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21st July 2016 Smart Burglar Alarm system using Raspberry Pi

Howdy and welcome!

What you're going to learn here is a very simple and naive implementation of a burglar alarm system using a Raspberry

Things you need:

1. Raspberry Pi (Any model. I used a RasPi 2 Model B).


2. A PIR motion detector sensor


3. Female-to-Female jumper cables (3 nos).


Programming language: Python.

APIs: Twilio APIs to send out message and call requests (hold your horses, you will learn what it does later).


The RasPi module has a series of pins to the right called the GPIO (General-purpose Input/Output) PINs. We're going to
use 3 of those pins.

PIN no. Location (look at the screenshot) Purpose

PIN 1 Left row, 1st PIN on the top 5V VCC (power supply)
PIN 5 Left row, 5th from the top Ground
PIN 4 Left row, 4th PIN Sensor PIN (To sense the output from the PIR)

Use the F-F jumper cables to connect the RasPi and the PIR sensor. PIR module's PIN configuration is as shown
below(be sure to connect to the right pins):


A little about Twilio:

Twilio is an opensource API provider who lets you send out text messages, calls through their APIs in your program.
You'll need to sign-up for an account here: [] (Its free!). Once you are
signed in, you will be provided with a twilio number, note it down. You'll use this in your code.

To send a text message:

Now, navigate to the "Verified Caller ID" and add a number to send the 'Burglar Alert' to (as shown below). You can add
as many numbers as you want.


Go to the home screen and select Dashbord. Copy the 'Account SID' and 'Auth token'.

To set-up a Call:

Go to this link [] and enter the message you would like to tell the person
who receives the call after detection. Select 'false' for transcribe. Copy the resulting URL.

IMPORTANT: Install the Twilio API libraries in your RasPi. Follow the steps here
[] .

The Code:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

import time
from import TwilioRestClient #libraries are already installed

sensor = 4 #initializing variable sensor to 4

GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #using Broadcom SOC channel

GPIO.setup(sensor, GPIO.IN,GPIO.PUD_DOWN) #pull up/down parameter

previous_state = False
current_state = False
auth_token ="your_auth_token_goes_here"
client = TwilioRestClient(account_sid,auth_token) #this is an inbuilt API

while True:
time.sleep(0.5) #delay created after every loop
previos_state = current_state
current_state = GPIO.input(sensor) #checks for input on PIN 4
if current_state != previous_state: # enters loop if PIN 4 is high
new_state = "HIGH" if current_state else "LOW"
print("GPIO pin %s is %s" % (sensor, new_state))
message = client.messages.create(to="any_verified_number", from_="your_twilio_number", body="Burgler Alert!!!! ")
call = client.calls.create(to="any_verified_number", from_="your_twilio_number", url="the_url_from_voicemail")

To run:
1.Open your terminal.
2. change directory to your program's location
3. python
4. move your hand over the PIR sensor, You should get a text message and a call any moment.

And folks, this will work ONLY if you have an internet connection to your RasPi!!!

Posted 21st July 2016 by Theo

Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

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