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By :
Name : Devina Alifah
Student ID : B1B017010
Group : VII
Sub Group :2
Asistant : Siti Masrifah




1.1 Background

Some animals have a special circulatory system, the small-sized animals a

variety of substances such as food, gas respiratory and metabolic waste can diffuse
through the space between cells easily, thus a special structure for the transport of
such substances is not required. In other words, a variety of small animals do not
require special circulatory system to transport various substances. Diffusion process
takes place very slowly to meet all the needs of the large animals and animals that
have a high metabolic activity, therefore requiring special circulatory system. Special
circulation system is necessary to ensure the movement of fluids through the body
quickly (Djuhanda, 1982).
Certain animal which has a closed circulation, blood and tissue fluid are the two
kinds of liquids are separated clearly. Blood is composed of fluid plasma and blood
cells. Meanwhile, tissue fluids, also called interstitial fluid, formed by filtering
plasma which then diffuses through the capillary wall to the space between cells,
according to the hydrostatic pressure gradient (Kimball, 1992).
Higher vertebrates, lymphatics started as a channel clogged with the open end.
Functioning lymphatic vessels transport the excess fluid accumulated in the extra-
cellular environment and to control the circulation of blood. Invertebrates and fish,
there are no lymph vessels. Animals that have open circulatory systems, fluid
restriction between blood and lymph fluid also can not be done perfectly. This
situation arises because the fluid that flows in the veins and in the space between
cells is the same liquid (Kimball, 1992).
Practicum this time using the larvae of gourami (Osphronemus gouramy)
because of the circulatory system in fish larvae can be seen clearly under the
microscope so easily observed and distinguish arteries and veins. Besides these fish
are easy to find and relatively cheap. Gourami (Osphronemus gouramy) as a
commodity freshwater fish have additional breathing apparatus in the form of a maze
which began to form at the age of 18 days-24 days so that it can survive in waters
less oxygen being able to take in oxygen from the air is free (Nirmala, 2010).

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this lab is to see the way the blood circulation to the fish, as
well as to be able to distinguish between venous and arterial blood flow.

2.1 Material

The tools used in this lab is a microscope, cavity slides and pipette.
Materials used are larvae of carp (Osphronemus gouramy).

2.2 Methods

The method that done in this practice are:

1. Larvae of gourami taken using a pipette.
2. The larvae is placed on top of cavity slide.
3. Fish blood circulation was observed under a microscope.
4. Movement of arterial and venous blood circulation fish larvae identified.

A. Result



Figure 3.1. Blood circulation in groumi fish larvae

B. Discussion

Based on lab results circulatory system function that uses larvae gourami
(Osphronemus gouramy) which is a fish of the family Anabantidae. The
experimental results also showed that the vein direction of flow to the heart with a
slow stream, whereas arteries leaving the heart with the flow direction fast.
According to Kimball (1992) and this is because the veins are not directly associated
with the heart valves, so do not get the pump pressure of the heart. While in arterial
pressure pump of the heart because it deals directly with the heart valve. The
circulatory system of larval carp consist of sinosus vein, atrium, ventricle, bulbus
arteriosus, heart, arteries, and veins and circulatory including closed.
According to Rossi (2016), the circulatory system is walled off by different cell
types, including vascular mural cells and podocytes. The circulatory system is a transport
system that supplies substances absorbed from the digestive tract and oxygen to the
tissues. The circulatory system also returns carbon dioxide to the lungs and other
metabolic products to the kidney, functions in regulating body temperature and
distributes hormones and other substances that regulate cell function. The constituent
components of the circulatory system are the heart, blood, blood vessels and spleen
(Ganong , 1995).
According to Sloane (1995), there are several functions of the blood
circulation system. To transports nutrients to all of the body’s organs including the
brain, liver, kidneys, the heart itself (via coronary vessels), the lungs (via bronchial
arteries), the stomach, large and small intestines, pancreas, and spleen (Carson,
2018). Residual substances are carried by blood to the lungs, kidneys, and skin to be
removed from the body. Maintaining body temperature, blood vessels contract to
maintain body heat and dilate to release heat on the skin surface. Protection, blood
system and lymphatic system protect the body against injury and invasion of foreign
bodies through the immune system. Exposure (buffering), blood proteins provide an
acid-base buffer system to maintain the optimum pH of the blood (Sloane, 1995).
According to Imasnuna (2016), constituent components of the circulatory
system are heart,blood vessels and blood, circulatory processes consists of a large
blood circulation process and small blood circulation process , and the relationship
between the pascal law with blood flow and pressure. Vascular system consists of
the heart that pumps blood, the arteries that bring blood to the organs and tissues, the
capillaries; small beranastosome channel and divide and presents itself to the
exchange of substances between blood and tissues and veins that return blood to the
heart. Blood is transport media of circulatory system (Bevelander & Ramley, 1988).
Arteries and veins that become the main artery in the blood circulation can be
distinguished by the thick walls of the vessels, the direction of flow, pressure,
oxygen content, layout, flow patterns, color, blood flow velocity, and volume of
blood vessels. Arteries are blood vessels that flow of blood away from the heart.
Meanwhile, the flow pattern of spread into the aorta ventral, dorsal aorta, and aortic
arch of six pairs. Veins are blood vessels that return blood flow to the heart.
Therefore, the pattern of blood flow to clump together. The circulatory system of
veins there are two kinds, namely the circulatory system directly (via the venous
blood directly to the heart) and indirect (the blood of the body is carried by a
particular vein into an organ) (Storer, 1951).
Veins are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart from all tissues in the
body (the flow pattern clump together). Vena crimson as blood carries deoxy (blood
deficiency O2) as a result of metabolism except for the pulmonary vein (Hurkat &
Marthur, 1976). The walls are thin and less elastic veins due mostly composed of
connective tissue collagen and muscle fibers. Greater than the venous lumen of the
arterial lumen. The lack of elastic fibers causes the vein able to maintain a round
shape slice (Bevelander & Ramaley, 1988). Blood flow slower because of the
strength is in getting the blood. Small venous pressure due to pressure small auterier
transmitted via capillary vena (Frandson, 1992).
According Hurkat and Marthur (1976), the arteries are blood vessels that
carry blood from the heart throughout the body. Pink artery because blood carries
oxy (blood contains a lot of O2) unless the pulmonary artery. Blood in the arteries
contains a lot of oxygen. According to Sudaryanto (2017), saturation of Oxygen
when hemoglobin bind the O2 is ocur in the arteries, normal saturation of oxygen is
between 95 - 100%. Thick-walled arteries and elastic because it is composed of
muscle fibers and elastic fibers. Lumen of the artery is smaller than the lumen of the
vein (Bevelander & Ramaley, 1988). The blood flow in the arteries faster than the
veins because the force of contraction of the left ventricle. The speed and
composition of the arterial wall leading to high pressure in the arterial system
(Kimball, 1992). Physiological and metabolic processes of ectothermal animalsare
affected in any environment that is characterized by major and rapid temperature
changes. Many fish species occur in habitats in which the water temperature changes
either quickly such as in shallow waters or slowly or not at all such as in oceans or
deep lakes (Maiditsch, 2014).
The fish is an animal that achieved a kind of closed circulatory system or
blood circulation single. The first mechanism is that blood from all body containing
carbon dioxide flowing into the sinus venotus, then enter the atrium. Venisus sinuses
are spaces or cavities of the heart that lies between ventricle and atrium. When the
heart relaxes, blood flow through the valve, into the ventricles. Blood from the
ventricle is forwarded to the conical arteriosus, then into the aorta ventralis and
proceed to the gills. In the gills aorta branching into capillaries. Capillaries gill
release carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen in the water, from the gill capillary blood
flow to the dorsal aorta branching, the branches of the dorsal aorta is the blood
distributed to capillaries throughout the body to circulate oxygen and nutrients to the
cell- body cells. Besides the blood also picks up carbon dioxide to be taken reverted
to the heart through the vena cava and sinus venosus (Isnaeni, 2006).
The fish had a primitive circulatory system. Fish blood circulation through
the heart and blood vessels. The fish has a pumping mechanism to carry impure
blood (containing little oxygen, high carbon dioxide) to clean the blood source
(containing high oxygen) ie gills in fish. Fish do not have a mechanism to pump
fresh blood containing high oxygen to all parts of his body, because the fish no heart
distal to the gills. Venous blood from the body after going through the kidneys (renal
portal system) and liver (hepatic portal system) back to the heart (Djuhanda, 1982).
Fish blood is composed of blood cells suspended in plasma and circulate throughout
the body tissue through a closed circulation system (Zainun, 2007). Hemoglobin
levels closely associated with histopathological conditions gills. Histological damage
levels will decrease in hemoglobin levels of fish. Gill damage such as edema,
hyperplasia and fusion of gill lamella sekundermenyebabkan decreased efficiency in
absorbing oxygen in the water. The number of oxygen molecules slightly in waters
coupled with low oxygen uptake by the gills of the fish will make the metabolic
process disrupted. Thus, the fish are not able to synthesize compounds or substances
that are required, including the synthesis of normal erythrocytes. Although the
synthesis of erythrocytes still running, but the red cells become abnormal or
premature generated which resulted in a decrease in the ability of erythrocytes to fix
the oxygen is low (Saputra, 2013).

From this practice, we can conclude that :

1. Blood circulation can be divided into: close and open circulatory system.
2. Blood flow in fish is single-closed circulatory system. Arteries move away
from heart, while veins are move toward heart.

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