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Properties of a Rhombus Homework Name: ________________________

Show all work and simplify answers completely. No Calculator!

1. Determine whether the statement is true or false. If false, explain why.

a. All parallelograms are rhombuses.

b. All rhombuses are parallelograms.

2. WXYZ is a rhombus. m∠X = 24(10 - x) and m∠Z = 6(x + 15), find m∠Y.

3. Is C(4,4), D(3,1), E(-2,-1), F(-1,3) a parallelogram? Justify your answer.

4. PQRS is a rhombus. Solve for y.

5. Given E(-7,3), F(1,4), G(5,-3), and H(-3,-4), is EFGH is a rhombus? Justify your answer. If you do not
have a justification and only calculations for this problem, you will receive no credit for it.

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