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Material for Annual Report 2018-19 pertaining to PME Cell

List of In-house/Collaborative Projects during 2018-19

Sr. Project Name Funded Project Leader & Period of Association Project Status
No by and Associates period
. Budget From To
1. Development of Dr. R.K. 01.10.2013 Till date 10/2013 On-going
continuous primary Vishwakarma (PI) 03/2019
processing and Dr. Ramesh Kumar 01.10.2013 31.03.2017
shrink packaging line (Co-PI)
for cauliflower and Ms. Leena Kumari 01.10.2013 30.06.2016
cabbage (Co-PI)
Dr. Manoj Kumar 01.06.2016 Till date
5. Design and Dr. Sandeep Mann 1.07.2014 Till date 07/2014 On-going
development of (PI) 06/2019
Wonder Bag for Dr. H.S. Oberoi 01.07.2014 15-11-2014
wheat storage (Co-PI)
Ms. Surya 01.06.2015 24.12.2018
Er. Akhoon Asrar 01.06.2016 Till date
Bashir (Co-PI)
should be
included in the
10. Design development Dr. D. M. Kadam 01.07.2015 19.06.2017 01-07- On-going
and evaluation of (PI) 2015
equipments/machine Er. Arun Kumar 01.07.2015 30.06.2017 31-03-
and storage structures
TV (Co-PI) 2019
for primary processing
and low temperature Ms. Leena Kumari 01.07.2015 11.09.2017
(Co-PI) (On Ph.D.
storage of onions in study leave
bulk. from
12.09.2017 to
(On Maternity
& Child Care
Leave from
13-10-2016 to
Ms. Surya (Co-PI) 01.07.2015 31.10.2017
Dr. Kalyani 01.07.2015 31.10.2017
Gorrepati, DOGR,
Pune (Co-PI)
New Project Team w.e.f. 01.11.2017
Dr. Bhupendra M. 01.11.2017 Till date
Ghodki (PI)
Dr. Dukare Ajinath 01.11.2017 Till date
Shridhar (Co-PI)
Dr. Pankaj Kumar 01.11.2017 Till date
Kannaujia (Co-PI)
19. Development and Dr. Rahul K. 01.07.2015 Till date 01-07- On-going
evaluation of active Anurag (PI) 2015
ethylene absorbing Dr. Tanweer Alam, 01.07.2015 Till date 30-06-
packaging film Indian Institute of 2019
material for selected Packaging, New
climacteric fruits. Delhi (Co-PI)
21. Development of Dr. Pranita Jaiswal 01.07.2015 19.06.2017 01-07- On-going
quality sensing (PI) 2015

system for Mrs. Leena Kumari 01.07.2015 11.09.2017 30-06-
mushroom and (Co-PI) (on Ph.D. 2019
study leave
minimally processed from
pomegranate arils 12.09.2017 to
(On Maternity
& Child Care
Leave from
13-10-2016 to
Dr. Rahul Kumar 01.07.2015 19.06.2017
Anurag (Co-PI) 20.06.2017 Till date
PI w.e.f.
Dr. Shammi 01.08.2015 Till date
Kapoor, Sr.
Mycologist, PAU 01.07.2015 31.07.2015
Ludhiana (Co-PI)
,in place of Dr.
O.P. Ahlawat,
Directorate of
Research, Solan
Dr. Th. 01.10.2018 Till Date
26. Development and Dr. Yogesh Kumar 01.07.2015 Till date 01-07- On-going
mechanization of low (PI) 2015
fat high fibre Dr Nitin Mehta, 01.07.2015 Till date 31-03-
functional meat GADVASU (Co- 2019
products PI)
Dr. Sandeep Mann 01.06.2016 Till date
29. Development of Dr. R.K. 01.07.2015 Till date 01-07- On-going
improved Process Vishwakarma (PI) 2015
and Machinery for Dr. Sangita Bansal 01.07.2015 19.06.2017 31-12-
enhanced Dhal (Co-PI) 2018
Recovery from Dr. Arvind Jaiswal 01.07.2015 22.03.2017
Pigeon Pea (Co-PI)
Dr. D. N. Yadav 01.06.2017 Till date
33. Newer methods for Dr. S. K. Tyagi (PI) 01.07.2015 Till date 01-07- On-going
energy efficient oil Dr. Manju Bala 01.07.2015 Till date 2015
extraction and novel (Co-PI) 30-06-
product development Er. Chandan 01.07.2015 07.01.2019 2019
from mustard seed Solanki (Co-PI)
Dr. A U 01.07.2015 Till date
Muzaddadi (Co-PI)
Dr. Yogesh Kumar 01.07.2015 Till date
38. Development of Er. Kirti R. 01.07.2015 30.06.201 01-07- Complete
technology for Jalgaonkar (PI) 8 2015 d
destalking and Dr. Manoj Kumar 01.07.2015 30.06.201 30-06-
packaging of dried Mahawar (Co-PI) 8 2018
Ms. Prerna Nath 01.07.2015 30.06.201
Kale (Co-PI) 8
(On Maternity
Leave from
12-10-2015 to
08.04.2016 &
Child Care
leave from
31.07.2016 to

41. Process Protocol for Ms. Prerna Nath 01.07.2015 30.06.2018 01-07- Complete
production of quality Kale (PI) (On Maternity 2015 d
Leave from
Green Raisins 30-06-
12-10-2015 to
08.04.2016 & 2018
Child Care
leave from
31.07.2016 to
Dr. Bharat 01.07.2015 19.06.2017
Bhushan (Co-PI)
Er. Sakharam 01.07.2015 30.06.2018
Jagan Kale (Co-PI)
Dr. Ajay Sharma 01.07.2015 19.05.2016
(Co-PI), NRC-
Grapes, Pune
45. Development of Dr. S.K. Nanda 01.07.2015 31.03.2016 01-07- On-going
National Database on (PI) 2015
NARES Dr. Ranjit Singh 01.07.2015 31.03.2016 31-03-
Technologies in Post- (Co-PI) 2019
Harvest Sector Dr. AU Muzaddadi 01.07.2015 31.03.2016
Dr. Indra Mani 01.07.2015 31.03.2016
Mishra, IARI, New
Dr. J.T. Sheriff, 01.07.2015 31.03.2016
Dr. G. Senthil 01.07.2015 31.03.2016
Kumaran, IIHR,
PC, AICRP on 01.04.2016 31.10.2017
Dr. Anil Kumar 01.04.2016 19.06.2017
Dixit (Co-PI)
Dr. Sandeep Mann 01.04.2016 31.10.2017
(Co-PI) 01.11.2017 Till date
(PI w.e.f)
Er. Arun Kumar 01.04.2016 30.06.2017
Dr. Renu 01.04.2016 Till date
Balakrishnan (Co-
Er. Sandeep 01.10.2018 Till date
Popatro (Co-Pi)
Dr. V. 01.11.2017 30.06.2018
Chandrasekar (Co-
58. Development and Dr. S.K. Tyagi (PI) 01.04.2016 Till date 01.04.2016 On-going
Evaluation of Eco- Dr. J. Sharma 01.04.2016 Till date 31.03.2019
Friendly mustard (NRC-P) (Co-PI)
based antimicrobial Dr. Manju Bala 01.04.2016 Till date
formulation using (Co-PI)
other botanicals for Mrs. Surya (Co-PI) 01.04.2016 24.12.2018
eradication of Dr. K. Dhinesh 16.08.2017 Till date
bacterial blight in Babu, (NRC-P)
pomegranate (Co-PI)
Mr. Mallikarjun 16.08.2017 Till date
Harsur (NRC-P)
64. Development of Dr. Pranita Jasiwal 01.04.2016 19.06.2017 01.04.2016 On-going
spectroscopic (PI) 31.03.2019

techniques for instant Dr. Rahul
detection of honey Anurag(Co-PI) 01.04.2016 19.06.2017
adulteration PI w.e.f. 20.06.2017 Till date
Dr. A.K. Jaiswal 01.04.2016 22.03.2017
Dr. Gagan Jyot 01.04.2016 Till date
Kaur (PAU) (Co-
Dr. Poonam (Co-PI 01.11.2017 Till date
69. Development of Dr. Yogesh Kumar 01.04.2016 Till date 01.04.2016 On-going
rapid spectroscopic (PI) 31.03.2019
and molecular Dr. Pranita Jaiswal 01.04.2016 19.06.2017
techniques for (Co-PI)
detection of animal Dr. Sangita Bansal 01.04.2016 19.06.2017
species in meat (Co-PI)
72. Development of real Dr. R.K. 01.04.2016 31.10.2017 01.04.2016 Project is
time monitoring Vishwakarma (PI) 29.09.2018 terminated
system for Ms. Leena Kumari 01.04.2016 11.09..2017 in IRC
transportation of (Co-PI) (On Maternity & Meeting
perishables 11.09.2017
Child Care Leave Septembe
from 13-10-2016
(On Ph.D. study leave to 30.06.2017) r 28-29,
from 12.09.2017 to 2018
Dr. Rahul Anurag 01.04.2016 31.10.2017
Er. A.A. Bashir 01.04.2016 31.10.2017
New Project Team w.e.f. 01.11.2017
Dr. Bhupendra M. 01.11.2017 29.09.2018
Ghodki (PI)
Dr. Manoj Kumar 01.11.2017 29.09.2018
Dr. Pankaj Kumar 01.11.2017 29.09.2018
Kannaujia (Co-PI)
80. Design and Dr. Arun Kumar 01.04.2016 30.06.2017 01.04.2016 On-going
development of T.V. (PI) 31.03.2019
dehumidified hot air Er. Dhritiman Saha 01.04.2016 Till date
dryer for maize (Co-PI)
Dr. Pankaj Kumar 01.11.2017 Till date
(PI w.e.f..)
83. Design and Er. Chandan 01.04.2016 Till date 01.04.2016 On-going
development of Solanki (PI) 31.12.2018
microwave assisted Er. Navnath Indore 01.04.2016 Till date
continuous popping (Co-PI)
system for selected
food grains
85. Development of Er. Dhritiman Saha 01.04.2016 Till date 01.04.2016 On-going
improved flaking (PI) 31.03.2019
system for small Dr. Arun Kumar 01.04.2016 30.06.2017
scale production of T.V. (Co-PI)
rice flakes Dr. Swati Sethi 01.04.2016 Till date
(Co-PI) (On Maternity
& Child Care
Leave from 16-
08-2016 to
88. Development of Dr. Swati Sethi 01.04.2016 Till date 01.04.2016 On-going
convenient breakfast (PI) (On Maternity 30.06.2019
& Child Care
products using Leave from
sprouting and 16-08-2016 to
extrusion technology 12.05.2017)
Dr. Mridula D. 01.04.2016 Till date

90. Utilization of fruit Dr. Sunil Kumar 01.04.2016 Till date 01.04.2016 On-going
waste and plant (PI) 31.03.2019
extracts in Er. Dukre Ajinath 01.04.2016 Till date
developing Shridhar (Co-PI)
antimicrobial Dr. Ramesh Kumar 01.04.2016 Till date
coatings for (Co-PI)
extending shelf-life Dr. Bharat 01.04.2016 19.06.2017
of fruits. Bhushan (Co-PI)
Word vegetables
should be omitted
94. Design and Er. Kirti Jalgaonkar 01.04.2016 Till date 01.04.2016 On-going
Development of (PI) 30.09.2019
Mechanized System Dr. Ramesh Kumar 01.04.2016 31.05.2017
for Fruit Bar (Co-PI)
Manufacturing Mrs. Prerna Nath 01.04.2016 Till date
(Co-PI) (On Maternity
Leave from 12-
10-2015 to
08.04.2016 &
Child Care
leave from
31.07.2016 to
Dr. Manoj K. M. 01.04.2016 Till date
98. Revised Title: Dr. Bibwe Bhushan 01.04.2016 Till date 01.04.2016 On-going
Development of .Ratnakar (PI) 31.03.2019
technology for de- Dr. Kirti 01.04.2016 Till date
ponding of green pea Jalgaonkar (Co-
& cowpea’ PI)
Development of
technology for de-
poding and
preservation of
cowpea & green pea’
100. Development of user Dr. Ranjeet Singh 01.04.2016 Till date 01.04.2016 On-going
friendly android (PI) 31.03.2019
based mobile Dr. V.E.Nambi 01.04.2016 17.07.2017
application (Mobile (Co-PI)
app) for technology
dissemination and
outreach program on
processing and value
102. Development of Dr. V.E. Nambi 01.04.2016 17.07.2018 01.04.2016 On-going
smart device for (PI) 31.03.2019
automatic detection Dr. Ranjeet Singh 01.04.2016 17.07.2018
and identification of (Co-PI) 18.07.2018 Till date
insects in stored (PI)
grains using machine Er. B.B. 01.04.2016 Till date
vision technology Ratnakar(Co-PI)

105. Revised Title: Dr. V. 01.04.2017 29.09.2018 01.04.2017 Project is

Development of cold Chandrasekhar (PI) 29.09.2018 Closed in
plasma system for Er. D. Saha (Co-PI) 01.04.2017 29.09.2018 IRC
decontamination/dis- Meeting
Dr. V E Nambi 01.04.2017 17.07.2018
infestation of Septembe
agricultural r 28-29,
produces 2018

108. Development of Er. Akhoon Asrar 01.04.2017 Till date 01.04.2017 On-going
hermetically sealed Bashir (PI) 31.03.2019
storage structure of Dr V. 01.04.2017 Till date
1Tonne capacity for Chandrasekar (Co-
pulses PI)

Entomologist from 01.04.2017 Till date
111. Revised Title: Dr. Prerna Nath 01.04.2017 Till date 01.04.2017 On going
Development of Kale (PI) 31.03.2019
process for color Dr. Sunil Kumar 01.04.2017 Till date
extraction from black (Co-PI)
carrot and its Mr. Ajinath Dukare 01.04.2017 Till date
byproducts and its (Co-PI)
utilization in value
added product
114. Development of Dr. Bibwe Bhusan 01.04.2017 Till date 01.04.2017 On-going
mechanized litchi de- Ratnakar (PI) 31.03.2020
stoner. Dr. Kirti 01.04.2017 Till date
Jalgaonkar (Co-PI)
‘The word Dr. Pankaj Kumar. 01.04.2017 29.09.2018
automated in title to Kannaujia (Co-PI)
be replaced with
117. Carbon footprint Dr.V.Eyarkai 01.04.2017 17.07.2018 01.04.2017 Project is
analysis in wheat Nambi (PI) 31.03.2019 Closed in
processing for better Dr.V.Chandrasekar 01.04.2017 29.09.2018 IRC
sustainability of post- (Co-PI) Meeting
harvest management Dr.Ranjeet Singh 01.04.2017 29.09.2018 Septembe
of wheat (Co-PI) r 28-29,

120. Designing Extension Dr. Renu 01.04.2017 Till date 01.04.2017 On-going
Strategies for Wider Balakrishnan (PI) 31.03.2020
Adoption of Post- Dr. Anil Kumar 01.04.2017 19.06.2017
Harvest Technologies Dixit (Co-PI)
based on Adoption Dr. Sandeep Mann 01.04.2017 Till date
Behaviour of End (Co-PI)
Users Associated Dr 01.10.2018 Till date
Arvind Kumar
124. Development of Dr. K. Bembem, 01.04.2017 Till date 01.04.2017 On-going
pigmented cereals (PI) 31.03.2019
based expanded/ Dr. Pankaj Kumar 01.04.2017 Till date
extruded products (Co-PI)
and their nutritional
126. Development of Er. Yogesh Kalnar 01.04.2017 Till date 01.04.2017 On-going
automatic (PI) 31.03.2020
Sorter/Grader for Dr. V. E. Nambi 01.04.2017 17.07.2018
Pomegranate and (Co-PI)
Tomato Associated Er. 01.10.2018 Till date
Sandeep Dawange
Popatro (Co-PI)
129. Design and analysis Er. Indore Navnath 01.04.2017 Till date 01.04.2017 On-going
of greenhouse Sakharam (PI) 31.03.2020
structures for Dr. Sakharam Kale 01.04.2017 Till date
selected Regions of (Co-PI)
India Er. Akhoon Asrar 01.04.2017 Till date
Bashir, (Co-PI)
132. Development of Dr. Tanbir Ahmad 01.10.2018 Till Date 01.10.2018 On-going
collagen hydrolysate (PI) 30.09.2020
from buffalo Dr A.U. 01.10.2018 Till Date
(Bubalus bubalis) Muzzadadi (Co-PI)
skin and its effect on Dr. Yogesh Kumar 01.10.2018 Till Date
osteoarthritis. (Co- PI)
135. Development of Dr. Pankaj Kumar 01.10.2018 Till Date 01.10.2018 On-going
process protocol for (PI) 30.09.2021

cryogenic grinding of Dr. Manju Bala 01.10.2018 Till Date
selected medicinal (Co-PI)
plants/herbs (Curry
leaf, Nutmeg and
Safed Musli)
137. Mega-Project: Value
chain improvement
through post-harvest
handling, storage and
processing of mango.
Sub-Project 1: Dr Ramesh Kumar Project not approved 01.10.2018 Sub-
Utilization of mango (PI) 30.09.2021 Project 1
processing waste is not
through extraction approved
and development of by IRC
novel value added 2018
Sub-project 2: Dr. Poonam (PI) 01.10.2018 Till Date
Production of bio- Dr. Th. 01.10.2018 Till Date 01.10.2018
active ingredients Bidyalakshmi (Co- 30.09.2021
from mango seed PI)
kernels On-going
Er. Sandeep 01.10.2018 Till Date
Dawange Poputrao
141. Development of Sh. Vikas Kumar 01.10.2018 Till Date 01.10.2018 On-going
ACE-Inhibitory (PI) 30.09.2020
Peptides from Fish Dr. Yogesh Kumar 01.10.2018 Till Date
and Livestock (Co-PI)
Processing Waste Dr. Tanbir Ahmad 01.10.2018 Till Date

S. Project Funded by and Budget Project Leader & Period of association Project Status
N Name Associates From To period
1. Up- Dr. S.N. Jha (PI) 01.09.20 17.03.2 01.09.2 On-
gradation of 11 015 011 going
Quality Dr. S. Kumar Devatkal 01.09.20 21.03.2 31-03-
Control (Co-PI) 11 012 2016
Food & & and
Testing 06.11.20 17.03.2 further
Laboratory 12 015 Extn
Dr. H.S. Oberoi (Co-PI) 01.09.20 15.11.2 ????
11 014
Dr. Rahul Kumar (Co- 01.09.20 18.07.2
PI) /Team Member & 11 018
Incharge FTL w.e.f
19.07.20 Till date
Dr. Manju Bala. (Incharge 17.03.20 29.09.2
Lab) 15 015
Ms. Surya (Team 17.03.20 23.10.2
Member) 15 017
Dr. Mridula D. (Incharge 29.09.20 18.07.2
Lab)/Team Leader 15 018
Dr. Arvind K. Jaiswal 06. 22.03.2
(Team Member) 10.2015 017
Dr. Poonam (Team 24.10.20 Till date
Member) 17
10. Study on Dr. S.N. Jha (PI) 24.05.20 29.12.2 01.07.2 Compl
determining 14 015 013 eted
storage Dr. R.K. Gupta (PI) 14.11.20 24.05. 30.06.2
losses in Director & PC (PHET), 13 2014 018
food grains 30.12.20 30.06.2
in FCI and 15 018
CWC Dr. S.K. Nanda, PC,PHT 01.07.20 13.11.2
warehouses (PI) 13 013
and to Dr. S.K. Aleksha Kudos, 14.11.20 10.12.2
recommend Scientist (SS) (Co-PI) 13 015
norms for
storage Dr. A.K. Dixit, Sr. 14.11.20 19.06.2
losses in Scientist (Co-PI) 13 017
warehouse Dr. R.K. Vishwakarma, Sr. 16.02- 30.06.2
managemen Scientist (Co-PI) 2016 018
t. Dr. Arun Kumar T.V., 16.02.20 30.06.2
Scientist (Co-PI) 16 017

Research Engineers/PI of - -
Cooperative Centre 20
18. Studies and Dr. A.U. Muzaddadi (PI) 08.08.20 Till date 08.08.2 On-
refinement 14 014 going
of live-fish Dr. S.K. Nanda (Co-PI) 08.08.20 31.10.2 30-06-
carrier 14 017 2019

system for Ms. Monika (Co-PI) 08.08.20 13-11-
mass 14 2015
n of table

21. Developme Dr. K. Narsaiah (PI) 02.01.20 Till date 02-01- On-
nt of food 15 2015 Going
Bio- 01-01-
polymer 2020
based micro
& nano
systems for
Award of
23. Establishme Dr. P C Sharma (PI) 01.04.20 31.12.2 01/04/2 On-
nt of 15 015 015 Going
modern Dr. D.M. Kadam (PI in 20-02- 19.11.2 Extensi
fruits and Place of Dr. P.C. Sharma, 2016 016 on till
vegetables Ex-Head, HCP Division, 31.03.2
Agro Abohar) 020
Processing Dr. R.K. Vishwakarma (PI 19.11.20 Till date
Centre in Place of Dr. D.M. 16
(APC) Kadam, I/c Head, HCP
Division, Abohar)
Dr. Manoj Kumar 01.04.20 21.12.2
Mahawar (Co-PI) 15 018
Er. Bibwe Bhushan 19.11.20 21.12.2
Ratnakar (Co-PI) 16 018
Er. Akhoon Asrar Bashir 22.12.20 Till
(Co-PI) 18 Date
Dr. Indore Navnath 22.12.20 Till
Sakharam (Co-PI) 18 Date
Dr. Deepika Goswami 22.12.20 Till
(Co-PI) 18 Date
31. CIPHET- Dr. R.K. Gupta, Director, 01.08- 02.07.2 01.08.2 On-
Post- ICAR-CIPHET 2015 018 015 Going
Harvest (Nodal Officer) to
Technology 31.07.2
Machine Dr. R.K. Singh, Director 14.09.20 Till 018
and (Acting) , ICAR-CIPHET 18 Date
Equipment (Nodal Officer) Further
Testing Dr. D.M. Kadam 01.08- 19.06.2 Extensi
Centre at (Officer In charge) 2015 017 on ????,
CIPHET, Dr. V.E. Nambi 29.11.20 17.07.2
Ludhiana (Officer In charge) 17 018

[Under Sub Dr. Pankaj Kumar 07.03.20 13.09.2
Mission on Testing Engineer -1 & 17 018
Agricultura Instead
l (Officer In charge w.e.f.) of
Mechanizat 29.11.20 Till date
ion 17
(SMAM)] 14.09.20
Er. Sandeep Popatrao 17.02.20 Till date
Testing Engineer -2 18 Date
of Joining
at ICAR-
after PAT
Dr. Ranjeet Singh I/c 29.11.20 Till date
Dr. Dhritiman Saha 01.08- 28.11.2
(Team member) 2015 017

Mrs. Leena Kumari 01.08- 11.09.2

(Team member on 2015 017
Maternity & Child Care
Leave from 13-10-2016 to
Er. Chandan Solanki 01.08- 28.11.2
(Team member) 2015 017

41. Establishme Dr.Ranjit Singh I/c ITMU 31.10.20 Till date 01.01.2 On-
nt of Agri- & (PI) in place of Dr. 16 016 Going
Business Nambi 30.10.2 Extensi
Incubation (Co-PI) 21.09.20 016 on till
(ABI) Dr. V.E. Nambi I/c ITMU 16 30.10.2 31.03.2
Centre (PI) 01.01.20 016 020
under XII Mr. Vikas Kumar(Co-PI) 16
Plan Dr. Renu Balakrishnan
Scheme for (Co-PI) 21.09.20 Till date
National 16 Till date
Agriculture 21.09.20
Innovation 16
(NAIF) at
42. Developme Dr. R.K. Gupta, Nodal 02.01.20 31.01.2 01.04.2 Furthe
nt of Officer 17 018. 016 r
automated Dr. R.K. Vishwakarma 01.04.20 31.01.2 Extensi Extens
fumigation (PI) 16 018. on was ion
chamber for Er. V.E. Nambi (Co-PI) 01.04.20 31.01.2 granted appro
treatment of 16 018. till val is
grapes with Ms. Leena Kumari (Co- 01.04.20 01.01.2 31.01.2 still
CO2 and PI) 16 017 018. awaite
SO2 and Er. Dhritiman Saha (Co- 01.04.20 31.01.2 d
standardizat PI) 16 018.
ion of
protocol for
access to
47. Value Dr. R.K. Vishwakarma 01.04.20 Till date 01.04/2 On-
addition of (PI) 16 016 Going

Makhana Er. Arun Kumar TV (Co- 01.04.20 30.06.2 Extensi
and its by- PI) 16 017 on till
products Dr. Ranjit Singh (Co-PI) 01.04.20 Till date 31.03.2
16 020
Dr. Khwairakpam 16.08.20 Till date
Bembem (Co-PI) 16
Dr. Mridula D. (Co-PI) 01.04.20 Till date
52. Processing Dr. Sandeep Mann (PI) 30.01.20 Till date 30.01.2 On-
and Value 17 017 Going
Addition of Dr. A.K. Dixit (Co-PI) 30.01.20 19.06.2 Extensi
Agricultural 17 017 on till
Produce for Dr. Rahul Kumar Anurag 30.01.20 Till date 31.03.2
Enhancing (Co-PI) 17 020
Farmers Dr. Renu Balakrishnan 30.01.20 Till date
income and (Co-PI) 17
Employmen Er. Yogesh Kalnar (Co-PI) 30.01.20 Till date
t in 17
Production Dr. B.V.C Mahajan (Co- 30.01.20 Till date
Catchment PI) 17
under Director & Prof.,
Farmer (PHPTC)
e (FPP)
58. Refinement Dr. A.U. Muzaddadi (PI) 23.03.20 Till date 23.03.2 Ongoi
of process 18 018 to ng
protocol for Er. Dhritiman Shaha (Co- 23.03.20 Till date 22.03.2
preparation PI) 18 020
products of
India by
gical tools
and its
60. Valorization Dr. D.N. Yadav (PI) 01.08.20 Till date 01.08.2 Ongoi
of Dr. R.K. Vishwkarma 18 018 to ng
industrially (Co-PI) 31.07.2
produced Ms. Surya (Co-PI) 021
soybean and Dr. Swati Sethi (Co-PI)
of protein
61. Design and Er. Indore Navnath S. (PI) 23.08.20 Till date 23.08.2 Ongoi
Developme Dr. R.K. Singh, Director 18 Till date 018 to ng
nt of (Acting) Co-PI 23.08.20 31.03.2
protective 18 020
for high

crops to
from hail
and frost
62. Developme Dr. D.N. Yadav (PI) 02.05.20 Till date 02.05.2 Ongoi
nt of rapid 18 018 to ng
quality Dr. V. Chandrasekar (Co- 02.05.20 Till date 01.05.2
monitoring PI) 18 021
system for Mrs. Surya(Co-PI) 02.05.20 Till date
wheat flour 18
and its

65. Developme Dr. R.K. Vishwakarma 27.03.20 Till date 27.03.2 As

nt of (PI) 19 019 by Dr.
protocols Dr. Mridula D. (Co-PI) 27.03.20 Till date 26..03.2 RKV
(PI), the
for shelf 19 021 1st
life, safe Dr. D.N. Yadav (Co-PI) 27.03.20 Till date instalmen
t of
storage and 19 budget is
milling Dr. Deepika Goswami 27.03.20 Till date received
outturn and on
(Co-PI) 19 27.03.20
indicative 19,
Er. Navnath Indore 27.03.20 Till date
norms for therefore
Sakharam 19 27.03.20
procurement 19 is
of major starting
date of
pulses project as
per MoU
signed on
70. Developme Dr. D.N. Yadav (PI) 02.05.20 Till date 02.05.2 Ongoi
nt of rapid 18 018 to ng
quality Dr. V.Chandrasekar (Co- 02.05.20 Till date 01.05.2
monitoring PI) 18 021
system for
wheat flour Mrs. Surya(Co-PI) 02.05.20 Till date
and its 18

ABOHAR 2018-19
S. File Project Name Project Leader & Period of association Project Status
No. Number Associates From To period
1. 5(5)/ICAR- Studies of mulching Dr. Pankaj Kumar 01.04.2017 Till date 01.04.2017 On-going
CIPHET/ on growth, yield and Kannaujia (PI) 31.03.2019
HCP/AICRP quality of pulse (Cow Dr. Sakharam Kale 01.04.2017 Till date
on PET/2017 pea) under drip (Co-PI)
irrigation system Dr. Ajinath Dukare 01.04.2017 Till date
4. 5(6)/ICAR- Revised Title: Dr. Sakharam Kale 01.04.2017 Till date 01.04.2017 On-going
CIPHET/ Development of phase (Co-PI) 31.03.2019
HCP/AICRP change material based Dr. Pankaj Kumar 01.04.2017 Till date
mobile cool chamber Kannaujia (PI)

on for transportation of Er. Indore Navnath 01.04.2017 Till date
PET/2017 fruits and vegetables (Co-PI)
Old Title:
Development of
portable light weight
evaporative cooling
chamber for storage
and transportation of
fruits and vegetables
7. 5(7)/ICAR- Assessment of soil Dr. Ajinath Dukare Till date 01.04.2018 On-going
CIPHET/ microbial activities (PI) 31.03.2020
HCP/AICRP and post-harvest Dr. Pankaj Till date
on quality of tomato Kannaujia (Co-PI)
PET/2018 cultivated under
plastic and organic
mulches in arid
9. 5(8)/ICAR- Strategies for Dr. Pankaj Kumar Till date 01.04.2018 On-going
CIPHET/ maximum vertical Kannaujia (PI) 31.03.2020
HCP/AICRP space utilization in Dr. Sakharam Kale 01.04.2018 Till date
on growing of selected (Co-PI)
PET/2018 vegetables inside Er. Indore Navnath 01.04.2018 Till date
polyhouse in hot and Sakaram (Co-PI)
arid region


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