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Original Investigation

Effect of Inspiratory Muscle Training in the Management

of Patients With Asthma
Neslihan Duruturk, PhD, PT; Manolya Acar, MSc, PT; Mustafa Ilgaz Doğrul, MD

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects volume. Increased lung volume modifies the chest wall ge-
of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) on respiratory muscle ometry and shortens the inspiratory muscles, reducing their
strength, exercise capacity, dyspnea, fatigue, quality of life, and capacity. A decline in the inspiratory muscle strength leads
daily living activities of asthmatic patients. to dyspnea and respiratory muscle fatigue.3 This leads to
Methods: Thirty-eight asthmatic patients, between 18 and reductions in key parameters such as maximal breathing
65 years of age, were enrolled in the study and randomly divided capacity and maximal exercise tolerance in these patients
into 2 groups; IMT (n = 20) or control (n = 18). Participants over time.4
in the IMT group performed 30 breaths using a patient-specific Treatment of asthma aims to control the clinical man-
threshold pressure device, twice daily for 6 wk at 50% maximal ifestations of the disease, exacerbation risks, accelerated
inspiratory pressure (MIP), in addition to “breathing training” decline in lung function, and drug-induced side effects. Al-
during this period. Participants in the control group performed though clinical control of asthma can be achieved by phar-
only the “breathing training” (sham or no threshold pressure macological treatment, pulmonary rehabilitation and inspi-
device). Outcome measurements, performed before and after the ratory muscle training (IMT) can be beneficial in improving
intervention, included pulmonary function test, respiratory mus- the overall functional capacity and reducing dyspnea and
cle strength, 6-min walk test, modified Medical Research Coun- thus reducing the need for health care intervention.5-7
cil dyspnea scale, St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire, Fatigue Previous studies have shown that IMT promotes dia-
Severity Scale, and London Chest Activity of Daily Living scale. phragm hypertrophy in healthy people and in patients with
Results: Among the outcomes in the study, changes to key COPD and chronic heart failure.2,8 Inspiratory muscle train-
variables including MIP (P < .01); MIP, percent predicted ing is a technique intended to improve the strength of the
(P < .01); maximal expiratory pressure (MEP), percent predicted diaphragm and other accessory muscles of respiration.2 Yet,
(P < .01); 6-min walk test walking distance (P = .001); modified its effects on clinical outcomes in patients with asthma are
Medical Research Council scale (P = <.001); Fatigue Severity unclear.
Scale (P = .03); St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire symp- A limited number of studies have investigated the effects
toms (P = .03); London Chest Activity of Daily Living domestic of IMT in patients with asthma and have found improve-
(P = .03); and London Chest Activity of Daily Living leisure (P ments in inspiratory muscle strength, pulmonary function,
= .01) were significantly different in favor of IMT versus con- and a decrease in asthma symptoms.2,9-13 However, the im-
trol. pact of IMT on exercise tolerance, quality of life, exertional
Conclusion:  These findings suggest that IMT may be an effec- dyspnea, fatigue, and daily living activities in people with
tive modality to enhance respiratory muscle strength, exercise asthma remains unknown. Moreover, it is important to
capacity, quality of life, daily living activities, reduced perception identify low-cost alternatives to asthma treatment due to
of dyspnea, and fatigue in asthmatic patients. an increasing prevalence of asthma and rising health care
costs. Inspiratory muscle training is emerging as a low-
Key Words: asthma • breathing training • exercise capacity •
cost alternative,13 and more evidence is being generated
inspiratory muscle training • quality of life
supporting IMT as a viable treatment option in managing
chronic diseases such as asthma. The purpose of this study

A sthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways

characterized by variable airflow limitation and air-
way hyperresponsiveness.1,2 The chronic airflow limitation
was to determine the effects of IMT on inspiratory muscle
strength, pulmonary function, exercise capacity, quality of
life, dyspnea, fatigue, and daily living activities of asthmatic
caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients.
or asthma changes the shape and position of the diaphragm.
This alteration is believed to be due to an increase in lung
Author Affiliations: Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Thirty-eight participants with asthma were selected from
Faculty of Health Sciences (Dr Duruturk and Ms Manolya Acar) and Baskent University Hospital, Department of Chest Diseas-
Department of Chest Diseases, Faculty of Medicine (Dr Doğrul), Baskent
es. Among them, 30 patients completed all aspects of the
University, Ankara, Turkey.
study (Figure). Inclusion criteria were age between 18 and
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. 65 y and diagnosed with asthma according to the Global
Correspondence: Neslihan Duruturk, PhD, PT, Department of Physiotherapy Initiative for Asthma criteria.14 All individuals in the study
and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Baskent University, Eskisehir had mild to moderate persistent asthma and were in stable
Rd, 06790, Ankara, Turkey ( condition, with a resting forced expiratory volume in the
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. first second of expiration (FEV1) >70% of predicted, and
DOI: 10.1097/HCR.0000000000000318 were taking prescribed maintenance medications. Patients

198    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 2018;38:198-203

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure. Flow diagram of the study participants. Abbreviation: IMT, inspiratory muscle training.

were excluded if they were considered clinically unstable or ensure patient safety. These exercises were provided to the
had a neuromuscular disease, unstable cardiovascular dis- participants under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
ease, or musculoskeletal disease that may interfere with ex-
ercise. The study was approved by the Medical Ethics Com- OUTCOME MEASURES
mittee of Baskent University (#KA13\239), and all patients Physical and sociodemographic characteristics of all pa-
gave their informed consent before participation. tients were recorded at admission (Table 1). Pulmonary
function testing was performed using a clinical spirometer
STUDY DESIGN AND INTERVENTION (Vmax 229; Sensor Medics) according to the guidelines
Patients were randomly assigned to either the IMT group of the American Thoracic Society.15 Parameters including
(n = 20) or the control group (n = 18), followed by mea- FEV1, forced vital capacity (FVC), ratio of FEV1 to FVC
surement of baseline variables. Patients were randomized to (FEV1/FVC), and forced expiratory flow at 25% to 75%
either of the 2 groups by an independent therapist selecting of FVC were measured. To determine respiratory muscle
patient information from an envelope in blinded fashion. strength, MIP and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP)
Subsequently, clinical assessments were conducted by a were evaluated using the spirometer.16,17
physiotherapist, followed by treatment/interventions that Six-min walk test (6MWT) was used to determine func-
were administered by a different physiotherapist assigned tional exercise capacity. The 6MWT was chosen because it
to the treatment arm of the study. is easier to administer, better tolerated, and better reflects
At the beginning of the study, a formal educational ses- activities of daily living than other walk tests. It has been
sion, lasting about 30 min, was given by the physiotherapist widely used for measuring the response to therapeutic in-
dealing with the treatment/interventions. The education ses- terventions for pulmonary diseases.18 The 6MWT was con-
sion informed subjects about bronchial hygiene techniques ducted in a 30-m flat corridor and participants were asked
and breathing training, which included breathing control, to walk at their own walking speed for 6 min. The 6MWT
pursed-lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing exercises, and was administered twice on the same day with a 30-min in-
thoracic expansion exercises. While subjects in the control terval between tests and the greatest 6MWT walking dis-
group received only the education session, subjects in the tance was recorded.19
IMT group made additional hospital visits, 3 times per week The modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale
for 6 wk for breathing training and the IMT program using was used to assess the severity of dyspnea during activi-
a patient-specific threshold pressure device (POWERbreathe, ty. The modified Medical Research Council scale consists
HaB International). The POWERbreathe was applied for of 5 statements that describe the complete range of dys-
30 dynamic inspiratory efforts, twice daily, at a pressure pnea, starting with grade 0 (absence of dyspnea during
threshold load that was 50% of maximal inspiratory pres- strenuous exercise) to grade 4 (dyspnea during daily living
sure (MIP). In addition, heart rate and peripheral arterial activities).20,21
saturation were measured by pulse oximeter, and blood Perceived fatigue was assessed using the Turkish ver-
pressure was measured using a sphygmomanometer to help sion of Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS).22 The FSS consists of Effect of IMT in Patients With Asthma     199

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1 difference between pre- and post-intervention values) were
made using the Mann-Whitney U test and the comparisons
Baseline Characteristics of the Patientsa
between baseline and post-training values were made using
IMT Group Control Group P Valueb the nonparametric Wilcoxon test for each group.
Female/male, n 14/6 17/1
The primary outcome measure for this study was the
Age, y .447
change in MIP values. We found that group sample size of
46.50 ± 13.38 42.72 ± 18.85
17 and 14 achieved 99% power to show an improvement
(22.00-64.00) (20.00-65.00)
in primary outcome measurement and having a significance
Body mass index, 27.44 ± 6.15 24.60 ± 5.21 .135 level (α) of .05, using a 2-sided Mann-Whitney U test, as-
  kg/m2 (18.90-44.37) (15.01-33.00) suming normal distribution.26-28
FEV1, % predicted 92.95 ± 25.70 91.66 ± 22.03 .870
(43.00-136.00) (54.00-134.00)
FEV1, L 2.89 ± 1.29 2.78 ± 0.91 .748 RESULTS
(1.01-7.32) (1.13-4.24) Forty-eight patients with asthma were screened for the
FVC, L 3.82 ± 1.31 3.34 ± 0.95 .206 study and 38 fulfilled the selection criteria and were ran-
(1.73-7.32) (1.68-5.30) domly assigned to 1 of the 2 groups; IMT group = 20
FEV1/FVC, % 73.54 ± 12.40 80.50 ± 15.35 .132 (14 females/6 males) and the control group = 18 (17 females/
(52.00-95.00) (52.00-105.00) 1 male) (Figure).
MIP, kPa .558 Compliance with the exercise intervention was very
5.11 ± 3.18 4.30 ± 1.86
good; the IMT group attended an average of 16 out of the
(0.40-12.30) (0.40-7.90)
18 (89%) breathing exercise sessions. There were no base-
MIP, % 59.90 ± 27.35 56.38 ± 23.11 .682
line differences in the characteristics and clinical profiles
(15.00-116.00) (15.00-113.00) between patients in the 2 groups (Table 1). In the control
MEP, kPa 6.75 ± 4.13 5.71 ± 3.03 .388 group, 2 patients had disease exacerbation and 1 partic-
(0.90-15.90) (2.20-11.80) ipant required hospital admission, whereas no such inci-
MEP, % 42.79 ± 17.18 50.22 ± 27.64 .482 dents occurred in the IMT group.
(16.00-80.00) (15.00-122.00)
6MWD, m 445.70 ± 130.07 426.00 ± 172.95 .650 CHANGES IN PULMONARY FUNCTION
(260.00-660.00) (135.00-780.00) Pulmonary function test results indicated no significant
Abbreviations: FEV1, forced expiratory volume in the first second of expiration; FVC, forced
differences between the IMT and control groups for either
vital capacity; IMT, inspiratory muscle training; MEP, maximal expiratory pressure; MIP, baseline or after the 6-wk intervention measurements. Al-
maximal inspiratory pressure; 6MWD, 6-min walk distance. though FVC was significantly lower in the control group
Data reported as mean ± standard deviation and range within parentheses unless (P = .041), no significant differences were observed between
otherwise noted. the IMT and control groups in other test results (Table 2).
P value calculated using Mann-Whitney U test.
Relative to baseline values, the MIP (P = .001), MIP % pre-
9 validated questions that indicate a perception of fatigue dicted (P < .001), and MEP % predicted (P = .003) post-
based on the responses. It has a scale that ranges from 0 to 7 intervention values were significantly increased in the IMT
(0 = absolute disagreement to 7 = absolute agreement). An group, whereas in the control group there were no significant
FSS score of 36 or more indicates significant fatigue. improvements in any maximal respiratory pressure parame-
St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), which is ters. When baseline and 6-wk values were compared between
validated for use with both patients with COPD and asth- groups, the changes were significantly different in favor of the
ma, was used to determine disease-specific quality of life.23 IMT versus the control groups; MIP (P < .001), MIP % pre-
It consists of 50 items divided into 3 parts that measure dicted (P < .001) and MEP % predicted (P = .002) (Table 2).
symptoms, activity limitation, and social/emotional im-
pact of the disease. Each item is recorded and subsequent-
ly weighted by the degree of distress associated with each
symptom. St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire scores AND FATIGUE
range from 0 (no impairment to quality of life) to 100 (poor Six-min walk test walking distance significantly improved
quality of life).24 in the IMT group (P < .001) and the walking distance was
Physical activity in daily life was evaluated by the London significantly different (P = .001) versus the control group
Chest Activity of Daily Living scale. This 15-item question- (Table 2). The improvement for the IMT group was 57.77
naire was designed to determine dyspnea during routine daily ± 37.54 m versus 10.79 ± 18.06 m for the control group.
activities.25 It is divided into 4 components: self-care; domes- The dyspnea perception score during activity significant-
tic; physical; and leisure. For each activity, patients score from ly decreased only in the IMT group (P = .001). Also, the
0 (I would not do it anyway) to 5 (someone else does this for post-intervention modified Medical Research Council scale
me [or helps]). Total scores range from 0 to 75, with higher score was significantly lower in the IMT group than in the
scores indicating a greater limitation in daily living activity. control group (P < .001) (Table 2).
Fatigue perception decreased significantly in the IMT
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS group only (P = .028) following the intervention. Signifi-
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software, v. cant changes were found in the FSS score between the IMT
22 (IBM). Data only from participants who completed the and control groups (P = .037) (Table 2).
trial were included and reported as mean ± standard de-
viation. Homogeneity and normality tests determined the CHANGES IN QUALITY OF LIFE AND DAILY LIVING
statistical methods that were used. When data were nor- ACTIVITIES
mally distributed, paired t tests were employed. Otherwise, Based on quality of life measures using the SGRQ, no signifi-
the comparisons of change scores between the groups (the cant changes were observed as a result of the 6-wk intervention

200    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 2018;38:198-203

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2
Pulmonary Function, Respiratory Muscle Strength, Exercise Capacity, Dyspnea, Fatigue, Quality of Life, and Daily Living
Activities Scores Between IMT and Control Groupsa
IMT Group Control Group
Baseline 6 wk P Value b
Baseline 6 wk P b Value P c Value
Pulmonary function
 FEV1, % predicted 92.95 ± 25.70 92.41 ± 21.26 .447 91.66 ± 22.03 91.21 ± 17.09 .083 .181
 FEV1, L 2.89 ± 1.29 2.65 ± 0.84 .326 2.78 ± 0.91 2.54 ± 0.83 .479 .415
  FVC, % predicted 108.55 ± 21.63 108 ± 16.63 .866 96.17 ± 22.63 90.79 ± 15.35 .516 .513
  FVC, L 3.82 ± 1.82 3.78 ± 1.20 .239 3.34 ± 0.95 2.94 ± 0.82 .041 .755
 FEV1/FVC 73.54 ± 12.40 73.94 ± 14.73 .195 80.50 ± 15.35 83.85 ± 14.49 .905 .342
Respiratory muscle strength
  MIP, kPa 5.11 ± 3.19 8.72 ± 4.19 <.001 4.30 ± 1.86 3.94 ± 0.78 .171 <.001
  MIP, % 59.90 ± 27.36 92.71 ± 39.77 <.001 56.39 ± 23.11 60.14 ± 18.16 .976 <.001
  MEP, kPa 6.76 ± 4.13 8.17 ± 4.07 .149 5.71 ± 3.04 5.20 ± 2.42 .585 .168
  MEP, % 42.79 ± 17.19 57.94 ± 27.87 .003 50.22 ± 27.64 52.21 ± 29.19 .266 .002
Exercise capacity
  6MWD, m 445.70 ± 130.07 503.47 ± 92.53 .001 426.00 ± 172.95 436.79 ± 154.89 .527 <.001
  mMRC score 2.10 ± 0.85 1.50 ± 0.52 <.001 2.00 ± 0.77 1.93 ± 0.73 .317 <.001
  FSS score 38.95 ± 12.91 31.00 ± 10.35 .028 43.61 ± 11.10 44.00 ± 13.17 .661 .037
Quality of life
  SGRQ impact score 21.95 ± 16.67 21.90 ± 13.81 .363 28.32 ± 19.47 27.99 ± 26.65 .861 .313
  SGRQ activity score 43.88 ± 22.18 34.85 ± 17.86 .057 54.09 ± 21.71 46.39 ± 26.51 .074 .372
  SGRQ symptoms score 43.88 ± 22.18 34.45 ± 19.26 .088 45.79 ± 17.93 43.93 ± 24.04 .594 .034
  SGRQ totals score 28.59 ± 19.48 27.24 ± 12.62 .199 37.59 ± 17.62 35.51 ± 21.80 .726 .220
Daily living activities
  LCADL self-care score 3.85 ± 4.03 3.50 ± 3.63 .556 3.11 ± 4.35 3.21 ± 3.40 .102 .129
  LCADL domestic score 8.20 ± 6.07 6.69 ± 5.13 .086 8.44 ± 7.83 9.43 ± 8.02 .139 .034
  LCADL physical activity score 4.05 ± 2.44 3.13 ± 2.16 .045 4.83 ± 2.57 5.00 ± 2.25 .813 .108
  LCADL leisure score 2.80 ± 2.38 2.00 ± 1.79 <.001 2.33 ± 2.61 3.57 ± 2.47 .051 .014

Abbreviations: FEV1, forced expiratory volume in the first second of expiration; FSS, Fatigue Severity Scale; FVC, forced vital capacity; IMT, inspiratory muscle training; LCADL, London
Chest Activity of Daily Living scale; MEP, maximal expiratory pressure; MIP, maximal inspiratory pressure; mMRC: modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale; SGRQ, Saint George’s
Respiratory Questionnaire; 6MWD, 6-min walk test distance.
Data reported as mean ± standard deviation.
Within group differences comparing baseline vs 6-wk values.
Between group differences for change from baseline using Wilcoxon test or Mann-Whitney U test.

in either group. However, the SGRQ symptom score was sig- more effective than programs employing traditional respi-
nificantly lower (P = .034) for the IMT group than that for ratory exercises in improving inspiratory muscle function,
the control group following the intervention (Table 2). exercise capacity, daily living activities, quality of life, and
The London Chest Activity of Daily Living scale physical in reducing dyspnea and fatigue in patients with asthma.
activity score significantly decreased in the IMT group (P = A 2013 Cochrane review,2 which reviewed 5 studies,
.045), but no significant differences were observed between found substantial differences between the different stud-
the 2 groups. When changes between the baseline and 6-wk ies in terms of the training protocol, duration of training
values were compared, significant differences were found in sessions (10-30 min), and duration of the intervention
the London Chest Activity of Daily Living domestic (P = (3-25 wk). However, the risk of bias in the reviewed studies
.034) and leisure scores (P = .014) (Table 2). was difficult to accurately ascertain because of poor report-
ing of methods. Despite this, most studies indicated a sig-
nificant increase in inspiratory muscle strength due to IMT,
DISCUSSION except for 1 trial2 that indicated no significant difference be-
Inspiratory muscle training has been shown to positively in- tween the IMT group and the control group for MEP, peak
fluence inspiratory muscle strength and dyspnea, but the ex- expiratory flow rate, FEV1, FVC, and sensation of dyspnea.
act mechanisms remain unclear in individuals with asthma. Nonetheless, authors of the review article concluded that
This study investigated the effects of an IMT program on there was no conclusive evidence to either promote or not
inspiratory muscle strength, exercise capacity, dyspnea, fa- use IMT for asthma.2
tigue, daily living activities, and health status in those with Results from previous studies, which measured lung
asthma. The main finding of this randomized controlled function in persons with asthma following an IMT pro-
study was that an MT program, using an external resistive gram, have been variable regarding the benefits of using
device combined with traditional respiratory exercises, was IMT. Some studies have demonstrated an increase in FEV1 Effect of IMT in Patients With Asthma     201

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
and FVC,9,29,30 whereas others have shown no changes in intervention period, the inclusion of placebo-controlled
these parameters.11,12,18,31 Also, in our study, lung function group, and a greater number of patients may have better
did not significantly change after IMT for 6 wk. This might substantiated the overall effectiveness of an IMT program.
have been due to the short duration of IMT or may have
been related to the specific characteristics of the asthmatic
patients in our study. CONCLUSION
Based on previous reports, the effect of administering In conclusion, inspiratory muscle strength training in pa-
IMT in patients with asthma, as determined primarily by in- tients with asthma can lead to improvements in respiratory
spiratory and expiratory strength measurements, consistent- muscle performance, exercise capacity, activities of daily liv-
ly demonstrated significant improvement in inspiratory mus- ing, health-related quality of life, and a further decline in
cle strength.9-13,18,31-33 For example, Shei et al13 observed that dyspnea and fatigue. Therefore, in addition to existing phar-
improvement in inspiratory muscle strength may partly de- macological and nonpharmacological treatment modalities,
fuse the increased effort of respiration leading to a decrease our study demonstrated that IMT can be an additional ther-
in dyspnea and asthma symptoms. Similar to previous re- apeutic modality offering tangible benefits to asthmatic pa-
ports11,18,31 the current study found significant improvements tients. The current studies clearly demonstrated the need to
in parameters such as MIP and a reduction in dyspnea per- carry out more randomized controlled trials, particularly in
ception. In addition, our study found that IMT program par- children and in patients with more severe asthma.
ticipants also demonstrated less fatigue and had improved
expiratory muscle strength. The inclusion of breathing train-
ing in the study program may have contributed to this effect. REFERENCES
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