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Create An Inspection Lot in SAP QM Module

A Manual inspection lot is an inspection lot that we create for the purpose of making COA (Certification of Analysis), or dealing with customer complains, etc.

An inspection lot for the COA is use when a product or material that we want to inspect is not come directly from the production process, for example it is coming from a
storage tank.

How to Access The menu:

Using SAP Navigation:

Logistics > Quality Management > Quality Inspection > Inspection Lot > Processing > Create

Using TCODE:

The Entry steps to create the manual inspection lot.

1. Material: The material code that you want to create.

2. Plant: Plant Code where the inspection lot will be created.
3. Inspection Lot Origin: The grouping of inspection lot origin, it can come from good receipt, good issue or during production process.

After you fill in all the required data, you can press enter.
In The origin Tab screen, fill in these below information:

1. Batch: Type in the Batch code if any.

2. Inspection Lot Quantity: It’s the amount of material/product that you want to create the inspection lot.
3. Start Date: The manual inspection lot start date.
4. Insp. End Date: The End date of the manual Inspection Lot.
5. Short Text: Type in any additional information if any.

Click enter or the Save icon (CTRL+S) to save the manual inspection lot.

Change An Inspection Lot in SAP QM Module

How to access the menu:

Using SAP Navigation:

Logistics > Quality Management > Quality Inspection > Inspection Lot > Processing > Change

Using TCODE:
The Entry steps to change the an inspection lot.
1. Inspection Lot: Type in the inspection lot that you’ve just created earlier that you want to change. Press enter.

2. After you finish editing the data, press enter or CTRL+SAVE.

Display An Inspection Lot In SAP QM Module

How to access the menu:

Using SAP Navigation:
Logistics > Quality Management > Quality Inspection > Inspection Lot > Processing > Display

Using TCODE:

The Entry steps to Display the an inspection lot.

1. Inspection Lot: Type in the inspection lot that you want to display and then press enter

Change Master Recipe Tutorial In SAP QM Module

Change master recipe is a process to input the inspection characteristics into each of the production processes in the master recipes that were created during Production

How to change master recipe using menu:

Logistics -> Production Process -> Master Data -> Master Recipe -> Recipe And Material List -> Change

How to change master recipe using TCODE:


The entry process to change master recipe.

M: Mandatory
O: Optional
1. Recipe Group: Type in the recipe group from the production planning. (M)
2. Recipe: This is the recipe number sequence from a given recipe group. (M)


1. Material: Material code for the finished product or semi finished product. (M)
2. Plant: The plant where the material is used. (M)
3. Production Version: The revision number from BOM/Master Recipe. (O)

Click enter.
1. Click on one of the operation processes.
2. Click on the inspection characteristics button.
1. Preset indicators: Key used to activate the quantitative r qualitative analysis.
Master Inspection Characteristic: Inspection characteristic that are used for materials that have the same specifications.
2. Short Text Description: The Name of the parameter analysis.
3. Sampling Procedure: Sampling procedure that will be analyzed.
4. Decimal places: Decimal places for the analysis values.
5. Unit of measure: The unit of measure for each parameters.
6. Target Value: The analysis value that we want to achieved.
7. Lower Specification limit: The lowest value for the analysis result.
8. Upper Specification limit: The highest value for the analysis result.
9. Selected set: This is the code that used for qualitative analysis. (O)

Now you have to put the inspection characteristics on each production process using those steps above.

Click CTRL+S to save your Master recipe.

How To find Missing Or Unusable Inspection Plan in QM Module

Missing or unusable inspection plan is where you can see the missing inspection plan or the unusable ones. Inspection plan is an inspection for all the incoming materials.

How to access the Missing inspection plan from menu:

Logistics -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Inspection Planning -> Inspection Plan -> Missing or Unusable Inspection Plans.

The entry process.

M: Mandatory
O: Optional

1. Material: The material that you want to check. (M)

2. Plant: The plant where the material is located. (M)
3. Inspection Type: The type of inspection that we want to check. E.g. 01 (GR from purchase order), 03 (In-Process inspection plan) (M)
4. Key Date: SAP system date. (O)
5. Max no of records: The maximum data that will be displayed. (O)

Click execute (F8), below you see that for this particular material, the SAP couldn’t find any inspection plan available. So you need to create a new inspection plan for this material.
Stock Posting After Usage Decision in SAP QM Module

Stock posting after usage decision is a process to record the final decision data quantity for the material that has been checked.

How to access stock posting using menu:

Logistics -> Quality Management -> Quality Inspection -> Inspection Lot -> Usage Decision -> Change With History

How to access stock posting using TCODE:


The entry process to do the “stock posting after usage decision”.

Enter the inspection lot number.

Click on the Inspection Lot Qty tab.

To be posted: Enter the material quantity into this column.

In this example, there will be 5,000 quantity posted for the unrestricted use (Pass), you can also input the quantity in the “To Blocked Stock” if the material has failed to
pass certain analysis standards.

Click enter to continue.

Click SAVE (CTRL+S) to sagve the stock posting after usage decision.

Record Usage Decision in SAP QM Module

Record usage decision is a process to record data of the final decision after checking a material.

How to access usage decision using menu:

Logistics -> Quality Management -> Quality Inspection -> Inspection Lot -> Usage Decision -> Record.

How to access usage decision using TCODE:


The entry process to create the usage decision:

M: Mandatory
O: Optional
1. Inspection Lot: Type in the inspection lot number. (M)
2. Press enter.

Click the button in the Usage Decision section.

Now you will see the next screen where you can choose the usage decision for the given inspection lot
number. Click the button “Choose” to select the value.
Click enter and CTRL+S to save your Record Usage Decision.

Create Inspection Plan Tutorial in SAP QM Module

QM Inspection plan is an inspection process to all the incoming materials, transfered materials and also
materials that are used in the productions, the inspection plan will analyze quantitative and also qualitative

How to create inspection plan using menu:

Logistics -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Inspection Planning -> Inspection Plan -> Create

How to create inspection plan using TCODE:


The entry process when creating an inspection plan:

M: Mandatory, O: Optional.

1. Material: Type in the material number. (M)

2. Plant: Select the plant where you want to create the inspection plan. (M)
3. Press Enter.
1. Group Counter: This number can also be used as a search parameter.
2. Plant: The plant code where the inspection plan will be created.
3. Text Description: Text description of the material.
4. Usage: The grouping of material usage. e.g. 3 (Universal), 5 (Good Receipt), 9 (Material Check)
5. Status: The status of inspection plan that we want to create. e.g. 1 (Created), 2 (Released for order)
6. Press Enter.

On the next screen, click on the OPERATION button.

Fill in the below information:

work Center (optional) : The work center that is conducting the analysis.
Control Key (M): Code to active program function,
Description (M) : This is the description of process.

Now select (highlighting) one of the operations and click on the Inspection Characteristic Button.

Fill in all the necessary information below.

1. Preset Indicators: Key to activate quantitative and qualitative analysis. (M)
2. Master Inspection Characteristic: Reusable Inspection Characteristic that can be used for all the materials
that have the same specification. (M)
3. Short Text Inspection Characteristic: The name of the analysis parameter. (M)
4. Sampling Procedure: The Sample procedure that will be used for analysis. (M)
5. Decimal Places: Decimal point for the values. (M)
6. Unit of measure: unit of measure of the analytical parameters. (M)
7. Target Value: the value you want to achieve for the result. (M)
8. Lower Specification limit: the lowest tolerable value of the analysis result. (M)
9. Upper Specification limit: the highest tolerable value of the analysis result. (M)
10. Selected set: This is used for qualitative value. (M)

Click ok and Ctrl+S to save the inspection plan

Batch Information Cockpit

The SAP Batch Information Cockpit (BIC) is an information center of all the materials and batches that have
been created in SAP.

How to access BIC using menu:

Logistics -> Central Functions -> Batch Management -> Batch Information Cockpit

How to access BIC using TCODE:


The entry process to use BIC. Click on the material tab, type in the material number, the plant and the batch
number. You can also choose the material type, e.g. FERT: Finished Products, HALB: Supply Chain
Material, ROH: Raw Material, HIBE: Factory Supplies, ZWIP: WIP.
Click F8 (Execute)

Now you can see the Batch detail information, there are several tabs (Basic data 2, basic data 2,
classification, material data, changes) for the batch number.

1. Basic Data 1.

Material: Material Number

Batch: The Batch of material that we want to see.
Production Date: The production date of material.
Shelf Life Exp Date: The expired date of material.
Next Inspection: The due date to do rechecking of material.
Last Good Receipt: The latest date of good receipt that are created from purchase order or from production

2. Basic Data 2.

There are 2 sections:

1. Data information or unrestricted list: The date when the batches are used.
2. Administration data: For administration purpose. Such as Created by, changed by, create on, changed on.

3. Classification.

Class: Class of the batch search.

Production Date: Material Production date
Shelf life Exp. Date: Material expired date.
4. Changes.

Date: The date when the changes are made.

Time: Time when the changes are made.
Transaction: Transaction code that has been used.
Document Number: The document number of the transaction.

Where-Used List For Work Center SAP QM Module

The Where-used list for work center is the list of work center usage that are used to inspect the materials
(Inspection Plan) in a given plant.

How to access it using menu.

Logistics -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Basic Data -> Information System -> Where-Used
List for Work Center

How to access it using TCODE


The entry process of “Work Center Where-Used list”

1. Work Center: The dept/section that is responsible for some task process.
2. Plant: The Plant code

Click F8 (Execute)

Now you can see the detail “Where-Used” information for a given Work Center. You can see which material
groups, the task list description of the inspection plan that are using this work center.
Displaying Work Center List In SAP QM Module

Today we will learn how to display work center list in QM module.

To access work center list using menu.

Logistics -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Basic Data -> Work Center -> Evaluation -> Work Center List

To access it using tcode:


Here’s the entry process to display “Work Center List”

1. Plant: The plant code.
2. Work center category: Work center grouping based on its category.
001: Machine
002: Stat. WkCtr MchneGrp
003: Labor
004: Stat. WkCtr LaborGrp
005: Plant Maintenance
006: Project Management
007: Production Line
008: Processing Unit
009: Personel Resource
010: Production Line
011: Zone
012: Station
013: Stor. Resource
014: Proc. Unit/Stor. Res.

After you choose the category, click F8 (Execute), now you can see the Work Center list dispaly.
Click one of the work center and click the magnifier glasses icon. Now you can see the detail information from the selected Work Center.

How To do Result Recording In SAP Qm Module

Result recording is a process of data recording of all material that have been analyzed and need a final
decision for the tested parameters, whether it’s quantitative or qualitative.

How to Access it using menu.

Logistic -> Quality Management -> Quality Inspection -> Inspection Result -> For Operation -> Result

How to access it using TCODE


Below is the entry process to do the result recording.

1. Inspection Lot: Inspection Lot Number (M)

2. Operation: The operation of the inspection process.
3. Word Center: The department that will do the result recording.
4. Plant: The plant code where the inspection lot will be carried out.
5. Inspector: The person who will perform the result recording.
6. Ins. Start time: the start date of the inspection.

Press Enter.

Now click the magnifier glasses icon (select a characteristic).

Now type in the your analysis result for each parameter and press enter.

Click Valuate (F7), Close (F8), and The Next Button to input the next parameter’s result.

Click Ctrl+S to save the result recording.

How to Create Master Inspection Characteristic In SAP QM Module

How to Create Master Inspection Characteristic In SAP QM Module

15.06.2010 | Author: | Posted in QM Module

Master inspection characteristic is an analytical parameters that are used for all the materials that have the same specifications. What
it means by the same specification is having the same target value, lower limit and upper limit or even the same selected set.

How to access it using Menu:

Logistic -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning-> Basic Data -> Inspection Characteristic -> Create

How to access it using TCODE:


The entry process for creating Master inspection characteristics in QM.

M = Mandatory
O = Optional
1. Plant: The plant code where the material will be used (M)
2. Master Inspection Characteristic: Input the MIC number according to the approved/standard code in your company. (M)
3. Valid From: The starting date for the Master inspection characteristic. (O)
4. Press Enter.

5. Now you can type in the name of parameter in the short text box.
There are 2 types of data analysis in MIC, Quantitative and Qualitative. Quantitative means that you can measure certain parameter with
numbers while qualitative you can’t measure it with numbers but with description such as color, pressure, fade test, flavour.

For quantitative analysis you can click on Quant Data, and for qualitative data you can click on the Catalogs.

A. Quantitative data.
1. Decimal Places: Input how many decimal points you want to have. (M)
2. Unit of Measure: The Unit of analysis parameter (M)
3. Target Value: The value that you want to achieve in your analysis. (M)
4. Lower Specification Limit: The lowest value of your parameter analysis. (M)
5. Upper Specification Limit: The highest value of your your parameter analysis. (M)

Click enter when you done.

B. Qualitative data (Catalog).

Click the search button to bring up the available catalog.

Now just choose the catalog for your analysis parameter by clicking the Choose button. Press Enter and Save.

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