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• Crab Kick Ball.

Choose two goals for the teams to reach – a chair, trash can,
etc. After dividing the players into two equal-sized teams, seat them on the floor
opposite each other at each end of the gym. Place a goal at each end of the
room for the opposite team. Put the ball (any kind) in the center on the room.
The coach or leader gives a signal to start the play. All the players crab-walk to
the ball and kick it toward their team’s goal. If a player does not maintain their
crab-walk position, the opposing team gets a point. Every time a goal is scored,
the ball is placed in the middle before play resumes. The coach or leader sets
the number of points needed to win the game.

- em trios – fazer um movimento (skill) e o outro tem que continuar com o

mesmo tema
- Coach Says

Coach Says, a spin on the classic game Simon Says, challenges participants to
work on their gymnastic skills and follow directions. The gymnasts line up on
one side of the room. The goal is to reach the other side of the room first. The
coach or leader says, “Coach Says” followed by the name of a skill, such as:

• chasse four times

• connect two cartwheels
• hop forwards four times
• salto tesoura
• salto esticado
• salto com giro
• equilíbrio passet
• giro
• giro passet
• ponte
• equilíbrio cossaco

• If the coach calls out a skill without saying “Coach Says” first, and a
participant moves to do the skill, they must return to the start line.
• Note to Coach: Say the skill names quickly to make the game

- lover´s leap
- Coelho sai da toca (andar como coelho, toca os dois alongamento de
- corrida por baixo da ponte ( 6 equipes)

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