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Hi All,

I have be advised that if I re-post this thread, then it probably will become a
'sticky' - I like that idea for THREE reasons...
1. All fuel-related posts will be easier to find.
2. You can plan your fuel purchases in future, rather than 'hoping' it drops in
price if and when you get stuck!
3. With a bit of luck, AM won't change the fuel prices too much in future if sit
s as a sticky - but we'll see! ;)
I've been saving the fuel graphs for a few months now and noticed that even thou
gh each daily fuel graph shows a random line, the graph itself is used again the
following month, depending on the DATE. This means the graphs used on the 1st o
f June have also been used on the 1st of July, August and September (with occasi
onal slight changes here and there, obviously to throw us off!)
So, here are the times and dates of when fuel is at $400 per 1,000lbs...
01 - ...
02 - 7pm
03 - 7am
04 - 12am
05 - ...
06 - ...
07 - 3pm & 10pm
08 - 10am
09 - 1pm & 6pm
10 - 11am & 10pm
11 - 1am, 4am & 1pm
12 - 2pm
13 - 1pm
14 - 7pm
15 - 3am & 11pm
16 - 2am
17 - 12am
18 - ...
19 - ...
20 - 6pm
21 - ...
22 - ...
23 - 10am
24 - 4am & 6am
25 - ...
26 - 1am
27 - 12pm
28 - ...
29 - 2pm
30 - 10pm
31 - ...
You can save the graphs for yourselves to keep a personal record of when the fue
l drops to $500 and $600 if you miss the $400 times. And how do you 'save a grap
h'??? ... at the end of each day (before AM midnight!), right-click the fuel gra
ph, save it as a picture file onto your computer, NAME the graph with the DATE a
nd MONTH and you will see the pattern appear after a month yourself!
Important Notes:
1 . All times above are AM times - click the FLIGHT tab and look on the left-han
d side under the "Page Last Refreshed" phrase and that's AM time... For further
info, go to to convert your local time to
AM time!
2. Try to avoid buying fuel during the last 5 minutes of the hour, AM might char
ge you the following hour's price - many players have been charged the more expe
nsive fuel price during this change-over.
3. Many, many people have asked me to send my graphs to them - but I won't, I've
shown you WHAT to do, I've helped many of you save a LOT of money over the last
few months, I'm happy to HELP you, but PLEASE don't have me do the rest for you
- I think that's a fair enough deal!???
4. AM has changed SOME of these graphs slightly so that some of the $400 time sl
ots have moved - so don't expect it to be 100% accurate all the time (for exampl
e - a new $200 time appeared @ 12pm on 17th August, a new $400 time appeared @ 4
am on 24th August... but the $400 time on the 23rd August disappeared!!)
5. I would advise you to always have TOO much fuel in your tanks rather than too
little - and if you do get stuck and HAVE to buy expensive fuel, just buy enoug
h to get you to the next $400 time!
Have Fun, Save Money, Keep 'em Flying!
Paul (a.k.a. GiBBY Airlines)

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