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First news

there was a meeting between north korea and us who called 100 senators to
keep the way of the meeting not sure what they were talking about but us
wanted to urge north korea to stop the nuclear weapons mission which was
carried out

second news

on the 85th anniversary of the year the soldiers in North Korea enjoyed the
holidays and events that were presented but two weeks after that Korea fired
nuclear weapons at us and us. to North Korea

third news

The Trump administration has made a new proposal regarding taxes in America.
The US treasury secretary called it the biggest tax cut and the biggest tax reform
in US history.But analysts said there were not enough details in the proposal to
know for sure. What is clear is that it will change U.S. tax brackets. In general,
the more money Americans get, the higher their tax rates, the more they pay
taxes. There are currently seven different income tax brackets, ranging from 10
percent to 39.6 percent. The Trump administration proposal will reduce the
number of parentheses to three, starting from 12 percent to 33 percent and
reducing taxes paid by most Americans.

Fourth news

An unmanned spacecraft named Cassini is attempting to dive between those

rings and the planet itself, beginning what NASA calls its grand finale.
If everything went according to plan, Cassini shot the gap at a speed of more
than 76,000 miles per hour yesterday and scientists were expecting to hear from
it by 3:00 a.m. Eastern Thursday morning. But there was some uncertainty. At
that speed, any debris between Saturn and its famous rings could have
completely destroyed Cassini. Scientists are hoping the information it sends
back will help them learn about Saturn's gravity and magnetic fields.
Fifth news

For kids and young people, U.S. government recommends at least an hour of
exercise every day. For adults, it suggests between two and a half and five hours
per week. It doesn't specify when you should exercise. Experts say just making
sure you do it is the important thing.
But if you're getting enough sleep, there are some benefits to working out in the
morning, having more energy throughout the day is one of them.

Sixth news
We'll probably never need to know how to make a peanut butter and jelly
sandwich in space. But just so we do, here's Shane Kimbrough who recently
came home from the International Space Station. While he was there, he
explained that astronauts don't have bread in space. They use tortillas. And
every ingredient has to be taped down so it doesn't float away and get blown
around by the air conditioning.
As far as eating it goes, that's the same as on Earth. Seeing that will probably
make you aspiring astronauts jelly. But I'm glad we can say with that end,
because men shall not live by bread alone, opting for a tortilla is anything but a
stale (ph) idea, and it gives you a sense of the micro gravity of the situation
when you got to keep all your orbits and pieces from floating off.

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