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A.W. Talash is a senior resewoir engineering adviser for Mobil

E&P Services Inc. in Dallas. He previously conducted research sj=~ /i774u
studies at Mobil’s Dallas Research Laboratories on various
secondary and tertiary recovery methods. He holds SS, MS, and
PhD degrees in petroleum engineering from Texas 17&f4U. and
sewed on the 1979-80 Editorial Review Committee.

An Overview of Waterflood
Surveillance and Monitoring
A.W. Ta[ash, SPE, Mobil E&P Services Inc.

Introduction Resetvoir SurveIllattce

An essential key to a successful watertlmhg project is a As listed in Table 1, reservoir pressures, injection and
well-planned and well-executed program of suweilkince and production rates, fluid volumes, WOWGOR’S, and fluid
monitoring. This program should be tailored to address samples require constant surveilk% A discussion of these
individual projects or fields because each watertlcmd will have items and proposed scheduks for obtaining the data was
different characteristics. There are, however, some basic presented by Sarnes and Tinker.2 When these data are coupled
fidients that should be common to w SW-WiumCe with the reservoir-dexsiption information, waterf.lOod-
programs. III general, three major categories of field conditions perfornxmce calmdations can be made. Reservoirdescription
must be included in any watertlcod surveillance program information generally includes core, well Iog, and geologic
reservoir conditions, injectionlproduction-well conditions, and data. Holbert and Zeito3 list the reservoirdescription data in
facilities/operadng conditions. The last and probably the most more detail.
important ingredient is record keeping/performance controI. Numerous methods or techniques for estimating waterflood
There are, of course, economic conditions that must be taken performsmce have been reported in the Iiteratme. These
into consideration. For the mmaoses of this Dauer. however. methods range from the classic type34-7 to sophisticated
onty the technical aspects o; a ‘waterflood s;m&ll&ce Prog&m resemoir simulator mcdels.
wifl b addressed. There are four ~es of wel13 requiring surveillance
The purpose of tlds paper is to provide an overview of production. injection, water-supply, and water-disposal wells.
waterflood suweillance programs and to outline the various Of these, production and injection wells require the most
items to be monitored. Selected tests for diagnosis of problems attention. Monitming well performance requires a program of
commonly associated with waterfloads are discussed briefly, selected well tests to be conducted regularly. The types of well
along with a look at developing surveillance technology. tests selected will depend on surfaceidownbole equipment,
well-compledon characteristics, produced or injected fluids, the
Surveillance Program stage of the waterflood project (early, middle, or late), and the
Waterflood surveillance programs of the 1980’s have been reservoir description. Key items for surveillance are fluid entry
influenced to some degree by the chemical waterflood projects into or exit from target zones, cementicompletion inte.griiy,
of the 1970’s. The desire to understand cbemical-recovery- and mechanical equipment, both downhole and surface. Well
process applications better led to a significant increa3e in testing is discussed later.
project surveillance activities. Much time and effort was spent The well sumeilkmce program should include plans for
in evaluating both watertlmd and tertiary recoveries. It was recording the information in a suitable manner or format such
shown that by closely monitoring field activities, improvement that it is both easily accessible and “user friendly.” Finally,
in waterflood recoveries could be achieved. 1 the program should provide a systematic approach to data
Fig. 1 shows the key monitoring points in the traditional analysis, evaluation, recommendations, and corrective
waterflood cycle. There was a time when most of the attentiori measures, 33 needed.
given a watwflocd pioj%t focused on reservoir perfommnce,
and this usually was limited to monitoring water cuts. Today Facilities/Operations SurvelIIance
we realize that it is equally important to include well, Waterflood operating procedures and conditions, along witi the
facilities, and operating conditions in our tirveillance a3s0ciated project facilities, are often taken for granted, yet
programs. Thus, all the components of the waterilocd cycle they are key ingredients to successful project management.
diagramed in Fig. 1 should be included in a well-planned Tinker8 reported on the operating factors that affect waterflood
surveillance progrmn. performance, including well completions, injection patterns,
Table 1 lists items that should normafly be included in the high-volume lift, irjection pmtiles, and bottomwater
three major categories of surveillance. This is by no means a production.
complete listing because waterflood can have rather unusual Operations and facilities van considembl~ from moiect to
characteristics or conditions requiring addiional items for proj’mt and.undergo changes &ing the sev%l sta~es”of
observation and evaluadon-e. g., environmental and regulatow waterflood development. Injection-pattern confwmtiom,
wnditi0n3 surface topography, reservoir cbaracterisdcs, deviated wells,
and tield operating constraints are oidy a few of the conditions
1938SOCIWof Pe!ro!eurc that can lead to problems associated witi project management

In general, however, the ingredients common to most

operations needing surveillance are injectiotipmduction

facilities, fluid tmnsmission lines, field monitming equipment,

and, most important, water quafity.
Poor injection-water quality is probably one of the most
m Fluid samples
Downhole equipment
Surface equipment

Unequal directional flow in the reservoir during

waterflcading thus can be caused by both natural (reservoir
character) and manmade (well and operating) condiions.
Natural causes include variations in directional permeability,
faults, permeability pinchouts, lenses, fractures, and active
damaging conditions that arise in watmfbading operations. aquifers. Manmade causes of unequal directional flow are
McCune9 stated that too often the quality standards required generally related to peer well conditions, unbafanmd
for irjecting a particular water into a particular formation are injecdonlproduction rates, and poor-quaf@ injection water.
not known in the early stages of .Sbe project, and the Ie3ukS Regardless of the cause, unequal directional flow in a given
are damaged and plugged ;njeztion w;lti requiring workover or reservoir must be recognized, quantified, and corrected.
stimulation and further expense to modify the treating Table 2 lists tbe information that may be derived from a
facilities. He described severaf test methods for on-site testing comprehensive welf-testing program. Analysis and evaluation
to define injection-water quality requirements: (1) geocbendcal of this information is extremely valuable in diagnosing
analyses of the waters involved and description of suspended problems and quantifying waterflood performance. As a
solids, (2) membrane-flter tests to describe the plugging consequence, recommendations for adjustments in operating
effects of the suspended soli&, and (3) flow tests to study the procedures and improvements in well conditions can lead to a
effects of the injection Water on formation-core perm~bility. more efticient waterflood moiect.
Chang 10 discussed water quality as it pertains to suspended Table 3 indicates the co~on tests, logs, and surveys
solids, oxygen levels, and corrosion and bacterial control and available for obtaining the information in Tabie 2. Some of the
monitoring. He further described the design and operation of a tests, such as the intenveU tracer, are special-purpose types
sampling, analysis, and water-tusabnent facility. and would be used for diagnosis of specific problems. 11.12
The remainder of this paper discusses the well tests that are
Well-Testing Program most commordy used in waterflood projects and the associated
An im~rtant key to the successful application and surveillance information each test can provi&.
of waterfkmds is a detailed, accurate defnition of fluid-flow
paths. Fluid-flow d~tribution is governed by reservoir Pressure-Falloff Tests
properties, well conditions, and operating practices. A well- One of the most inmmtant well tests available for obtainim . in-
planned and wel-executed well-testing program can provide or situ formation data and wellbore information is the injection-
contirm reservoirlwell-condition information that cannot be weU pressure-falloff test. 13-16When properly desifled and
adequately obk?ined by other means. exezuted, this test is capable of providing the foUowing
fn waterflooding, certain reservoir and/Or well conditiom can khmmtion (1) effective permeability to water; (2) existence
result in anomalous distribution of injection wateri which in of natural fractures and flow-capacity contibutio~
turn may result in inefficient flood operations. If fluid-flow (3) existence of weUbore fractures, wing lengths, and parting
distribution can be ascertained, then corrective measwes can pressure+ (4) evidence of formationlwe!.lboce damage or ~,
be undertaken as needed. Time corrective measures include (5) estimate of average reservoir pressure; (6) effectivemss of
h.kction- andlor production-well rate adiuilrnents, well shut-in, stimulation Wa.bnentslrecompletion% (7) existence of field
iniennittent weU Gperation, well c0nver3_i0n3, inje”tiion-protile pressure gradientq and (8) location of flood front (early
modification, and flood-pattern revision. injection stage).

Effective formation permeability Pre33ure builduD

Interwell permeabilityiexistence of barriers Pressure falloff”
Exi3tence of natural fractures Injectivity
Existence of wellbore fracturesfconditions Flow profile
Effective formation thickness Steprate
Existence of field presswe gradie”tslfluid drift Pulse
Evidence of perforation plugginglformation damage Interference
Loss of injected water out of target zone Bottomhole pressure surveys
Fluid crossflow Bottomhole temperature surveys
Excessive wellbore till Interwell tracer
Ca3ing/tubing [eak3 Cement bond logs
Fluid samples Thermal decav loos
Volumetric (fluid volumes, rates, WOR, GOR) Gamma ray [;gs “
Pressures (surface, bottomhole, reservoir)
Effectiveness of well stimulation treatments/recompletions
Data for correlating formation layering
III reservoirs where the permeability is considered to be less and to evaluate fracturing during watezfkmding. Their
thm severaf hundred millidmcies, it is not uncommon for tbe apprOach ficlud= the use of a radial-flow analysis to detwt
weffbores of old injection welfs to have km fractured either changes in fluid transmissibility.
intentionally or otbenvise. Knowledge concerning the wellbore
fracture-i. e., parting pressure, wing length, orientation, and Other Tests/SpeclaI Techniques
vertical height-can be very useful to the field operator in In addition to the various testing and logging metlods
2eg2rd to watertlocd optimization. 17 Pressure-f.MOff tesfing mentioned thus far, several veq useful tests and evaluation
can provide information on fracture pardng pressures and techniques are available for well and reservoir analysis.
fracmre wing length.% Multiple-well testing 15.30 provides a means for determining
As discussed earlier, unequal dmtionzl flow or fluid drift formation continuity between injection and production welfs.
can usurdfy be attributed to natural and/or manmade
Interference and pulse fests are most commonly used for this
causes. 1.18.19 The existence of field pressure gradients may
purpose. fn interference testing, changing the rate in one well
cause s-ed’iousdistortions in tie flow patterns and can result in
causes a pressure change to be observed in a nearby well.
poor sweep efficiency. Fieldwide press.ure-fafloff testing can When properly auafyzed, tfds information can provide data
provide estimztes of average rezezvoir pressures for pressure
zeladng to formation propeties. fn the puke test, multiple
contour mapping. Pressure gradients, if they exist, can be changes in the rate will provide data similar to those from the
evaluated as to location and amount. Fieldwide balancing of
“interference test. These two tests are not usuzfly included in
injection and prcdwtion rates can, in most cases, remedy this
fhe sumeilfance program but should be considered when
questions arise as to lateral contimd~ between wells.
Another problem commonly assmiated with older injection
)?arlougherls presented a modified version of H2U’S31
wells is wellbore ffl. Solids collect in the bottom of the well
technique for analyzing injection WAS. This method provides a
over a period of the md can CQver or obstruct the entire
simpIe means for monitoring injection-well performance
injection interval. Welfbore fti may be detected with pressure- because Om.only data required are the individual well
falloff testing by either observing that the test tool cannot be
cumulative injected volumes with time and a good record of
lowered through the injection intend or analysis of the ftioff
injection pressure. Farfougher pointed out that the major
test data indicates evidence of unusmdly ldgb positive skim
benefit of the HP.U plot is the change in slope of the data,
Regular well testing will provide a means of detecting
which is related to chznges in fluid mobilily, skin, and/or
wellbore4ill problems.
dimensionless pressure. Changes in operating practices or the
Profile ?estlngkogging addition of new offset wells may be detected in the analysis of
the Hall plot.
Ideafly, 10% of tbe water would be injected uniformly into an
umwtricted target zone. Formation heterogeneities, damage, Data. Gathering/Documenthtg
fractures, and POX or damaged well completions usually
prevemt the ideal from occuzzing. fn watertlooding operations, Discussions of waterflood surveillance are usually directed
three of the most serious problems are formation plugging, toward reservoir performance, yet the overalf success of the.
nonum”form injection profde, and injection of water out of the project can be impacted by day-to-day field operations. while
target zone or completion interval. Formation plugging may be reservoir engineers may fwus their attention on rescrvois
caused by poor drilling/completion pracdces and poor-quality performance and waterflood optimization, production/
injection water.m A nonuniform tijextion profile may be operations engineers are involved with everyday management
attributai to heterogeneities, fractures, faults, and selective of field operations, information gatbetig, and diagmmis of
plugging of the formation or perforations. Finally, injecting potential or existing problems. Tbe problems commonly
wateI out of the target zone or completion interval is usually associated with field operating systems may be categorized
the result of pm or damaged cement and fra.cture8. simply as mechanical, electrical, and chemical. Teamwork
Numerous techniques for protile testing andhr logging of between reservoir engineers and productionhperztions
wells have been mportd21-29 Most am related to surveillance engineer2 is essential to watertlced project management.
of water injection wells. Sauer21 discussed tbe most common Each field has its own characteristics and pecufiarhie$ thus,
types of wefl surveys, such as spinner, radioactive isotope it is ditlhdt to be specitic about how to gather, document, and
velwity, and particle plating and temperature surveys. He also analyze data related to field operations. As discussed earlier,
Fig. 1 shows the key monitoring points, and Table 1 lists
rmfi~ ~ fie t=t procedures M data interpretation of these
suzveys. items needing surveillance, in a ve~ general way. BIIcaram
More recentfy, other authors have presented tedmiques that and SuUivan32 reported the specifics of data gathering and
use tbezmzl neufron capture cross-section Iogging,z new processing. llcy pointed out that many oil-producing
flowmeter for production logging and well testing, ~ and companies have created and now operate data-gathering and
gamma-ray-emitting tracers for profile surveillance. 24 -prwessing systems, all of which have in common systems that
Elkmberger and Aseldne25 presented a case history of a obtain accurate, timely information and pmcess{condense the
technique for improving tbe vertical efficiency in irjection data into an easily usable and understandable form, usually
web and the approach to evaluating the results of stimdation with the aid of computers. Bucaram and Sullivan also
treabnents. discussed an equipment-performance report system, the report
As mentioned, irjecting water out of the target zone is form, data processing, and analysis of the repozted
usually related to peer or damaged cement and tictures. information. hter, Bucaram and Yeary33 gave an overview of
Cement bond logs are frequently used to determine the cement the equipment-performance system for tbe 14-year period since
integrity. Bigelow26 points out that tie cenient bond log has its implementation. They stated that performance did not
been controversial since its inception, perhaps because of increase just because better records were kept, but beciuse
misguided interpretation practices. According to Fitzgerald et problems were identified and action was taken.
al. ,27 recent technological advances in the logging industry Moore% discussed the use of personal computers (W’s) in
have causal marked improvements in cement-bmd-log oilfield surveillance. He discussed a PC &k-gathering system
recordings, along with the development of a fast and simple and the related data reporting and tmmsfer progrzm. AIthough
qwmtit2tive interpretation medmd. authors present this “surveillance progrm was developed for a thermal
guidelines for achieving 90% accuracy in zone-isolation recovery project, many of the important ingredients could be
decisions. used in a wzterfbmd pmjwt.
Step-rate tezts zre commonly used to &terndne formation
partiig pressure. Singh et al.zs recently discussed steyate Automated Held.Surveillance Systems
&sign and analysis of test data to estimate the parting pressure Because a waterflcad project is an integral part of the overall
accurately. Morales et d. 29 described a procedure to detect tield-openxions management its as far as
surveillance is concemti; should be programmed into any Mobd E&P Mormation Systems pcrsomel for providing
developed or plwed automated field-surveillance system. v~uahle background ma~erid for this paper.
Consequently, the foljowing d~cussion addresses suweilanc:
systems into which waterflood monitoring may b: “References
incorporated. 1.Taksh, A.W. and Strange, L. K.: ‘%umma~ of Pefinmance and Eval-
h example of automatic well testing and surveillance was ..uafio!!s in tie West Burkburneit chemical Waterflood project, ”JPT
report+ by Hunter et al., 35 who described a pitot computer (NOV. 1982) 2495-2502.
production-control system developed for a test battery area 2. B.wmes,P.F. and Tinker, G.E.: “Production Technology Exp.mience
containing 76 beam-pumped weUs, four satellite separation and in fvfiChiW Watertloods,” JPT (Aug. 1985) 146–58.
test facilities, and treating and storage facilities in the battery. 3. Holbert, D.R. and Zeito, G.A.: ‘LAStudy of Reservoir Characteristics
The anticipated benefits tkom the installation were accelerated in Tluw Problem WaterRocds, ” Prod. Mmuhfy (June 1960)‘20-26.
4. Craig, F.F. Jr.: The Rescwoir Engineering Aspects ofWamjfooding,
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Monograph Series. SPE, Richardson, TK (1971)3, C~P. 8.
Podio et al. 36 described the design, implementation, and 5. Craig, F.F. Jr.: .’Effect of Reservoir Description on Performance Pre-
application of a microcomputer-bad system for automa.ticdly dictions,” Worerjboding, Reprint Series, SPE, Richardson, TX (1973)
peffonning pressure-buildup tests in pumping wells from 2a, 257-63.
surface measurements. and analyzing the data in real time at the 6. Higgim, R.V. er al.: “Aids to Forecasting the Performance of Water.
weUsite. They indicated that the test system was successfully flwds,” Wate@ooding, Reprint Series, SPE, Richardson, TX (1973)
tested and had an overwhelming advantage over existing 2a, 264-70.
tednologyf orproviding, in the field, instantaneous 7. Gnerrero, E.T. and Eadougher, R.C.: “Analysis and Comparison of
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Prod. Monthly (June 1961) 4--13.
thereby enabling the operator to decide on the best strategy for
S. Tinker, G. E.: “Design and Operating Factors That Affect Watefload
meeting the test objectives. Performance in Michigan,” JPT (Oct. 1983) 1884-92.
Automated field opemtions37 andautomatedtield 9. McCune, C. C.: “On-Site Testing To Defm Injection-Water Quatty
surveilkmcea reba.sica12yt woseparates ubject.s,buttbe “field Remdremenfs.” JPT (km. 1977) 17-24.
of the future” will no doubt integrate botb programs intoa 10. Cl&g, C.K.: “Water i2wdilyCoikderations in M&ysiak Fti Water-
completely automated field-management system. It seems flccd,,, JPT (Sept. 1985) 1689-9S.
logical to assume that for an automated field-operations system 11. Greenkorn, R.A.: “Expeimenfal Study of Waterflood Tracers,” JPT
to perform well, the system itself wi!.fhave to be monitored (Jan. 1962) 87-92 Tram., AIME, 225.
closely witba sophisticated surveillance program. 12. Wagner, O.R,; ‘The Use of Tracers in Diagnosing Jmerwell Reservoir
Hetemgemities-Field Rmdts,” JPT fNov. 1977) 141C-16.
We are actively engaged in developing and installing
13. Novak. TJ. and Lester. G.W.: “Am.h’sis of hessure FaJJ-OffCurves
automated field systems forthetieldof the future. This
Obtain~ in Water Jrjeciion Wetts to D-etermineJnjecfiveCapacity and
includes developing andmaintaining computer appJicationsto Formation Damage,,, Pressure Anafy$is Methods, Reprint Series, SPE,
monitor and to control abroad array of field andplard Richardson, TX (1967) 9, 61-67.
operations through the use of field master stations and remote 14. Matthews, C.S. and Russell, D. G.: Pressure Buildup amf Flow Tests
terminal units. Thetield master station isequippedwiththw in Wells, Monograph Series, SPE, Richardson, TX (1967) 1, 73-80.
alarm systems capable of not~ing production persmnel of 15. Fadougher, R.C. Jr.: Advances in Well Test .kdysis, Monograph
abnormal or potentially dangerous situations. One alarm system Series, SPE, Richardson, TX (1977) S, 47-89, 105-58.
uses abigh- frequency scan to identi@crhicaJ conditions that 16. Abbaszadeb, M. and Sian@ M. M.: “Pressure Transient Testing of
Water fnjectim Welts,>, paper SPE 16744 presented at the 1987 SPE
require immediate attention. The other ak?nn systems are used
.4nr..d Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dd3as, S@. 27-30.
to transmit tield-mastm-station .aJ- over field rad,os and
17. Kotmtson, D.C. and Kelm, C.H.: “30jecdowWeUTestingTo optimize
telephones/pagers witia speciall yequipped PC. More Waferflcad Performance,,, JPT @iOV. 1975) 1337-42:
recently, we have developed a speech alamn system that 18. Strange, L.K. and Tahsb, A. W.: “Analysis of Salem Low-Tension
combines and enhances the features of the other alarm systems Waterffaod Test,” .JPT (Nov. 1977) 13g0-84.
and has the unique capabiIi@ of verbatly issuing alarms 19. WidmYer, R.H. et cd.: C‘Low-Temion Waterftmd at Salem UNt—
through the use of a synthesized computer voice. Pmt@lot Evduatiou;V JPT (Sept. 1979) 1185-90.
Jn addition to tie alarm systems, the iiefd master station 20. Krueger, R.F.: “An Gveriiew of Formation Damage and Well F’m3uc-
provides an extensive range of data on every operation tivity in Oiltidd c@&ons,’, JPT (Feb. 19S6) 131-52.
21. Saner, W.D.: “Methods of Detemdnin g Water Jnjecdon Pmfdes,”
occurring in the field or plant. Reports are customized for the
Prod Monthly (Dec. 1960) 12-19.
specific requirements of sach Iocation. Field personnel are able 22. Tesar&, P.B. and Heysse, D. R.: “Water Jnjecdon Profiles in Eola
to interact dimctfy with the system, performing maintenance Field Dmmnirmd by Changes in Thermal Neutron Capture Cress
functions and mcdiiing the data base as needed. Section,’sp-r SPE 16S16presentedat the 1981SPE Amwd Technical
Conference and Exhibition.. Dallas. S@. 27-30.
Sunrelllance-The Future 23. Piers, G.E., Perkins, J., and E.scott, D.; “A New Flowmeter for Pm-
ducdon Lagging and W.IJ Tesdng,” paper SPE 16819presented at the
Bohannon37 pointed out that systems control wifJ continue to
1987SPE Annual Tecbnicat Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Se@
be highly dmhibuted with more decision-making and reporting 27-30.
done closer to the point of measurement or control. As a 24. Gtsink, J.C.J. er al.: ‘sUse of Gamma Ray-Emitting Tracers and Sub-
consequence, application of expert systems in surveillance is s~eat Gamma Ray Legging in an Observation well TQ D,t~ti
the next logical feature to be incorporated into the automated the Preferential Flow Zones in a ReseNoir,” JPT(April 1985) 711-19.
system. 25. Eltenberger, C.W. and AseOine,R.J.: “Selective Acid SdnmkationTo
In her paper on the future applications of expert systems, Jmmove Verdcal Efficiency in Jriection WeUs–A Case Histow,” JPT
Miller38 stated that one of the maior concerns the earth (J& 1977325-29.
sciencs profession is currentiy facing is the 10ss of espensive 26. Bigelow, E. L.: ‘LAPracdca3Approach b the Interpretation of Cement
Bond Imgs, ‘, JPT (hty 1985) 1285-94.
and invaluable Jaowledge bases through the loss of
27. Fitz.geratd, D.D., McGhee, B.F., and McGuire, J.A.: “Guid&s for
experienced professionals. The progranunin g of knowledge,
90% Accuracy in Zmdsohdon Decisions,” JFT(Nov. 1983)2013-22.
gained by field engineers through experience and practice, into 28. W@., P. K., Aganwd, R. G., and Rrase, L. D.: “Systemadc Design
expert field-suweiflance systems wilf provide the field operator end .hdyfi of Step-Rate Tests :M Determine Formation Parting
with continued technical control abilities that could otherwise fbssure,” PW SPE 1679SPresented at the 1987 SPE Annuaf Tech-
be lost through attrition. J.n other words, the future Jies in nical Conf&&e and Exhibition, Dallas, Sept. 27-30.
documenting and progmmmin g the present and the past. 29. Momtes, R.H. er al.: “Detection of a Formation Fracture in a Watm;.
flccding Experiment;’ JPT (Oct. 1986) 1113-21.
Acknowledgments 30. Barbe, J.A. and Scbimbde”, DJ.: “Quamhative Analysis of In611
Perfcmcm RobemsonCle.wfcrkUnit.” .7PTlDec. 198711593-1601.
I express my appreciation to Mobil F&P for permission to 31. Halt, 3f.N.: Wow to Ar@ze WateiO.~ fnj~on Well P&fomnance?
bli h tld d i ti k t M b E&P Mkil d d W dd 128 30
32. Bucaram, S.M. and SuUiran, J.H.: “A Data Gathering and Processing 37. Eahaunon, J.M.: “Aummation in Oimdd Pmducdm C@xions,$, JPT
System To optimize Prcducing Oper&iom,’SJPT@eb. 1972) 1S3+2. (Aug. 19S4) 1229-42.
33. Bucamm, S.M. and Yeary, B.J.: “A Dam-Gadming System To C& 3S. Milk, B.M.: “hlture Applications of FZqm’1systems for the Evalu-
dridze P7cducdon 0p8ratimls A 14-Yearoverview,,, JpT(Apti 1987) &on of Ene~ Resnumes,-> JPT @farch 1988)’ 34S.52.
34. Moore, J.B.: “Oilfield Surveilhn.e Wkh Personal Computers,” JPT .JPT
(June 1986) 665-68.
Thk P++, k S?E 18740. Bbtin@shti A.M., s@.. a~des are &mnem[, dewlmtve
35. Hunter, J.D. .:.1.: “Denver Unit Well Surveillance and Pump-Off
P~$antatbmthatUmmarkethestareof the.* In an area of !.chndcw by dewal.g
Control System,,9 JPT (Sept. 1978) 1319-26. recent dw,lo~ments for m,dws who are no! SWdallats In the MPi.cs diiuwd. Written
36. Podio, AL. et rd.: “Automatic pressure Buildup Data and Jnterpre. W indivld.wrwc-anized m ❑m, in the am, thsss awes prod. by t.
wion Using a MicrcccmputemBawd Acoustic Liquid Level fh- nleredeflnltknWWandPment s+edlicde!aibonlyMIllus!m!e IF@ 16dl”dw,Fu_:
TO i“fm’m tim gmere!mad,rsh(o o! M,”, advancw$ Invarb.s areas.3!palro!,”nlmlgl.
$~ent,” P=W=SpE 16228 pffismted at the 1987 SPE Prcducdon ..06.0. A Wlta””d anlholw. SPE Disfl”g”!slmd AldJmr8uffns, Owc. 7981-~. ,993,
Operations Syuq-mium, Oklahoma City, March 9-11. Is atilable (mm SPE% Ecak Order Dew.

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