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steps to designing

presenta.on slides
The burns&McDonnell

1.  Content
Focus on images and graphics
Slides are there to enhance what you say, not be
a script for you or audience to read.
Don’t design slides to serve as a handout
Create a separate handout and include needed
detail there
2. Stucture
•  Use text as promots
•  Text on slides should consist mostly of words
that will help audience follow your
•  Like topic headings or concise statements of
key points or ques.ons
•  Use bullets without complete sentences

•  Try for three word bullets
•  Pair test with a graphic or use a graphic alone
to illustrate what you’ill say
3. Fonts Styled and Size
•  Fonts à Times New Roman or Arial
•  Use 18-32 point (size depends somewhat on
size of room)
•  If unsure à use 32 point
•  Capitalize only when necessary
•  Can be use a lot of fun fonts but simple is
be\er when if comes to readability and
4. Color and Background
•  A light background with dark text improves
readability and memorability
•  Use the sama background on all slides,
par.cularyly if you have more tect than
•  Use color to emphasize a point but ude it
•  Focus on great content with
illustra.ons and don’t spend .me making
words shoot in and spin out
•  You want to engage your audience not irritate
or distract them
5. Graphs
Its easier to comprehend and retain data in
graphs than in raw form
To further boost comprehension add .tless to
graphs .
If a graph is overly detailed take a screenshot of
key part and enlarge it to highlight that
par.cular sec.on.
6. Spelling and Grammar
Always proff slides for spelling, grammar and
use repeated words
Ask someone else to proof aber you
You know what they say: two sets of eyes are
always be\er than one
7. Conclusion
Your audience is likely to remember last words
End with a graphic to support your final
comments or quote.
Again, don’t read it to them
Pause and let them read
Then take an opportunity to deliver
remarks that concisely .e your previous points
let's discussion
•  Dalam menjalankan tugas, dokter tak jarang hrs
menghadapi sekelompok orang, mis saat:
Ø  Memimpin pertemuan di kantor / dinas kesehatan
Ø  Rapat organisasi, presentasi/diklat, programKesMas
•  Akan dibahas hal2 yg perlu diperha.kan saat
tampil di depan khalayak à Siapkan rencana
•  Sistema.ka: 1) Pendahuluan; 2) Menyiapkan ko-
munikasi yg baik; 3) Menyiapkan presentasi; 4) Me-
nyampaikan ceramah; 5) Melakukan wawancara

09 12
Menyiapkan Komunikasi yang Baik
•  Komunikasi terancam gagal apabila terjadi:
Ø Salah menger., salah tafsir, kurang paham
Ø Cara penyampaian menyakitkan ha.
•  Kesan pertama amat
Ø Penampilan yg baik
Ø Pengetahuan yg mendalam dan luas
Ø Mampu berkomunikasi dgn baik
•  Bina hubungan: cepat akrab, saling percaya
•  Bagian komunikasi:
Ø Mendengarkan dgn ak.f: “tangkap” yg verbal
09 Ø Mahir menangkap & mengirim pesan nonverbal
gilang/>gup/p3ai up 13
Behavioral medicine adalah cabang dari
ilmu perilaku yang menerapkan
pengetahuan dan teknik ilmiah untuk
pencegahan, diagnosis, terapi dan
rehabilitasi dari penyakit fisik dan
memelihara kesehatan fisik
(Gentry, 1984).

Selamat Berla.h
IG: drg_gilang
Fb: Gilang Yubiliana

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