrloog8llonsofwua. Q . wh8tpestk&kform- pcruIlitof8rcq8nddlcsizcofthe
3.Amountofrtiveixl@kntper unlsrkdiiut4!dbtfort8ppik8- siteyouncaitoutu
Disposal,andSpill Cleanup
. .
_A ^ -
i __

i *

’ LearningObjectives
After you completeyour study m Name actionsneededto m List ways to avoid the need to
of this unit, you should be able establishand maintain a safe disposeof pesticide containers.
to: storagesite. m Explain the “three C’s” of spill
n List safety precautionsfor m Describe what to do when a managementand stepsto take in
transporting pesticidesin a pesticidecontainer leaks. each.
vehicle. 8 Explain what to do with excess R List sourcesof assistancefor
n Describehow to protect pesticidesthat are still usable. managinga spill.
pesticidecontainersduring l List acceptableways to dispose m Explain when a spill kit should
ttWlSpt. of pesticidewastes. be on hand.

Applying Pesticides Correctly

vv hen you transport,state,
or disposeof pesticidesand their
containers,you must take safety
precautions.You can prevent
many pesticideaccidents,and
reducethe severityof others,if
you an ptqxued before you start
thesetasks.Before you begin any
pesticide handling task know
what do to in caseof spills and
have the proper spill cleanup The safestway to transport Never transpott pesticideswith
equipmenton hand. pesticidesis in the back of a truck. food, clothing, or other things
Flatbedtracks should haveside meantto be eatenby or in contact
and tail racks. Steel or plastic- with peopleor animals.The risk
linedbedsatebest,becausethey of conmminationis too high. Even
Pesticides canbemoreeasilycleanedifa small amountsof pesticidecould
You are responsiblefor the safe spill occurs. contaminatethesehighly sensitive
transport of pesticidesin your Never carry pesticidesin the items. A spill could causemajor
possession.Carelessnessin passengersectionof your car, van, injury.
transporting pesticidescan result or truck. Hazardousvaporsmay be Never leaveyour vehicle
in broken containers,spills, releasedand make the driver and unattendedwhen transporting
environmentalcontamination,and other passengersill. Pesticides pesticidesin an unlocked trunk
harm to yourself and others. maycauseiunessorinjutyifthey compartmentor open-bedtntck.
Accidents can occur even when spill on you or your passengers.It You are responsibleand liable if
youaretrmponhgMIterialsa is nearly impossibleto completely curious children or carelessadults
short distance.Do all you can to removespiIls from the fabric of are accidentally poisonedby the
prevent a mishap,but be prepared seatsandfloormats.Theycan pesticides.Wheneverpossible,
in caseof emergency.Before causefuture contaminationif they transportpesticidesin a locked
transpottirtgpesticides,you should are not cleanedup cone43ly.If compartment.
know what to do if a spill occurs. you must tranqrt pesticidesin . Consider transporting highly
If any pesticideis spilled in or the back of a station wagon, open volatile pesticidesin separatetrips
fmm the vehicle, take action right the side windows and do not allow from other chemicals.Spills, or
away to make sure the spill is anyone to ride in the back. even fumesfrom openedcontain-
cleanedup correctly. Never allow children, other ers, can make the other chemicals
passengers,and pets to ride with worthless.

Transportation, Storage, Disposal, and Spill Cleanup

Transport pesticidesonly in
containerswith intact, undamaged,
and readablelabels.Inspect
containersbefore loading to be
sure that all caps,plugs, and other
openings are tightly closed and
that there are no pesticideson the
outside of the containers.Handle
containerscarefully to avoid tips
or punctures.
Anchor all containerssecurely
to keep them from tolling or
sliding. Packing or shipping
containersprovide extra cushion-
ing. Protect paper and cardboard
containers from moisture, because
they becomesoggy and split easily
when wet.
Protect pesticidesfrom extreme
temperaturesduring transport.
Extremely hot or cold tempera-
tures can damagepesticide
containersby causing them to melt
or becomebrittle. Such tempera-
tures also may reducethe useful-
nessof the pesticides.
labeling Statements
Many pesticidehand& use amotmtsof pesticideswill be
AboutTransportation existing buildings or areaswithin stored, it is best to build a special
Typical pesticide labeling existing buildings for pesticide storagebuilding just for pesticide
instructions about transportation storage.However, if large needs.
Do not ship with food. feeds,
drugs, or ciothing.

Do not transport abmaged or

leaking container.

In case ofa transportation

emergency involving a spill,fire.
or exposure, call [telephone
number] 24 hours a day.

Do not transport in or on vehicles

containing foodst@s or feeds.
A correctly designedand
maintainedpesticidestoragesite is
essential.A suitable storagesite:
m protectspeople and animals
from accidentalexposure,
n protectsthe enviromnentfrom
n preventsdamageto pesticides
from temperatureextremesand
m protectsthe pesticidesfrom
theft, vandalism,and unauthorized
use, and
m reducesthe lielihood of
the storagesite. Whetherthe locked. Post signs on doors and
Securethesite storagesite is as small as a cabinet windows to alert people that
Keeping out unauthorized or closet or as large as an entire pesticidesare storedthere. Post
people is an important function of room or building, keep it securely “No smoking” warnings.

Transportation, Storage, Disposal, and Spill Cleanup

Choosea storagesite where
water damageis unlikely to occur.
Water from burst pipes, spills,
overflows, excessrain or itriga-
tion. or flooding streamscan
pesticides.Water or excess
moisture can cause:
B metal Container to rus&
l paperandcardboardcontainers
to split or crumble,
l pesticide labeling to peel, smear,
run, or otherwise become
ProMe rdsolrrts mm
The storagesite should be well
coatedor coveredwith plastic or
polyurethaneor epoxy paint.
tmreadable, lighted. Pesticidehandlersusing
l dry pesticidesto clump, the facility must be able to see Preventranott
degrade,or dissolve, well enough to: Inspect the storagesite to
. l slow-releaseproducts to t&ase m read pesticidecontainer determinethe likely path of
their pesticide,and labeling, pesticidesin caseof spills. leaks,
l pesticidesto move ftom the m notice whether containersare drainageof equipmentwash
storagesite into other areas. leaking, corroding, or otherwise waur,andheavypesticideNnoff
If the storagesite is not pro- disintegrating,and from fvefighting or floods.
tectedfromtheweatherorifit m clean up spills or leaks Pesticidemovementaway from
tends to be damp, considerplacing completely. the storagesite could conmminate
metal, cardboatd,and paper sensitiveareas,including surface
containersin sturdy plastic bagsor water or ground water. If your
cans for prote&on. Large metal The floor of the storagesite storagesite containslarge amounts
containers,which may rust when should be madeof sealedcement, of pesticides,you may needto use
damp, often can be placedon glazedceramic tile, no-wax sheet a collection pad to contain pesti-
pallets within the storagesite. flooring, or anothereasily cleaned cide nmoff.
material. carpeting, wood, soil,
Controlthe temperature and other absorbentfloors are PmMoctoaBwater
The storagesite should be difficult or impossibleto decon- Each storagesite must have an
indoors, wheneverpossible. taminatein caseof a leak or spill. immediate supply of clean water.
Choose a cool, well-ventilated For easeof cleanup, shelving and Potable tutming water is ideal. If
room or building that is insulated pallets should be made of nonab- running water is not practical, use
or temperature-controlledto sorbentmaterialssuch as plastic or a carboy or other large. sealable
prevent freezing or overheating. metal. If wood or frbnboard contaimr with clean water.
The pesticide labeling may tell materialsare used,they should be Changing the water in a container
you at what temperaturesthe at least once each week will
product should be stated.Fteezing ensurethatitremainssafeforuse
temperaturescan causegIast3, on skin and eyes.Keep an eye-
metal, and plastic containersto wash dispenserimmediaEly
break. Excessiveheat can cause available for emergencies.
plastic containersto melt. some
glass containersto explode. and MaintaintheStorageSite
some pesticidesto volatilize and Prewntwntmnlnauon
drift away from the storagesite. Store only pesticides,pesticide
Temperatureextremescan destroy containers,pesticideequipment,
the potency of somepesticides. and a spill cleanupkit at the
storagesite. Do not keep food,
drinks, tobacco,feed, medical or

m Applying Pesticides Correctly

veterinarysuppliesor medication,
seeds,clothing, or personal ’ .
protectiveequipment(other than
necessaryfor emergencyre-
sponse)at the site. Thesecould be
contaminatedby vapors,dusts,or
spills and causeaccidentalexpo-
sureto people or animals.

Keeplabelsleglble by pesticidesyou have placed in illegible. The pesticide is useless

Store pesticidecontainerswith unlabeledor unsuitablecontainers. and becomesa disposal problem
the label in plain sight. Costly unlessyou know the nameand
errOrScan result if the wrong Watchfor damage registrationnumber and can get a
pesticideis chosenby mistake. Inspectcontainersregularly for copy of the label.
Labels should always be legible. tears,splits, breaks,leaks,rust, or
They may be damagedor de- corrosion. When a container is Storewlatlle woducts
stroyed by exposureto moisture, damaged,put on appropriate separately
dripping pesticide,diluents, or personalprotectiveequipmentand Volatile pesticides,such as
dirt. You can usetransparenttape take immediateaction. If the sometypes of 2.4-D. should be
or a coating of lacqueror polyure- damagedcontaineris an aerosol storedapart from other types of
thane to protect the label. If the can or fumigant tank that contains pesticidesand other chemicals.A
label is destroyedor damaged, pesticidesunder pressure,use separateroom is ideal. Vapors
requesta replacementfrom the specialcam to avoid accidentally from openedcontainersof these
pesticidedealer or the pesticide releasingthe pesticide into the air. pesticidecan move into other
formulator immediately. When a container is damaged: nearby pesticidesand chemicals
m Use the pesticideimmediately and makethem useless.The
closed at a site and rate allowed by the labeling of volatile herbicides
Keep pesticidecontainers label, or usually will direct you to store
securelyclosed wheneverthey are l Transfer the pesticideinto them separatelyfrom seeds,
being stored.Tightly closed anotherpesticidecontainer that fertilizers, and other types of
containershelp protect against: originally held the samepesticide pesticides.
l a spill, and has the samelabel still intact,
l cross-contaminationwith other or Isolatewastetwoducts
storedproducts, B Transferthe contentsto a sturdy If you havepesticidesand
l evaporationof liquid pesticides containerthatcanbe tightly pesticidecontainersthat are being
or the solvent, closed. If possible,removethe held for disposal,store them in a
l clumping or caking of dry label fkomthe damagedcontainer specialsectionof the storagesite.
pesticidesin humid conditions, and use it on the new container. Accidental useof pesticidesmeant
and Otherwise,temporarily mark the for disposalcan be a costly
m dust, dirt, and other new containerwith the nameand mistake.Clearly mark containers
contaminantsgetting into the EPA registrationnumber of the that havebeen triple rinsed or
pesticide,causing it to be pesticide,and get a copy of the cleanedby an equivalentmethod,
unusable. label from the pesticidedealer or becausethey are more easily
formulator (whose telephone disposedof than unrinsed contain-
Useoriginalcontalners number is usually on the label) as . em
Store pesticidesin their original soon as possible,or
containers.Never put pesticidesin m Placethe entire damaged Knowyourinventory
containersthat might cause container and its contentsinto a Keep an up-to-date inventory of
children and other people to suitable larger container. Consider the pesticidesyou have in storage.
mistake them for food or drink. this option carefully, however. Each time a pesticide is addedto
You are legally responsibleif Many times the label on the or removedfrom the storagesite,
someoneor somethingis injured leaking container becomes updatethe inventory list. The list

Transportation, Storage, Disposal, and Spill Cleanup

will help you keep track of your fire easily. The labeling of pesti-
stock and will be essentialin a fire cides that require extra precautions laag; Statements
or flood emergency.The inventory often will contain a warning
list also will aid in insurance statementin either the “Physical/ Typical pesticide labeling
settlementsand in estimating Chemical Hazards” section or the instructions about storageinclude:
future pesticideneeds. “Storage and Disposal**section.
Do not store unnecessarilylarge Pesticidesthat contain oils or Store at temperatures above
quantities of pesticidesfor long petroleum-basedsolventsare the 32 “F.
periods of time. Buy only as much onesmost likely to contain these
as you will need for a year at warning statements.Somedry Do not contaminate feed,
most. Pests,pesticides.or pesti- products also presentfire and foodstufi. or drinking water
cide registrationsmay changeby explosion hazards. during storage.
the next year and make the Store combustiblepesticides
pesticidesuseless.Somepesticides away from open flames and other Store in original container only.
have a relatively short shelf life heat sources,such as steamlines, In outside storage areas, store
and cannot be carried over from heating systems,keroseneheaters drums on sides to avoid
year to year. or other spaceheaters,gas- accumulation of rain water in top
powered equipment,or incinera- or bottom of recessedareas.
Cona;lderslmlfllfe tors. Do not store glasscontainers
Mark each pesticidecontainer in sunlight where they can focus Do not store near ignition sources
with the date of purchasebefote it the heat rays and possibly explode such as electrical sparks, flames,
is stored. Use older materialsfust. or ignite. Install fin detection or heated surfaces.
If the product has a shelf life listed systemsin large storagesites,and
in the labeling, the purchasedate equip each storagesite with a Flammable. Do not use, pour,
will indicate whether it is still working fire extinguisherthat is spill, or store near heat or open
usable.Excessiveclumping, poor approvedfor all types of fucs, flame. Do not cut or weld
suspension,layering, or abnotmal including chemical fires. container.
coloration may be indications that If you state highly toxic
the pesticidehas broken down.
However, sometimespesticide
pesticidesor large amountsof any
pesticides,inform your local fire
Pesticideusersare responsible
deterioration from age or poor department,hospital, public health for correctly dealing with empty
storageconditions becomes officials, and police of the location pesticidecontainers,excessusable
obvious only after application. of your pesticide storagebuilding pesticides,and waste materials
Poor pest control or damageto the before a fire emergencyoccurs. that contain pesticidesor their
treated surfacecan occur. If you Tell fue departmentofficials what residues.There is growing con-
have doubts about the shelf life of types of pesticidesate regularly cern about the seriousharm to
a pesticide, call the dealer or stored at the site, give them a floor humansand the environmentthat
manufacturerfor advice. plan. and work with them to incomct dispo6a.lof pesticide
develop an emergencyresponse wastescan cause.For information
PreventPesticideFires plan. on disposaloptions availablein
Somepesticidesare highly your local arta contact your State
flammable: others do not catch or tribal pesticide authority.

mm Applying Pesticides Correctly

ExcessPesticides on the labeling. cleanupmaterial and personal
The bestsolution to the prob- If you havepesticideproducts protective equipmentitems that
lem of what to do with excess in their original containersthat cannot be cleanedand reused.
pesticidesis to take stepsto avoid you cannot use,you may be able Wheneverpossible,avoid creating
having them: to find anotherpesticidehandler pesticidewastesthat require
l Buy only the amount neededfor who can. Or you may be able to disposal.
a year or a season. return them to a dealer,formula- Sometimespesticidewastescan
m Calculatecarefully how much tor, or manufacturer. be disposedof in a landfill operat-
diluted pesticide is neededfor a Most containerrinsatesshould ing under EPA, State, tribal, or
job and mix only that amount. not becomeexcesspesticides. local petmit for haztrdous wastes.
m Use all the mixed pesticidein becausethey can be addedinto the Most sanitarylandfills are not
accordancewith labelmg tank during the mixing process. suitable.Someregions have
iM.TllCtiOttS. Youalsomaybeabletoaddsome pesticideincinerators for dispos-
If you have excesspesticides rinsatesfrom equipmentcleaning, ing of pesticide wastes.Never
that are usable,first try to find a spill cleanup,and other activities bum, bury, or dump excess
way to use them as directed on the to a tank mixture that contains the pesticides,and never disposeof
label. The best option is to apply samepesticide,as long as doing so them in a way that will contami-
the pesticide on a site listed in the will not violate labeling instruc- nate public or private ground
use directions on the pesticide tions. Somerinsateswill contain water or surfacewater or sewage
labeling, under the following dirt, cleaning agents,or other treatmentfacilities.
conditions: substancesthat will make them Pesticidewastesthat cannot be
n The total amount of pesticide unusable,however. disposedof right away should be
active ingredient applied to the marked to indicate the contents
site, including all previous Pesticide Wastes and then stored safely and cor-
applications,must not exceedthe Excesspesticidesand rinsates rectly until disposal is possible.
rate and frequency allowed on the that cannothe usedmust be
labeling. disposedof as wastes.Other
m You must comply with other pesticide wastesinclude such
application instructions specified things as contaminatedspill

Transportation, Storage, Disposal, and Spill Cleanup

about Recyclable
wastedisvosai Burnable
Typical pesticide labeling You may be able to take your The labeling of somepaper,
rinsed metal or plastic containers cardboard,and plastic containers
instructionsabout disposalof
pesticide wastesinclude: may list “burning. if allowed by
to a facility that can recycle them.
Some55 and 30-gallon drums Stateand local authorities*’as a
Do nor contaminate water by can be returned to the dealer, disposaloption for pesticide
disposal of wastes. manufacturer,or formulator to be containers However, open bum-
reconditionedand reused. ing of pesticidecontainersand
Pesticide wastes are toxic. wastepesticidesis a questionable
Improper disposal of excess Beiubiecontainers practice and may be in violation of
pesticide is a violation of Federal Soluble containersare designed Federal regulations that could take
law. lf these wastes cannot be to he placed,unopened,into the precedenceover the instructions
disposed of by use according to mixing tank. The container on the pesticidelabeling. Because
label instructions, contact your dissolvesin the solvent (usually of possibleair pollution hazard
State Pesticide or Environmental water) in the tank. Only the over- and the risks of liability, your best
Control Agency, or the Hazardous packagingremains,and it may be option is to useanother disposal
Waste representative at the disposedof as nonhazardouswaste method for thesecontainers.
nearest EPA Regional @jice for in a sanitary landfill.
guidance. l$ell~~ about
Trigio=rinsed II gmssure-
Containers rinsed containeK Typical pesticidelabeling
Try to avoid the needto dispose Containersthat have been instructionsabout disposalof
of pesticidecontainersas wastes. correctly triple rinsed or pressure pesticidecontainersinclude:
For example,you may be able to: rinsed usually may be disposedof Do not reuse empty containers.
n use containersthat are designed
to be refilled by the pesticide as regular trash in a sanitary Offer for recycling or
dealer or the chemical company, landfill, unlessprohibited by the reconditioning, or puncture and
m arrangeto have the empty pesticidelabeling or by State, dispose of in a sanitary landf7ll. or
containersrecycled or tribal, or local authorities.Mark incinerate.
reconditioned, or the containers to show that they
8 use soluble packaging. have been rinsed. Dispose of bag in a sanitary
If you have containersthat you landjill or by incineration.
must disposeof, he sureto rinse Unrinsed con!aibers
them, if possible. Rinsedcontain- To
ers, you
of unrinsedcontain-
take them to an
Spill Management
ers are easierto disposeof than A spill is any accidentalrelease
unrinsed containem. incinerator or landfill operating of a pesticide,As careful as people
under EPA, State.or tribal permit try to be, pesticidespills can and
Reiiiiabiscon!ainerrs for hazardouswaste disposal.If do occur. The spill may be minor,
Sometypes of containersare this is not possible,check with involving only a dribble from a
designedto be refilled with your State,tribal, or local authori- container,or it may be major,
pesticide repeatedlyduring their ties to find out what to do. Other- involving large amountsof
lifetime, which may be many wise, you may need to store the
years.They usually are not containers until you have a way to
designedto be triple rinsed or
pressurerinsed by the pesticide
user. When necessary,they are
dispose of them.
cleanedby the pesticidedealer or
chemical company before retill-
ing. Common types of refillable
containersinclude minibulks and
small-volume returnables.
pesticideor pesticide-containing resistantcontainer, such as a Someoneshould be at the spill site
materialssuch as wash water, soil, plastic drum or bag. If a spray tank at all times until the spill is
and absorbents. is overflowing, stop the inflow and cleanedup. ..
You must know how to respond try to cap off the tank. If a tank,
correctly when a spill occurs. hopper, or container has burst or ContaintheSpill
Stopping large leaks or spills is has tipped over and is too heavyto Confinethespill
often not simple. If you cannot be righted, you will not be able to As soon as the sourceof the
managea spill by yourself, get stop the source. leak is under control, move
help. Even a spill that appearsto quickly to keep the spill in as
be minor can endangeryou, other Protect eBlsn small an areaas possible.Do
people, and the environmentif not Isolate the spill site by keeping everything you can to keep it from
handledcotrectly. Never leavea children, other unprotectedpeople, spreadingor getting worse. For
spill unattended.When in doubt, and animalswell back. Rope off small spills, usecontainment
get assistance. the site if necessary.If you suspect snakesto surroundthe spill and
the spill containsa highly volatile keep it confined. For larger spills,
or explosivepesticide,you may use a shovel,a rake, or other tool
needtokeeppeoplebackcven~- .. or equipmentto make a dike of
farther. Warn people to keep out soil, sod, or absorbentmaterial.
of reachof any drift or fumes.Do
not useroad flates or allow Prom waiersolIrce!3
anyoneto smokeif you suspect Keep the spill out of any body
The faster you can contain, the leaking material is flammable. of water or any pathway that will
absorb,and disposeof a spill, the lead to water. suchas a ditch,
lesschancethere is that it will SUY1thSSitG floor drain, well, or sinkhole. If
causeharm. Clean up most spills Do not leavethe spill site until the spilled pesticideis flowing
immediately.Even minor dribbles anotherknowledgeableand towards such an ama,block it or
or spills should be cleanedup correctly protectedpersonarrives. redirect it.
before the end of the work day to
keep unprotectedpersonsor
animalsfrom being exposed.
A good way to rememberthe
stepsfor a spill emergencyis the
“three C’s: Control, Contain,
. Clean up.

Put on appropriatepemonal
protective equipmentbefote
contacting the spill or breathing its
fumes.If you do not know how
toxic the pesticide is or what type
of personalprotective equipment
to wear, don’t take a chance!Wear
foil-laminate apron, footwear, and
gloves:eye protection; and a

stop tile source

If a small container is leaking,
place it into a larger chemical-

Transportation, Storage, Disposal, and Spill Cleanup

AbsorbIlQuidt spill site and any contaminated carpet, you may have to remove
Liquid pesticide spills can be items or equipment. the contaminatedsurfaceand
further contained by covering the disposeof it as an excesspesti-
entire spill site with absorbent Clean UDlho spill cide. Depending on the size of the
materials,such as spill pillows, For spilled liquid pesticides, spill and the toxicity of the
fine sand,vermiculite, sawdust, sweepup the absorbentmaterial pesticide,however, sometimesthe
clay, kitty litter, shreddednewspa- containing the pesticide and place site can be successfullyneutral-
per, or absorbentpads. it into a heavy-duty plastic drum ized.
or bag. Keep adding the absorbent
material until the spilled liquid is Noulralizo
lhespill site
soakedup and removed. The labeling of a few pesticides
Spills of dry pesticidesshould will insttuct you to neutralize a
be swept up for reuseif possible. spill of that pesticide.Sometimes
Avoid contaminatingthe spilled an authority, such as the pesticide
materialswith soil or other debris, manufactumror Chemtrec,will
soitcanbeusedintheusual also instruct you to neutraliz.ethe
application equipmentand will not spill site. Follow the instructions
clog the nozzlesor hopper open- carefully.
ings. However, if the dry spill has Neutralizing a spill often
becomewet or full of debris, it consistsof mixing full-strength
must be swept up and placed in a bleachwith hydrated lime and
I heavy-dutyplastic drum or bag for working this mixture into the spill
disposal. site with a coarsebroom. Fresh
Cowr dry matotialt
absorbentmaterial is then spread
Preventdry, dusty pesticide
spills, such as dusts, powders, or
llocoamim mos@1ll slta over the spill site to soakup the
Once you have collected as neutral&g liquid. This material
granules,from becoming airborne
much of the spilled material as is swept up and placed in a plastic
by covering them with a sweeping
possible,decontaminatethe spill drum or bag for disposal.You
compound or a plastic covering or
site as well as you can. Do not may be instructedto repeatthe
by very lightly misting the mate-
hose down the site with water, processseveraltimes to make sure
rial with water. Do not mist too
unlessthe spill is on a contaimnent that the site is thoroughly neutral-
much, becausewater may release
t=Yarpad* ized.
the pesticidal action or may cause
If the surfaceon which the soil is sometimesneutmlizcd
the pesticide to form clumps and
pesticide has spilled is nonporous, by mmoving and diiing of the
be unusable.
such as scaledconcrete,glazed top 2 to 3 inchesand then neutral-
ceramic tile, or no-wax sheet izing the remaining soil. You may
flooring, use water (or the chemi- beinsttuctcdtomix activated
cal listed on the label to dilute the charcoal into the soil or to cover
pesticide) and a strong detergent the spill site with 2 or more inches
to remove the residuesof the spill oflimeandcoverthelimewith
from the surface.Do not allow any fresh topsoil.
ofthewashsolutiontomnoffthe sometimesyou may be in-
site being cleaned.Place fresh sttuctcd to cover minor spills with
absorbentmaterial over the wash activatcdcharcoal.Theactivated
solution until it is all soakedup. charcoalcanadsorbortieup
Then sweepup the absorbent enough pesticide to avoid adverse
material and place it in a plastic effects to plants and animals that
drum or bag for disposal as an contact the soil in the future.
CleanUp excesspesticide. However, activatedcharcoal is not
After you have contained the If the surfaceupon which the effective for large spills.
spill, you must pick up the spilled pesticide has spilled is porous,
material and decontaminatethe such as soil, unsealedwood, or

Applying Pesticides Correctly

Decontaminate equipment by competent,trained personnel emergencyroom and provide them

Clean any vehicles,equipment, who are able to adviseyou how to with the brand name,active
and personalprotective equipment managechemical emergencies. ingredients,and any other labeling ‘.
that were contaminatedby the When you requesthelp from information about human health
spill or during the containment Chemtrecor any other source, hazards.signs and symptomsof
and cleanupprocess.Use a strong havethe product label on hand. poisoning, and antidotes.
mixture of chlorine bleach,
dishwasherdetergent,and water to labellnoStatements
clean the vehiclesand equipment. SpillManagement
Washpersonalprotective quip Typical pesticide labeling
ment thoroughly, following instructions about spill procedures
manufacturers’instructionsand include:
the guidelines in the personal
protectiveequipmentunit of this lf container is broken or contents
manual.Rememberparticularly have spilled, clean up
that porous materials,suchas immediately. Before cleaning up,
brooms.leathershoes,and cloth- put on full-length trousers, long-
ing, cannot be cleanedeffectively sleeved shirt, protective gloves,
if they am thoroughly saturated and goggles or face shield. Soak
with pesticide.They should be up spill with absorbent media such
discarded. as sand, earth, or other suitable
Many pesticidelabels list an
emergencytelephonenumber that material and dispose of waste at
Dscontamlnate yoursell an approved waste disposal
As soon as you are finished gives you direct accessto the
manufacturer and people who facility.
with the spill and equipment
cleanup,wash yourself thoroughly know how to manage emergencies
for that product. If the container is leaking or
with detergentand water. Wash material is spilled, carqfidly sweep
any part of your skin that might If the spill occurs on a highway,
call the highway patrol or highway material into a pile. Refer to
havebeen exposed,and always Precautionary Statementson label
wash your face, neck, hands,and department right away. If the spill
occurs on a county road or city for hazards associated with the
forearms. handling of this material. Do not
stnzet,call the county sheriff, city
police, or ftre department.These walk through spilled material.
Spill FouowDp Keep unauthorized people away.
For all large spills, and any authorities are trained for such
spills that take place off your emergencies and will be able to
assist you in your cleanup.Many Contact the [chemical company)
property, considerkeeping records emergency response teamfor
of your containmentand cleanup local and state authorities require
decontamination procedures or
activities and your conversations that you notify them of a pesticide any other emergency assistance at
with authorities and the public spill.
If you suspectthat a large spill {telephone number].
about the spill. Photographshelp
is flammable, call the fire depart-
to documentany damageas well
ment for assistance. However, do Spill KlI
as the cleanupprocess.Report the Keep a spill cleanupkit imme-
spill to the appropriateagency, not let them hose down the spill
unless an authority directs them to diately available wheneveryou
when necessary. handle pesticidesor their contain-
do so.
If the spill may exposethe ers. If a spill occurs, you will not
SpillAssistance public to pesticidesor pesticide have the time or the opportunity to
Chemtrec,the Chemical find all of the items.
TransportationEmergencyCenter, residues, contactpublic health
officials, If anyone is poisonedby The kit should consistof:
is a public serviceof the Chemical m telephonenumbersfor
Manufacturing Association. contacting the spill or if you
suspect that an exposuremay lead emergencyassistance,
Located in Washington,DC, l sturdy gloves, footwear, and
Chemuec is staffed 24 hours a day to poisoning, call the hospital apron that are chemical-resistant

Transportation, Storage, Disposal, and Spill Cleanup

to most pesticides,such as foil- charcoal, vermiculite, or paper to m any other spill cleanup items
laminategear, soak up liquid spills, specified on the labeling of any
l protective eyewear, m sweepingcompound to keep dry products you use regularly, and
l an appropriaterespirator,if any spills from drifting or wafting n a sturdy plastic container that
of the pesticidesrequire the use of during cleanup, will hold the quantity of pesticide
one during handling activities or n a shovel, broom, and dustpan from the largestpesticide
for spill cleanup, (foldable brooms and shovelsare container being handled and that
m containment“snakes” to handy, becausethey can be carried can be tightly closed.
confine the leak or spill to a small easily), All of theseitems can be stored
n heavy-duty detergent, in the plastic container and kept
l absorbentmaterials,such as n a fire extinguisherrated for all clean and in working order until a
spill pillows, absorbentclay, types of fires, spill occurs.
sawdust,pet litter, activated

Q What precautions should
n and that there are no pesticideson Q . When a pesticide container
is damaged, what actions can
you take when you transport the outside of the containers.
pesticides in a vehicle? 3. Handle containerscarefully. you take?
4. Anchor all containerssecurely.
A. 1. Never carry pesticidesin 5. Protectpaper and cardboard Am 1. Use the pesticideimmedi-
the passengersection. containersfrom moisture. ately at a site and rate allowed by
2. Never allow children, other 6. Protectpesticidesfrom extreme the labeling.
passengers,and pets to ride with temperatures. 2. Transfer the pesticideinto
pesticides. anotherpesticidecontainerthat
3. Never transport pesticideswith a . Lii four actions that you originally held the samepesticide
food, clothing, or other things should take to establish a safe and has the samelabel still intact.
meant to be eatenor in contact storage site. 3. Transfer the contentsto a sturdy
with people or animals. container that can be tightly closed
4. Never leaveyour vehicle
unattendedwhen transporting
A. Keep unauthorixedpeople and fastenthe label to the outside
out; prevent water damage;control of the new container.
pesticidesin an unlocked trunk the temperature;provide adequate 4. Placethe entire damaged
compartmentor open-bedtruck. lighting; usenonporousmaterials; containerand its contentsinto a
5. Consider transporting highly prevent runoff; provide clean suitable larger container.
volatile pesticidesin separatetrips water.
from other chemicals. 0 . If you have excesspesticide
Q l Lii four actions that you materials that are still usable,
a . What steps should you tie should take to maintain a safe what cau you do with them?
to protect pesticide containers storage site.
during transport? A
. Apply them to a site listed on
A. Preventcontamination; keep the labeling; find someoneelse
A . 1. Transport containerswith labels legible; keep containers who can legally use them; return
them to the dealer, formulator, or
intact, undamaged,and readable closed; use original containers:
labels. watch for damage;store volatile manufacturer.
2. Inspect containersto be sure products separately:isolate waste
that all openings are tightly closed products; know your inventory;
consider shelf life.

Applying Pesticides Correctly

0 If vou have pesticide wastes Aa
Control, Contain, Clean up. A. Clean up the spill; decon-
taminatethe spill site; neutralize .
(olher ihan empty containers) ,
what can you do with them? 0 . What should you do to the spill site, if necessary;decon-
control a spill situation? taminateequipment; decontami-
nate yourself.
Am Disposein a hazardous
waste landfill or pesticideincin-
A , Protect yourself; stop the
sourceof the spill; protect others;
erator, or store until disposalis Q l Who can you call when you
stay at the site. need help to manage a spill?
Q . How should you contain a Am Chemtrec;emergency
0 . Lii three ways to avoid Spiil? numberson pesticide labeling:
the need for &posing of empty police departmentor highway
pesticide containers as wastes. A, Confine the spill; protect patrol; fire department;public
A, Use refillable containers;
water sources;absorbliquids;
cover dry materials.
health department.
recycle or recondition the contain-
0 . When should you have a
ers: use soluble packaging. spill kit on hand?
Q . What should cleanup ..
0 . What do the three C’s of Am Every time a pesticideor
spill management stand for? pesticidecontainer is handled.

Transportation, Storage, Disposal, and Spill Cleanup


Effectsof Pesticides
onthe HumanBody
Appendix ..
Effectsof Pesticidesonthe HumanBody
Family ActiononHuman
System AcuteSysbmicEM%
I. Organophosphates Inhibits acetylcholinesterase Headache,dizziness,weakness.
enzyme in tissues. shaking, nausea.stomachcramps.

2. N-Methyl Carbamates Reversiblechangesin acetylcho- Headache,dizziness,weakness,

linestemseenzymein tissues. shaking,nausea,stomachcramps,
duurhea, sweating.
3. Organochlorines(Chlorinated Disrupt function of nervous Headache.dizziness,weakness,
Hydrocarbons) system,mainly the brain. shaking nausea.excirability,

4. Pyrethrum and Pyrethrins Allergin Slight toxic reaction.

5. Nicotine Harms nervoussystem. Nausea,headache,di8rrhea.

pain. lack of coordination, sweat-
ing, salivation.
6. Rotenone hit8nt Minimal

7. Bacillus thuringiensis None known -

8. Gibberellic Acid None known

9. Ryrethroids irritant Minimal

IO. Fluorides Harms brain and stomach. Thirst, abdominalpain, vomiting,

salivation, dilated pupils, lethargy.

I 1. Boric Acid Irritants; Harms stomach,intes- Nausea,vomiting, abdominal pain,

tines. blood system.and brain. dLurhe8, blood in vomit and feces,
12. Chlordimeform Harms bladder, Sometimesharms Blood in urine, frequent and
skin. painful urination, abdominal and
back pain, hot sensation,sleepi-
lnltatlonEfhMs TypeofPesliclde
Minimal rashes,but readily Loss of appetite,weakness.weight Insecticides,Acamcides
absorbedthrough the skin. loss, and generalfeeling of
sickness, Occ8sion8llypemutnent
harm to brain and nerve system.

Minimal rashes,but readily Loss of appetite,weakness,weight Insecticides,Acaricides

absorbedthrough the skin. loss, and generalfeeling of
Minimal rashes,but readily Somebuildup in the fat tissues. Insecticides.Acaricides
absorbedthrough the skin. May causenervousness,weak-
ness,and shaking. Somebuildup
in glands and damagecells and
hormone production.

Minimal Skin and respiratory tract allergic Insecticides,acaricides

Minimal, but readily absorbed - Insecticides
through the skin.

Irritates skin, eyes,and respiratory - Insecticides,acaricides

- -

- - Gmwtb regulator

Stinging, burning, itching, tin- Insecticides

gling, numbnessof skin.

- - Insecticides

Irritates and bums skin and - Insecticide

respiratory tract.

- Insecticide.miticides
Skin rash. sweet taste.

Appendix: Efects of Pesticides on the Human Body

Family ActiononHuman
System AcuteSystemic
13.Propargite Irritants; Low systemictoxicity. Minimal

14. Diflubenzuron. Teflubenturon Low systemictoxicity. Minimal

15.Chlorobenzilate Irritants: Low systemictoxicity. Minimal

16.Cyhexatin Irritants: Probableharm to nervous Probableheadache,nausea.

system. vomiting, dizziness,avoidanceof
17. Methoprene Very low systemictoxicity. Minimal

18. Sulfur lrritant; Low systemictoxicity. Minimal

19. Diethyltoluamide Irrit8nts; Low systemictoxicity, Headache,restlessness,crying

except to children. spells. stupor, tremors.

20. Alkyl Phthalates Ifritants: Low systemictoxicity. gtOm8Ch-and intestine-lining


2 I. Benzyl Benzoate Irrit8nts; Low systemictoxicity. Minimal

22. Arsenicals Irritants; Harms liver, kidney, Headache.burning stOm8Chpain,

brain, bone marrow, and nervous vomiting, diarrhea,dizziness;
system. garlic odor on breath and feces.

23. Chlorophenoxy Compounds Irritants; Hanns liver, kidney, and Do not remain in body; passedout
nervoussystem; within hours or days.
May causeskin to discolor.

24. Nitrophenolic and Harms liver, kidneys, and nervous Headache,weakness,thirst,

Nitrocresolic Pesticides system. excessivesweating, feeling of
overall illness; Yellow stain on
skin, hair, and urine is chamcteris-

25. Pentachlorophenol Irritants; Harms liver, kidneys, and Headache,weakness,nausea.

nervoussystem. excessivesweating.dizziness,
fever, rapid breathing. intense
thirst. vomiting, restlessness.
InltafionEltack DalayedlAllerOtc
Effects fme ofPesticide
Severeskin and eye itritant. Probableskin sensitizer. Acaricide
- Insecticide

Skin and eye irritant. Tumors observedin laboratory Acaricide

- Acaricide
Mild skin irritant.

- - Insecticide

Irritates eyes,skin, and respiratory - Acaricide: Fungicide


Very irritating to eyes,mild skin - Insect repellent

irritation and peeling, except
severeskin irritation in tropical
- Insect repellent
Severelyirritating to eyesand
mucousmembranes.not irritating
to skin.

Occasionally irritating to skin. - Acaricide

Swelling of mouth and throat, Accumul8tesin body; Chronic Rodenticides.Insecticides,

irritating to eyes,nose,and throat. headaches,dizziness,stomach Acaricides. Marine antifouling
aches,salivation,low fever, garlic compounds,Desiccants,Herbi-
breath; Skin, liver, kidney, and cides,Fungicides
blood systemdisorders;Possible
skin 8nd lung c8ncer.

Irritating to eyes,skin, lungs, Severedisfiguring skin condition Fungicides

mucousmembranes. (chloracne)in manufacturing

Moderately irritating sensationsto Weight loss, cataracts,glaucoma. Herbicides

skin. eyes,nose,and throat.

Highly irritating to skin, eyes, Weight loss, weakness,anemia. Herbicides,Defoliants, Mollusci-

nose,and throat. Severedisfiguring skin disorder in tides. Germicides,Fungicides,and
manufacturingworkers. Wood preservatives.

Appendix: Effects of Pesticides on the Human Body
Family ActionenHuman
System AcufeSystemic
26. Paraquatand Diquat Irrit8nts; Harms skin, nails, Burning pain in mouth, throat,
cornea,liver, kidney, linings of stomach.and intestine. nausea,
stomachand intestine, and heart. vomiting, diarrhea, giddiness,
Severedelayedhaxmto lungs. fever.

27. Acetarnides blitants Minimal

28. Anilides Init8llts Minimal

29. Aliphatic Acids I&ants Minimal

30. Benzamide Irritants; Low systemictoxicity. Minimal

3 1. Benzoic Acid and Anisic Acid Irritants Minimal

32. Benzonitriles Irritants Minimal

33. BenzothiadiazinoneDioxide Irrknts Minimal

34. Dithio and Thio Carbamates Irritants; Very weak or no inbibi- Nausea,vomiting, diarrhea,
tion of cholinesteraseenzymein weakness.
35. Carbanilate Irritants; Very weak or no inhibi- Minimal
tion of cholinestnase enzymein
36. Chloropyridinyl Irritants Minimal

37. CyclohexenoneDerivative Init8nt.5 Minimal

38. Dinitronaminobenzene IRit8nts Minimal
39. Fluorodinitrotoluidine Com- Irritants Minimal
40. Isoxazolidinone blit8tlts Minimal
4 1. Nicotinic Acid hTit8nts Minim8l
Isopropylamine Derivative
42. Oxadiazolinone Low systemictoxicity. -

43. Phosphonates ItTit8tlts Mikllal

44. Phthalates(except endothall) IHit8nts Minimal

Effacts TypeofPesticide
Irritates and harms skin, nails, - Herbicides
nose,and eyes.

Moderately irritating to skin and - Herbicides

Irritates skin, eyes,and respiratory Skin sensitizers. Herbicides
Irritates skin, eyes,and respiratory - Herbicides
Occasionally irritating to skin. - Herbicide

Irritating to skin and respiratory - Herbicides

Moderately irritating to skin and Skin sensitizers. Herbicides, Fungicides
respiratory tract.
Irritates eyesand respiratory tract. - Herbicide
Irritates skin, eyes,mucous Skin sensitizers. Herbicides,Fungicides
membranes,and respiratory tract.

Irritates skin, eyes,mucous Skin sensitizers. Herbicides

membranes,and respiratory tract.

Irritates skin and eyes. - Herbicides

Irritant - Herbicides
Moderately irritating. - Herbicides

Mildly irritating. - Herbicides

Moderately irritating. - Herbicides

Irritating to eyesand skin. - Herbicides

- - Herbicides

Irritating to eyes, skin, and respi- - Herbicides

r8tory tr8ct.
Moderately irritating to eyes Herbicides
Appendix: Efects of Pesticides on the Human Body
Family ActiononHuman
System AcuteSystemic
45. Endothall Harms heart, blood vessels, Convulsions,shock, lack of
nervous system,and stomachand coordination, severeburning of
intestinal lining. stomachand intestine.
46. Picolinic Acid Compounds Irritants Minimal

47. Triazines Init8nt.s; Low systemictoxicity. Minimal

48. Triazole Minimal Minimal

49. Uracils Irritants Minimal

50. Urea derivatives Irritants Minimal

5 1. Thiophthahmides Irritants; Low systemictoxicity Minimal

52. Copper Irritants; Harms stomachand Prompt vomiting, burning pain in

intestinal lining, brain, liver, chest,diarrhea.headache,sweat-
kidneys, and blood system. ing.
53. OrganomercuricCompounds Harms netvoussystemand Delirium, muscle weakness.lack
kidneys. of coordination, numbnessin
fingers and face, slurred speech,
hearing loss.
54. Organotin Itritants; Harms brain, stomach, Headache,vomiting, dizziness,
and intestines. convulsions,stomachpain.
55. Cadmium Irritants; Harms lungs. kidney, Headache,cough, labored breath-
blood system,liver. stomachand ing. chest pain. nausea,vomiting,
intestinal lining. diarrhea,abdominalpain.
56. Anilazine Irritants: Low systemictoxicity. Minim81
57. Cycloheximide Low systemictoxicity. -

58. Dodine Irritants; Low systemictoxicity. Nausea,vomiting, dianhea, harm

to stomachand intestinal lining.
59. Iprodione. Metalaxyl, Slight Irritants; Low systemic Minimal
Terrazole. Thiabendazole, toxicity.
Triadimefon. Triforine
60. Coumarins, Indandiones, Preventsblood from clotting. Minimal, blood in urine.
and Other Anticoagulants
imitationEffects Deiayed/Aiie~ic
Etfects Typeof Pesticide
Irritating to eyes, skin, and mu- - Herbicides, Algicides
cous membranes.

Irritating to skin, eyes,and respi- - Herbicides

ratory tract.
Moderately irritating to skin, eyes, - Herbicides
and respiratorytract.
Slight irritant effect. - Herbicide

Irritate skin, eyes,and respiratory - Herbicides

Irritate eyes,skin, and mucous - Herbicides
Irritates skin, eyes,and respiratory Skin sensitizers. Fungicides
Irritates skin, respiratorytract, and - Fungicides
particularly the eyes.Corrosive to
Minim81 Weaknessand lack of coordina- Fungicides
tion in armsand legs: difftculty
talking and swallowing; perma-
nent nerve and brain damage.
Irritates eyes,skin, and respiratory - Fungicides,Antifouling paints
. Very irritating to respiratorytract. Harm to kidneys. liver, blood Fungicides
system,bone structure.

Irritates skin. -’ Fungicides


Irritates skin and eyes. - Fungicides

Slightly irritating to eyesand skin. - Fungicides

Bleeding gums and nose. - Rodenticides

Appendix: Eflects of Pesticides on the Human Body
Family @on onHuman
System AcuteSystemic
6 1. Yellow Phosphorous Corrosive; Highly toxic; Harms Breath has garlic odor, Fecesmay
heart, blood system,liver, brain, glow and smoke; Vomiting,
and kidneys. diarrhea,lethargy, restlessness,
irritability, burning pain in throat,
stomach,and intestines.
62. Zinc Phosphide Highly toxic; Harms liver. kid- Intensenausea stomachpain,
neys, nervoussystem,heart; excitement,chills, cough.
Severerespiratory and intestinal
63. Thallium sulfate Harms nervoussystem,lungs, Stomachpain, nausea,diarrhea,
heart, blood vessels,kidney, liver, salivation, headache,Iethargy.
and lining of stomachand intes- tremors,muscle weakness.
64. Sodium Fluoroacetate Extremely toxic. Harms heart and StOm8Ch pain, vomiting. halluci-
brain. nation, nervousness.
65. Strychnine and Crimidine Acts directly on cells in the brain Blue skin color, violent convul-
and spinal cord. sions.
66. ANTU and Norbormide Low systemictoxicity, except in -
huge doses.
67. Red Squill Low systemictoxicity. Prompt vomiting and nausea.
68. Pyriminil Very toxic; Harms nervous Nausea,vomiting, diarrhea,
system,brain, and 8re8 around the stomachcramps,chills, confusion,
heart. weakness,chestpains.
69. Cholecalciferol Harms liver, kidney, and heart Weakness,headache,nausea,
tissue. excessthirst and urine.
70. Napthalene Irritants; Harms kidneys and blood Headache,dizziness,MUsta.
system. vomiting.
7 1. Methylene Chloride Harms stomach.intestines,liver, Fatigue, weakness.
and kidney.
72. Methyl Bromide Itritsuus; Serioush8rm to lungs; Coughing of frothy fluid; Severe
Harms nervoussystem. shortnessof breath. drowsiness.
shaking, we8kness.
73. Chloroform. Carbon Irritants; Harms liver and kidneys. Dizziness,loss of sensationand
Tetmchloride. Ethylene Dichloride motor power, unconsciousness.
74. Ethylene dibromide Severeirritants; Harms lungs, Dizziness,headache,fatigue,
liver, kidney, and lining of stom- cough, abdominal pain.
ach and intestine.
75. Dibromochloropropane Severeirritant; Harms liver and Headache.nausea,vomiting,
kidney. slurred speech,confusion.

m Applying Pesticides Correctly

inltationEffects , Deiayed/Aiietgic
Effects fme ofPesticide
Corrosive to skin. eyes,and - Rodenticides

Irritates skin and mucousmem- - Rodenticides

branes;very irritating to respira-
tory tract.

Minimal Confusion, damageto nervous Rodenticides

system.partial paralysis,damage
to sight.

- Rodenticides

- Rodenticides

- - Rodenticides

- - Rodenticides

Minim81 - Rodenticides

- - Rodenticides

Irritates eyesand respiratory tract. Skin sensitizer Rodenticides

- - Fumigants

Severebums, itching and blisters Lack of coordination, muscle Fumigants

on skin. weakness,confusion.

Irritates respiratory tract. - Fumigants

Severelyirriuttes respiratory tract. Damageto male reproductive Fumigants

Corrosive to eyesand skin. organs.

Irritating to skin, eyes.and respi- Sterility, eye damage. Fumigants

mory tract.

Appendix: Eflects of Pesticides on the Human Body
Family ActiononHuman
System AcuteSystemic
76. Dichloropropene, Strong irritants; Hanns liver, Breathing spasms.
Dichloropropane kidney and heart tissue.
77. Paradichlorobenzene i&ants; Low systemictoxicity. Minimal

78. Ethylene Oxide, Propylene Irritants; Harms lungs and heart. Headache,nausea,vomiting,
Oxide weakness,cough of frothy, bloody
79. Formaldehyde, Irritants; Harms kidney, blood Asthma, abdominalpain.
Paraformaldehyde systemsand lining of stomachand
80. Acrolein hritants; Harms lungs, kidneys, Asthma, abdominalpain.
blood systemand lining of stom-
ach and intestine.
8 1. Sulfur Dioxide Strong irritant to lungs and throat. Respiratorydistress.

82. Chloropicrin Initants Vomiting, abdominalpain.

83. Sulfuryl Fiuoride Harms lungs and kidneys. Weakness,nausea,vomiting,

cough, muscletwitching, convul-
84. Carbon Disulfide Irritants; Harms nervoussystem; Dizziness,headache.nausea,and
Delayed harm to kidney and liver. disorientation.

85. Phosphine Irritants; Harms lungs, liver, Nausea,vomiting, dizziness,

kidneys, heart, and nervous weakness,shaking,cough, diff-
system. culty in breathing,intensethirst.
86. Hydrogen Cyanide, Irritants; Harms brain and heart Headache,nausea,constriction of
Actylonitrile tissues. throat. dizziness,nervousness,
87. Metaldehyde Harms stomachlining, kidney, Salivation, cramps,vomiting,
liver. tremors.
88. Aminopyridine Disrupts nervoussystemfunc- Thirst, nausea,dizziness.weak-
tions. ness,excessivesweating.
89. Calcium Cyanamide Irritants Flushing, headache,low blood
pressure,difficulty breathing.

90. Sodium Chlorate Irritants: Harms intestinal lining, Swelling of mouth and throat, pain
nervoussystem,and kidneys. in esophagus,stomachand intes-
tine, restlessness,nausea.vomit-
ing, diarrhea.

Applying Pesticides Correctly

Eftects Delayed/Allergic
Efiects lme ofPesticide
Severelyirritate skin, eyes.and - Fumigants
Mildly irritating to noseand eyes. - Fumigants

Blistering and erosion to skin. Skin sensitizer. Fumigants

Irritating to eyesand respiratory Systemicsensitizer Fumigants

tract; hardensand roughensskin.

Severeeye and respiratorytract - Fumigants.Herbicides

iiritant; Blisters on skin.

Severelyirritating to eyesand - Fumigants

respiratory ttact.
- Fumigants
Severelyirritating to
and respiratory tract.
Irritating to eyes,nose,and throat. Harm to lungs and kidneys. Fumigants

Irritates eyes,nose,and throat. Painful tingling and weaknessin Fumigants

armsand legs; loss of mental
functions; blindness,deafness,
Mildly irritating to respiratory - Fumigants
. tract.




Itritates skin: May be caustic to Fungicidesand Herbicides

skin and severelyirritating to
Irritates skin, eyes,and respiratory Herbicides, Defoliants

Appendix: EA’pctsof Pesticides on the Human Body

Family ActlononHumanSystem AcuteSystemic
9 1. Creosote Irritants; Harms brain tissue. Salivation, vomiting, abdominal
lining of stomachand intestine. pain, headache,dizziness,chills,
92. Hexachlorobenzene Irritants; Low systemictoxicity; -
chronic systemiceffects.
93. Pentachloronitrobenzene Minimal -

94. Dichloran Minimal -

95. Chlorothalonil Irritants -

96. Chloroneb Irritants -

97. Benomyl Low systemictoxicity. -

irritationEtiects Oaiayed/AllargIc
Effects Typeof Pesticide
Severelyirritates skin. eyes,and Skin irritation, skin discoloration; Wood preservatives,Insecticides,
mucousmembranes. Rarely gangreneand skin cancer. Disinfectants

Minimal Injures liver and blood system. Fungicides

- Possibleskin sensitizers Fungicides

- - Fungicides

Irritates eyes.mucousmembranes, Skin sensitizer,rarely. Fungicides

and respiratorytract.
Moderately irritating to skin and - Fungicides
- Skin sensitizer. Fungicides

Appendix: Eflects of Pesticides on the Human Body

Indexfor PesticideEffectsChar!
The number following eachpesticideon the list below refers to the number correspondingto the pesticide

1080,60 Apritox. 1 Apl-Luster. 59 Barricade. 9

23.6TBA. 3I Apsan. 53 Appcx. I Barrier. 32
2.4.5 trichlorophenoxyacctic Agrotect, 23 apfocarb. 2 barrhrin. 9
acid, 23 Agrothion. I Apron. 59 Basagran. 33
2.4.5-T. 23 Agroxonc. 23 Aquacide. 26 Basalin. 39
2.4-D. 23 Akar. I5 Aqua-Klecn, 23 Basanitc. 24
2.4-DB. 23 Akzo Chcmie Mancozcb, 34 Aqualin. 80 Basfapon. 29
24dichlorophcnoxyacetic Akzo Chemic Maneb. 34 Aquathol. 45 BASF-Maneb Spritzpulver. 34
acid. 23 alachlor. 28 Aquatin. 54 Bash. I
2.4-dichlorophmoxybutytic Alanox. 28 Aquazine. 47 Batasan, 54
acid, 23 aldicarb. 2 Aquinite. 82 Baypon. 2
24dichlotophenoxypropionic aldrin, 3 Arbotcct. 59 Bayleton. 59
acid. 23 Aldritc. 3 Arclin. 50 Bayrusil, I
2.4DP. 23 rliphatic acids. 29 Arrhenal. 22 Baytcx. I
2-methyl-3,6 dichlotobcnzoic alkyl phthalarcs. 20 Arsenal, 4 I Baythion. I
acid. 23 Alledwin, 9 arsenic acid. 22 Baythroid.9
2-mcthyl4chlorophenoxy allidochlor. 27 arsenic pesticides. 22 Beet-Klccn. 35
aliphatic acids and esters. 23 Allisan, 94 arsenic trioxidc. 22 Bclpran. 50
CAminopyridinc. 88 Alon, 50 arsmous oxide, 22 Bclmark, 9
4AP. 88 AIP. 85 Arsim. 22 bcndiocarb. 2
A7 Vapam. 34 alpha-napthyl thiourca. 60 Arsinyl. 22 Bcnefin. 39
AASTAR. 1.9 alphametrin, 9 Arsonate Liquid. 22 Bmcx, 97
AAtack. 34 Altosid. I7 Asana. 9 bmfluralin. 39
Aaterm. 59 aluminum pbosphidc. 85 Aspon. I Benlate. 97
AAtrex. 47 Amaze, I Aspor. bcnoInyl. 97
Abate. I Ambox. 24 asulam, 34 bcnsulide. I
Abathion. I Ambush. 9 Asulox. 34 bwuazon, 33
Abol. 2 Amed. 48 Awntol. I Bmzac. 3 I
Acataben. 15 Ametrcx, 47 AT-90.48 knzamidc. 30
Accelerate. 45 amenyn. 47 Armax. 47 Bcnzilan. I5
Accotab. 38 Amex. 38 Attatol. 90 Bcnzofumlinc. 9
ACcothion. I amibcn. 3 I atmton. 47 benzoic. anisic acid
acephatc. I Amine 2.45-T. 23 Armtone. 47 derivatives. 3 I
retamides. 27 aminocarb. 2 atmzinc. 47 benzonitriles, 32
Acme amine. 23 4-aminopyridittc. 88 Auks. 34 benzothiadiazinone
Acme Bury1 Ester. 23 amino-triazole, 48 Avadex, 34 dioxide. 33
Acme LV. 23 Amiral. 59 Avicol. 93 Benzyl Bcnzoate. 2 I
Acrcx. 24 Amitrol-t. 48 Avittol. 88 Berelex. 8
Acricid. 24 amitrolc. 48 Amc.34 Bemw. I2
Acritet. 86 Ammo, 9 Aur.34 Betasan. I
acmlein. 80 Amoxone. 23 azinphos methyl, I Bexton, 28
acrylaldehydc, 80 anilazine. 56 Aaodrin. I BH 2.4-D. 23
Actylofume. 86 anilidcs. 28 Aaolan. 48 BH 2,4-DP. 23
acrylonitrilc. 86 &sic acid derivatives. 31 Azole. 48 BHC. 3
Actellic. I Atmu. 22 bacillius thuringicnsis. 7 Biccp. 27
Actidione, 57 Anthio. I Bactimos. 7 Bidrin, I
A&pray. 57 Anticarie. 92 Bactospinc. 7 binapacryl. 24
Activol. 8 Antimilace. 87 Bactur, 7 biopcrmcthrin. 9
Actor. 26 ANTU. 60 Balan. 39 biorcsmethrin. 9
Afakm. 50 4-Ap. 88 Balfin. 39 Birlane. I
Afesin. 50 Apachlor. I Ban-Ha, 49 Black Leaf 40.5
Aficida. 2 Apex. I7 Banvel. 23.31 Bladafum, I
Afupan. I Aphox. 2 barban. 35 Bladex. 47

Applying Pesticides Correctiy


Bo-Ana. 1 Caldron. 24 chlorobenzilate, I5 Cosan. I8

Bolate. 22 Caliber. 47 chloroform. 73 Cotoran. 50
Bolero. 34 CAMA. 22 Chloro-IPC. 35 Cottonex. 50
Bolls-Eye. 22 Canadien. 60 chloroneb, % coumachlor. 60
Bolstar. I Can-Tml. 23 chlomphacinone, 60 coumafene. 60
bomyl. I Caparol. 47 Chlorophen, 25 coumafuryl. 60
Bophy. 22 Captaf, 5 I chlorophenothane. 3 coumaphos. I
berates. I I Captofol. 5 I Chlor-0-Pit. 82 coumarins. 60
borax. I I captan. 5 I chlompicrin, 82 coumatetralyl. 60
Bordeaux Mixture. 52 captanex. 5 I chlompyridinyl. 36 Counter, I
Borea, 49 Carbactyl. 86 Chlorothalortil. 95 Cov-R-Tox. 60
Boric acid. I I Carbamult. 2 chlomtolumn. 50 Crab-E&d. 22
boron trioxide. I I carbattilates, 35 Chlomxone, 23 Crag Turf Fungicide 53 I. 55
Bottan. 94 carbaryl. 2 chlomxumn. 50 creosote. 9 I
Bottilcx. 93 Carbazinc. 34 chlomphoxim. I crimidine. 65
Bravo. 95 carbofuran, 2 chlorpmpham. 35 Crisalamina. 23
Brescan, 54 carbon disubide, 84 chlorpyrifos. I Crisamina. 23
Brimstone. I8 carbon tetrachloride. 73 chlorthaldimethyl, 44 Crisazirta. 47
Bmdan. I carbophenothion. I chlorthiophos. I Crisfolatan. 5 I
bmdifacoum. 60 Carbyne. 35 cholecalcifeml. 60.69 Crisfuran. 2
bromacil. 49 Carpem. 97 Chtysmn. 9 Crisquat, 26
bmmadiolone. 60 Carwl. 2 cinerins. 4 Crisuron. 50
Bromax. 49 Casomn. 32 Ciodrin, I Crop Rider, 23
Bromofume. 72 casuix. 60 cismethrin. 9 Cmssbow. 36
Bmm-O-Gas. 72 CCN52.9 Classic. 50 Cmtothane. 24
Bmm-O-Gaz. 72 CDAA. 27 Clifton Sulfur, I8 cmtoxyphos. I
bmmomcthane. 72 Cekiumtt. 50 clathrcarb. 2 crufomate, I
Bmmorte. 60 Ceku CB, 92 ClottoCaffaro. 95 ctyolite. IO
bmmophos. I Ckeugib. 8 Clortosip. 95 Cuman. 34
bromophos-ethyl. I Cekumeta, 87 cobex, 39 cupric oxide. 52
Bmm-O-Sol. 72 Ckeuquat, 26 Codal, 27 cupmus oxide. 52
Broot, 2 Cekttsan. 47 &mite. I3 Cumcmn. I
Bud-Nip, 35 Cekusil. 53 command, 40 Curamil. I
Bueno. 22 Cela W-524.59 Compound 1080.64 curaterr. 2
bufencarb. 2 Celathiort. I Cotltrac, 60 Curitan. 58
Bug-Gcta. 87 Celfurne. 73 Cotmaven. I cyanamide. 89
Busan. 35 cehner, 53 copper acetate, 52 Cyanide. 86
Butoxat. 23 Celmide. 74 copper acetoarsenite. 22 cyanofenphos. 1
Butoxone. 23 ccresan. 53 copper ammonium cyttnophos.1
buttalitt. 38 certatt. 7 carbonate. 52 cyanox. I
butylate. 34 chemBUn34 copper arsettite. 22 cyclethrin. 9
Butyrac. 23 Chem Fish. 6 copper carbonue. 52 cycloate. 34
Bux. 2 ChemPelsC22 copper hydroxide. 52 cyclohexenone derivative, 37
BW-21-Z. 9 Chem Rice, 28 Copper Lime dust. 52 cycloheximide. 57
cacodylic acid. 22 Chem Zitteb. 34 copper linoleate. 52 Cyclon. 86
Caddy. 55 Chemox General. 24 copper naphthenate. 52 Cyflec. I
Cadminate. 55 Chemox PE, 24 copper oleate, 52 cyfluthrin, 9
cadmium chloride. 55 Cbemsect DNBP. 24 copper oxychloride. 52 Cygon. I
cadium pesticides. 55 Chemsect DNDC. 24 copper phenyl salicylate. 52 cyhexatin. I6
cadmium sebacatc. 55 Chem-Sen 56,22 copper potassium sulfide. 52 Cylan. I
cadium succinate. 55 Chipco Thiram. 34 copper quinolinolate. 52 Cymbush. 9
cadium sulfate. 55 Chipco Turf Herbicide “0”. 23 copper resinate. 52 Cympetator. 9
Cad-Ttete, 34.55 chloramben. 3 I copper silicate, 52 Cyolane. I
Caid. 60 Chlotxfan. 3 copper sulfate. 52 Cyperkill. 9
Calar. 22 chlordarte. 3 copper sulfate tribasic. 52 cypcrmcthtin. 9
calcium acid methane chlordecone. 3 co-Ital. I cypma. I
arsonate. 22 chlordimeform. I2 Co-Rax. 60 Cyprex, 58
calcium arsenate. 22 chlotfenvinphos. I Comzate. 34 CYNX, 9
calcium arsenite. 22 chlorimuron ethyl. 50 Cony’s Slug and Snail cythioate. I
calcium cyanamide. 89 chlormephos. I Death, 87 Cytml. 48


Cytmlanc. 1 Dicamba. 23.3 I diphacin. 60 Dyrene. 56

2.4-D. 23 Dicarbam. 2 diphacinone. 60 E-48. I
2.4-DB. 23 dichlobenil, 32 . Dipher. 34 E-601, I
D500.23 dichlofettthion. I Dipterex. I E-405. I
Dacamine. 23 Dichloran. 94 Dipytidyls. 26 Eatthcide. 93
Daconatc, 22 dichlorethanc, 73 Diquat. 26 Easy off-D. I
Daconil2787.95 2.4-dichlomphenoxyacctic Direx. 50 Ectiban. 9
Dacthal, 44 acid. 23 Dirimal. 38 WB. 74
Dailon. 50 2.4-dichlorophenoxybutytic disodium arsenate. 22 ED-Bee, 74
Dattitol, 9 acid. 23 disodium methane arsonate. 22 WC. 73
Dapacryl. 24 2.4-dichlomphenoxypropiatic disulfoton. I edifenphos. I
Dart. I4 acid. 23 Disystott, I Ekamet. I
Daaattit, I dichlompmpaw 76 Di-tat. 22 Ekatin. I
DBCP. 75 dichlompropne. 76 Dame. 34 Eksmin. 9
DCNA, 94 dichlompmpane plus Dithione. I Elgetol. 24
DCPA, 44 dichloropmpette. 76 ditranil, 94 Eloemtt. 2
D-D. 76 dichlotopropionic acid. 29 Diurex, 50 Embutox, 23
DOD. 3 dichlorvos. I Diurol. 50 emerald green, 22
DOT. 3 dicofol. 3 diumn. 50 Etnisan. 53
DDVP. I dicmtophos. I DLP-87.68 Emulsamine BK. 23
Debmussaillant @JO,23 Dicutan. 50 DMA. 22 Etnulsamirte E-3.23
Decabane. 32 dieldtin. 3 DMA 4.23 Edosan, 24
decamethrin, 9 Dieldtite. 3 DMP. 20 etldosulfan. 3
Dechlorane. 3 diemehlor. 3 DNAP. 24 ettdothall. 45
C&c. 9 diethyltoluamide, I9 DNBP. 24 encbthion. I
Ded-Weed. 23.29 difenacoum, 60 DNC, 24 Endrirt.3
Ded-Weed SULV, 23 difenoxuron. 50 DNOC. 24 Enux. I
DEET’. I9 Difluberuuron, I4 Duditte, 97 Etcvert. 23
DEF, I Difolatan. 5 I Dojyopititt. 82 EPBP. I
DeFend. I Dilic, 22 Dolochlor. 82 EPN, I
De-Fol-Ate. 90 Ditnecmtt. I Dommne. 23 epoqdme, 78
Deftor, 50 dimefox. I Dodlo. 50 b-.34
DeGreen I dimcphenthonte. I Domnex, 50 EPrc. 34
Deiquat. 26 dimetm. 2 Emdiaute. 34
Delnav. I Ditnechatt. 2 E.29 Enze.60
deltatnethtin. 9 dimethoak. I ZPDP. 23 Erbtt. 28
demetcm.I ditwhtin. 9 DPA. 28 esfatvakrate. 9
detneton-S-methyl. I dimethyl phthalate. 20 DPX 1410.2 Emam. 26
Dettarin. 59 Dimilin. 14 Dnt.60 Estone. 23
Dewm, 90 dinitramine. 39 Dnwinol. 24 ethalflutalin. 39
Des-i-cate. 45 Dinitro. 24 rha7.a.2 Ethutox. I
Desk. 24 Dinitm-aminokrwne Dmcar 530.22 Erhazol. 59
Detamide. 19. derivatives. 38 Drcxel Defol. 90 etbiul. 1
Dethdiet, 67 dinitmcresol. 24 Drinox. 3 ahopmp. 1
Devizeb. 34 dinitmphettol, 24 DmpLeaf. 90 ethyl pamthion. I
Dextnme, 26 dinobutott. 24 DtupiM90.34 ahyhrh 3
Dexumn. 26 dinocap. 24 DSE. 34 etbylette dituomide. 74
Di-on. 50 Dinofen. 24 DSMA. 22 echylette dichloride, 73
Di-Tat, 22 dinopenton. 24 Du-nr. 54 ethylm oxide, 78
Diacon, I7 dittoprop. 24 Dual. 27 ETO. 78
dialifor. I dimsatn. 24 Dunphos. 1 urhnfos. I
diallate. 34 dinoseb. 24 Duratox. I Euofolatt. 2
Dianex. 22 dimsulfcm, 24 Dursb8tc. I Evik. 47
Diaract, I4 dinoterb. 24 Duter, 54 Exotherm Term& 95
Diater. 50 dii. 24 Dwell. 59 E-Z-Off 0. I
dituinott, I Dittoxol. 23 DYcub. 2 Fat. I
Dibtum, I Dia 50 Dyclotnec. 32 Fall. 90
dibmmochlwpmpane.76 dioxacarb. 2 w-. I Famfos, I
dibmntathatte. 74 dioxathiort. I Dylox. I Fatnid. 2
dibutylphthalate. 20 Dipel. 7 DyMmytc. 24 fatnphur, I

Farmco. 23 furethrin. 9 hepcenophos. I Kerb. 30

Ferberk. 34 Furla. 35 Herald. 9 Kildip. 23
fenamiphos, I furmarin, 60 Herb-All, 22 Kill-All, 22
fenchlorphos. I Futura. 7 Hcrbalt. 50 Kill-K0 Rat Killer. 60
fenitrothiott, I G 28029. I Herbaxon. 26 Kiloseb. 24
Fenkill. 9 GA,. 8 Herbicide 273.45 Kitazin. I
fenophosphon. I Galecron. I2 Herbidal. 23 Kiwi Lustr 277,94
fenpmpachrin. 9 Gallotox, 53 Herbizole, 48 Kletac. 60
fensulfothion, I gamma BHC. 3 Herbodox, 38 Klorex. 90
fenthion. I gamma HCH. 3 Herboxone. 26 KM. PO
fentin acetate, 54 Gardona, I hexachlorobenzene. 92 Knockmate. 34
fentin chloride. 54 Gardoprim. 47 hexachlomcyclohexane, 3 Koban, 59
fentin hydroxide. 54 Garlot~, 36 Hexadrin. 3 Kobu. 93
fertvalerate, 9 Gebutox, 24 Hexaferb. 34 Kobutol. 93
Ferbam. 34 Gesafram 50,47 Hexatharte, 34 Kopfumt. 74
Fermide. 34 Gesagard, 47 Hexathir. 34 Korlan, I
Femasan. 34 Gesamil. 47 Hexazir, 34 Ktenite. 43
Femesta. 23 Gesapax. 47 Hi-Yield Dessicanc H-IO. 22 Kmmad. 34
Femimine, 23 Gcsatamin, 47 Ha 002784.24 Ktyocide. IO
Fetnos, 2 Gesatop. 47 Hong Nien, 53 Krysid. 66
Femoxone, 23 gibberellic acid. 8 Hostaquick. I Kumulus S, 48
Ferxone, 23 Gibberellin, 8 Hostathiort. I Kusatol, 90
Ficam, 2 Gibtel, 8 hydmcyanic acid. 86 Kypfarin, 60
Final. 60 Glifottox. 43 hydrogen cyanamide, 89 Kypnan80.34
Flectmn. 9 Glycophene, 59 hydrogen cyanide, 86 Kypzin. 34
Flomcid. IO glyphosate, 43 Hydmthol. 45 Lacco Sulfur, I8
fluchlorallin. 39 Go-Go-San, 38 Hyvu. 49 Lance. 2
flucythrinate, 9 Golden Dew. I8 IBP. I Landrin. 2
fluomerumn. 50 Goldquar 276.26 Igrm. 47 Lmtlate. 2
fluorides. IO Gordon’s Amine. 23 Jtnidan. I Lanox. 2
fluomdinitmtoluidin, 39 Gordon’s Butyl Ester, 23 indandioclcs. 60 Larvicide. 82
fluvalinate. 9 Gordon’s Dymec Turf indothrh9 Lasso, 28
FMC 9044.24 Herbicide Amine 2.4-D. 23 Inverton 235.23 Lawn-Keep, 23
Folbex. I5 Gordon’s LV 400 2.4-D. 23 iodofettphos. I Laze, 28
Folcord. 9 Gordon’s Meccmee. 23 m.50 Lead Arsenate. 22
Folex. I Gordon-sPhettaban801.23 Ipfodione. 59 lettacil. 49
Foliaftmte. 6 Gramincm. 50 isofettphne. I hw=. 1
Folosan. 93 Gtartmeil. 26 isohtl. 2 Lexone. 47
Folpan. 5 I Gramottol. 26 isamerhiozin. 47 lindane, I7
Folpet, 5 I Gcamoxone. 26 Isopestox. I Line Rider. 23
Foltaf. 5 I Gnmuron. 26 isopnxh.2 Linex. 50
fottofos. I Gtanurcx. 50 impmpalin, 38 Linomx. 50
formaldehyde. 79 Gras&n. 50 isopmmm.50 Linurex. 50
fotmalin. 79 Gmzon. 46 htox. 3 linumn. 50
fotmctattate. 2 Griffex, 47 isoxathion, I Liphadiotte. 60
formothiott, I Grocel. 8 lsoxazolidinorte. 40 Liqua-Tox. 60
Formula 40.23 Gusathion. I jasmolins. 4 Liquid Sulfur, I8
Forron, 23 Guthion. I Jones Ant Killer, 22 Liquipherte, 53
Fonml, 47 Gypsine. 22 Kabac. I7 Litunion. 50
fosamine ammonium. 43 Haipen, 5 I Kack. 22 LMPI. 60
fosthietatt. I Haitin. 54 Kafil. 9 Lotlacol. 34
Fratol, 64 Halizan. 87 KpfilSuper. 9 LQmx, 50
French Green. 22 Hattane, I Kamchanc. 24 Lorsban. I
Fumatin. 60 Havoc, 60 Karbatiotl, 34 MM. 22
Fumitoxin, 85 HCB. 92 Karmex. 50 Macondray. 23
Ftmdal. I2 Hedcmal. 23 Kuphos. 1 Magnetic 6. I8
Funginex. 59 Hel-Fire. 24 Kayafume. 72 Maki. 60
Fungitrol 11.5 I Helothion. 1 Kelthane, 3 malathion, 1
Fungostop. 34 heptachlor. 3 Kemare. 56 MAMA, 22
Furadan. 2 WWF= 3 Kepone. 3 Mancoreb. 34

Index for Pesticide Eflects Chart

Mancozin. 34 merhoxyethyl mercury Nematocide. 75 Paris Green. 22
maneb, 34 pesticides, 53 Nemispor. 34 Parzace. 34
Maneba, 34 methyl bromide. 72 Neopynamin. 9 Pathclear. 26
Manesart. 34 2-methyl-3.6 dichlombenzoic Neosotexa PP580.60 Patoran. 50
Manex. 34 acide, 23 Nephis. 74 Pattonex, 50
Matczate. 34 methyl mercury pesticides. 53 Netagmne 600.23 Pay-off, 9
manzeb. 34 methyl parathion, I Nexagan. I PB-Nox. 6
Manzin. 34 methyl ttithion. I Neion. I PCNB. 93
Maposol. 34 methylcne chloride. 7 I NIA 9044.24 PCP. 25
Marlate. 3 metobromumn. 50 nicotine. 5 P.C.Q.. 60
Matacil, 2 metolachlor. 27 nicotine sulfate, 5 PDB. 77
Mavtik, 9 metoxumn. 50 nicotinic acid-isopropylamine PDQ. 23
MCPA, 23 metribuzin. 47 derivative. 4 I PEBC. 34
MCPB. 23 mevinphos. I Niotnil. 2 pebulace. 34
MCPP. 23 Mezene, 34 Nit&or, 24 Pencal. 22
M-Diphar. 34 MGK, I9 nitroehlomform, 82 Penchloml, 25
MeBr. 72 Micromite. I4 Nitmlime. 89 pendimethalin, 38
Mecopex. 23 Mcmzul. 60 Nicropone C, 24 Penite, 22
mecopmp. 23 Miller 53 I, 55 Nix, 9 Pemsamine 0.23
Melprex, 58 Milogard. 47 No Bunt, 92 Pennant. 27
MEMA, 53 MikHVo, 47 Nomersam. 34 Penncap-M. I
MEMC, 53 Minex. I7 Notnolt. I4 Penncozeb, 34
Meothtin. 9 mipafox. I norbotmide. 66 Penta. 25
mephosfolan, I MIF’C, 2 Noxfire. 6 Fklwlc. 3
mercaptophos. I Miracle, 23 Noxfish. 6 pentachlomnitmbenzene, 93
Mercuram. 34 minx. 3 NRDC 149.9 pentachlomphenate, 25
mercury pesticides. 53 mitis green. 22 Nudrin. 2 pentachlorophcnol, 25
Merge 823,22 Mocap. I Nusyn-Noxfish. 6 Pentacon. 25
Merpafol, 5 I Monitor, I Nuvanol-N. I Pentapen. 93
Merpan. 5 I monoammonium methane OFF. I9 Penwar. 25
metphos. I arsonate. 22 Gftattol, I Permnsetc. 9
Metsolite. 53 mtmo-ealcium arsenite. 22 Ofunack. I petmethrin, 9
Menect, 59 monoemtophos. I Otnite, I3 Penhane. 3
Mesamace. 22 monolinuron, 50 OMPA, 1 Penhrine, 9
Mesuml. 2 monosodium methane Gntracic 8000.47 Pestox. I
Metadelpbene. I9 lttsawe.22 otthene. I Phalton, 5 I
Metalaxyl, 59 Mot~umn. 50 Chtho Danitol. 9 Pharotid.51
metakkhyde. 87 Mom&k. 24 Gttho Diquat. 26 phetlcapIon. I
metalkamate, 2 Mormcid. 24 Onhohqmt.26 Phenoscat. 54
Metam-Fluid BASF. 34 MSMA. 22 chthocide.5I phettthoate, I
Metam-Sodium. 34 Multamat. 2 orynlitt, 38 Phentinoaeetate. 54
Mecason. 87 Mycodifol. 5 I Osaquu supa. 26 phenyl mercuric acetate. 53
Metasystox, I N-2790, I oust. 50 phettyl mercury ammonium
metaxcm. 23 nabam. 34 outflank9 aeetace. 53
methabenzthiazuron. 50 Nabasan, 34 Ovatoxin. I2 Phix. 53
methatnidophos, I ttaled. I Oxadiilinone. 42 phorate, I
Metham-Sodium, 34 Natnckil, 87 Oxamyl. 2 phoeme. I
Methane arsenic acid, 22 naphthalene. 70 oxiratte, 78 Phmdtin. I
Methar 30.22 Mphthene. 70 oxydemetort-methyl. I phosfolan. 1
methidathion, I naramycin. 57 oxydepmfos. I phosmet. I
ttrethiocarb, 2 NaTA. 29 Paarlan. 38 phosphamidon. I
Meth-G-Gas, 72 Nebutex. 50 Pamisan. 53 phosphine, 85
methoprette. I7 nebumn. 50 Panogen. 53 phostoxin. 85
Methoxotte M. 23 Neguvon. I Patwil. 59 Phosvcl. I
tnethoxychlor. 3 Netnrur, I Patacide. 77 Phosvin. 62
methoxyethyl mercury Nemafume. 75 Para-col, 26 phoxim. I
acetate, 53 Nemmax. 75 paradichlombenzene. 77 phthalates. 44
methoxyethyl mercury Nemaset. 75 parafonrtaldehyde. 79 phthalthrin, 9
chloride. 53 Nemasol. 34 Fataqua. 26 Phytar 560.22
Nem-A-T& I parathion. I Pic-clor. 82

picloram. 46 propargite. I3 Rodex-Blox, 60 sodium retraborate

picolinic acid 46 pmpazine, 47 Rodine, 60 dccahydrace. I I
Pillarquat, 26 propenal 80 Rody. 9 Sofril. I8
Pillarxone, 26 propetamphos. I Ro-Neet, 34 Sok-Bt, 12
pindone. 60 pmpoxur. 2 mnnel I Solasan. 34
pitimicarb. 2 propylene oxide. 78 Ronstar, 42 Sometam. 34
pirimiphosethyl. I pmpyl chiopyrophosphate. I Rotacide, 6 sonalan. 39
pirimiphos-methyl, I pmthoate. I mtenone, 6 Soprabel. 22
Pirimor, 2 Prowl, 38 Rotenone Solution IX- I I. 6 Sopranebe, 34
Pivacin, 60 Pmxol, I Roundup, 43 Spectracide. I
pival. 60 ptussic acid, 86 Rout (bromacil and diumn). 50 Spike, 50
pivaldione. 60 Pttrivcl. 50 Rozol, 60 spotrete. 34
Pivalyn, 60 Pydrin. 9 Ruelme. I spta-cid. 22
Place-Pax, 60 Pynamin. 9 Safrotin. I Spring Bak, 34
Plattotox, 23 Safsan. IO Spritz-HotmittQA-D,23
Plancgard. 23 ~~; Salvo arsenic. 22 Spritz-HormitL?,cl-0.23
Plictran, I6 w=oph=. 1 Salvo 2.4-D. 23 Sprout-Nip. 35
PMAA. 53 pyrethrins, 4 Sanspor. 5 I Spur, 9
PMAS, 53 pyrethmids, 9 Satttophen. 25 S-Seven, I
PMP Tracking Powder, 60 pyrethrum. 4 Saprol. 59 Scam, 28
Poast, 37 pyridaphenchion, I &telex. 50 Stampede, 28
Policar. 34 pytiminil. 68 satutlt. 34 Stimfos, I
Polybor. I I Pyrotmr. I I sehmdan, I Stomp, 38
Polymone, 23 Quilan. 39 Schweinfurt Green. 22 stmbatle. 3
Polyram M, 34 quinalphos. I scout, 9 strychnine, 65
Polycrin.9 Quintox. 69 see&ox. 53 subdue, 59
Pomarsol forte. 34 quintozene, 93 Selinon. 24 Subitex. 24
Pounce, 9 Racumin. 60 semcmrl, 47 Sul-Cide, I8
PP581.60 Rad-E-Gate, 22 Sencor. 47 Sulerex. 50
Pmmex. 9 mdione, 60 smeoml. 47 Sulfex. I8
Pmmicol. 47 Runpaee. 69 smcorex. 47 sulfometttmn methyl, 50
Rbatle, 47 R=T-l Seritox 50.23 sulfotep. I
Precor, I7 Ramrod, 28 aethoxydim. 37 sulfur, I8
Preeglone.26 Ramucide, 60 !kucce. 53 sulfur dioxide. 8 I
Prefar. I Randox, 27 sevitl. 2 sulfutyl fhtotide, 83
Rglone. 26 Rapid. 2 Shimmer-en, 53 sttlprofos. I
Rntox. 6 Ratak. 60 Shoxih 66 Sumicidin. 9
Pri@tte, 26 Raticace. 66 ridumn. 50 Sumithion. I
Primagram. 27 Ratilan. 60 timazine. 47 Super Cmb-E-Rad-Calar. 22
Primatol. 47 Ratimus. 60 simazol. 48 Super D Weedone. 23
Ptimcxtta 27 RatmneL 60 Smbar. 49 Super Dal-E-R&, 22
Ptimicid. I RWitlC.60 Sinituho. 25 Supemox. 28
Ptimin. 2 RAx.60 Sinox. 24 supemmua cotceellm.23
Ptincep, 47 red aquill. 67 Siperin. 9 Suptacide. I
Pmbstl. I Reglone. 26 Skeaal. 7 Surecide. I
Pmdahtmnol double, 22 Reglox. 26 soda.22 Surflan, 38
Fmdan, IO Rcgulex. 8 sodium ahtminofluotide. IO surpass. 34
pmfenofos. I Remasan Chlomble M. 34 sodium arsenate. 22 Surpur, 28
pmfluralin. 39 Resisan. 94 sodium biborate. I I sutan, 34
Pro-G&b. 8 resmethtin, 9 sodium cacodylate. 22 stuu, 54
Prolate, I Revenge, 29 sodium chlorate, 90 swat I
pmlin. 60 RH-787.68 sodium fluoahttnittatc. IO Sweep, 26
pmmecarb, 2 Rhodianebe. 34 sodium fluoride. IO Syllit. 58
pmmeton. 47 Rhodchme. 3 sodium fluomacetate. 64 Syttthrin, 9
Pmmettex. 47 Ridall-Zinc, 62 aodium fluosilieate. 10 systox. I
pmtnetryn. 47 Ridomil. 59 sodium pentaborate. 1 I 2.4.5-T. 23
pmnamide. 30 Ripcord. 9 sodium pentachloro- Tag. 53
propachlor. 28 Rise&. 28 phenate. 25 T&n, 24
Pmpanex. 28 Rodent Cake, 60 sodium siliio fluoride, IO Talhot. 22
pmpanil. 28 Rodex. 60 Talcord. 9

Index for Pesticide Eflects Chart

Talon. 60 Thitasan. 34 Trifocide. 24 WBA8107.60
Tatnex. 38 Thistrol. 23 Trifotine. 59 Weed fox. 23
TamoSam 60 Thiuramin. 34 * Ttifungol.34 Weed-B-Gon. 23
Tantizon.47 Thuricide. 7 Ttimangol. 34 Weed-E-Rad. 22
Target MSMA. 22 Ticzene. 34 Trimaron. 34 Weed-Ha. 22 \
Tattoo. 2 Tiguvon. I trimethacarb. 2 Weed-Rhap. 23
2.3.5-TBA. 3 I Tilcarex. 93 Trinoxol. 23 Weedar. 23
TBZ. 59 Tillam. 34 Tri-F’CNB. 93 Weedatul. 23
TCA. 29 Tinestan. 54 Ttiphenyl Tin. 54 Weedazol. 48
TCBA. 31 Tinmate. 54 Triple Tin, 54 Weedol. 26
TDE. 3 Timmpa. 34 Tripomol. 34 Weedone. 23
tebuthiumn. 50 me34 Ttiscabol. 34 Weedcrine-0.26
Tecto. 59 TMTDS. 34 Trithion. I Weedrml, 24
ceflubettzumn, I4 T-Nox. 23 Tritoftoml. 34 white arsenic. 22
Tekttar, 7 Tolbart. 39 T~ban. 59 Yasoknock. 64
Telone II, 76 Tolkan. 50 Tuads. 34 yellow phosphorus. 6 I
cemephos. I Toluex. 50 Tuban. 23 Zebtox, 34
Ternik, 2 Tomarin. 60 Tubothane. 34 Zerlate. 34
1080.64 Tomilon. 50 Tubotin, 54 Ziman-Dithane. 34
Tenoran. 50 Tmtorin. 60 Tuffcide. 95 zinc afscme, 22
TEPP, I Topicox, 60 Tupersan. 50 ztnc phosphide. 62
cerbacil, 49 Torak. I Tutcam. 2 Zinc-Tox. 62
terbucarb, 34 To&n. 46 Turf-Cal, 22 Zincmate, 34
terbufos. I Tcttacol, 26 Tutfiot~, 36 zineb. 34
terbuthylazine. 47 Toxakil, 3 u46.23 zinosan. 34
Tettntcrex, 47 toxaphecu. 3 Ultmcide. I zimm. 34
terbutryn. 47 Toxer Total. 26 Uniemp-cIPc. 35 Ziramvis. 34
tetpene polychlorinaces, 3 Tox-Hid. 60 Unicmp DNBP. 24 zirasan. 34
Tenaclor, 93 TPTA. 54 Unicmp Maneb. 34 Zirberk, 34
Terraklenc. 26 TPrH.54 Unidmn. 50 Zirex. 34
Termneb. 96 TFIGH. 54 Unimyal Do 14, I3 Ziride, 34
Termzole. 59 TRIO. 39 ultisarl. 53 zitox. 34
Term Ant Killer. 22 tmlotnett:rir,. 9 Umgan. 49 Zolone, I
Terr-O-Gas. 73 Tmtrtetaicr~.3J Umx B. 49 Zolvis. I8
Tersan. 97 Trattsamine. 23 Uataad. P zoocoumatin. 60
tetmchlorvinphos. I Tms-veft, 22 Vaeor. 68 zuox. 22
tecraethyl pymphosphatc. I Trcflan, 39 v8lone. 60 ZP. 62
tetmfhtomn. 50 tridimeftm. 59 Vancide. 34 ZR-515. I7
ceframethrin, 9 triallate. 34 vapam. 34
Tetmpom. 34 Triasyn, 56 vapona. I
Thallium. 63 Triazole. 48 Vaitox. 29
thallium sulfate, 63 uiazophos, I VC- I3 Nemacide. I
thiabendazok. 59 Tribac. 3 I vatal. 47
thikttzole, 59 Tribactur. 7 vectobac. 7
Thimer. 34 Tri-ban. 60 Vmtuml. 58
thimet, I Ttibunil. 50 vmzar. 49
thiobettcarb, 34 Tributort, 23 vemolate. 34
Thiodan. 3 triealciutn arsenate. 22 Vemc. 24
Thioknock. 34 Tricattmmix Z 34 Vi-Cad, 55
Thiolux, I8 ttiehlorfott. I Vikatte. 83
thiottteton. I trichlomacecic acid, 29 Volid. 60
Thion. I8 ttichlombenzoic acid, 3 I Voncaptan. 5 1
Thiophal. 5 I triehlomtnethane. 73 Vondodine.58
Thiophos. I trichlomnate. I Vondozeb. Plus. 34
thiophthalimides. 5I 24.5 trichlomphenoxy acetic volldumtl. 50
Tltiotepp. I rid. 23 VPM. 34
Thiotex. 34 triclopyr. 36 Vydate L. 2
Thiovit. I8 Tri-Clor. 82 warfarin. 60
thiram. 34 tricyclohexyl tin hydroxide. I6 Watfarin Q. 60
Thiramad. 34 triflumlin. 39 Wax Up 38

Applying Pesticides Correctly




Office c#rsUl tMt Are8 '.

Applied Biology Progrn Mr. Uillin A. Gebhart Navy-wide PestMsna@emmt ad

Nova1 Cuilities Engineerina <code16341 Uoed Protection Progrw
C' OSN 221-2480
2OD Stove11 Street 703-325-2480
Alexendria, VA 22332-2300 FAX 703-325~bpo4

Northern Diviaim (143) Mr. Staphen Kincaid Wne, Yew nrphire, Vemmt,
Neval Facilities Enor. Carnnd Mr. time Hahn Mumchmetts, Comwticut, Rhode Irland,
10 I~trial nw., stop B2 Mr. Jeffey J. Dads New York, Yeu Jersey, Pemsylvenia,
Lester, PA 19113-2090 Ms. Dims McPherson Detsuere, Rerylend, District of Colurbie,
and Northern Virginia.
(Also provides Applied Bioloay 215-595-0567
Progrrn services to Chesapeake DSN 443.0567
Division shore activities) FAX 215-595-6199

Northern Division (1WPF) Mr. Peter L. Fish Nevy-wide Uood Protection Specialist
DSH 443-0598
215-595-0598 FA% 215-595-0599

Atlentic Divirion (161A) Dr. Dsniel t. Maietlo Virginia (Norfolk erea), Uest Virginia,
Naval Facilities Engineering Kentucky, North Carolinn,
c-, 804-445-1859 Icelad, United Kin@dan, Greece, Egypt,
Norfolk, VA 23511 DSN 565.lb9 Italy, Spsfn, Antigua, Puerto Rico, Cba
FAX 006.4454653 Pnrr, Benrdr, Neufoudlud (Argentim)
tmbesa and Bahrdn

Southern Division, Code 16A Mr. C. Y. Bsmett Worth L South Cerolina, Georgia, Florida,
Navd Facilities Engimerim Mr. Melvin P. ltsrks Temesree, Al-, Arkenses, Wiosisrippi,
carrud, P.O. Box 100611 Rrr Sheron E. Bartku Texas, Louisiwbe, Dklah~, Neu Mexico,
Charleston, SC 29411 Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigen,
803-743-0508. 10, 11 Mimesota, Yirconsin, Kansas, Missouri,
(Also provides progrr services DSN 563-0508, 10, 11 Nebreska, North L South Dekote, Coloredo,
to Midwestern shore ectivities) FAK 803-743-0563 UydnS sdAndros Is., B&tars

&stem Division, (WA) Mr. A. Reese Chriotophersan Ale&e, Arizw, Nevds, Oregon,
Naval Fecflities EngineerinS 415-244-3573 DSR 494-35TJ uuhingtarl, ut8h, MerItMa, Ideho,
CasmtKl, P. 0. Box 727 end Celifomie
s8n&uw,cA 91066 Mr. Scott Dodrasky
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Southwestern Divirim) FAX 415-244-3511

Pecific Division, Cl14A) Mr. Lawrence Pinter Hwaii, Mi&ey, Gwn,

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Bob-471-394B DSN 430-3948
FAX 1108-471-5874

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Code lD6.2E in Japen (less Dkinaw)
Box 13, FW Seattle 98762 DSN 234-7414

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