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“A New Perspective Reflective Response Rubric (40%) e ‘Score of 5 (100) ‘Score of 4 (80) | Score of 3(60) [Score of 2 | Score of 1 (20) | Score of O : ae (40) res onc vio Fie tof 3S] Fale? efi oi 5 | oa jes requirements oto | requir vents of 0 | requirements of | requirements of 0 | the response level performonce | level 5 level S level doas nat address | petformonce | performance | perfrmonce aed throughout the meaning, Inde rositon between ideas, sentences, ond parograps 'oeahone mening | i i i i i i i i i bitest ie, hoveo er | I ean se ' Je aan i A ; i i 1 i i i i i vides sutcin, detailed on ‘ove documented textual | rf nt ea ten he nefeciveebbertion fi explanation.” noes vred sentence cone ye’ lok wrt’ tehniqes(e.., 7 convention) inde / veh mte - explanations dtoiled and a na = fons eo ond vivid (eg. eS voried word «Project overall gra J Vb +(OX.44/00 |8469/Photo%20Essay%20Rubric%20.doc _— qi - -~ r ne Perspective” Yor Gee P iter tore Mey. P_— _ | "nereds Lonol Selence. » The- fe. (Example — Dying to be Thin: The Obsession with Weigh! America) — (Sj 5. Introduction Paragraph & The: Statement * Paragraph begins by catching the reader's attention. ‘+ Paragraph ends with thesis statement. ‘* Thesis statement clearly presents @ unique orgument. * Intro paragraph is free of grammatical errors. LO jw Photos 10 photos are included. * Each photo clearly relates to thesis. © Photos are visually interesting ond engaging. 2a. Rationales (Captions) © Your rationales answer: what, why,, and how * Rationales are no longer than 3-4 sentences © Rationales are grammatically correct SEs Conclusion Paragraph 1 | I 1 I 1 | | 1 I J | 1 1 | ‘* Concludes the essay by demonstrating the importance of your ideas and propelling the 1 ! | 1 1 ! | ! | 1 | | | | 1 reader to further examination. © Paragraph includes one of the following: = Specific actions that the reader should take i = Speculation on the futur t of your discovery. ications of your thesis. © Conclusion paragraph is free of grammatical errors. Layout and Design ©The appearance of the project reflects your geativity, thought, and planning. ful / | Points will be deducted | _£SD1150 Final Grade | for each day your final | I | draft lops.ora/emsrlib4/VA01000195)./18469/Photo%20Essay%20Rubric%20.doc

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